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[Tempatan] (MRSM) Peraturan agama islam membimbangkan warga Dayak

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Post time 8-2-2015 11:48 PM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 8-2-2015 11:25 PM
Kelmarin aiol dikepirkan the_killer, hari ini pun dikepirkan oleh golongan bajet syumul konfiden k ...

Kalau kes yg nih, derang akan syukur ke hulu ke hilir... budak tu dah menemui cahaya sebenar gittew. Cuba diterbalikkan situasi, pelajar Islam tetiba nak convert ke Kristian, Buddha atau Hindu. Dari hujung rambut sampai ke hujung kaki non Muslim di maki2. Tapi kalau pun atas kerelaan pelajar itu, kesian dgn family nya jd huru hara sbb sekolah yg memandai2 sgt.

Tang open secret tu masih lg ramai org malaya yg in denial... Dah soh satu kpg convert, ditinggal terkapai2. Cth saudara mara ai di Simunjan tu, nama jah Islam dari tahun 70-an tp mengamalkan gaya hidup non Muslim. Tak bersekolah, kerja kampung... persatuan apa entah (tak ingat nama plak) janji itu ini, nak buat kelas agama la apa la... hujung2 nan hado. Surau pon sekadar hiasan je lah. Kuantiti lebih penting dari kualiti sebegitu. Tapi cucu2 derang dpt pendidikan agama drpd sekolah, tau lah the do's and don'ts sbg muslim. Usaha sendiri kekdahnya

Yup, minoriti Kristian ni hati lembut... marah sekejap pastuh move on jah. Mungkin sadar diri tu timun kot. Isu penggunaan kalimah 'Allah' tu pon masih boleh bertolak ansur. Mak ai tak citer pulak, takda pon disentuh dlm sunday mass... agaknya small matter jah bg Kristian nih. Haters gonna hate gituhh

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Post time 8-2-2015 11:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
taikor replied at 8-2-2015 11:15 PM
tak lama lagi Dayak, Iban, Kadazan semua akan beragama Islam jika kes macam ni terus berlaku:

M ...

Jarum2 halus sebegini dari tahun 60an sudah wujud di Borneo.

Cuma dulu Kristian minoriti malas bising. Sekarang baru berani keluar cerita sebegini di media. Itu pun masih kategori tak berapa rajin nak kuar cerita sebab tahu ini hal sensitif. Itu pun baru sikit keluar cerita sudah dicerca macam2 oleh golongan supremacist seolah2 sudah berpuluh tahun Kristian minoriti bising pasal agama.

Dalam forum ini pun ada forumner Borneo mengaku masuk Islam ketika zaman sekolah melalui tawaran duit, biasiswa semasa umur masih kategori minor.

Pendek kata, nothing new. Berita basi.

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Post time 8-2-2015 11:55 PM | Show all posts
ikan_kaghing replied at 8-2-2015 11:45 PM
Nokss @chazey ...boleh tak jangan dok membebel kat iols.....letih taww.

Udahlah tempurong lutut i ...

Eh ponen ni - sindri membebel sindri fitnah aiol.

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Post time 9-2-2015 12:09 AM | Show all posts
Edited by chazey at 9-2-2015 12:12 AM
dani-rox replied at 8-2-2015 11:48 PM
Kalau kes yg nih, derang akan syukur ke hulu ke hilir... budak tu dah menemui cahaya sebenar gitte ...

Sebab itu aiol against mass conversion di Sabah dan Sarawak ini sebab aiol tau camna dakwah cara Borneo ni dibuat. Nak berdakwah buat betul, jangan hangat2 taik ayam jah.

Dah banyak sangat kes aiol tengok macam yang chuol cerita tu - at least paderi kokesen convert pagan Sabah Sarawak ke Kristianiti rela tinggal bertahun dalam hutan untuk ajar agama tau. Dan sampai sekarang memang menjadi amalan missionary untuk tinggal di tempat di mana dia dihantar menginjil. Dulu2 pula, paling rajin berdakwah tinggal dengan urang kampung lepas convert urang kampung to Islam aku tengok kalau di Sabah hanya ummah Javanese Indon saja.

Moslem Malaysia? Puih. Lepas gigih masuk pedalaman suruh urang kampung ngucap syahadah ditinggalkan begitu jah terkontang kanting. Pastu bila orang tu makan babi balik, mula la dihencap kutuk padahal orang tak tau background meka camna.

Dan tolong la jangan target budak sekolah. Kalau iya pun budak itu berminat dengan Islam, jumpa parentsnya dulu bagitau hal ni. Kalau parentsnya menghalang, apa kau susah jika hatinya sudah Islam? Allah tahu la siapa yang beriman kepadaNya. Mentang2 main target conversion di Borneo ini adalah orang kampung sekolah tak tinggi maka pendapat, perasaan meka tak perlu diambil kira?

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Post time 9-2-2015 12:17 AM | Show all posts
Latest news;
Peraturan diskriminasi akan ditarik balik katanya

Mara to end rules curbing religious freedom in Sabah, Sarawak institutions

Mara is to withdraw or rewrite all rules and regulations that restrict non-Muslim students from practising their religious faith in educational institutions under its purview in Sabah and Sarawak, the minister overseeing the federal government agency said today.

These include the Mara junior science colleges (MRSM) and Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) in both states, said Minister of Rural and Regional Development Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal.

Shafie in a hastily called press conference this morning said there was no government policy on religious restrictions for Mara students, and if there were, "they were not right".

“If there is a rule, we will withdraw it,” he said.

Mara, the abbreviation for Majlis Amanah Rakyat or Indigenous People's Trust Council, is under the purview of his ministry.

Shafie said a "misinterpretation" of the rules on non-Islamic religions might have cropped up because they were first drawn up in 1972 when MRSM colleges were first established in the peninsula. Then, in the context of the peninsula, there was no ambiguity to the students' religion as all Bumiputera students were Malays and Muslims.

The press conference was called after Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem met Shafie last night.

Adenan was said to have voiced his concern about religious restrictions in MRSM in Sarawak, as reported by The Malaysian Insider recently following complaints by Dayak Christian parents.

Adenan had reportedly said to Shafie that such rules went against the Sarawak government's policy on the freedom of religion.

Some non-Muslim Dayak parents had earlier this week questioned and demanded an end to a ban on all non-Islamic religious activities at MRSM colleges in the state.

They said the curbs on other religions at Mara's three junior colleges in Kota Samarahan, Betong and Mukah, had amounted to religious discrimination and only served to breed intolerance and lack of respect for non-Muslims among students.

One parent's refusal to send his daughter to MRSM Kota Samarahan reignited allegations of religious discrimination in the colleges when he posted online a copy of additional rules for non-Muslim students.

The rules state that all religious activities, with the exception of Islamic religious activities, are totally prohibited within the college campus.

Religious symbols, other than that of Islam, are also prohibited from being displayed in the college and students' attendance of non-Islamic religious activities outside the college campus on weekends required permission.

Shafie said there was no such policy by Mara to curb students from practising their respective faiths.

“There has been no prohibition on non-Muslim students to practise their faith. On weekends, we provide transport for Christians to attend church very much like we do for Muslims students to attend Friday prayers.

“They can take their Bible to campus and if there is anyone who tries to stop them, report them to us and we'll act,” Shafie said.

Also at the press conference today was Sarawak's Second Minister of Resource Planning and Environment Datuk Awang Tengah Ali Hassan, who said the rules for all Mara educational institutions in Sarawak should be rewritten “to avoid misinterpretation”.

The religious restriction brought strong reactions from Sarawak politicians on both sides of the divide.

State Land Development Minister Tan Sri Dr James Masing said the curb was constitutionally and morally wrong as it violated the freedom of religion under the Federal Constitution.

State DAP chairman Chong Chieng Jen appealed to the Sarawak government to intervene and thrash the MRSM rules “for the sake of preserving religious and racial harmony in Sarawak for our future generations”.

Baru Bian, Sarawak PKR chief said the religious restrictions would only “teach our young that religious discrimination and intolerance are acceptable”.

“Attitudes are formed at a young age and discrimination such as this teaches and reinforces the ugly mindset of racial superiority in some and a damaging second-class inferiority in others,” Baru said in a statement.

Baru also said that since MRSM had violated laws on religious freedom, PKR Sarawak and himself were “prepared to commence legal action against MRSM if after this statement, we find that these rules are still enforced in Sarawak”. – February 8, 2015.

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Post time 9-2-2015 12:25 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 9-2-2015 12:17 AM
Latest news;
Peraturan diskriminasi akan ditarik balik katanya
Shafie said a "misinterpretation" of the rules on non-Islamic religions might have cropped up because they were first drawn up in 1972 when MRSM colleges were first established in the peninsula. Then, in the context of the peninsula, there was no ambiguity to the students' religion as all Bumiputera students were Malays and Muslims.

Kagumnya aku dengan hujah konar baring Shapie.

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Post time 9-2-2015 12:27 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 9-2-2015 12:17 AM
Latest news;
Peraturan diskriminasi akan ditarik balik katanya

Btw, ada hasil juga menteri Sarawak bising pasal ini.

Fakyiu menteri2 Sabah terutama menteri Kadus - telur semua kecut simpan dalam poket.

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Post time 9-2-2015 12:36 AM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 9-2-2015 12:09 AM
Sebab itu aiol against mass conversion di Sabah dan Sarawak ini sebab aiol tau camna dakwah cara B ...

My thoughts exactly.
Pefeeling saviour kununnya tapi dibiar mualaf mcm tu... lantaklah mengamalkan gaya hidup Islam atau tidak. Wadehek sangat. Kesian okeh mengenangkan org2 kampung sedara ai tuh. Tak dinafikan ada yg conversion yg berjaya, mcm famili sebelah apak ai... memula tak ramai tp lama2 derang sendiri bole tertarik. Kemungkinan pendakwah2 yg berdedikasi dan ikhlas utk mengajar selok belok agama Islam.

Ha'ah, missionary memang habis2an mengkristiankan orang kampung... sampai ke ulu2 pon diredah Pastu sanggup bertahun tinggal kat ulu banat mana entah. Zaman sekarang ni paling aktif, Jehovah's Witness... Kalo ko jemput derang masuk rumah, memang silap langkah la. Berjam2 la ko dengar derang punya syarahan. Tapi ai kagum gak lah dgn semangat derang nih. Berjalan dari rumah ke rumah di tengah2 panas utk menarik hati org ramai.


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Post time 9-2-2015 12:38 AM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 9-2-2015 12:25 AM
Kagumnya aku dengan hujah konar baring Shapie.

Itu lah, kalau masa tu memang 100% student Melayu Islam apa keperluannya set undang2 sebegitu in the first place.

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Post time 9-2-2015 12:44 AM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 9-2-2015 12:27 AM
Btw, ada hasil juga menteri Sarawak bising pasal ini.

Fakyiu menteri2 Sabah terutama menteri Ka ...

Lega hati ai kalo betul... Mana2 supremacist berkerak nak meroyan, dipersilakan.


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Post time 9-2-2015 12:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kemenangan bg kristianitas n roh kudus, 1-0.. Isis berkerak hitam kosong kali ni

sekali kene jentik menteri swk duduk ttonggeng menteri semenanjung, ye la safe deposit kan sarawak ni utk bn , adenan satem ni tegas semue racist2 dia block dr masuk srwk dr ambiga ke riduan teh ke perkasa, mmg srwk aman damai xbergolak mcm semenanjung, xsia2 jd ketua menteri... So, puak2 malay supremacist xsampai 24jam je berpesta, esok kembali sendu mcm biasa

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Post time 9-2-2015 01:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku rase yg byk main peranan skrg ni ialah org2 dlm jabatan perpaduan negara n integrasi nasional yg baru ditubuhkan najib, penuh golongan liberal free hair dlm tu, br2 ni buat program interfaith je diam2 ramai xtau, xbising2 mcm Jakim tp program implemented mmg bagus n kabel kuat kat putrajaya

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Post time 9-2-2015 01:05 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 9-2-2015 12:44 AM
Lega hati ai kalo betul... Mana2 supremacist berkerak nak meroyan, dipersilakan.

wah tak sabar pulak rasanya nak tengok @mfbhf @the_killer @boyagombak @Modngengade @Orix meroyan dengan buritta ini... isle sudah kalah uolsssss.... what to do? what to do? kehkehkehkeh....

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Post time 9-2-2015 01:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
pooh~key replied at 9-2-2015 01:05 AM
wah tak sabar pulak rasanya nak tengok @mfbhf @the_killer @boyagombak @Modngengade @Orix meroyan d ...

so ? oleh itu ?

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Post time 9-2-2015 01:39 AM | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 9-2-2015 12:36 AM
My thoughts exactly.
Pefeeling saviour kununnya tapi dibiar mualaf mcm tu... lantaklah mengama ...

Kalau JW datang, aiol pun tutup pintu ok. Kang hada yang tak balik sampai ke subuh.

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Post time 9-2-2015 01:44 AM | Show all posts
chazey replied at 8-2-2015 11:31 PM
Aik, sentap ka ponen?
Bukan meleis ka yang takut murtad selama ini? Sampai dengan lambang '+' ka  ...

antu jembalang takut dgn salib kan..??


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Post time 9-2-2015 01:45 AM | Show all posts
Menyalak n berak merata2 binatang ni...
Busuk habis thread orang..

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Post time 9-2-2015 01:47 AM | Show all posts
aikk...minah rempit merempit dimana2 tgh2 malam...


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Post time 9-2-2015 01:47 AM | Show all posts
meols dulu sekolah asrama kat serawak aman2 aja roommate meols buat upacara pemujaan guna tangkai padi gituh dalam bilik

sebab kekdahnya takleh balik gawai.. nak study utk pmr..

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Post time 9-2-2015 01:48 AM | Show all posts
dulu siap ada kaki seludup mi babi bila ada outing hujung minggu..
pastu makan reramai dalam dorm..

meols tengok kecur air liur sahaja lah.. merah2 gitu..

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