Oh we are fulfiling both but you are stopping us from doing so!!! SO????? You have no right to ask us to shut up as we are the ones who calls the final shot. Remember, we have the right to review the water price now and we are exercising our rights but you are trying to stop us from getting a fair deal |
The agreement says that any price increase must be acceptable tosingapore. We do not accept it, so you gotta keep it there and fulfill it and shut up.
cheers |
And the agreement also states that we Malaysian as sellers should also agree with the price. If no negotiations be fruitfull, then it is a matter of time we will go to ICJ. Also, mind you, your NEWater cost more than the price of water after we sell it to you. So, I am not going to yel shut up to you, ohh... no. It only proves that you are now very angry. The truth will always win. |
No, yu are wrong, the treaty says that the price is 3 pricely sens and yu cannot incrase price unles Sinagpore agree. We do not agree and yu have to stick to the prioce till the treaty runs out.
If yu go ICJ, yu willlose. pak lah knows that, thats why he avoids it. He's smarter than you. |
I have proven you wrong in many things including the most recent of the Pulau Batu Putih. You claim that the agreement says that Singapore has to agree, but we have the right to review the price of water according to time and times have changed. Prices of things have gone up, so does the prices of water. If all Singaporeans are like you, then one word I have for you, you are so stingy and such miser that you are not willing to pay the appropriate price for our water and expect us to give in to you. Go back and drink your NEWater which is more expansive. Our leaders are already being very kind and tolerant. Many Malaysians would have want the government to stop selling water to Singapore when the contract ends yet Dr. M is so kind to promise you people that we will not let you go dry yet you take for granted. |
You can want to review, but if Singapore rejects, there is no way you can increase, that is the agreement. You see, yu have no idea what yu are talking about.
cheers |
Originally posted by Debmey at 30-3-2004 08:10:
You can want to review, but if Singapore rejects, there is no way you can increase, that is the agreement. You see, yu have no idea what yu are talking about.
Ohh... you are very wrong, Singapore have to agree but to what price they have to agree with. Just in case you did not know which I didn't mention earlier, Singapore already a few years back agreed to the price increase but to RM0.45 or 45 sen per 1000 gallon which was suggested by Lew Kuan Yew or Goh Chock Tong (not sure which but it was Kuan Yew which spoke it up when I heard in the News). However, we Malaysian disagree with it saying that it is too little compared to the current time and that we seek for more which we also consider the next 25 years to come after this review. So you see, even your government also knows they have to agree with the review though Goh Chock Tong did make comments that we have lost our rights for a review when we did not do it in the 80's when we have not lost it under the agreement.
So, who is the one who does not know what they are talking? You think you are so smart is it? You try to go against your government is it(Joking, do not consider this question as a point)?
YOu must agree for a price review but the amount you do not have to agree. We are talking based on current times and also for the next 25 years to come and you do not care of the feelings of those who have provided you with their own natural resources for all these years in which before there is the NEWater technology, all of you would have have to drink salty water. Can be seen that Singapore government and Debmey is very ingrateful. |
Singapore does not have to accept a price increase, thats is the agreement.
On what grounds do you increase the price from 3 sens to 3 ringgit? |
Originally posted by Debmey at 30-3-2004 11:49 AM:
Singapore does not have to accept a price increase, thats is the agreement.
On what grounds do you increase the price from 3 sens to 3 ringgit?
hehe! just dun buy lah! :lol |
Originally posted by Debmey at 30-3-2004 11:49:
Singapore does not have to accept a price increase, thats is the agreement.
On what grounds do you increase the price from 3 sens to 3 ringgit?
Sorry, they must accept it but to what price it is. In other words, they must agree to the price review but how much is what that must be negotiated. |
Originally posted by Acong at 30-3-2004 15:44:
hehe! just dun buy lah! :lol
:setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju::setuju: |
can yu justify price increase from 3 sens to RM3? |
It is not RM 3 but RM 6.++ if not mistaken. Also, it doesn't matter the increase from RM 0.03 to RM 3 or RM 6. About 30 years have pass and prices goes up in just ten years time what more 30 years. Tell me, is it justified to sell water at RM0.03 per 1000 gallon, not S$0.03 per 1000 gallon? Is it the price of RM0.45 per 1000 gallon right? ask yourself that question. Isn't it already cheap to buy 1000 gallon of water at a price of RM 3 or even RM 6, compared to your NEWater which is even more expansive to produce??? |
Dumbmey failed in math... no wonder Ariya  |
Originally posted by kid at 31-3-2004 01:22:
Dumbmey failed in math... no wonder Ariya
Oh is it? No wonder lah. That is something new. |
so how do you justify an incrase from 3 sens to RM6=?
Please show us your justification. |
Originally posted by Debmey at 31-3-2004 10:07:
so how do you justify an incrase from 3 sens to RM6=?
Please show us your justification.
Eh, 1960, how much does it cost for you to eat a meal to fill your stomach? Now, how much does it cost to fill your stomach? ALso, it has been about 40 years now and what do you expect? Think logically lah, where got people selling things at RM 0.03 for 1000 gallon. RM 6.00 per 1000 gallon also consider cheap already taking into consideration of the years to come before the next review in 25 years after this review. |
good point ARI
i know ur article mentioned the agreement gonna end 2016 (i think).
nonetheless did malaysia ever sign a water deal that gonna last for a life time with singapore? :hmm: |
Eh, 1960, how much does it cost for you to eat a meal to fill your stomach? Now, how much does it cost to fill your stomach? ALso, it has been about 40 years now and what do you expect? Think logically lah, where got people selling things at RM 0.03 for 1000 gallon. RM 6.00 per 1000 gallon also consider cheap already taking into consideration of the years to come before the next review in 25 years after this review.
Rm6/3sens = 200 times.
Did prices go up 200 times over 40 years? Hahahahahahahahaha.........
Why don't yu try robbery? Its easier. |
Debmey, this should answer your quetion. Please read all finish first as all are important. Thank you.
4. After agreeing more than once, Malaysia has repeatedly reneged and shifted the goal posts.
(a) from 45 Malaysian sen to 60 Malaysian sen per 1,000 gallons.
Singapore: "Six months later, however, in February 2001, Malaysia backtracked on the 45 sen agreement. Dr Mahathir said Johor believed that 60 sen was fair.
Singapore later offered a compromise: 45 sen for water now, and 60 sen for water after 2011.
In March 2002, Malaysia sent Singapore a shocker. It wanted 60 sen for water now and it wanted the price backdated to 1986 and 1987.
Not only that, it also wanted RM3 for water from 2007 to 2011. From 2011 onwards, the price would be adjusted yearly for inflation." (Singapore Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts, 2003 Water Talks? If Only It Could page 8.)
Malaysia: Malaysia has never accepted Singapore's offer of 45 sen per 1,000 gallons. So the question of backtracking does not arise. In his letter dated Feb 21, 2001, Dr Mahathir said Johor believed that 60 sen was a fair price. Nowhere in the letter does Dr Mahathir suggest the 60 sen price should be applicable after 2011.
Dr Mahathir wrote: "Johor is agreeable to revisions in the price of raw water that it now supplies to Singapore and the treated water that it buys from Singapore. The price of raw water that it sells to other Malaysian States should not be a basis for determining the price of raw water. There are elements of subsidies to this supply.
"Johor believes that a fair price would be 60 sen (per 1,000 gallons per day of raw water). The price should be reviewed every five years." It is clear from Dr Mahathir's letter that the proposed price of 60 sen was for now, for the immediate time frame |
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