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Author: Debmey

The War Crimes of the Palestinians

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 28-3-2004 12:34 AM | Show all posts
correction: "716,700 Jews" should read 650k Jews. Forgot to delete that one out.

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Post time 4-4-2004 09:38 PM | Show all posts
me gonna answer ur postins point by point the moment me free.
in meantime, heres cut n pastes for u to ponder on  



However, the partition resolution had included provisions for securing the rights of the minorities that, under the original plan, would have resulted from partition. It had been anticipated that there would be 10,000 Jews in the Arab State 1/, but the expansion of Israeli-occupied territory had obviated this situation. In the Jewish State, it had been estimated there would be 498,000 Jews and 497,000 Arabs 2/, but the great majority of the letter either "fled or was expelled". 3/ Since, of the two states envisaged in the partition plan, Israel was the only one to come into existence, it bore the obligation of discharging the responsibilities toward its minority population as prescribed by the partition resolution. Their exodus did not automatically absolve the state of Israel of these responsibilities, as affirmed in reports of the UN Mediator. In fact, as also affirmed by the Mediator, an additional responsibility devolved upon Israel - to enable the refugees to exercise the right of return.

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Post time 4-4-2004 09:41 PM | Show all posts

Wednesday, 23-Jul-2003 10:21AM      Story from AFP / Christian Chaise
Copyright 2003 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)


JERUSALEM, July 23 (AFP) - Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is continuing to defy Washington over the ongoing project for a massive fence dividing Israel from the West Bank, which is strongly opposed by the Palestinians and not fully accepted even within his own camp.

A vote slated to take place Tuesday in the Israeli parliament to decide on extra funding to complete the structure was postponed until further notice, a Knesset spokesman told AFP.

Public radio said the delay was caused by members of Sharon's Likud party, who defied their leader's call Monday to approve the 750-million-shekel (170-million-dollar) package and demanded the route of the fence be further discussed.

On Monday, Defence Minister Shaul Mofaz confirmed the 350-kilometre (215-mile) fence -- aimed at preventing infiltrations by Palestinian militants -- would penetrate some 15 kilometres (10 miles) into the West Bank to take in Ariel, one of the largest Jewish settlements in the West Bank.

According to public radio, Mofaz argued that the fence -- which he said would cost 2.2 million dollars a kilometre (1,100 yards) -- was "vital" for Israel's security.

If it was not completed, the deployment of extra army reservists would be even more costly, he warned.

The fence loosely follows the 1967 Green Line division between Israel and the West Bank, but it dips deep into occupied Palestinian territory at several points in order to protect settlements.

It also leaves several Palestinian villages cut off from the rest of the West Bank.

The Palestinians accuse Israel of using the fence to unilaterally determine the borders of a future Palestinian state -- scheduled under the US-backed peace roadmap to be in place in 2005 -- and of wanting to "ethnically cleanse" the West Bank with a de facto annexation of its most fertile regions.

Construction of the fence was launched in June 2002. It is also expected to cut annexed east Jerusalem off from the rest of the West Bank and a first 145-kilometre (90-mile) section is due for completion in July.

Even though prospects for peace are better than they have been for years, Sharon told his followers Monday that the best possible fence must be built as quickly as possible.

Opinion polls show that a majority of Israelis are in favour of it, though paradoxically the religious right, including settlers, are opposed, saying that the biblical Israel includes the West Bank and should not be divided.

US President George W. Bush's national security advisor Condoleezza Rice, on a visit to Jerusalem at the end of June, asked Sharon to revise the line of the fence.

Sharon refused to compromise but assured Rice that it was not a frontier.

A second section, of some 60-70 kilometres (36-42 miles), is under construction in the northeast of the West Bank, to prevent infiltrations in the north of the Jordan Velley.

"We envisage that this barrier will run along the length of the Palestinian territories," government spokesman Avi Pazner told AFP.

The Israeli daily Maariv, for its part, said that the various meanderings of the fence, which in one part near Jenin consists of a high concrete wall, would bring its total length to between 800 and 900 kilometres (490 and 550 miles).

At the price per kilometre given by Mofaz this would cost a staggering 1.8 billion dollars, at a time when Israel is in severe economic straits.

Palestinian prime minister Mahmud Abbas will raise the question of the fence when he has his first White House meeting with Bush on Friday. And Bush is almost certain to raise it with Sharon at their talks four days later.

A foreign diplomat, however, said that Sharon still appeared to be ambivalent.

"Sharon was elected at the beginning of 2001. So he has been around two and a half years and he hasn't built the wall. So I think he is delaying it as much as possible ... hoping he can push it to the back burner."



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Post time 4-4-2004 09:45 PM | Show all posts


Universal children抯 day 2002

Israel and the Occupied Territories and the Palestinian Authority
Killing the Future: Children in the Line of Fire

In the two years since the beginning of the intifada, the Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip which broke out in September 2000, more than 250 Palestinian and 72 Israeli children have been killed.

Palestinian children have been killed by Israeli soldiers using excessive and disproportionate lethal force in response to protests, or as a result of shelling and bombardments of residential areas. Others were killed during Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) assassinations of Palestinian activists, or when their homes were demolished. Some died because they were denied access to medical care by the IDF. At least three were killed by armed Israeli settlers.

Israeli children have been killed by Palestinian armed groups, many in suicide bombings. Some have been shot dead by members of Palestinian armed groups or by individual Palestinians inside Israel, and in settlements and on roads in the Occupied Territories.


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Post time 4-4-2004 10:29 PM | Show all posts

parts of article from an AMERCIAN UNIVERSITY

The Birth of Zionism

In the 1890's Herzl peered through the daily press at the sickening spectacle of continued mob violence against his co-religionists throughout Christendom. He watched with horror as anti-Semitic rabble in Paris vandalized synagogues because Dreyfus was Jewish. (delete) In 1896, depressed by the news of discrimination in France, he wrote a pamphlet entitled A Jewish State.

In it he argued that the classic problems of Jewry began when the Romans destroyed the Kingdom of Judea and turned its citizens into stateless and persecuted wanderers. Only through the revival of an Israel could the sojourning people find peace. Others had already suggested the same idea, but Herzl sparked fresh interest in Jewish nationalism, called political Zionism, and argued persuasively in behalf of a site for the proposed commonwealth: Palestine.[24] (delete)

By 1904 many of the new European immigrants who came looking for jobs saw only one solution to this history. They must exclude Arab peasants from work on Jewish-owned farms. (delete)

Simultaneously, the new immigrants enlisted Herzl's nationalism in their struggle for jobs. They even convinced the World Zionist Organization to embrace the idea of segregation and exclusion. Zionism, they argued, called for Jewish planters to hire only Jews. Inferior Arabs, they cried, lacked the skills or honesty to do the work. Herzl died in 1904, but his ideological descendants pushed Jewish nationalism toward a program of separation and restriction. By 1910 the Jewish National Fund decreed that all land it bought and granted to settlers must use Jewish labor only.[27]

No wonder this generation of European immigrants to Palestine became so fiercely nationalistic; in Zionism they found support for banning Arabs from the work place. No wonder this generation of labor Zionists often belittled and besmirched their Asian comrades; in such denigration they found warm encouragements for what economic fear had taught them to believe. No wonder the sinister and enduring Holy Land conflict that flared between Arabs and Jews in the years to come traced its roots to this seed. Zionism changed Palestine, and Palestine changed Zionism.

Jews cursed the Arabs for taking jobs at lower pay; Arabs blamed the Jewish landlords for exploiting their weakness. All along the lines between Europeans and Arab peasants, the fellaheen resisted with the weapons of the downtrodden: indolence, petty thievery, chicanery, guile.[28] Faced with increasing abuse, they did what exploited folks often did: they slowed the pace of work, stumbling through the day while owners and Jewish workers dismissed them as lazy and shiftless.[29]

Increasingly, Europeans saw the need for stern measures to corral the primitive beasts. In Rechovot and Hadera, Jewish guards set curfews for Arab workers and told them where they must sleep. In Metulla, they banned the Arabs from sleeping on the thrashing floor and forced them into nearby huts. Violence too increased. Plantation councils had to warn the guards about slapping their Arab workers. And the locals retaliated, especially after the Young Turks deposed the Sultan in 1908 and created one of those moments in history when the pent up emotions of the repressed suddenly felt free to vent their spleen. (delete)


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 4-4-2004 at 10:31 PM ]

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Post time 4-4-2004 10:33 PM | Show all posts

The Growth of Arab and Palestinian Nationalism

In the same years that the Zionist settlers began driving Palestinian peasants from their land, other matters often troubled Arab intellectuals, merchants, and landed elites. They brooded about politics and increasingly believed that independence from the Ottoman Turks would cure their ills. Rumblings of rebellion rose from various quarters of the Arab world, but few good opportunities for successful revolt emerged until 1914. That year the empire went to war on the side of the Central Powers. Arabs eagerly seized the moment for which their nationalist ideology had prepared them well and struck for independence. Turkey's enemies in the Great War, Great Britain and France, joined Syrians, Palestinians, and others in a marriage of convenience to battle a common foe. An implied agreement guided the cooperation: the Arabs would sabotage the Ottomans from within the empire and, in return, the western powers would supposedly help them gain their independence once the conflict ended. (delete)

Holy, Wholly

By the late 1920's, some Zionists boldly moved to assert their control over this holy ground. (Haram-esh-sharif)  In September, 1928, during a time of fasting to commemorate the destruction of the Temple, some Jewish worshipers placed a screen along the wall to divide men and women. Perhaps it was an innocent gesture born of religious convictions; or it may have been done to test Moslem patience, to provoke a response. Maybe the people responsible knew that the act violated the long-standing agreement that had guided use of the place. No matter. For the next year, control of the wall became an emotional battleground. For Revisionists, even for young unbelievers who gave not a whit about the religious meaning of the wall, the controversy offered a chance to exert power. For the faithful--both Jews and Moslems--the struggle aroused a full measure of religious passion. (delete)

Throughout the summer of 1929, Jewish and Islamic newspapers inflamed those passions. An American journalist living in Jerusalem that year wrote that "you could stick you hand out in the air and feel [the tension] rising."[47] One paper urged Jews to keep demonstrating and protesting until the Wall is "restored to us." By August, youthful pioneers from the Zionist agricultural settlements ached for a fight. They marched on the wall, apparently hoping to provoke one. On the 14th, 6000 young people paraded around the ancient wall of Jerusalem. The next day they gathered at the Haram. Amidst chants that "the wall is ours," they raised the Zionist flag and sang the Zionist anthem. Some of the demonstrators may have turned nasty. Rumors said they cursed Mohammed and beat Muslim residents in the area. The next day 200 Moslems took their turn before the old stones, ripping a Torah scroll to shreds and burning religious documents. (delete)

(delete)By Friday, August 23, mobs of Moslem peasants, inflamed by what they heard, attacked Jews throughout the country. In Hebron, in reflection of the tragedy that had befallen this place, Moslems assaulted the old community, the Jewish people who had lived in peace with their Arab neighbors for centuries before the coming of Zionism. They killed sixty-four before other Arabs could hide their Jewish neighbors. For more than a week, the violence continued. In Jerusalem Jews murdered Arabs, and in Jaffa a crowd killed an imam and six Moslem worshipers in a Mosque. In all, the trouble killed 133 Jews and 116 Arabs. (delete)

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 4-4-2004 10:34 PM | Show all posts

It didn't help much for your previous claim but helped me alot instead.

it had been estimated there would be ... but the great majority of the letter either "fled or was expelled

So, clearly it had explained that there is no 1,000 difference in Israel in 1948.

On Children in the Line of Fire, I have no disagreement that the IDF had inadvertently or deliberate out of choice killed these people & children in the course of aggressive move to stamp out militants. One might say both parties had the same responsibility to blame in such debacle but the focus is on IDF's approach that had implicated the lives of children. For this issue, it is another talking point.

On the wall, it is in July 2003. I can compromise with your un-updated current affair for that matter.

p/s: In light of your reputation, it is suggested you paste the original article's URL. For instance, the letter either "fled ... should be 'latter' not 'letter'. Due to your record of 'doctoring' certain articles, future posting lost its weight.

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Post time 4-4-2004 10:38 PM | Show all posts
the HARDbottomline is the jews/israelis/zionists started the terrorist rapist like atrocity n the PALESTINIANS follow suit.

wot would u do if u're raped, if ur family is raped, if ur nation is raped as hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists raped the PALESTINIANS be they muslim majority, christians, jews etc?  am waitin  


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 Author| Post time 4-4-2004 11:12 PM | Show all posts
sonny does have a reputation of doctoring cut and pastes, thats why I never read them.

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Post time 6-4-2004 05:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-28 12:28 AM:
Sonny the Twister,

Because they are in the best position to liberate the powerless Arabs from Ottomans.

read me cut n paste.  its marriage of convenience between colonialist forked tongue britain n nationalism aspirin arab nations.  forked tongue britain made promises to the arabs as well as to outcast  imported jews.  right?  as it is me question stands ie who the hell is britain to make forked tongue promises over PALESTINE?  response intelligently. no hecklin

1)        Arabs' deal with the British are on MUTUAL CONSENT without which no liberation of the Middle East would be possible & are made by the people of that region. Who are you to disapprove on behalf of the ARABS?

there u r u’ve confirmed wot me said above.  forked tongue british did make promises with nationalism aspirin arabs.  without nationalism aspirin arabs, forked tongue britain wouldnt be able to defeat ottoman.  likewise without forked tongue britain, the arabs couldnt defeat ottoman.  right?  but the HARDfact remains whos britain to make forked tongue promises to the arabs then to outcast imported jews over PALESTINE?  right?  u need ur head examined if u insist britain is honourable bout PALESTINIANS fate

2) Arab nationalism surfaced in opposition to Turkish rule. It is because of this condition they are in cahoot with the British to bring down Ottoman Empire. How the HELL British manipulate them & not the otherwise?! You bonehead!

o yes forked tongue britain did manipulate nationalism aspirin arabs when they sought arabs’ cooperation to defeat ottoman.  but once ottoman fell, forked tongue britain in turn made promises to outcast imported jews.  n PALESTINIANS’ fate is sealed thru callous rapin first by forked tongue britain then by outcast imported jews.  right?  get that into ur thick skull

Palestinian Jews fled to Israel & given citizenship. Hence, they are not termed as refugees whereas ..... (below)

so how many PALESTINIAN jews that have been made “refugees” by native PALESTINIANS?

Israeli Palestinian were made refugees by the Arab governments who instigated them to leave Israel, refuse to accept them & made them stateless.

so how many israeli PALESTINIANS that r made refugees by outcast imported jews thru’ arab governments socalled instigation?  no wiggle waggle. jest HARDfigures plz

commonsense tells u it dont make sense for arab governments to instigate israeli PALESTINIANS to leave israel when it dont gonna benefit no one butt outcast imported jews.  right?  n it gonna make arab governments look like tyrant donkeys when they refuse to accept israeli PALESTINIANS as citizens after instigatin em to leave israel.  right?

n wot did Golda Meir n Theodore Herzl mean by their statements?  read.  am waitin

"How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to." -- Golda Meir (quoted in Chapter 13 of The Zionist Connection II: What Price Peace by Alfred Lilienthal )

"We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it any employment in our own country .... expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly." -- Theodore Herzl (from Rafael Patai, Ed. The Complete Diaries of Theodore Herzl, Vol I)

I have always carefully read your UNKNOWN stories pirated from Arab mouthpiece. The latest post didn't even have the DATE! Moreover, IT WAS YOU who made posts after posts with figure that ARABS ARE THE ONE who started the whole mess! By making use of your own posts is enough to shoot you out.

Here is your HARDfact: "In August 1929, the century's first large-scale attack on Jews by Arabs rocked Jerusalem". Fancy that!

there u go exposin ur faggot bigot self.  is this (below) UNKNOWN stories pirated from arab mouthpiece?  read

n me cut n pastes clearly showed forked tongue britain n outcast imported jews started the rape of PALESTINIANS.  even ur source enforced me HARDfacts that outcast imported raped PALESTINE first.  n u expect the PALESTINIANS to lay back or bend over joyfully without wanna attackin their rapists? c wot me mean by u exposin ur faggot bigot self?  read

part of article from an AMERCIAN UNIVERSITY

No wonder this generation of European immigrants to Palestine became so fiercely nationalistic; in Zionism they found support for banning Arabs from the work place. No wonder this generation of labor Zionists often belittled and besmirched their Asian comrades; in such denigration they found warm encouragements for what economic fear had taught them to believe.
No wonder the sinister and enduring Holy Land conflict that flared between Arabs and Jews in the years to come traced its roots to this seed. Zionism changed Palestine, and Palestine changed Zionism.

lets look at ur source -

the population of PALESTINE in 1922 is 752,048 includin 589,177 PALESTINIAN muslims (78.34%) n 83,790 PALESTINIAN jews (11.14%).  right?

in 1939 there 1,501,698 PALESTINIANS includin 927,133 PALESTINIAN muslims (61.74%) n 445,457 PALESTINIAN jews (29.66%).  right?

in 1942 there 1,620,005 PALESTINIANS includin 995,292 PALESTINIAN muslims (61.44%) n 484,408 PALESTINIAN jews (29.90%). right?

in 1930 the net immigration is 3,265 imported jews n 165 imported non jews totallin 3,430 imported folks.  right?

after 1939, the net immigration is 216,131 imported jews n 13,588 imported non jews totallin 229,719 imported folks. right?  

based on ur source its proven beyond reasonable doubt that theres DRASTIC INFLUX of imported jews. (3,265 outcast imported jews vs 156 imported non jews in 1930 n 216,131 outcast imported jews vs 13,588 imported non jews after 1939.)  right?  n u expect native PALESTINIANS  welcome em with open arms n legs. right? n these imported jews r unwanted, outcast in europe, grrreat britain n superpower jewish america, elsewhere.  right?

now lets add up natives n imported for year 1939. (lets say all non jews r muslims).  u gonna have 940,721 PALESTINIAN + imported muslims aginst 661,588 PALESTINIAN + imported jews. right?  

c?  jews still constitute minority n u expect jews to rule PALESTINE 50 50 with muslims n others?  no wonder zionists emerged n viciously rape PALESTINIANS.  right?  n u insist PALESTINIANS started the rape?  u need ur head examined

the notion that PALESTINIAN muslims breed like rabbits is proven HARDproof (by ur source) right?  ( 589,177 PALESTINIAN muslims in 1922 n 995,292 PALESTINIAN muslims in 1942).

(there agin PALESTINIAN jews breed at greater pace than PALESTINIAN muslims.  right?  read - 83,790 PALESTINIAN jews in 1922 aginst  484,408 PALESTINIAN jews in 1942).


over to u ADMIRAL.  me wanna c wot reasons u wanna dish out to justify imported jews viciously rapin PALESTINE n PALESTINIANS as they (the jews) chant piously “luv thy neighbour as thyself”   

continue ;)

[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 6-4-2004 at 05:38 PM ]

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Post time 6-4-2004 05:33 PM | Show all posts

Strange! How does that predates your 1929 HARDfact tht Jews started the first hostilities?? Simple idiot! Moreover, you're telling tales about an unknown stories from an unknown source that copy & paste preventing anyone to know where you get it from... if that is the case then it is unfair to anyone who also can cook up any type of stories! Idiot!

read me cut n paste (FULLER VERSION) from an article from an AMERICAN UNIVERSITY n rapist words from Golda Meir n Theodore Herzl. as me said forked tongue britain n outcast imported jews started the rape of PALESTINIANS.  u can never deny those HARDfacts.

me have produced several HARDfacts backed by UR SOURCE that outcast imported jews started the atrocity rape of PALESTINIANS primiarly by their drastic influx (of outcast imported jews).  now lets c u come up with HARDcut n pastes that say the drastic influx of outcast imported jews DID NOT cause hostilities among PALESTINIANS.  no wiggle waggle now

How do YOU KNOW they raped Palestinians first? Where's your source? No copy & paste. I want URL!!!

quit gettin hysterical.  read me post n HARDcut n pastes above.  n no url from SONNY.  uh huh.  u can easily look it up urself if ure truly honest in lookin for HARDtruth without waitin to be spoonfed  


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Post time 6-4-2004 05:36 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-28 12:28 AM:

I have no problem with Palestinian govern themselves

u may not have no problem but outcast imported jews did.  read

Wasn't Palestine a wasteland before the Jews started immigrating there?

"Britain's high commissioner for Palestine, John Chancellor, recommended total suspension of Jewish immigration and land purchase to protect Arab agriculture. He said 'all cultivable land was occupied; that no cultivable land now in possession of the indigenous population could be sold to Jews without creating a class of landless Arab cultivators'...The Colonial Office rejected the recommendation." John Quigley, "alestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice."

"We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Eretz Israel.... Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours ... When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do will be to scurry around like drugged roaches in a bottle." -- Israeli Chief of Staff Rafael Eitan (Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 4/13/83, NYTimes 4/14/83)

Already told you... the partition issue is NOT about who is the majority be the calling shot! It is about Arab hostilities towards Jews be they immigrants or natives. In fact, you have yet to show me your HARDfact that Jews started the hostilities! Until that is proven, hapless pious terrorist cum rapist applied to your boyfriends Arabs!

read me cut n paste from article from an AMERICAN UNIVERSITY n from UR OWN SOURCE.  ur souce n mine have proven beyond reasonable doubt that the drastic influx of outcast imported jews aggravated by britain’s forked tongue promises resulted in hostilities not only between PALESTINIANS n outcast imported jews butt also among native PALESTINIANS.  only forked tongue bigot faggot like u wanna deny HARDfigures from ur own source

part of article from an AMERCIAN UNIVERSITY

No wonder this generation of European immigrants to Palestine became so fiercely nationalistic; in Zionism they found support for banning Arabs from the work place. No wonder this generation of labor Zionists often belittled and besmirched their Asian comrades; in such denigration they found warm encouragements for what economic fear had taught them to believe.
No wonder the sinister and enduring Holy Land conflict that flared between Arabs and Jews in the years to come traced its roots to this seed. Zionism changed Palestine, and Palestine changed Zionism.

lets look at ur source -

Sonny. Sources taken from UN website & Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) showed 156k non-Jews with 716,700 Jews. By now you should realise that your numbers are always far from accurate; taken from fatuous sources. Stop reading those farce.

lets look at urs n me figures from our sources.  

u said theres “156k non-Jews with 716,700/650,000 (?) Jews” (in that part of PALESTINE that is to become israel by 1948.)  right?  ur other source (dated 1947) says between 1939 n 1942, theres 1,008,880 PALESTINIAN muslims + imported non jews aginst 700,539 PALESTINIAN jews + imported jews in PALESTINE.  right?  now theres a gap of between of 6 years (1942 for PALESTINE as a whole vs 1948 for that part of PALESTINE which gonna be israel).  right?  so how come jews population is 716,700/650,000(?) in israel in 1948 aginst 700,539 in PALESTINE in 1942?  intelligent response with HARDevidences now

whereas me 2 sources r QUITE credible in that it shows a difference of 1,000 between jews n arabs despite the HARDfact UNISPAL used the word “ESTIMATED”.  right?

as it is unless n until u come up with HARDfacts exactly or approximately the population of PALESTINE before its division in 1948, only then u can crow piously that ur source is the gospel truth n mine is manipulated.  deal?  read   

lets look at ur source -

in 1942 there 1,620,005 PALESTINIANS includin 995,292 PALESTINIAN muslims (61.44%) n 484,408 PALESTINIAN jews (29.90%). right?

after 1939, the net immigration is 216,131 imported jews n 13,588 imported non jews totallin 229,719 imported folks. right?


United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.


However, the partition resolution had included provisions for securing the rights of the minorities that, under the original plan, would have resulted from partition. It had been anticipated that there would be 10,000 Jews in the Arab State 1/, but the expansion of Israeli-occupied territory had obviated this situation. In the Jewish State, it had been estimated there would be 498,000 Jews and 497,000 Arabs 2/, but the great majority of the letter either "fled or was expelled". 3/

Even so, there are Arab politicians in Israeli parliament (Knesset) whereas there are none not only in Palestine but also the whole Muslim world.

how many PALESTINIANS/arabs n jews/israelis/zionists leaders in israeli government aginst how many (population) PALESTINIAN/arab israelis n jews/israelis/zionists in israel proper?  


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 6-4-2004 at 05:40 PM ]

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Post time 6-4-2004 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-3-28 12:29 AM:
Sonny... on mathematics,

How the hell you round up the unrevised proposal of 720km to 800km?

read me cut n paste above

My intention was point out gross inaccuracies in your figures which is very misleading & insidious. NOT about anything else!

wots more insidious than outcast imported jews callously rapin PALESTINIANS compared with me socalled misleadin insidious figures?  u may very well said outcast imported jews build only ONE illegal jewish settlement n erected only ONE kilo apartheid wall deep inside occupied PALESTINIAN territories.  u may very well said outcast imported jews genocide only ONE PALESTINIAN child n destroy only ONE PALESTINIAN innocents’ home along with the hamas.  right?  but that “only ONE” tantamount to rape whichever angle u wanna look at it.  right?  a rape gonna stay a rape regardless u gonna be raped only ONE time or at regular basis.  right?

Again, I'm pointing out your gross inaccuracy.

My assertion has always been that any factual accounts should be consistent anywhere else. Be it in the books, newspapers, TV, websites, public organizations, government publications, official documents...etc, etc. On the same token, most hate websites although carry similar agendas but often contradicts each other. That is why I charged that your story telling, figures & numbers are uncompromising & unreliable to incite hatred based on either an embellished interpretation or deliberate falsifying of truths.

read me response above

btw wot exactly weitz mean by his statement?  is he incitin hatred or luv thy neighbour as thyself?  read  


Most Zionists were determined that their Jewish state should be free of Arabs. In December 1940, Joseph Weitz wrote in his diary:

Between Ourselves it must be clear that there is no room for both Peoples together in this country... We shall not achieve our goal of being an independent people with the Arabs in this small country. The only solution is a Palestine, at least Western Palestine (west of the Jordan river) without Arabs ... And there is no other way than to transfer the Arabs from here to the neighbouring countries, to transfer all of them; not one village, not one tribe, should be left... Only after this transfer will the country be able to absorb the millions of our own brethren. There is no other way out. '[35

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Post time 6-4-2004 05:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Adm_Cheng_Ho at 2004-4-4 10:34 PM:

It didn't help much for your previous claim but helped me alot instead.

So, clearly it had explained that there is no 1,000 difference in Israel in 1948.

ure exposin ur forked tongue rationalilty.  UNISPAL may say “ESTIMATED” but the estimated don’t differ to few 100s even 10s.  not one digit is changed between me 2 sources ie In the Jewish State, it had been estimated there would be 498,000 Jews and 497,000 Arabs 2/, but the great majority of the letter either "fled or was expelled


United Nations (UN) General Assembly approved in 1947 a new partition plan, 749,000 Arabs and 9,250 Jews lived in the territory where the proposed Arab state would be set up, while 497,000 Arabs and 498,000 Jews lived in the part which was to become the Jewish state.


However, the partition resolution had included provisions for securing the rights of the minorities that, under the original plan, would have resulted from partition. It had been anticipated that there would be 10,000 Jews in the Arab State 1/, but the expansion of Israeli-occupied territory had obviated this situation. In the Jewish State, it had been estimated there would be 498,000 Jews and 497,000 Arabs 2/, but the great majority of the letter either "fled or was expelled". 3/

On Children in the Line of Fire, I have no disagreement that the IDF had inadvertently or deliberate out of choice killed these people & children in the course of aggressive move to stamp out militants. One might say both parties had the same responsibility to blame in such debacle but the focus is on IDF's approach that had implicated the lives of children. For this issue, it is another talking point.

inother words u agree that outcast imported jews r worse rapists n terrorists compared with PALESTINIANS right?  n jewish usa is feedin hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists (not all) with BILLIONS worth of arms to genocide PALESTINIANS n rape PALESTINE.  right?  exactly wot would u do if ure raped, if ur family is raped, if ur nation is raped as wot hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israelis/zionists (not all) did to the PALESTINIANS?  respond intelligently now

On the wall, it is in July 2003. I can compromise with your un-updated current affair for that matter.

if u use ur commonsense, u will realize irrespective outcast imported jews build only ONE kilo or 10s of 100000000000000s kilo of apartheid wall deep inside occupied PALESTINIAN territories, that tantamount to rapin PALESTINIANS.  only trinity christian clone like u dont wanna c that

p/s: In light of your reputation, it is suggested you paste the original article's URL. For instance, the letter either "fled ... should be 'latter' not 'letter'. Due to your record of 'doctoring' certain articles, future posting lost its weight.

agin n agin me have proven u’re bias rotten to the core aginst the PALESTINIANS who have done u no wrong.  u’re faggot bigot rotten to the core.  Burp

if u truly honestly sincerely wanna be fair-minded between outcast imported jews n PALESTINIANS, u should know there shouldnt be any doctorin, manipulation, editin of any kind to any cut n paste that’s fore or aginst the 2.  right?  UNISPAL may have committed typin error.   right?  so wot?  the HARDbottomline is u understand wot UNISPAL wanna say.  right?  n that SONNY not gonna doctored or manipulated or edited anythin.  right?  ur insidious innuendo means its u who is committin the unforgivable sins of manipulatin to whitewash ur hapless pious terrorist cum rapist jews/israeli/zionists luvers.  wot rot  


[ Last edited by sonny~~ on 6-4-2004 at 05:47 PM ]

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Post time 6-4-2004 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 4-4-2004 23:12:
sonny does have a reputation of doctoring cut and pastes, thats why I never read them.

At least he is better, cut and paste facts that can be analysed, not blind claims and irresponsible statement, like what you have did, one good example, Kosovo thing. No proof at all. Even the link of what you gave also did not prove your claim.

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Post time 6-4-2004 06:58 PM | Show all posts
read me cut n paste.  its marriage of convenience between colonialist forked tongue britain n nationalism aspirin arab nations.  forked tongue britain made promises to the arabs as well as to outcast  imported jews.  right?  as it is me question stands ie who the hell is britain to make forked tongue promises over PALESTINE?  response intelligently. no hecklin

Aku setuju!!!!!!!!!!!

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2004 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Yes sir, aku setuju that Palestinians are terrorists.

peace & cheers

[ Last edited by Debmey on 6-4-2004 at 11:48 PM ]

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Post time 6-4-2004 10:41 PM | Show all posts
You know what is the meaning of Aku Setuju or not boy?????

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2004 11:48 PM | Show all posts
yes i do boy.

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Post time 6-4-2004 11:52 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Debmey at 6-4-2004 23:48:
yes i do boy.

What is it then??? From your above postings, I think that you do not know as you had used it wrongly. What is it??? Tell me now without contacting any of your friends will you????

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