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Author: melnanzz

[V24] ALL ABOUT FATTAH AMIN **Penggambaran Coffee Prince disambung hari ini **Fa

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rorygilmore replied at 14-8-2017 06:20 PM
Uols tak yah nk delulu la...bam tah dh uturn kat hajah tu...trulop pasti menang...against all odds.. ...

Wowww..meols doakan semoga berkekalan tilljahannammm.. pakpakkepungkepungggg *bunyik kompang

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adaris replied at 14-8-2017 06:42 PM
Meols tolong aminkan yachhh

Eh u..x yah nk amin2 kn..i ngajeng je tu

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
miraclehopes replied at 14-8-2017 06:37 PM
Harap tetek kita semua tak kechoot dgn pengkhabaran mengarut lobenak nih..

Sila cek teks memasing yach.. Aca pon jgn lupa cek.. Aca baca porum kn  


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2017 06:44 PM | Show all posts
rorygilmore replied at 14-8-2017 06:20 PM
Uols tak yah nk delulu la...bam tah dh uturn kat hajah tu...trulop pasti menang...against all odds.. ...

Jam kesayangan Lofa? Hari ni Fattah pakai jam Braun Buffel warna hitam yang dia dapat masa jadi duta sekejap dulu. What does this watch has anything to do with Lofa?

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
GDnuna replied at 14-8-2017 06:42 PM
Kenapa u ckp kehausan madu..i x faham

Cuba beklog..ramai tunggu madu tumpah

Atau any news yg meols terlepas?

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:46 PM | Show all posts
Pandanleaf replied at 14-8-2017 04:40 PM
Chuols ajar meols tempek gif plssss

iols pakai pc ni. klik kat Image - Image link. pastu paste link gif tu kat "lease enter the image url".

kalau pakai fon, kene letak camni - [ img]link gif[ /img]
(remove space yg i letak kat depan img tu)

cer try. kalau takleh, boleh pm meols

dan utk tak OT, paksu sedang menggentel pipi anak sedara bongsu


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Post time 14-8-2017 06:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tomaz replied at 14-8-2017 06:25 PM
Pegang teks memasing semua.. Jgn gelabah2

Hahaha pegang kemas dah ni hahaa

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:46 PM | Show all posts
i yg tgk fattah kerja non stop pun rasa letih, apa lagi dia. I think he is soooo mentally n physically tired. Amik la few months off from the limelight lepas ni.


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Post time 14-8-2017 06:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
GDnuna replied at 14-8-2017 06:44 PM
Eh u..x yah nk amin2 kn..i ngajeng je tu


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Post time 14-8-2017 06:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Wow panas sampai ke petang benang ni..

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:48 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
melnanzz replied at 14-8-2017 06:44 PM
Jam kesayangan Lofa? Hari ni Fattah pakai jam Braun Buffel warna hitam yang dia dapat masa jadi du ...

Iols tak tahu tu jam lobenak celebrate mcm nk rak...siap ckp doa mereka dh dimakbulkan...

Iols go with the flow gituhhhhh....hihi

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by pattahamie at 14-8-2017 06:51 PM
suzy_2912 replied at 14-8-2017 06:14 PM
Kat mne jln nk pegi benang CP kat bod drama... dari td klik x jumpa2..

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rama2samar replied at 14-8-2017 06:39 PM
dear sr lo*****... dgr2nye perjuangan korg dh selesai? ape yg korg inginkan dh berlaku. cinta idolat ...

Wahhhh dah uturn? Time to celebrate?

p/s: psl jam apa?? sesungguhnya ai ols lost tatau nak beklog start page brp hihuhuu

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
rama2samar replied at 14-8-2017 06:39 PM
dear sr lo*****... dgr2nye perjuangan korg dh selesai? ape yg korg inginkan dh berlaku. cinta idolat ...

Nak tanya ek ape kaitan jam braun buffel tu dgn lobenak ek?? Jam tu bukan fattah dpt hadiah mase shooting mens folio ke dr braun buffel....

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 Author| Post time 14-8-2017 06:50 PM | Show all posts
rorygilmore replied at 14-8-2017 06:48 PM
Iols tak tahu tu jam lobenak celebrate mcm nk rak...siap ckp doa mereka dh dimakbulkan... ...

Tengok video ni. Fattah dapat jam Braun Buffel ni tahun lepas. This is the same watch yang dia pakai hari ini. Nothing to do with Lofa.


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Post time 14-8-2017 06:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
melnanzz replied at 14-8-2017 06:50 PM
Tengok video ni. Fattah dapat jam Braun Buffel ni tahun lepas. This is the same watch yang dia pak ...

Ye.. Btl sgt..  Die dpt 2 utas jam tangan dr braun buffel masa shooting ni kan mell... Ape kaitan dgn lopak... Pelik la puak lobenak ni.  

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:52 PM | Show all posts
Smlm pg ni kecoh lobenak psl pil pastu dok mngutuk maki fattah memacam...skrg psl jam plak pastu celebrate..mendelahhhaiiiiiii


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Post time 14-8-2017 06:52 PM | Show all posts
Edited by ira_229 at 14-8-2017 06:53 PM
arien18 replied at 14-8-2017 03:22 PM
Kalau  cerita ni datang dari dorang bermakan masa polis dapat berita palsu semasa pengambaran HSC  ...

klu kat singapore yg cyberbully tu hari2 fitnah dah siang2 dah kena da...senang je diorang nak trace ip address diaorang...ingat tak pinoy nurse tu...? terus kena tendang tak boleh masuk singapore...dgn yg amoy malaysian...kes racist?


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Post time 14-8-2017 06:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
olaklempit replied at 14-8-2017 06:44 PM
Cuba beklog..ramai tunggu madu tumpah

Atau any news yg meols terlepas?

Oo ok..ala acik2 acah2 nk madu kot sbb bosan dgn provokasi ja tu

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Post time 14-8-2017 06:54 PM | Show all posts
Classy14 replied at 13-8-2017 06:29 PM
Kaka shazfa, please tell yr cable suh fattah praktis lagi ekk for next race... best giler tgk heol ...

nie kalau fatt masuk lagi racing class..
mesti boleh buat driftttt gempakkk!!
lepas dh drifftt pusing2 gitueww...then kuar kete ngan rambut basah serabai2 diaa...
ohhhh mai Allahhhh....mmg howt & sexy angat..kulit muka yg dh merah2 padam tgh panas giteww!!
walau apa pun..iols masih taste #talldarknhensem...

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