Arsenal ~ menuju masa depan yg paling cerah dalam sejarah !!
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Originally posted by Don Henley at 19-9-2006 09:03 PM
atleast ada la jugak star kt team tuh...
w/pon dh tua..tp populariti masih ade...
p/s dato k ka?...
eeee tk geli ke cik iti kna sondol ngan misai dia tuh...kakakakakk...:lol
cik iti tertarik kat misai tue..:nerd: |
Originally posted by Don Henley at 19-9-2006 07:12 PM
cuma yg pasti company aku akan tetap berdiri teguh la sampai bila2....:hatdown:
insyaallah aku pon akan kekal kt sini...:pray:
eh ko company apa ? ahleong adek beradek sendirian berhad ke |
Originally posted by hyphrigian at 19-9-2006 07:45 PM
berapa lama nak tahan....
star dah tua...
kena ada billionaire takeover...
Datuk K ok kot.......
Datuk K billionaire ka? :stp:
silap2 bekem lagi kaye dari Datuk K nehh...:pmuka: |

"Julio is a very good player," said Wenger in The Sun.
"But he's not played a lot of football and needs to be sharper and get some match fitness before he is ready to start games." |
Originally posted by okb at 20-9-2006 06:07 PM

"Julio is a very good player," said Wenger in The Sun.
"But he's not played a lot of ...
dia punyer shot masa lwm manyooor ari tu memang power la...
nasib baik sipi..KALO idak...hahahahah...:pmuka: |
Originally posted by epitome at 19-9-2006 09:19 PM
err... tgh imejin :mll:
aku yg jantan ni pon geli nengok org misai tebal..
camna la cik iti leh berkenan....:hmm: |
Originally posted by carrie_connie at 19-9-2006 09:22 PM
cik iti tertarik kat misai tue..:nerd:
alasan jek tuh...
tertarik ngan poket dia tuh...tebal gak tuh...
:nerd: |
Originally posted by okb at 19-9-2006 11:49 PM
eh ko company apa ? ahleong adek beradek sendirian berhad ke
ado la company besor tuh...
listed bursa wooo... |
Originally posted by okb at 20-9-2006 06:07 PM

"Julio is a very good player," said Wenger in The Sun.
"But he's not played a lot of ...
korang jagalah baptista kitorang tuu elok2...:jeling: |
Originally posted by jpl_fan at 20-9-2006 07:11 PM
korang jagalah baptista kitorang tuu elok2...:jeling:
itu sudah pasti...
power woo mamat nih...korang la tk pandai jaga...ahahah...:pmuka: |
Reply #2030 Don Henley's post
reyes pun x der kurangnyer...free kick cantek..:pmuka: |
Originally posted by jpl_fan at 20-9-2006 11:38 PM
reyes pun x der kurangnyer...free kick cantek..:pmuka:
pandai kitorang jage reyes kan...debut dier kat bernebeau dier dah score...
haku ingat lagi si reyes neh kat arsengal..debut dier dier score gak..tapi own goal.... |
hasripompey This user has been deleted
Arsenal's debt rockets by ?100million to ?262.1million
Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger will continue to have plenty of financial muscle in the transfer market despite the club's ?262.1million debt, according to managing director Keith Edelman.
The Gunners have invested heavily in the move to their new 60,000-seater Emirates Stadium home.
The cost impacted on the figures released today by the club's parent company, with overall net debt increased from ?153.3million in 2005.
However, with the repayments of the debt now restructured over a longer term and match-day revenues set to rise significantly through larger gate receipts over the coming seasons, Edelman insists Arsenal are 'in good financial health'.
Arsenal ended the year with some ?36million of cash in the bank, a war chest which will always be made available to the manager should he wish to spend it.
Edelman declared: 'We are very strong financially and have a lot of firepower if the manager wants to purchase players.
'We ended the year with ?36million of cash in the bank, in our our pocket to spend now, so we are very cash-rich, although we have got high debts, which relate effectively to the mortgage on our stadium.
'We have lowered our debt repayments substantially.
'It is a good deal for the club and it means we have more money to invest in players and team development.'
Edelman said: 'It is like an individual buying a new bigger house into which you have put more equity - you will have a bigger mortgage, but overall be in a stronger financial position.
'As long as you can service your debts with your revenues, which we clearly can, then you are in a better position.
'If you build up debt running your football business, ie paying people's wages and buying players, that is a very unhealthy way of building up debt.
'If you have got debt as we have, because we have built a new stadium, which actually generates ?30-odd million of extra revenue, that is a very positive attribute to have.
'That is a huge gate revenue for any football club and is the largest in the UK by a long way - it is way past Chelsea and even Manchester United, something like 20 per cent higher.'
The figures also showed that Arsenal's operating profits before player trading and exceptional items was ?11.3million, which was down from ?32.6million the previous year.
Their group retained profits were ?7.9million, ?400,000 down from 2005, while the level of pre-tax profits from the sale of players was up to ?19.2million.
Arsenal's run to the Champions League final meant their football business increased turnover to ?132.1million.
Edelman commented: 'In the profit before tax, we are down in the year.
'However, last year we had a property deal in the numbers which made us about ?12m, so if you take that out we have doubled our profit.
'That is obviously a very good result and we are very pleased with it. The move to the Emirates Stadium has gone extremely well.
'The revenues we are going to get from the Emirates are significantly higher than at Highbury, even after our debt repayments every year. We are in good financial health.
'What we have built with the new stadium is a sustainable business model - we can operate now at Arsenal Football Club without injection of cash or funding from shareholders or anyone else.'
Construction on the re-development of Highbury into 711 residential units - the majority of which have been pre-sold - is under way, with a ?125million bank facility in place to fund the works.
Edelman said: 'The Highbury redevelopment is a three-year project and we have sold very well. In 2009/2010 when the development is finished, we will get more profit out of that development which pays back some of our debts.'
the new Leeds United? :lol |
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Reply #2034 hasripompey's post
Originally posted by epitome at 21-9-2006 01:08 PM
sack jer atuk wenger tu
mana bleh...
dia la paling best sekalik...
pembelian berhemat lagik...:bgrin: |
Reply #2036 Don Henley's post
pembelian berhemat muda mudi..... |
emmm.. kemanisan pembalasan itu masih terasa.. seperti di buai mimpi...:pmuka: |
Reply #2039 Pak_Jen's post
tak abeh lagi....
dok tanya ni marah tak abis lagi ka? |
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