[MANGA] ONE PIECE - Ver: 4.0 - Two Years Later (New Chapter!)
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Wakakakka...... Luffy da bole terbang gak. Ingat Sanji je. |
kebanyakan skill dorang byk dpt dari pengalaman dorang lawan dgn musuh2 terdahulu..
mcm skill 'skywalk' sanji blajo dari CP9..
tapi tak pasti brape ramai mugiwara crews yg tau haki.. |
atai posted on 28-8-2012 11:47 AM
kebanyakan skill dorang byk dpt dari pengalaman dorang lawan dgn musuh2 terdahulu..
mcm skill 'skyw ...
Dalam ep yang lepas, luffy ada cakap yang ada haki dalam grup mereka hanyalah Luffy, Zoro dan Sanji sahaja..
pesal vergo tak musnahkan jer jantung law tu kan senang.. |
NEW!!! ONE PIECE, Chapter 680 - Captain of the Marine's G-5, Kichiku no Vergo
Klik di sini untuk mula membaca ONE PIECE, Chapter 680 - Captain of the Marine's G-5, Kichiku no Vergo |
kesian brownbeard..jadi alat tunggangan...yg lelain selamba je rileks hehe |
x tahan sumer bagi alasan penat nak berlari lak tuh.. |
apa motif law ni...ni musuh dalam selimut atau udang disebalik mee |
Spoilers Ch.682
Summary : -
In corridor shutter between A and B closes, trapping Sanji and Vergo there.
The marines panic, but Sanji actually got away and came through.
Sanji thinks to himself he woulda been in trouble if they kept fighting.
Vergo is hopping from wall to wall, moving through building B, and reporting to Doflamingo that Law's betrayal is confirmed.
Doflamingo: I KNEW it! Fuffuffu!
He says he regrets how it turned out, seeing he treated and raised Law like a brother.
A female swordswoman attacks Doflamingo while he's casually talking on the phone, and Dofla's man guns her down.
Pretty cool crew, a masked man with goggles and a Top Hat.
Doflamingo is can't afford Ceaser gone, he's the only one in the world that knows how to manufacture SAD.
The swordswoman's name is Baby 5, looks like she's actually subordinate of Dofla.
She's pissed at him, for some reason. Another crew member, a huge, fatguy that dresses like Hardgay Ramon calms her down.
There's a loli with a circle around one eye eating sweets, while an old man and a hag plays cards.
Doflamingo tells Vergo he wants Law brutally killed. Make him regret for being born into this world.
He then orders Monet and Joker to be careful of StrawHat, and that his potential may be even beyond Law's seeing how he awakened in King's haki.
He's going to send Baby 5 and Buffalo as reinforcements.
As bulding B turns into a flaming chaos by that little dragon, Nami, Usopp, and Robin attacks the dragon.
Brook and Kin-emon are arguing which one of the two will take down the dragon, but decides to team up, and finishes off th dragon.
It looks like Kin-emon has some beef with the dragon, although it's not really revealed what.
They locate Chopper, but for some reason he's gone monster mode, and the giant children are fighting him.
Meanwhile, one of the girls ask a CC henchman what happened to Momonosuke.
Apparently while back, Momonosuke went into the forbidden "Secret Room", and turneed into a small dragon...!!
minggu depan breakk jyeahh!!
btw, tak sabor nak tgk doflamingo nih.. walau aku berharap chapter kali ini menceritakan kisah mengapa law melakukan betrayal kepada doflamingo.. |
NEW!!! ONE PIECE, Chapter 682: Mastermind
Sila klik di sini untuk mula membaca ONE PIECE, Chapter 682: Mastermind |
^ bukan bosan, xde nk diskas ape2..hahaha
nape momonosuke nmpk bygn tu aa time Luffy soh die bangun? bygn sape tu?? mcm doflamingo jek..
so btol ke die mkn buah ciptaan Vegapunk jenis Zoan, so die bole la jd manusie blk kan?
as expected Smoker gune Haki lawan Vergo..yeah! |
nice la Zoro..style gile!! igt kan die pon ade Houshoku Haki cam Luffy..hehe..best2.. |
neil_48 posted on 31-10-2012 11:20 PM
nice la Zoro..style gile!! igt kan die pon ade Houshoku Haki cam Luffy..hehe..best2..
Aku fikir Zoro pun ada Houshoku Haki macam Luffy jua.. cuma tu cikit2 je... macam Luffy buat kat badak tunggangan Flying Fish Riders tu...
ingatkan zoro btol2 belah minah burung tu |
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