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Author: friedfishsoup

Borak2 forumers Gosip Personaliti Media No.6

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Post time 3-3-2018 07:35 PM | Show all posts
uols.. korang ada tips tak nak improve english.. dulu xde la bengap sgt english.SPM pun dpt la B+ . tp now menjadi jadi bengap. nk tulis report kerja pun kemain struggle. nak cakap apatah lagi. mmg tak confident langsung.  nak g kelas mcm tak sempat and agak mahal eh. ada kelas online ke eh? or korang ada tips yang confirm real punya tips. hehe..

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Post time 3-3-2018 08:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
masz83 replied at 3-3-2018 07:53 AM
Kan... ni i gigih plak pasni nak join nadzfitness_ saje syiok kalau exercise ramai2 ni...

Nadz ni siapa? Doc tu ke?? Yg dulu keje dgn Hanan tu?

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Post time 3-3-2018 08:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 3-3-2018 08:16 PM
Nadz ni siapa? Doc tu ke?? Yg dulu keje dgn Hanan tu?

Yasss... dia la... hihihi...

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Post time 4-3-2018 10:38 AM | Show all posts
solarlunar replied at 3-3-2018 10:22 AM
I ade beli Norahwax Hot.

Bila time pkai kt ketiak die tak bape nk jadi.

Maybe sebab your under arm hair pendek kot?  I read you need at least a certain length of hair kalau nak guna wax ni .
Ke ataupun, your underam area masih ade deoderant masa u guna hot wax tu ? Make sure its nice and clean. Another tip to make it work , you can also pat some talcum powder over the underarm area  , brush the powder lightly , and then baru guna hot wax tu.

Selamat mencuba!

BTW i suka norah hotwax ni ( and possibly other brands yg setanding dgn nya) sebab dia bagai cotton cloth tu . I ve gone through numerous professional waxing sessions before, and I can say( in my experience) that waxing pakai cloth lagi kurang sakit than waxing pakai waxed paper ( macam Veet wax strips).

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Post time 4-3-2018 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Edited by eyelineronfleek at 4-3-2018 11:39 AM
orchird replied at 3-3-2018 07:35 PM
uols.. korang ada tips tak nak improve english.. dulu xde la bengap sgt english.SPM pun dpt la B+  ...

I rasa kalau u nak improve your English , ada dua aspek yg u kena cuba perkasakan :

Grammar ni I rasa for most people adalah benda paling boring sekali nak belajar, tapi it's very very important . Sebab skrng ni i tgk , byk orang yg kalau bercakap ( atau pun tweet) , vocabulary power, perkataan semua bombastic. Tapi kantoi rupanya pakai bila mana basic grammar diorang out. So before you go all out guna bombastic words, you need to address your grammar issues first .. has/have /had etc tulah. Either you go for classes or Youtube Im sure ade. But i think you're better off going for classess sebab at least classes ade structure. Bad grammar is a huge turn off, especially kalau u selalu kena tulis report.

Vocabulary wise pulak , I guess there's not shortcut for this,  kena banyakkan membaca lah. Tak kisah la u baca buku apa, asalkan English . And then consciously identify certain words yang u rasa u might be able to use in your conversations. I like to do that, bila I baca something , and I found an interesting word yang I tak pernah dgr ,I'll take note ( dulu siap tulis dalam buku/ diary , manalah tau boleh guna nanti). And dulu I suka baca dictionary sebab I find it fascinating that there's a lot of words yang i tak pernah dgr. Maybe what you could do is target pilih 10 perkataan secara random from a dicitionary every day, and understand the meaning. But remember, good English it not just about how many complicated words you can fit into a sentence. It's also about how you phrase your sentence. For this, I like to read articles published by international agencies ( Huffington Post, BBC etc). I also sometimes pick up interesting comments/ phrases from Youtube/ Twitter orang putih sebab the way they present an argument sgt matang dan berbeza.

If you pakai Macbook, there's this feature that I like to use when I'm reading something online and I don't understand the meaning. All I have to do is highlight the word and tap with two fingers, and then select " Look up ". Nanti dia akan bagi the definition right then and there ( see below), it could not get any easier than this. You don't have any excuse anymore to not know what the word means... Hope that helps!

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Post time 4-3-2018 12:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
masz83 replied at 3-3-2018 12:28 PM
Yasss... dia la... hihihi...

Ooooo dia tu dah mmg selim melin. Hehhee. I pn dh lama x cari fitness enthusiast.. mode malas tgh melanda

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Post time 4-3-2018 12:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eyelineronfleek replied at 4-3-2018 02:38 AM
Maybe sebab your under arm hair pendek kot?  I read you need at least a certain length of hair kal ...

Citer pasal waxing ni, u pernah tak buat kt tmpt waxing itself?? I cm nk try IPL sbb dia kata x sakit. I pernah buat bikini wax about 7 years ago, sakit gile! Dh mcm trauma Nk buat lg.

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Post time 4-3-2018 12:14 PM | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 4-3-2018 12:08 PM
Citer pasal waxing ni, u pernah tak buat kt tmpt waxing itself?? I cm nk try IPL sbb dia kata x sa ...

Pernah , I ve tried a few places. Memang sakit hohohohoho. Everytime I go, I regret. Tapi bila dah habis, I happy. Hheheheeh.. Tapi i pernah buat kat satu tempat yg pakai cotton cloth to strip the hair. That was seriously the best experience for me, paling tak sakit. The rest, semua pun sama .

I ade consider IPL gak  since I hate hair down there. But belum ade masa nak buat lagi. And also terbaca this news article pasal this one lady kat Singapore, had her clit burned with IPL Terus takut nak buat. Im sure it's an isolated case. But bila ade Norah wax, I rasa lagi kurang perasaan nak buat IPL . Although I have to warn ppl yg tak pernah wax professionally , jgn la sukati try bikini wax at home. I tak berapa setuju dgn cara Norahwax promote how easy it is to wax the bikini area. Nu uh!!! Not recommended for first time users! Even for a seasoned user like me pun it's such a pain + messy. Better gi buat professionally. 15 min dah siap.

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Post time 4-3-2018 12:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eyelineronfleek replied at 4-3-2018 12:14 PM
Pernah , I ve tried a few places. Memang sakit hohohohoho. Everytime I go, I regret. Tapi bila dah ...

Ai teringin nk wax down there tuh tp uishhhh terasa mcm mesti sakit giler kn?? Nk g wax kt kdai, aishhh rs mcm malu plak..
Even kaki wax sndiri pun mula2 rs sakit gk..xdpt imagine kalu wax kt u, kt kdai mana yg ok kalau nk wax situ?? Bubblegum ok x??

Ai dulu2 wax kaki n under arms tp semenjak dpt tau psl epilaptor, ai pki epilaptor je..cepat dan still xbrani nk epilate down there..

Ape punca utama celah2 jd hitam yek?? Sbb pki deodorant and shaving ke?? Tp Hanis Haizi wat IPL pun keti still skrg tgh usaha nk memutihkn celah2 even ai xdelah pki bj yg dedah2 ni..xmo jd mcm Hanis, nightmare btul..skrg ni kalau ai tsedar yg ai tongkat siku, trus cpt2 alih..kuat btul penangan Hanis..kikikiki

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Post time 4-3-2018 01:38 PM | Show all posts
idadae replied at 4-3-2018 12:38 PM
Ai teringin nk wax down there tuh tp uishhhh terasa mcm mesti sakit giler kn?? Nk g wax kt kdai, a ...

I tak pernah try Bubblegum , but i know ramai gak orang gi situ . I pernah try Strip , and one place kat EMPIRE Subang and another kat Citta mall. Semuanya i rasa lebih kurang sama. But i kinda liked Strip sebab the room mcm gelap skit , so you feel a bit more at ease. Although i pernah pergi one time, and i developed folliculitis after that , sakit jugak. Apparently that was because the waxist ( is that the right word?)  went over the same area a few times, which they shouldn't. But that was only one experience. Other times ok je, maybe it's best to stick to the same therapist.
Pasal underarm whitening tu , I truly believe its multifactorial. I know our society likes to make fun of orang ketiak hitam and equates it to poor hygiene. But people of colour like Melayu and India have pigmented skin , which is prone to hyperpigmentation. I agree deoderant must play a part , but I don't think that's the sole cause for dark underam area. I believe genetic  is also another major factor.

I know there are some aesthetic clinics that offer underarm whitening  treatment, but my doctor friends don't recommend them because they said the underarm is a moist and sheltered enviroment for bacteria to thrive. So if the treatment goes wrong, it will be difficult to heal . Tahlah , ni my friends cakap. I have not tried it.

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Post time 4-3-2018 02:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eyelineronfleek replied at 4-3-2018 01:38 PM
I tak pernah try Bubblegum , but i know ramai gak orang gi situ . I pernah try Strip , and one pla ...

Thank you for your suggestions
Empire and Citta dkt je dgn tmpt ai..maybe ai blh survey2 dlu sambil2 tggu keberanian muncul utk g waxing

Btul la kut ape yg kwn u ckp tu..diorg lg expert bab2 better stick dgn scrub and pakai lotion/cream utk under arms tuh..deodorant still kne pki lah, kang pengsan org sekeliling dgn bau bdn ni hah

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Post time 4-3-2018 03:56 PM | Show all posts
idadae replied at 4-3-2018 02:29 PM
Thank you for your suggestions
Empire and Citta dkt je dgn tmpt ai..mayb ...

Your welcome! Tips untuk first timer kalau nak pergi bikini waxing :
1) Makan painkillers about 30 mins before you go for waxing
2) Avoid going if you know you're about to get your period soon. Apparently the area is a lot more sensitive then.
Aiyaa... dua tip saja.. Bolehlah!


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Post time 4-3-2018 07:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eyelineronfleek replied at 4-3-2018 04:14 AM
Pernah , I ve tried a few places. Memang sakit hohohohoho. Everytime I go, I regret. Tapi bila dah ...

Yeah i pn x berani buat sendiri. Even if i dh selalu buat pn, messy la nk selak2 seme. Alamak, kes berbakar clit tu terus i seram. I mmg low pain tolerence type of person so i rasa i x bole endure any more waxing pain down there. Either x buat or opt for IPL. Thx for the info

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Post time 5-3-2018 09:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sape2 kat sini ada housewife's eczema? Uols pergi klinik mana/ pakai cream apa ya? Dulu pergi Klinik Reddy kat Kajang. Krim bancuh2 dia bagus, calit2, pooof hilang eczema tu. Kot ada jual over the counter ke.

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Post time 6-3-2018 03:40 PM | Show all posts
firedragon replied at 28-2-2018 02:49 PM
I tatau nak tanya kat mana. Nak gi board kecantikan macam sunyi je situ
Uols yang rajin beli per ...

chuolls i ada beli perfume purse / perfume pocket kt hermo.
masa tu hermo buat promo so i beli jah n the brand pun i tak pnh pakai b4 this
u know what . i like the perfume so much bler i pki .. i dnt know yg hermo jual tu
auth or not sbb i pki bau ori n quite tahan jgk
n i pun ade pakai perfume purse lancome midnight tresure beli kt my friend
that i tak auth i think but the smell mmg sama mcm ori n lost lasting so i beli
sbb murah..


cuba chuolls tgk perfumeberry i pnh beli miniature from them b4.
they claim their collection authentic but not sure..

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Post time 6-3-2018 03:42 PM | Show all posts
nut.legacy replied at 2-3-2018 05:06 PM
Petra nye collection cantik kan? I mcm minat rizalman punya jubah yg color pink belacan tu. Haishh ...

klu babah rizalman pny chuolls boleh standby
RM500 > >

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Post time 6-3-2018 03:50 PM | Show all posts
intnjuliet replied at 6-3-2018 07:42 AM
klu babah rizalman pny chuolls boleh standby
RM500 > >

tu la you, i berkenan sungguh dgn design jubah pink belancan lace dia tu. taktau la brape dia nk buh kt price tag sheol

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Post time 6-3-2018 03:50 PM | Show all posts
eyelineronfleek replied at 4-3-2018 02:38 AM
Maybe sebab your under arm hair pendek kot?  I read you need at least a certain length of hair kal ...

nk try jgk la norah wax ni
i've tried cosway wax recently yg ade wax paper also
try kt armpit my gash damn it sakit gler plus the wax tinggal kt
armpit i n melekit teruk..jenuh i sapu the mnyk yg dtg with the packaging
tok bagi hilang lekit but still with the pain also

maybe buat sendiri kot jd mcm seksa yg sangat seksaaaa
tp byk lagi so nk tak nak i kene buat jgk la later..
my gash type mcm ni pun dh rasa ngilu pedih cik keti i

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Post time 6-3-2018 03:54 PM | Show all posts
chuols,, i g la benang utk breastpump kan sekali sendu la benang tu. heheehe. ingt nk tnye ape model best.

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Post time 6-3-2018 03:54 PM | Show all posts
eyelineronfleek replied at 4-3-2018 04:14 AM
Pernah , I ve tried a few places. Memang sakit hohohohoho. Everytime I go, I regret. Tapi bila dah ...

okla cancel nk beli norahwax tu wax my own ......
bler bubblegum wax nk open branch kt shah alam eh..
sbb i trust diorg je..


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