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226 pelajar cemerlang SPM 2023 Parlimen Sungai Buloh terima insentif. |
Worldwide, 12%—or 775 million adults—are considered functionally illiterate |
Approximately 90% of high school dropouts are on welfare. |
Approximately 115 million primary school-aged children around the world are not enrolled in school |
Approximately 44% of billionaires, 55.9% of Forbes’ most powerful women, and 85.2% of Forbes’ most powerful men attended elite colleges. |
131 warga asing, 1 majikan warga tempatan ditahan. |
The term “soap opera” was first recorded in 1939 as a derogatory term for daytime radio shows that were sponsored by soap manufacturers |
Luciano Pavarotti received 165 curtain calls on February 24, 1988, after singing in Donizetti’s L’elisir d’amore in Berlin. |
The seven Harry Potter books have sold nearly 500 million copies since the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 1997 |
The word "muggle" existed in the early to mid-1900s as a word for to describe pot smokers. |
Daniel Radcliffe broke about 80 wands during the filming of the Harry Potter movies because he would use them as drumsticks |
Kebankrapan korporat di Jepun meningkat sebanyak 22 peratus tahun ke tahun ke tahap tertinggi dalam sedekad pada separuh pertama tahun ini. |
Jumlah keseluruhan kebankrapan dari Januari hingga Jun mencecah 4,887, tertinggi sejak 2014, menurut laporan dalam talian terbaharu Teikoku Databank Jepun. |
Mengikut industri, industri perkhidmatan mencatat jumlah tertinggi dengan 1,228, diikuti runcit dengan 1,029 dan pembinaan dengan 917, menurut laporan data itu. |
Jumlah kebankrapan korporat dijangka meningkat lebih lanjut, mungkin melebihi 10,000 sepanjang tahun 2024. |
Pada bulan Jun sahaja, sejumlah 807 syarikat Jepun memulakan prosiding undang-undang penggulungan, menandakan bulan ke-26 berturut-turut pertumbuhan tahun ke tahun. |
Malaysia central bank keeps interest rate at 3%, citing inflation risks |
It would take a person approximately 18 hours and 20 minutes to watch all 8 Harry Potter movies in one sitting |
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Category: Negeri & Negara