Tidak Ada Kesan Dirogol, Kebocoran Usus Dan Stres Jadi Punca Kematian Nora Anne
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Kan. Tau xpe.
Dah tau anak kau cacat, tak reti nak jaga ke.
Bodoh punya kapir.

Suchi replied at 18-8-2019 04:31 PM
Yang ni saya pun tak tau kak, tapi kalau result lain mcm nk wat apa lg dgn mayat tu pun
Entah la.. Akak pun x tahu. Selalu tgk CSI. Biasa selagi semua result x keluar, body x release. Few years back, body pakcik akak pun diaorg x release sebab ada result apa ntah x dapat lagi.. Forensic cakap dah dpt result baru release. Tu meninggal kat hospital tu.. Bkn dijumpai mati memana mcm Nora Anne ni.
X sempat nak google lagi. |
Qatrunnadaain replied at 18-8-2019 04:55 PM
nampak mcm ambil berat tp at the same time even kalau buat banyak kali post mortem pun, masih susa ...
Kes konon Yen tu oun ambil masa juga polis nak reclassify kan walau bomba dah dpt bau petrol tu masa siasatan awal selepas kejadian. |
Qatrunnadaain replied at 18-8-2019 04:59 PM
haha perempuan esp, mmg natural detective kan.. by nature gitu, banyak je soalan nak tanya.. tu ya ...
Tadi tgh makan, akak baru terfikir.. Nak kena tengok juga mcmana cuaca sepjg 6 hari dia hilang dalam hutan dan masih bernyawa tu.. Dan dalam hutan bukan mcm taman yg terjaga pun. Keadaan bentuk mukabumi pun x rata.. Byk perkara yg boleh dipersoalkan kalau kita sendiri jadi geng investigator ni..Huhuhu... |
rayray28 replied at 18-8-2019 06:41 PM
Iols br tertengok kes deorr kunzz..terjadi tahun 2015..dia bwk anak dia g camping trip then sudden ...
July baru ni anjing milik PI yg family dia baru hire dpt detect kesan tu. Anjing ni memang digunakan utk detect tulang & gigi je. Bukan mayat yg decomposing. Tapi tu la.. After 4 years baru ada new findings gini.. Mcm heart wrenching pulak... A side of the family wants him to be found but when something’s found, merobek balik hati. But living wihout a closure is also deadly painful.. |
budakpink replied at 18-8-2019 07:35 PM
SEREMBAN, 18 Ogos (Bernama) -- Polis akan membuat post-mortem operasi mencari dan menyelamat (SAR) r ...
Some things are better kept away from the public. Mcm kes Yen tu.. Sampai wife buat surat minta hasil investigation dari bomba/polis hari tu kan.. Alasannya dia tidak diberitahu akan perkembangan kes tu.. Rupa2nya... Dia takut kantoi.. |
Kak-Leen replied at 18-8-2019 09:13 PM
Some things are better kept away from the public. Mcm kes Yen tu.. Sampai wife buat surat minta ha ...
Ini refer to case cradle ke? Kenapa yen? |
freyayong replied at 18-8-2019 10:21 PM
Ini refer to case cradle ke? Kenapa yen?
Yen tu nama panggilan arwah among family members. |
Edited by freyayong at 19-8-2019 08:57 AM
oh yeke... xtau pulak... ada update baru ke kes dia ni..
freyayong replied at 19-8-2019 08:55 AM
oh yeke... xtau pulak... ada update baru ke kes dia ni..
Masih dalam bicara lagi.. Tapi kes dia mcm x keluar dlm news.. Yg tertuduh pun elok duduk rumah sebab mampu bayar wang jaminan.. Anak org berada, apak pun ada pengaruh.. Untung la utk dia.. |
ok tq ! tu la tgk thread takde update ape pun.. interested to follow since i pernah work with both of them before diorg kawen...
Edited by melinda_kerr at 19-8-2019 09:50 PM
Update terkini:-
PETALING JAYA: The police are looking into claims by an Irish lawyer that the family of Nora Anne Quoirin was complicit in the teenager’s disappearance and death, FMT understands.
Authorities had attributed Nora Anne’s death to internal bleeding probably due to prolonged hunger and stress.
However, in a heated Facebook post this morning, lawyer Anne Brennan, who is also a child activist, accused the Quoirin family of doing “everything in their power to subvert the course of justice”.
Brennan said the family’s recent announcement that they were leaving Malaysia with the teenager’s body was highly suspicious.
She also alleged that Nora Anne’s parents, Meabh and Sebastien Quoirin, had “high-tailed” it out of the country upon receiving a guarantee that they would not be investigated for any involvement in the teenager’s disappearance and death.
“(They) somehow convinced the Malaysian authorities to abandon their murder inquiry and release Nora’s body without producing the necessary forensic and toxicology reports that form part of every standard criminal death investigation,” she said.
Calling the entire matter a “cover-up”, Brennan said the Quoirins had given no account of their movements in the hours before they reported their daughter missing.
“All the simple routine things that happen in a missing child case and criminal investigation failed to happen in the case of Nora.”
Brennan also said the police had confirmed there was no evidence of a “third party” entering the family’s villa on the night Nora Anne was reported missing.
“There was no evidence of a struggle. No fingerprints, footprints, or screams. Nobody heard anything.
“Malaysian police said that Nora did not go alone. A third party was involved, and the third party was someone known to Nora.”
Nora Anne, who was reported missing on Aug 4, was found dead in a ravine about 2.5km from the resort where her family had been staying.
Police said small scratches were found on her feet but that the forensic pathologist who conducted the post-mortem had ruled that these would not have contributed to her death.
They also said there was no evidence of sexual assault or element of abduction or kidnapping.
On Aug 15, police arrested a 29-year-old man for alleging that Nora Anne was raped by an Orang Asli.
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melinda_kerr replied at 19-8-2019 09:48 PM
Update terkini:-
PETALING JAYA: The police are looking into claims by an Irish lawyer that th ...
Patutlah acik anne tak update lama fb dia |
Kak-Leen replied at 18-8-2019 09:11 PM
July baru ni anjing milik PI yg family dia baru hire dpt detect kesan tu. Anjing ni memang digunak ...
Iols baca bukan family meaning parents dia..fam lain and org awam juga funding kan |
Edited by mbhcsf at 20-8-2019 07:36 AM
“Malaysian police said that Nora did not go alone. A third party was involved, and the third party was someone known to Nora.”
>>>> ade beberapa forumner yg i baca depa dah cakap ada benda yg authorities tak release sebab case sensitive and tak nak nak suspcet terkejut dan buat taktik baru atau lari , kan?
mbhcsf replied at 19-8-2019 10:44 PM
“Malaysian police said that Nora did not go alone. A third party was involved, and the third part ...
Ni mcm kes bakar suami but claimed the hp blasted. Bomba & Polis x share the laest findings dgn wife arwah Nazrin. Melompat2 wife dia buat surat nakkan details of the investigation. Rupanya.... huhuhu |
melinda_kerr replied at 19-8-2019 09:48 PM
Update terkini:-
PETALING JAYA: The police are looking into claims by an Irish lawyer that th ...
good job, pdrm. memang tidak mengecewakan. polis kita memang power dalam crime investigation. i salute! |
melinda_kerr replied at 19-8-2019 09:48 PM
Update terkini:-
PETALING JAYA: The police are looking into claims by an Irish lawyer that th ...
Finally ada yg acknowledge acik hassanne punya theory ! Plot twist. |
Selalunya berapa lama baru dpt toxicology report ya? |
batmana replied at 16-8-2019 11:49 AM
SOP bunian tak kaco omputih le, dorg tk pndai speaking nk mengayat org irish/ireland/france
aku ...
Entah lah nak kata betul atau tak sebab aku tak pernah kena sorok jin tapi pak cik aku pernah kena menurut ayah aku. Tak tau la kalau pak cik aku tu reka cerita ke apa ke sebab budak2 kan.Tapi takut juga kalau parent dia sendiri terlibat sebab katanya tiada kesan ceroboh dalam bilik. Geng2 omputih ni nak tuding jenayah berlaku di malaysia dilakukan oleh rakyat tempatan last2 mereka sendiri tertuding dek jari sendiri. |
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