:setuju: dep tipu kat korang....
gue baru jumpa dia seminggu sebelum raya
ha ah... nampak kurus sket dari biasa....
dep ko tipu lagik aku lempang ko dep.....
opsss:nyorok: |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 7-11-2005 12:51 PM
semasa bulan ramadhan.. i manage to turun my weight abt 7kg.. ni ngah nak maintain aje..
SC, bestnye...apa rahsia u?? |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
itu hari kat bazaar...i saw the kuah nasi bryani dalam plastic...mak ooi minyak nya timbul banyak.
nak makan pun takut.... |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 7-11-2005 12:51 PM
semasa bulan ramadhan.. i manage to turun my weight abt 7kg.. ni ngah nak maintain aje..
erk :hmm:
awat tang yg gue nampak haritu tak turun pon...
opssss |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
kalo 7 kg kira alot jugak.... |
The human body was never meant to consume rice! You see, our genes have hardly changed in more than 30,000 years. However, our food choices and lifestyle have changed dramatically. The caveman would hardly recognize our food or way of life.
Caveman food was never cooked as fire was not yet tamed. Thus, he ate only those foods that you can eat without treatment with or by fire. He ate fruits, vegetables, fish (sushi anyone?), eggs, nuts and meat. Yes, even meat. You can even eat meat raw if you were starving in the forest. You have the necessary enzymes to digest meat.
However, rice, like wheat and corn, cannot be eaten raw. It must be cooked. Even if you were starving in the desert, you cannot eat rice in the raw form. This is because we do not have the system of enzymes to break rice down. You were never meant to eat rice. To make matters worse, you not only eat rice, but also make it the bulk of your food.
In some parts of Asia, rice forms up to 85% of the plate. Even if you take rice, keep it to a minimum. Remember, it is only for your tongue - not your body. Actually, rice and other grains like wheat and corn are actually worse than sugar. There are many reasons:
Rice becomes sugar - lots of it
This is a fact that no nutritionist can deny: rice is chemically no different from sugar. One bowl of cooked rice is the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. This does not matter whether it is white, brown or herbal rice. Brown rice is richer in fibre, some B vitamins and minerals but it is still the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. To get the same 10 teaspoons of sugar, you need to consume lots of kangkong - 10 bowls of it.
Rice is digested to become sugar.
Rice cannot be digested before it is thoroughly cooked. However, when thoroughly cooked, it becomes sugar and spikes circulating blood sugar within half an hour - almost as quickly as it would if you took a sugar candy. Rice is very low in the "rainbow of anti-oxidants"
This complete anti-oxidant rainbow is necessary for the effective and safe utilisation of sugar. Fruits come with a sugar called fructose. However, they are not empty calories as the fruit is packed with a whole host of other nutrients that help its proper assimilation and digestion.
Rice has no fibre. The fibre of the kangkong fills you up long before your
blood sugar spikes. This is because the fibre bulks and fills up your stomach. Since white rice has no fibre, you end up eating lots of "calorie dense" food before you get filled up. Brown rice has more fibre but still the same amount of sugar.
Rice is tasteless - Sugar is sweet. There is only so much that you can eat at one sitting. How many teaspoons of sugar can you eat before you feel like throwing up? Could you imagine eating 10 teaspoons of sugar in one seating?
Rice is always the main part of the meal - While sugar may fill your dessert or sweeten your coffee, it will never be the main part of any meal. You could eat maybe two to three teaspoons of sugar at one meal. However, you could easily eat the equal value of two to three bowls (20 - 30 teaspoons) of sugar in one meal. I am always amused when I see someone eat sometimes five bowls of rice (equals 50 teaspoons of sugar) and then asks for tea tarik kurang manis!
There is no real "built in" mechanism for us to prevent overeating of rice
How much kangkong can you eat? How much fried chicken can you eat? How much steamed fish can you eat? Think about that! In one seating, you cannot take lots of chicken, fish or cucumber, but you can take lots of rice. Eating rice causes you to eat more salt.
As rice is tasteless, you tend to consume more salt - another villain when it comes to high blood pressure. You tend to take more curry that has salt to help flavor rice. We also tend to consume more ketchup and soy sauce which are also rich in salt.
Eating rice causes you to drink less water. The more rice you eat, the less water you will drink as there is no mechanism to prevent the overeating of rice. Rice, wheat and corn come hidden in our daily food. As rice is tasteless, it tends to end up in other foods that substitute rice like rice flour, noodles and bread. We tend to eat the hidden forms which still get digested into sugar. Rice, even when cooked, is difficult to digest
Can't eat raw rice? Try eating rice half cooked. Contrary to popular belief, rice is very difficult to digest. It is "heavy stuff". If you have problems with digestion, try skipping rice for a few days. You will be amazed at how the problem will just go away.
Rice prevents the absorption of several vitamins and minerals. Rice when taken in bulk will reduce the absorption of vital nutrients like zinc, iron and the B vitamins.
Are you a rice addict? Going rice-less may not be easy but you can go rice-less. Eating less rice could be lot easier than you think. Here are some strategies that you can pursue in your quest to eat less rice:
Eat less rice - Cut your rice by half. Barry Sears, author of the Zone Diet, advises "eating rice like spice".
Instead, increase your fruits and vegetables.
Take more lean meats and fish.
You can even take more eggs and nuts.
Have "riceless" meals. Take no rice or wheat at say, breakfast. Go for eggs instead.
Go on "riceless" days - Go "western" once a week.
Take no rice and breads for one day every week. That can't be too difficult. Appreciate the richness of your food. Go for taste, colors and smells. Make eating a culinary delight. Enjoy your food in the original flavors.
Avoid the salt shaker or ketchup. You will automatically eat less rice.
Eat your fruit dessert before (Yes! No printing error) your meals.
The fibre rich fruits will "bulk up" in your stomach. Thus, you will eat less rice and more fruits.
[ Last edited by sal_bole at 8-11-2005 01:52 PM ] |
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matz_rockz This user has been deleted
dah lama tak minum celery juice.... |
Well..... i jog 6-11km a day....
Calories...taste good |
Originally posted by tiffy_hb at 15-1-2006 08:41 PM
Well..... i jog 6-11km a day....
Calories...taste good
save duit tambang bas |
Originally posted by tiffy_hb at 15-1-2006 08:41 PM
Well..... i jog 6-11km a day....
Calories...taste good
6-11km a day?
tiap2 hari ke?
terror eh... aku 100 meter agak dah pancit..:kant: |
Nak kongsi sikit petikan dari akhbar harian:-
Gaya hidup tidak banyak bergerak seperti yang kita lalui kini tidak memerlukan banyak tenaga. Justeru, tidak mustahil kita terperangkap dalam kemelut berat badan berlebihan jika amalan pemakanan lama yang banyak tenaga masih diamalkan.
Ini kerana tenaga berlebihan daripada makanan disimpan dalam badan sebagai lemak. Penimbunan lemak secara berterusan (akibat banyak makan dan kurang bersenam) menyebabkan jarum penimbang laju bergerak ke arah kanan dan bagi kebanyakan orang, jika sudah ke kanan, sukar pula jarum ini mengesot ke kiri!
Tidak mengapa jika hanya berat badan bertambah, tetapi ia biasanya disusuli pelbagai penyakit berbahaya seperti tekanan darah tinggi, kencing manis, serangan jantung dan strok.
Kajian menunjukkan 1.9 juta kematian di seluruh dunia disebabkan kurang bersenam. Gaya hidup tidak aktif mendedahkan seseorang itu berdepan 1.5 kali risiko mendapat penyakit jantung.
揗inum banyak air masak. Jadikan minum air masak itu sebagai tabiat. Jangan tunggu hingga mulut kering atau terasa dahaga baru hendak minum kerana itu antara tanda akhir badan kekurangan air. Air membolehkan organ berfungsi dengan cekap dan membantu menyingkir bahan buangan, |
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sudan kering
minum air bebanyak tau
:bgrin: |
Originally posted by LoLiPoP at 21-1-2006 08:48 PM
sudan kering
minum air bebanyak tau
Insyallah....sini musim sejuk sekarang, tak tahan sejuk gila nih!!!!! :kant: |
Petikan dari Harian Metro kalau sesiapa malas nak membeleknya:-
Kolesterol tinggi hempedu ada batu
揂PABILA penyakit itu menyerang, saya tak dapat gambarkan bagaimana sakitnya, sampai pada satu ketika saya tergolek di atas lantai. Walaupun kesakitannya hanya 10 hingga 15 minit, ia sangat 憈ajam |
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Originally posted by sal_bole at 8-11-2005 01:50 PM
The human body was never meant to consume rice! You see, our genes have hardly changed in more than 30,000 years. However, our food choices and lifestyle have changed dra ...
ala...aku tak perasan lak... baru aku go thru perasan...
ni pada aku la eh - korang tau tak? kadang2 eh, tulisan2 perubatan ni kan, ada putar belit tau..
contoh, cam company2 wheat ni kan, dorang nak the world makan more wheat, and jangan makan rice, so dorang bayar la medical2 staff ni semua buat research,
so medical2 staff ni smua dah dibayarkan untuk research, so dorang lebih condong ke benda lain, dan imejkan rice sebagai cam negative gitu... |
Mexican man weights more than half a tonne
Condition puzzles health experts
Desperate, he pleads for help
January 23, 2006
HELP me, I don't want to die.
That's the plea from Mexico's fattest man to the country's medical community.
Mr Manuel Uribe wants to have some of his weight removed surgically so he can embark on a diet and exercise plan.
He estimates that he weighs 550kg - about the weight of eight people combined - but is unable to leave his house to get himself weighed.
He spends his days lying in bed, unable even to sit up without help. He has not left his house in five years and relies on his mother to care for him.
Mr Uribe fears he will die if doctors do not agree to operate on him.
'I don't want to die. But for that, I need assistance, that's why I'm appealing to the scientific community,' he said in Spanish on Mexican television.
Mr Uribe, 40, told The Reporters show that he had been morbidly obese for almost 20 years.
He said that he had been big as a teenager - 130kg and 1.94m tall - but had been able to work hard and spent several years working in the US.
But at 22, his weight suddenly ballooned.
'I just grew bigger,' he said.
'Without being able to stop, I became obese very quickly. I believe it is a glandular problem.'
'When I could walk, I used to go to a public scale. The last time, five years ago, I weighed 380kg.
'Today, I must weigh 550kg. I cannot weigh myself any more.'
He said his wife left him when he became too fat to work.
'Perhaps she thought I was going to die anyway, so she chose to divorce me and go to the US,' he said.
Mr Uribe added that he is currently on a diet, but believes his weight is continuing to increase.
He told the TV show that doctors had told him it would be possible to remove some of his weight through surgery, especially from his legs.
'I will do what they tell me to do. I have a great desire to live. I want to go out,' he said.
In response to his televised appeal for help on Monday, the Secretary of Health for the northern Mexican state of Leon, Mr Gilberto Montiel, visited Mr Uribe and told him that the state would pay for the tests required to determine what treatment he could receive.
Initial tests conducted at Mr Uribe's home this week found that he did not suffer from diabetes, high cholesterol or hypertension.
He added that he was surprised by the findings and was arranging for medical specialists to visit Mr Uribe. |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
was passing by this village in bali,saw many old folks....some in their 70's....they can still go to the sawah under the hot sun.
kat singapore,our parents in their 60's...spare part sana sini sua rosak.
is it the food that we eat ??? |
More Singaporeans taking up yoga
Yoga is an ancient art but it has recently twisted its way into the modern Singaporean lifestyle.
It has become so popular that it was ranked as one of the top 10 activities in a recent sports participation survey.
In Singapore, the rise of yoga from its relative obscurity just a few years ago can be seen in the mushrooming of yoga centres and followers.
There are now more than 20 types of yoga, catering to every taste and style.
Doing yoga is more than for relaxation.
Through its many poses and moves, yoga also helps to improve coordination and flexibility as well as tone the muscles.
For some, there's the added advantage of therapeutic benefits.
Irene Thye, a True Yoga member, said: "When I work long hours at the computer, I can feel that my back is strained. After I did yoga for 7 months, I can feel the pain is relieved."
While women have taken to it in increasing numbers, the men do not want to be left out too.
Douglas Lam, a True Yoga member, said: "When I came here for the trial, I realise yoga is not as easy as it seems. Some of the postures are very difficult."
No worries, as there are various levels, from beginners to advance, according to your fitness and aptitude.
Even the little ones can be part of the regime, what with their more flexible bodies making it less painful.
Athletes too have reaped the benefits.
Golfer Mardan Mamat is a good example, with yoga playing a part in his historic win at the Singapore Masters.
Mardan's yoga trainer, Sukhdev Singh, said: "When he started the practice, his weight was 92kg. After 7 to 8 months' practice, he lost 8 to 9 kg. He is more flexible, stronger and calm. Because Mardan puts a lot of effort when he is here, he is now European Tour champion."
Whatever your reason for taking up yoga, one thing is certain - it is here to stay.
Experts say it is not a fad but rather a way of life which helps to balance one's emotions, minimise stress and optimise performance. - CNA/ir |
hari ni sokkabar omputeh ada gambar menteri undang2...sapa tu jayakumar ke sapa ntah...
dia ngah roller blading, deyni dah tua sey tapi dia roller blade..
dia cakap dia roller blade untuk improve dia punye sense of balancing...
nanti aku carik gambar dia aku scan |
korang nengok, dia umur dah 66 tahun tapi main benda ni eh...
waw!! :tq::tq:
aku lagi ngah nak gi cek doktor mintak downgrading pes rezebes :pray::pray::pray: |
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