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Author: terpaku

[GV3 Episod 8] NORA Tersungkur di Konsert Separuh Akhir! #BYEDIVA #OHNOKACANGPAN

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:00 AM | Show all posts
one_aiman replied at 27-11-2016 11:58 PM
ameng dapat dua lagu sendiri, xnak kecam ke?

astro nak cover balik kes Nora

pastu dorang nak cakap, ko drama lebih2 aku OUTkan ko wpun nyanyi best ...!!


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Post time 28-11-2016 12:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
doubleA replied at 27-11-2016 11:58 PM
Puas hati acik2 porem gayah2 porem nora tak ke final

hehehee perqsan tak malam ni nora nyanyi sedap pun org tak tepuk sangat, ko rasa ko bagus tapi buat perangai pelik2, mana ada org suka.

pergi la kau le sana nyanyi utk laki uolls tu. nak saman la apa la. bluergk   i

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:00 AM | Show all posts
wordlife replied at 27-11-2016 11:59 PM
Astro selamatkan Gmie over Nora?
what a miracle

best lagu2 Gimie....

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:00 AM | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 27-11-2016 11:59 PM
so puas hati tak ?

final kali ni tak de Battle...

kenapa Ameng nyanyi lagu2 sendiri?

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lagu yg azharina dpt tu dua dua lagu nike ardila ke? Coi la sape yg pilih?? X pnh dgr la lagu no 2 tu

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Intan n Sarah dapat lagu susah.
Zarul dapat lagu boring.
Tunggu apa kata astro kenapa Ameng dapat dua2 lagu sendiri.

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hunt_fear replied at 27-11-2016 11:59 PM
ummah malaysia akan hencap amenh dpt lagu sendiri tak?

Its depend la.. kalau dia zendiri pilih lagu tu

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Peliknya ameng dpt lagu sendiri. Mcm mana nak menang. Takkan la ameng yg pilih kan. pelik2

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
robinmosby replied at 27-11-2016 11:58 PM
Ameng ni jadi puppet ke nak cover drama si nora ni?

Saje la tu astro bg lagu sendiri kat ameng smpai dua2 lagu plak tuuu..nak cover acik nora la tuuu..nah suh netizen cakap ,kenape tak kecam ameng,nape kecam nora je poodahhhhhhhh...       

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM | Show all posts
Hahaha masa lagu2 Nike Ardilla Acik Nora perahsan dia punya

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM | Show all posts
Tgk gaya lagu tu mcm nk menangkn sarah aja
Tp okla sarah menang

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Macam propaganda jeeeee...motif nora keluar walaupun suara dia notbad tadi...walaupun aku tak suka still cam tak telus ameng dpt 2 lagu sendiri utk FINAL...heh propaganda nya

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sarah dpt dua lagu high note.konpem hazabedah....

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yeay lagu peberet iols
Arab n aidit

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kesian jugak dekat nora..hurmm apa apa pun nak buat macam mana kat situ je rezeki dia..

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saya suka

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ameng mcm tkjut n xpuas ati je dpt lgu sndri..ksian kt ameng astro pgunakn die utk nmpk xde drama....

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Suka intan suka daddy suka ameng..yeayyy

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lagu2 ameng bestnya...

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Post time 28-11-2016 12:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Alaa napa nora   yg keluar  

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