Tidak Ada Kesan Dirogol, Kebocoran Usus Dan Stres Jadi Punca Kematian Nora Anne
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Kak-Leen replied at 18-8-2019 02:25 PM
Akak pun ada persoalan juga sebenarnya. Tapi ada yg dah sebut. Sebab maknya oun cakap dia takkan k ...
oh kakak u tau tak td i ada baca satu post kt ig ohmulan ke ape ntah sal family anne kua dr malaysia tergesa2.i cuba nak husnuzon maybe sebab nak selesaikan kes anak cpt2 dan nak jumpa family sedara mara....tapi x best ade org komen kt ireland kalau ada ahli keluarga ninggal luar negara kuarga dpt apa ntah....i rs mcm makin sedih bila baca.....harap semua tu x btul....rs sedih mengenangkan nasib adik tu.......kaaan.....  |
Gituuu acik Hasanne mendunia masuk The Star   |
Qatrunnadaain replied at 18-8-2019 04:55 PM
nampak mcm ambil berat tp at the same time even kalau buat banyak kali post mortem pun, masih susa ...
Mak pak Nora ni ada hutang ke? Financial status deyols macamana? |
dramaking007 replied at 20-8-2019 06:58 PM
oh kakak u tau tak td i ada baca satu post kt ig ohmulan ke ape ntah sal family anne kua dr malays ...
Tuntut mayat di waktu tengah malam dan terus ke KLIa. Dan diaorg oun sekali balik.. X tunggu utk report tox siap pun.. Memang skrg zaman canggih. Tox report tu boleh email atau fax aje tapi kalau akak, mesti nak tunggu report.. Mayat anaknya tu dikebumi ke tak? Atau cremate aje? |
sharlenetexas replied at 20-8-2019 07:58 PM
Mak pak Nora ni ada hutang ke? Financial status deyols macamana?
Mana geng CSI forum yg selalunya ahead of the reporters ni?
dramaking007 replied at 20-8-2019 06:58 PM
oh kakak u tau tak td i ada baca satu post kt ig ohmulan ke ape ntah sal family anne kua dr malays ...
Dapat ape ye?? |
sharlenetexas replied at 20-8-2019 07:58 PM
Mak pak Nora ni ada hutang ke? Financial status deyols macamana?
mak dia top 100 influencer on LinkedIn as per some forummers' info.. ntahlah the financial position.. |
Sian la diknon tu. Mati kebulur dalam hutan |
Katanya the other side nk open investigation kt parents nora ni... kes kematian nora sgt fishy |
Rajin meols meronda area the dusun tp lupa pulak rimah mana si nora tu duduk |
Apa update terkini kes ni adakah sepi berlalu dibawa angin jaaaa |
Edited by trunks at 12-9-2019 04:32 PM
jalan2 pergi facebook Anne Brennan
nak tengok update kes..tak ada update dari dia
daripada 19 hb 8 haritu,,terbaca ada komen2
kat status dia..dia di tangkap?
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At a news conference, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Mazlan Mansor said the body was found beside a small stream about 2.5km from the Dusun eco-resort in southern Negeri Sembilan state where Nora had disappeared from.
He said the body, which "was not in any clothing", was found by volunteers registered with the rescue team.
The body had been airlifted to the hospital morgue to be identified by the family, and for an autopsy, Mr Mazlan said.
State police chief Datuk Mohamad Mat Yusof said the matter couldn’t be ascertained pending a full post-mortem report which was expected to be completed soon.
“The full post-mortem report is expected to be received next year."
so what the full POST MORTEM result ? |
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