[MERGED] Apa Sebenarnya Terjadi Selepas Melaka Diserang Portugis ?
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Reply #148 king_kenny's post
Bicara tentang maksud melayu yang bermakna lari itu menyebabkan saya teringat cerita benar kat sebuah felda kat Pahang.
Ada seorang peneroka berketurunan Jawa dari Selangor bersama anaknya menebas kawasan semak di dikebun mereka.Ketika menebas ada seekor Khinzir liar(babi hutan)masuk ke kebunnya.Berang dengan babi tersebut peneroka itu cuba menghalaunya.Babi hutan yang terkejut itu melintas dihadapan anaknya.Anaknya menjerit dalam bahasa Jawa."Babi melayu babi melayu.yang bermaksud babi lari.Akibatnya peneroka Jawa itu di belasah oleh seorang peneroka melayu yang berjiran kebun dengannya.
Satu lagi kisah benar yang juga terjadi di Pahang.Tentang istilah yob yang selalu digunakan oleh org Perak sebagai ganti panggilan abang.Seorang penjual ikan yang berasal dari Perak ditinju oleh seorang Pahang.Ini kerana niat murni beliau yang memanggil pelanggannya dengan panggilan Yob telah disalah tafsirkan.Yob atau yop dipahang adalah panggilan yang digunakan oleh orang Asli.Akibat menyangka penjual ikan tersebut menganggapnya sebagai org Asli orang Pahang itu terus meninju penjual ikan malang itu.Macam-macam ya. |
takde sambungan lagi ke cerita nih?? |
bukankah salah satu sbb kejatuhan melaka adalah kerana memutuskan hubungan dengan negara China? |
Originally posted by ra5101 at 20-12-2007 01:54 AM
bukankah salah satu sbb kejatuhan melaka adalah kerana memutuskan hubungan dengan negara China?
banyak sebab antaranya
# Dinasti Ming mengamalkan dasar tutup pintu dan ini menyebabkan kapal tidak dapat berlayar keluar dan masuk ke China.
# Dinasti Ming amat lemah dari segi Ekonomi dan Ketenteraan. |
Originally posted by TimahMulia at 20-7-2006 10:08 AM
Kak Tim minat sejarah, terutamanya sejarah Tanah Melayu dan sejarah Asia Tenggara. Minat sangat, sebab tu masa sekolah tu kawan-kawan Kak Tim tak boleh challange Kak Tim dalam mata pelajaran ... sama la kiter...orang slalu kata yg subject sejarah nie susah...tapi bg saya subject sejarah nie mcm cerita....kadang2 smpi terfikir mcmn la kehidupan diorang zaman dulu2.... |
wow interesting... tapi kan .. aku arsenyer dah banyak kali gak jalan2 kat muzium.. naper aku tak penah perasankan pemuras aka senapang melayu nieh... .. |
what? arabs invented waht?
the chinese invented gun powder and subsequently cannons in the late 13th century.
dude get your facts right
cheers |
The chinese had helped the portugese invade malacca is because the last ruling sultan of malacca, sultan mahmud syah had broken the friendship ties of this 2 country.
Ming reference documents suggested that Malacca should be returned to rightful owner. See below:
1403, Oct 28 - Ming court sends envoy to Melaka. 24.5b
1405, Oct 3 - Envoy sent by Bai-li-mi-su-la, ruler of country of Melaka, 46.2a-b
comes to court with Chinese envoy to offer tribute.
1405, Nov 11 - Mountain in Melaka enfeoffed as 'Mountain Protecting 47.4a-b
the Country'and inscription conferred.
1407, Oct 2 - Envoy sent by Melaka offers tribute. 71.1a
1407, Nov 20 - Noted that Melaka had complained to court that 72.4b-5a
Siam had been overbearing and had seized its seal.
1408, Oct 17 - Zheng He and others sent as envoys to Melaka and other 83.3b
1409, Feb 16 - Envoy sent by Bai-li-mi-su-la offers tribute to Ming court . 88.2a
1411, Aug 4 - Noted that Bai-li-mi-su-la was corning to court to 117.2a
offer tribute.
1411, Aug 14 - Bai-li-mi-su-la of Melaka comes to court with family 117.3b-4a
and attendants, totalling 540 persons.
1411, Oct 2 - King of Melaka banqueted and rewarded on departure. 119.2b-3a
1412, Jul 27 - Nephew of Bai-li-mi-su-la comes to offer tribute. 129.3a
1412, Oct 20 - Nephew departs on return home. Court sends eunuch 132.2a
envoy to confer rewards on king.
1412, Dec 18 - Zheng He and others sent as envoys to Melaka etc. 134.3a
1413, Sep 20 - Nephew of Bai-li-mi-su-la comes to court to offer tribute. 142.2b-3a
1413, Oct 1 - Noted that Melaka had asked court for Old Port 143.1b
Territory. Not given.
1414, Oct 5 - Mu-gan Sa-gan-di-er Sha, son of king of Melaka, comes 155.2b-3a
to court and advises that his father had died. Emperor orders that
Mu-gan Sa-gan-di-er Sha inherit position of king.
1415, Oct 11 - Envoy from Melaka offers tribute. 168.1b-2a
1416, Nov 19 - Envoy from Melaka offers tribute. 182.1a
1416, Dec 28 - Zheng He and others sent to reward king of Melaka 183.1a-2a
and others.
1418, Sep 3 - Elder brother of Mu-gan Sa-gan-di-er Sha, offers tribute. 203.1b
1419, Sep 23 - Envoys sent by Yi-si-han-da-er Sha, king of Melaka, 216.1a
offer tribute.
1419, Oct 30 - Ming court warns Siam against carrying out its plan to 217.1a-b
send troops against Melaka.
1420, Oct 19 - Envoy sent by king of Melaka offers tribute. 229.1b
1421, Feb 26 - Envoy sent by Melaka offers tribute. 233.5a
1423, Oct 24 - Envoys sent by Melaka arrive at capital. 263.2a
1424, Apr 20 - Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zha, king of Melaka, comes to Ming 269.3b
court, offers tribute and advises that his father had died and that he was now ruler.
1424, Apr 30 - King of Melaka departs on return home. 270.1b
1424, Dec 20 - Envoy sent by country of Melaka offers tribute. 5A.1b
1426, Jun 18 - Envoy sent by .Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zha offers tribute. 17.17a
1430, Jun 29 - Zheng He and others sent to take orders and 67.3b - 4a
rewards to ruler of Melaka and others.
1431, Mar 20 - Three chieftains from Melaka, who came to China on 76.6b - 7a
Samuderan ship, advise that their king wants to come to Court but has been
obstructed by country of Siam. Request that court sends orders restraining Siam.
Emperor orders that the three chieftains be sent home on Zheng He's ships.
1433, Nov 28 - Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe, king of Melaka, arrives in 106.1 1a-b
Nan-jing. Ordered to rest in Nan-jing until spring.
1434, May 26 - Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe and brother La-dian Ba-Ia 110.4b
offer tribute
1434, Jun 20 - Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe and others richly rewarded and 110.11a
depart on return journey home.
1435, April - La-dian Ba-la, sent by elder brother Xi-li Ma-ha-la-zhe 3.5a
offers tribute.
1435, Apr 28 - Emperor advises king of Melaka that Guang-dong 4.1a
province had been ordered to provide transport home for him and envoys from
other countries.
1439, Apr 23 - Envoy sent by country of Melaka offers tribute. 53.5b
1444, Dec 23 - Envoy sent by country of Melaka offers tribute. 123.3a
1445, Mar 28 - Envoy sent by country of Melaka offers tribute. 126.7a
1445, Apr 20 - Melaka envoy requests conferral of headwear and belt. 127.4a
1445, May 5 - Envoy from Melaka advises that king of Melaka, named 127.10a
Xi-li Ba-ma-xi-wa-er Diu-ba Sha wished to be provided with imperial letter of
protection for the country, as well as a ship in which to travel to China. Emperor
orders that a ship be provided.
1455, May 30 - Envoy sent by Su-lu-tan Wu-da-fo-na Sha, king of Melaka, 253.6a
offers tribute.
1455, Sep 4 - Envoy sent by country of Melaka offers tribute and requests 256.8a
replacement of ceremonial headwear and robes previously conferred upon their king,
which had been destroyed by fire.
1456, Jun 23 - Noted that Nai Ai, chief envoy from Melaka, had committed rape 266.8b
and then killed himself. Deputy envoy completed mission but on return journey officials
claimed that Nai Ai's children still had pearls and precious stones which should
have been given in tribute. Investigations ordered, but no such goods were found
in their possession.
1459, Jul 7 - Envoy sent by Su-dan Mang-su Sha, son of king of Melaka 304.2a
offers tribute.
1459, Sep 13 - Ming court sends envoy to enfeoff Su-dan Mang-su Sha, 306.5a-b
son of deceased Su-lu-tan Wu-da-fo-na Sha, as king of the country of Melaka.
1461, Apr 27 - Ministry of Rites notes that the ship on which the court envoys 326.4a-b
court envoys had been sent to Melaka had been damaged at sea and that the envoys
had been rescued by troops from Hai-nan. The presents for conferral had been
damaged and thus ministry suggested that new silks be provided and that envoys
continue on mission. Emperor approves proposal.
1467, Oct 30 - Noted that mission to enfeoff Su-lu-tan Wu-da-fo-na Sha 47.1a-b
had been completed some time previously.
1468, Nov 2 - Envoy sent by Melaka offers tribute. 59.5a
1469, Apr 25 - Envoy sent by Melaka offers tribute. 65.3a
1469, Jun 6 - Envoy from Melaka rewarded. 66.7a
1471, Nov 28 - Noted that persons from Fukien had sailed to Melaka 97.7b
and privately traded there.
1473, May 3 - Ryukyu envoy notes that a ship they had sent to Melaka 115.2a
to purchase tribute products had been damaged and was waiting in Fukien.
1475, Jan 21 - Court envoys to Champa, after being unable to enter 136.6a-b
Champa due to its occupation by Annam forces, sailed to trade in Melaka.
At this time, they returned with envoy from Melaka to offer tribute.
1475, Jun 9 - Envoy sent by Melaka offers tribute. Imperial orders 141.2b-3a
sent to Su-dan Mang-su Sha, lauding him for assisting Ming court envoy to Champa.
1481, Aug23 - Court sends envoy to go and enfeoff Ma-ha-mu Sha, 217.5a
son of Su-dan Mang-su Sha, as king of the country of Melaka.
1481, Aug27 - Envoys sent by country of Melaka offer tribute. 218.1a
Envoys request ceremonial headwear and belts. Approved by emperor.
1481, Sep 23 - Envoy from Melaka notes that in 1469/70, Melakan envoys 219.1a-b
returning from Chinese court had been captured and killed in Annam.
Also notes that Annam king, having captured Champa, intended to annex
Melaka's territory. Imperial orders sent to Melaka requiring it to train forces
to defend itself.
1481, Nov 6 - Noted that court envoys sent to Champa in 1478 had also 220.4a-b
gone to trade in Melaka before returning to China.
1484, Jan 26 - Court sends envoys to enfeoff Ma-ha-mu Sha as king 252.7a
of the country of Melaka. Ordered as ships in which envoys sent in 1481
had travelled had sunk and they had not reached there.
1485, Jun 25 - Noted that Samarkand envoys intended to return home via 266.3b
Melaka in order to purchase a lion to offer in tribute to China.
1485, Oct 7 - Deputy envoy sent by Ming court in 1484 to enfeoff 269.7a-b
king of Melaka advised that senior court envoy had died en route to Guang-dong.
Court orders that a new official be selected and that the mission proceed
to Melaka.
1487, Apr 16 - Deputy envoy who had been sent to country of Melaka 288.5b
returns with memorial from king of Melaka and other goods offered as presents.
1487, Apr 20 - Noted that A-li, a person from Mecca, had brought large 288.8a
amounts of goods in Melaka and accompanied court deputy envoy on his return
to China. Claimed that he wished to seek his brother in Yun-nan Emperor
considered him trader and ordered that he be sent back to Canton.
1489, Dec 10 - Noted that envoys from Samarkand had come to court via 32.4a-b
Melaka and Canton. Presented lions, parrots and other goods.
1503, Oct 27 - Noted that Ryukyu envoy who had been en route to Melaka 204.2a
had been shipwrecked off Hainan.
1504, Dec 26 - Noted that Ryukyu ship on voyage to Melaka to purchase 218.9a
tribute goods had sunk in Chinese waters.
1508, Dec 29 - Envoys sent by king of country of Melaka offer tribute 45.2b
Rewarded with dragon robes.
1509, Jan 2 - Melakan envoy asks that Guang-dong be ordered to repair 45.3b
their ship which had been damaged by typhoon. Approved by emperor.
1510, Mar 2 - Noted that one of the envoys from Melaka, who was originally 59.4b - 5a
from Jiang-xi in China, plotted together with Chinese officials in order to obtain false
seal with which to extort valuables from Brunei. Due to dispute, he killed his
accomplices. Discovered and executed.
1510, Sep 1 - Noted that ships from Melaka were subject to 65.8b-9a
proportional tax on their cargoes.
1514, Jun 27 - Noted that many of the aromatics, ivory etc traded in 113.2a
Guang-dong originated from Melaka and other SE Asian ports.
1520, Oct 23 - Noted that both the Fo-lang-ji (Portuguese) and Melaka 191.1b-2b
had submitted documents which required attention of emperor.
1521, Jan 13 - Noted that previously the Fo-lang-ji had seized Melaka 194.2b-3a
Chinese officials urged that Portuguese be ordered to return the seized territory.
1521, Jul25 - Envoys from Melaka offer tribute and are rewarded. 3.14b - 15a
1521, Aug 31 - Noted that previously the Portuguese had driven Sultan 4.27b
Mansur Shah away from Melaka. Portuguese then sent an envoy to Chinese
court, as did Melaka. Emperor orders that Portuguese return Melaka's territory.
1523, Apr 6 - Noted that previously Bie-du-lu (Pedro) had plundered Melaka. 24.8a-b
At this time he was captured in China.
1529, Nov 7 - Noted that previously the Fo-lang-ji person named 106.5a
Huo-zhe Ya-san was executed for acting illegally, and ships from Melaka
and Annam were barred from China.
1550, Sep 1 - Noted that previously fan persons from Melaka enticed Chinese 363.5b-6a
coastal people to accompany them on trading missions across the ocean. Subsequently,
they engaged in pillage and were executed.
1565, May 16 - Arrival noted of a yi chieftain who first claimed to be from Melaka 545.5a
and then said that he was from Pu-li-du-jia (Portugal).
* * *
1. This precis retains the concepts and terminology presented in the Ming Shi-lu. It therefore represents the Chinese court's perceptions of events, and should not be considered a critical summary of Melakan-Ming links.
2. In this listing, the numbers on the right indicate the juan and page numbers of the references in the respective shi-lu. The letters 'a' and 'b' indicate the recto (front) and verso (back) of the folio. Thus, 24.5b under Tai-zong refers to page 5 (verso) of juan 24 in the Tai-zong Shi-lu. ' " |
Balas #151 sayapghaib\ catat
Reply #74 HangPC2's post
pernah ada movie ni main kat tv, masa tu china ada meriam besar kan? sebab tu belanda tak boleh lawan |
Satu yg saya tak faham sampai sekarang,kenapa sejarah ketamadunan Melayu tidak banyak yg ditulis (melainkan yg seusia kitab Salalatus Salatin,Sejarah Melayu dll sekitar 2/3/4 ratus thn dulu)sedangkan tamadun Melayu sudah ribuan tahun usianya.Mustahil semua sejarah penulisan dimusnahkan penjajah.
Memandangkan usia tamadun yg lama,sekurang2nya ada penulisan ttg sejarah tamadun seawal kurun pertama lagi.Melayu bukan tidak ada tulisan bahkan setiap tamadun punya tulisan sendiri sebagai asas ketamadunan.Melayu punya tulisan rencong,palava dll sbl jawi,malah mungkin juga turut menggunakan tulisan sanskrit dll yg kita tak tahu,tapi dimanakah peninggalan catatan2 dr tulisan2 ini?
Teori saya,mungkin faktor penyimpanan rekod yg kurang baik boleh kita ambil sebagai penyebabnya.Maksudnya tulisan2 dulu yg cuma ditulis di atas bahan2 yg kurang baik/tahan lama menyebabkan rekod2 penulisan tidak dapat disimpan lama dan musnah ditelan zaman.Natijahnya kita kehilangan pengetahuan ttg peristiwa2 sejarah bangsa yg penting yg berlaku ratusan malah ribuan tahun dahulu. |
Reply #156 rempo's post
setuju pasal hal ni, tapi sejarah melayu penuh dengan perang.. time langkasuka/kedah tua, orang chola serang sampai hilang semua peninggalan..yan tinggal pon candi2 kecik.. tembok kota dan objek2 lain semua dihancurkan chola. Masa perang kemerdekaan kedah lak, siam pergi bakar semua manuskrip2 kerajaan kedah yang mungkin ribuan tahun usianya. Itu tak termasuk manuskrip yang terbakar bersama kapal raffles.
Yang tinggal sekarang, kiranya kitab/manuskrip tertua adalah Sejarah Melayu. Batu bersurat tertua lak Batu Bersurat Terengganu tu.. Gomen lak lebih suka fokus dekat Melaka,sbb catatan mengenai melaka lebih banyak.. Sedih kan? |
Reply #157 dCrook's post
lagi satu, semangat kenegerian dan fokus lebih kepada org2 di pantai barat juga anatara faktornya |
sedutan dari http://themalaypress.blogspot.com/2008/11/fikirkan-metallurgy-melayu-asal-dari.html
Tidak bergantung pada keris
Orang Melayu tidaklah bodoh benar, bergantung kepada keris, tombak dan sumpit semata2 bila berperang (seperti yang digambarkan oleh sejarawan barat dan tempatan). Mereka juga normal, mempelajari seni besi dan sebagainya untuk menunaikan ajaran dan tuntutan Islam yang berkehendakkan umatnya bersedia menguasai teknologi dan berilmu.
Memang benar, keris dan pedang adalah hasil produk pertukangan pandai besi Melayu, tetapi bukan itu sahaja, pandai besi kita telah pun mahir dalam mengadunkan campuran besi untuk dibuat meriam.
Oleh itu, janganlah nampak keris sahaja sebagai senjata utama, sehingga jumud dan akhirnya membawak kepada unsur2 tahyul khurafat dan mistik seperti kisah Hang Tuah dan Tamingsari. Untuk pengetahuan pembaca, pada kurun ke 15, orang melayu telah pun menguasai teknologi meriam-bedil kalau pun tidak menggunakan senapang.
(Walaupun mempunyai kelengkapan meriam, Raja Melaka memang patut kalah dengan Portugis pada 1511 yang datang atas arahan Maharaja Siam Islam, kerana tarafnya adalah raja daerah sahaja bukannya sultan sebuah empayar Islam yang besar yang pada masa itu yang berpusat di Ayuthia, Siam. Portugis pula bukan penjajah, hanya meletakkan 'base'nya atas perkenan Maharaja Siam Islam sahaja. Dan memang angkatan Portugis 'report' dan akur pada kerajaan Siam Islam di Ayuthia pada waktu itu. Memang silap kalau sejarah kita mengambil 1511 sebagai tahun kejatuhan Empayar Melayu, kerana pusat empayar Islam itu sebenarnya di Ayuthia @ Shahru Nuri).
Ini memang diakui oleh pihak Portugis sendiri, yang mana memang terdapat kelengkapan meriam yang banyak sewaktu mereka mematahkan pemberontakan raja daerah Melaka. Bukti ini menunjukkan teknologi meriam sewaktu itu sudah menyeluruh ke Semenanjung Melaka, sehinggakan raja daerah pun memiliki kelengkapan tersebut.
*Jika benar Portugis itu penjajah, duduk tanpa kebenaran, sudah lama kota A Famosa yang seketul itu dikromok dan dihancurkan oleh meriam2 angkatan Islam Siam, Acheh, Majapahit, Pasai, Mindanao, Patani dan lain-lain lagi.
*Ingris hanya masuk menjajah empayar Islam di Semenanjung Melaka pada awal abad ke 19, setelah berjaya membunuh Maharaja Siam Islam Sultan Long Jaafar 1876 melalui tipu daya, seperti mana mereka membuang Maharaja Moghul India ke Burma. Jika tidak susah juga.
lagi sedutan dari http://themalaypress.blogspot.com/2008/11/fikirkan-semenanjung-melaka-1782.html
Jumaat, 2008 November 14Fikirkan: Semenanjung Melaka 1782
[size=85%] Mana pergi Semenanjung Tanah Melayu? (Peta Perancis)
By 1795, Blumenbach added another race called 'Malay' which he considered to be a subcategory of both the Ethiopian and Mongoloid races
- I wish to call it the Malay, because the majority of the men of this variety, especially those who inhabit the Indian islands close to the Malacca peninsula, as well as the Sandwich, the Society, and the Friendly Islanders, and also the Malambi of Madagascar down to the inhabitants of Easter Island, use the Malay idiom.[2]
Jika ada tulisan mengatakan 'Malayan Peninsula', penulis akan refer balik kepada 'peta lama' untuk memastikan fakta dan mendapatkan keputusan. Maklumat di Wiki boleh diedit maka ia akan mengurangkan integriti sesuatu fakta itu berbanding peta lama (bukan sumber British).
1782 - Francis Light belum masuk Pulau Pinang lagi.
"A sum of 565 names, 484 in America and 81 in Canada, of villages, towns, cities, mountains, lakes, rivers and etcetera, are etymologically Arabic, designated by locals long before the arrival of Columbus. Many of these names are in fact the same as names of Islamic places; Mecca in Indiana, Medina in Idaho, Medina in New York, Medina and Hazen in North Dakota, Medina in Ohio, Medina in Tennessee, Medina in Texas, Medina and Arva in Ontario, Mahomet in Illinois and Mona in Utah, are just a few noticeable names at the outset. A closer analysis of the names of native tribes will immediately reveal their Arabic etymological ancestry; Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Arikana, Chavin, Cherokee, Cree, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Makkah, Mohician, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu, and Zuni are only a few."
Semua penduduk asal benua Amirika telah pun bernama, tetapi dikelaskan sebagai Red Indian oleh Columbus dan digelaran itu diguna pakai oleh 'scholars' hingga ke hari ini.
Jika begitu, adakah konsep Language Based Nation yang yang digunakan oleh Stamford untuk merangkumkan dan mengkelaskan semua kaum di Malaya yang terdiri daripada Melayu, Boyan, Banjar, Jawa, Rawa, Bugis, Acheh, Siam, Mendeleng, Bangkahulu, Patani, Batu Bara, Jambi, Riau, Minang, Arab, ****** dan lain-lain lagi sebagai satu bangsa Bangsa Melayu @ The Malay itu meniru idea Red Indian Columbus?
Mungkin betul juga, apa yang penulis pasti, tiada bangsa peribumi dinegara lain yang mempunyai keistimewaan 'tanah reserved' seperti Red Indian Amirika melainkan orang Melayu; dalam pada masa yang sama menjadi miskin akibat dipinggirkan* dari arus pembangunan oleh penjajah. Adakah itu menunjukkan kelebihan atau kelemahan ?
Sebab itu ada juga terdengar cakap2 penghujungnya orang Melayu di Malaysia masuk hutan macam Red Indian. Ada juga persamaannya tu...FELDA contohnya. Realitinya?
Bagaimana susahnya kita hendak membuang konsep Red Indian itu dari 'mindset', begitu jugalah halnya dengan konsep Bangsa Melayu yang disogokkan kepada kita. Berat hati penulis untuk menerima kenyataan, jika itulah hakikat sebenar kisah konsep Bangsa Melayu yang digula-gulakan oleh Ingris dan agen-agennya.
end. |
pasal kisah tun fatimah n anak dia td blh explain sket lg tak..t.fatimah ada anak tk dgn sultan mahmud sbb yg saya tau dia mmg tk nk hamil pun dr baka sultan ini |
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