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Author: ajami


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 Author| Post time 28-12-2009 02:43 AM | Show all posts
220# Selma_Jeskova

Wakaka! B for BIMBO!!!
Pacik rasa konklusi mu ini paling jitu! ai laikkk! :pompom:!

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Post time 28-12-2009 08:29 AM | Show all posts
aku dah tgk movie ni in 3D minggu lepas kat cineplex damansara memang supreb rs mcm btl2 ajer diorang tu semua kat depan kiter....CGI effects dia pergh tak terkata...aku suka btl scene diorang semua berperang lawan manusia.......yang bestnya dlm filem ni takde tunjuk negara lain jahat....US baik....tapi dia tunjuk askar US tu sendiri yang jahat.....

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Post time 28-12-2009 08:55 AM | Show all posts
Inhabitants of the Sci-Fi world Pandora in the movie Avatar, speak, as you might expect, a language alien to humans. Its creator, Dr. Paul Frommer, who sports a doctorate in linguistics, calls the language Na’vi. He recorded his creation for the actors to listen to on their iPods in preparation for roles in the film.

Paul Frommer, creator of Na'vi languageHe and the actors worked together with dialect coach Carla Meyer. While on the set, Frommer’s role was to help the actors with pronunciation and coach them between takes. If the situation called for new dialog, Frommer had to construct it on the spot. Commissioned by Director James Cameron, the language was designed to be appealingly pleasant to the ear, with a consistent sound system, morphology, orthography, and syntax.

Composer James Horner faced the challenge of integrating the new language into his soundtrack for the movie. Not only did the actors need to learn Na’vi, but the singers had to perfect the pronunciations too. Learning Na’vi for real, and not just by rote, means learning grammar – remember those grammatical diagrams in high school? This is a noun; this is the properly conjugated verb; this is an adjective. During one impromptu situation, Frommer had to come up with two adjectives, "big" and "blue," and one new noun "butt," so the character Jake could explain what had happened to his. All in all, Frommer came up with around 1,000 words for his new language.

No one outside of Avatar is speaking Na’vi yet, but Frommer has hopes that like the guttural Klingon, constructed for Star Trek, the melodious Na’vi might take on a life of its own outside the theater. He describes Klingon, invented by another linguist, Marc Okrand, as the "gold standard for this alien language niche." He commented on the earlier alien language in an NPR interview: "Klingon is an incredible language. It's a difficult language … There's a translation of "Hamlet" into Klingon. So if Na'vi ever achieved anything close to that I'd be absolutely delighted." Frommer is quite familiar with Klingon, he included an exercise in deciphering it in a linguistics workbook.

In developing Na’vi, Dr. Frommer drew from his knowledge of various languages, including that of the country of Malaysia, Malay. However, he points out that his invention is "very eclectic, so it has a grammatical system which is found in some languages, and it has certain sound elements that are found in other languages, but it does not follow any one particular language." He went into greater explanation of the sounds involved in the speech during an interview with Vanity Fair. He said that he "added a little spice to the language" called ‘ejectives’ that are popping sounds like ‘tx-ooo,’ and ‘tx-aaa’.’’ Ejectives are in several languages, including Native American and African.

Dr. Frommer spent four years piecing his invention together for the movie, and has continued the work for the Avatar video game for Ubisoft. When asked for an example of Na’vi, Frommer provided: "Kaltxì. Ngaru lu fpom srak?" which he translates literally as "Greetings. Do you have a sense of well-being?" or as you and I would say, "Hello, how are you?" Another phrase noted in TIMES Online is my favorite: Fìskxawngìri tsap’alute sengi oe, which they translate as "I apologize for this moron."

Language, 3D graphics, tall blue aliens, and totally cool aircraft all are shaping up to what Cameron hopes will be a blockbuster. Avatar opens December 18, or December 17, if you live on European continent.

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Post time 28-12-2009 09:29 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cik_seri_dawn at 28-12-2009 13:58

Two Thumbs Up! berbaloi tunggu, n tengok.. the 3D exprience are breathtaking,
aku sampai nk tepis habuk dan nk tangkap d floating creature ok.. JC wrockss!!

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Post time 28-12-2009 10:15 AM | Show all posts
220# Selma_Jeskova

Wakaka! B for BIMBO!!!
Pacik rasa konklusi mu ini paling jitu! ai laikkk! :pompom:!
ajami Post at 28-12-2009 02:43


but no offence for those yg menggemari cerita mcm is strictly my personal opinion


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Post time 28-12-2009 10:38 AM | Show all posts
Memang berbaloi2 wlpon byr rm16 utk 3D...huhuhu.. :pompom:

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Post time 28-12-2009 11:29 AM | Show all posts
Dini baru jer tgk avatar hari sabtu lepas kat sunway pyramid...

memang tak rugi tgk citer nie.....super duper superb gilerrrrrrr...
sepanjang 2 jam setengah memang langsung x boring sebab penuh dgn adegan action....anak dini pun concentrate jer tgk......dia pun teruja....hehehe

ada gak beberapa scene tu....terasa meremang bulu roma....memang best lahh...

cadang nak tgk sekali lagi sabtu ni...x puas lah.....

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Post time 28-12-2009 11:52 AM | Show all posts
ai dah tgk citer neh...
apa yg ai boleh kata plot cerita 100% follow skima plot pilim hollywood blockbuster....
nothing new in the plot.. no twist and turn...cliche all over the place
apa yg boleh  ...
Selma_Jeskova Post at 27-12-2009 22:33

Uols mmg sincere gitu, i agree. Curlast rating uols... B for Bimbo :pompom:...

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Post time 28-12-2009 11:58 AM | Show all posts
sebelum citer ni start...GSC ade tyg trailer citer Alice in Wonderland 3D...ade budak tu nangis bile muke kucing gatal dlm citer alice tibe2 muncul depan muke....dahla budak tu tgh pakai spek 3d tu...huhuh..xhenti2 nanges...naisb baik time stat citer dier dah stop..

Use magic Report

Post time 28-12-2009 12:15 PM | Show all posts
teringt kat citer hindi ni time tgk avatar smlm..


Use magic Report

Post time 28-12-2009 01:34 PM | Show all posts
aku tgk cite neh 2 kali kat wyg

bagi aku memang la cgi tu best,tapi yang paling best nye moral of the story,emotion yang dimainkan oleh watak2 cite ni especially neytiri tu

mata die,muke die,emotion die,pergh menjadi!!!

Use magic Report

Post time 28-12-2009 02:01 PM | Show all posts
nak tengok buat kali ke 2...InsyaALLAH...powerful film to date

Use magic Report

Post time 28-12-2009 03:18 PM | Show all posts
best ceta ni!!!!

Use magic Report

Post time 28-12-2009 07:30 PM | Show all posts
okey je pada aku. takda apa2 yg memorable melainkan cginya yg very2 fantastic. tapi ada juga part yg buat aku sedih

Use magic Report

Post time 28-12-2009 08:27 PM | Show all posts
sape yang dah tengok filem ni better tengok District 9. tema yang sama tentang Imperialisme.

Use magic Report

Post time 28-12-2009 08:49 PM | Show all posts
Aku bg 5 bintang... Best giler...
Camna pengarah dia blh dpt idea camtu...

Use magic Report


Post time 28-12-2009 10:02 PM | Show all posts
sape yang dah tengok filem ni better tengok District 9. tema yang sama tentang Imperialisme.
adi_iskandar Post at 28-12-2009 20:27

Mmg best D9, tapi aku pelik kenapa mothership yg mulfunction/powerless tuh tak jatuh ke bumi, beribu tan but just stay up there in the air for 20 years defying gravity. Opps.. off topic

Use magic Report

Post time 29-12-2009 12:00 AM | Show all posts
sapa punya mechwarrior paling best ?

District 9

The Matrix APU

Avatar Sut

Use magic Report

Post time 29-12-2009 08:47 AM | Show all posts
Agak2 org pakai spek boleh tgk x version 3d?

muat ke spek ak nak pakai spek 3d tu lagi?

Use magic Report

Post time 29-12-2009 10:11 AM | Show all posts
Agak2 org pakai spek boleh tgk x version 3d?

muat ke spek ak nak pakai spek 3d tu lagi?
nameloo Post at 29-12-2009 08:47

cbut la spek ko tu..ade angkel sblh aku cbut je spek dier.pakai 3d punye..nmpk je...

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