Sokkabar msia...
korang baca...Sedih betul ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
Dalam Negeri
Jururawat hamil anak kembar 8 bulan maut dalam nahasOleh: AZMAN IBRAHIM
MELAKA 15 Feb. - Seorang jururawat yang hamil lapan bulan terbunuh bersama kandungan kembarnya apabila motosikal dibonceng dirempuh sebuah kenderaan dipandu lelaki 73 tahun di lampu isyarat Jalan Dato Md. Zin, Cheng, dekat sini pagi ini.
Fazlina Mohamed, 27, yang dijangka melahirkan anak kembar sulungnya dalam masa tidak sampai dua minggu lagi, gagal diselamatkan walaupun suaminya cuba mendapatkan bantuan daripada para pemandu yang melalui tempat kejadian.
Hanya selepas 20 minit barulah ada pemandu yang bersimpati ingin membantu. Namun, sudah terlambat, mangsa meninggal dunia ketika dikejarkan ke Hospital Melaka.
Suami mangsa, Mohamad Azmi Sulaiman, 27, dan seorang penunggang lain, cedera ringan dan dirawat sebagai pesakit luar.
Ketua Jabatan Ketenteraman Awam dan Trafik negeri, Supritendan Onn Ahmad berkata, kemalangan kira-kira pukul 6.45 pagi itu berlaku ketika dua buah motosikal terbabit berhenti kerana lampu isyarat merah.
Bagaimanapun katanya, sebuah kenderaan pacuan empat roda yang datang dari belakang terus merempuh dua motosikal berkenaan.
Beliau berkata, kemalangan berlaku ketika Fazlina dan suaminya dalam perjalanan dari rumahnya di Jalan Rambai 17, Taman Rambai Jaya ke tempat kerja di Hospital Melaka di sini.
Menurutnya, mangsa meninggal dunia akibat kecederaan dalaman yang serius pada tulang belakang dan bahagian perut.
``Kenderaan pacuan empat roda itu telah merempuh belakang motosikal dinaiki mangsa selain sebuah lagi motosikal yang berhenti ketika lampu isyarat berwarna merah.
``Sebaik sahaja kemalangan berlaku, suami mangsa cuba meminta pertolongan daripada para pemandu lain yang melintasi kawasan berkenaan tetapi gagal.
``Hanya selepas 20 minit barulah ada pihak yang ingin membantu membawa mereka ke hospital.
``Saya berasa cukup kesal dengan sikap masyarakat yang pentingkan diri sendiri dan tidak mahu menghulurkan bantuan,'' katanya di sini hari ini.
Mohamad Azmi yang juga berasal dari Kota Bharu, Kelantan merupakan seorang anggota tentera dari Renjer 8 Kem Terendak di sini.
Suami mangsa telah membuat laporan pada pukul 11 pagi ini di Ibu Pejabat Daerah (IPD) Melaka Tengah manakala pemandu kenderaan pacuan empat roda berkenaan, Lim Sing Chian, 73, membuat laporan polis kira-kira 11.40 pagi di balai yang sama.
Sing Chian bagaimanapun ditahan di IPD Melaka Tengah bagi membantu siasatan.
Sing Chian dikatakan dalam perjalanan dari rumahnya di Cheng Baru menuju ke Lorong Pandan.
Pemandu itu dipercayai gagal mengawal kenderaannya lalu merempuh motosikal yang dinaiki mangsa.
Sementara itu, Mohamad Azmi ketika ditemui melahirkan rasa kecewa dengan sikap orang ramai yang tidak mahu memberikan pertolongan.
``Orang ramai tidak mempunyai belas kasihan terhadap isteri saya yang sarat mengandung dan terbaring di tepi jalan kerana terlibat dalam kemalangan,'' katanya.
Menurut Mohamad Azmi, isterinya yang dijangka melahirkan anak kembar 1 Mac nanti mungkin dapat diselamatkan sekiranya dikejarkan ke hospital serta-merta.
``Saya amat berterima kasih kepada seorang pakcik yang tidak dikenali kerana sudi menumpangkan arwah Fazlina dan saya untuk ke Hospital Melaka selepas 20 minit gagal mendapatkan pertolongan.
``Saya anggap ini semua sebagai takdir dan ia adalah dugaan Tuhan.
``Saya juga perlu banyak bersabar dan menenangkan hati sendiri kerana kejadian yang berlaku hari ini sebenarnya tidak dijangka sama sekali kerana arwah langsung tidak menunjukkan sebarang perubahan,'' katanya.
Menurut Mohamad Azmi, jenazah arwah isterinya akan dibawa pulang dan dikebumikan di kampung halamannya di Kota Bharu petang ini. |
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 16-2-2005 10:16 AM:
Sokkabar msia...
korang baca...Sedih betul ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
Dalam Negeri
Jururawat hamil anak kembar 8 bulan maut dalam nahasOleh: AZMAN IBRAHIM
MELAKA 15 Feb. - Seorang jururawat yan ...
iishh...after 20 mins baru ada org nak tolong?!?!...tat 20 mins mungkin dpt selamatkan nyawa jururawat tu....iisshhh... |
Baca yang BHM pulak ni...
patut la aku heran apsal the apek yang bawak 4WD tu tak tolong...
patut dia langgar, dia hantar la hospital ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
and then cam kat artikel cakap apek tu cam not following trafic rules gitu...
Wanita sarat mengandung anak kembar maut nahas
Oleh Daud Awang
MELAKA: Hasrat seorang anggota tentera untuk menimang cahaya mata berkecai apabila isterinya yang sarat mengandung anak kembar, terbunuh dalam kemalangan ketika membonceng motosikalnya, di lampu isyarat Pasaraya Cowboy, Batu Berendam pagi semalam.
Dalam kejadian pada jam 7.05 pagi itu, Fazlina Mohamed (gambar), 27, yang dijangka melahirkan anak kembar lelaki bulan depan, meninggal dunia dalam perjalanan ke Hospital Melaka (HM) selepas menunggu hampir setengah jam untuk mendapatkan bantuan.
Bayi dalam kandungannya tidak dapat diselamatkan selepas mangsa tercampak daripada motosikal Mohammad Azmi Sulaiman, 27, yang berlanggar dengan Perodua Kembara.
Mohammad Azmi yang bertugas di Kem Sungai Udang pula cedera di kepala.
Fazlina yang bertugas sebagai jururawat di Wad Bersalin HM, berasal dari Kota Bharu Kelantan dan mengandung anak sulung. Pasangan itu yang menetap di Taman Rambai Jaya, Bukit Rambai dekat sini, berkahwin pada Jun tahun lalu.
Ketua Jabatan Ketenteraman Awam dan Trafik negeri, Superintendan Onn Ahmad, berkata kemalangan itu berlaku ketika Azmi dalam perjalanan menghantar Fazlina ke HM untuk memulakan tugas pada shif pagi.
揝etibanya di lampu isyarat berkenaan, motosikal yang ditunggang Mohammad Azmi cuba memotong Perodua Kembara yang dikatakan ingin membelok ke kanan walaupun lampu isyarat masih merah.
揑ni menyebabkan motosikal Mohammad Azmi berlanggar dengan kenderaan berkenaan dan mereka tercampak di atas jalan, |
eksiden ni pun kesian..
Mukadepan -
Dua sahabat maut kereta rempuh tiang jejambatOleh Osman Lisut dan Nazmi Yaakub
KEADAAN kereta mangsa selepas melanggar tiang jejambat
berhampiran Bangunan Parlimen, pagi semalam.
KUALA LUMPUR: Dua rakan karib maut selepas kereta yang mereka naiki terbabit dalam kemalangan ngeri di Jalan Mahameru berhampiran Bangunan Parlimen di sini, awal pagi semalam.
Sharipah Hanim.
Sharipah Hanim Syed Ahmad, 27, dan rakannya, Anuar Zakaria, 23, meninggal dunia di tempat kejadian akibat cedera parah di kepala, badan dan kaki. Sharipah Hanim adalah anak seorang anggota polis di Balai Polis Jalan Hang Tuah di sini.
Jurucakap Trafik Bandaraya berkata, kemalangan itu berlaku kira-kira jam 4 pagi ketika kereta Honda yang dipandu Anuar dipercayai gagal dikawal lalu melanggar tiang jejambat di bahu kiri jalan.
揂da kesan brek kenderaan sejauh 20 meter dan kereta berkenaan remuk akibat rempuhan kuat. Ketika polis sampai di tempat kejadian, kedua-dua mangsa tersepit dan bomba terpaksa memotong bahagian bumbung kenderaan bagi mengeluarkan mereka, |
ni lak harian metro
Edisi KL: Nak tidur terus...
Oleh Nazarali Saeril
[email protected]
KUALA LUMPUR: 揑ni kali terakhir saya masak untuk makan malam. Selepas ini, saya tidak mahu memasak lagi sebab saya nak tidur terus. |
Sedihnya aku def.... :cry:
baca cite ni....
tengah aku dok ketawa pasal ada jokes pagi ni dari chumpon....
tetiba mood sedih aku tetiba datang bila terbaca artikel ni... ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
Originally posted by deaf4ever at 2005-2-16 10:16 AM:
Sokkabar msia...
korang baca...Sedih betul ![](static/image/smiley/default/sad.gif)
Dalam Negeri
Jururawat hamil anak kembar 8 bulan maut dalam nahasOleh: AZMAN IBRAHIM
MELAKA 15 Feb. - Seorang jururawat yan ... |
Originally posted by sutera_abadi at 17-2-2005 10:44 AM:
Sedihnya aku def.... :cry:
baca cite ni....
tengah aku dok ketawa pasal ada jokes pagi ni dari chumpon....
tetiba mood sedih aku tetiba datang bila terbaca artikel ni... ...
Babies dia dua tu dah 8 bulan, kira dah cukup sifat kan??
Aku rasa nanti kembar ni dua yang nanti welcome mak bapak dia masuk syurga. Pasal dah cubaan besar la kat dorang.
ni lak interview arwah tu punya mak.
Edisi Timur: Berita lain
Oleh Rosliza Mohamed
KOTA BHARU: 揚ada mulanya, saya sangkakan menerima berita Fazlina akan bersalin, tetapi lain pula ceritanya, |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
me tadi pergi kedai,
shopkeeper cakap ada 8 rang sua jadi millionaire kena TOTO.... |
kengkawan, sapa nak duit 20k?
korang gi keja, pegi cek smua software, bos korang ke IT korang ke ada pasang software pirate tak???
Apa lagi paoto la....20K woooo :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Next gathering , smua makan freee HOORAAYY!!!!!!!!!
Feb 17, 2005
$20,000 reward to expose firms with pirated software
By Tham Yuen-C
SNITCHING on companies' illegal use of software can now get you $20,000 from the Business Software Alliance (BSA), twice as much as when the reward was first announced a few years ago.
$20,000 reward to expose firms with pirated software
M1 to offer BlackBerry service
The anti-piracy organisation is offering the reward specifically for tip-offs about the use of unlicensed software and illegal sharing of software programs in the workplace.
According to the BSA's director of anti-piracy in Asia, Mr Tarun Sawney, unlicensed software and program sharing are the most common forms of piracy and can be more damaging than counterfeiting.
A global study commissioned by the BSA estimated Singapore's software piracy rate at 43 per cent, translating into losses of up to $148 million a year.
Last year, the BSA received an average of five to 20 tip-offs a week by phone and via its website.
None of its investigations resulted in lawsuits, however, as they were settled out of court.
In 2001, one whistleblower was rewarded with $20,000 - double the amount on offer then because of the magnitude of the infringement - for exposing a company that was sharing unlicensed software on up to 100 computers.
The company eventually settled with the BSA out of court.
The BSA's anti-piracy hotline is 1800-3333-999.
Full story in The Straits Times on Friday |
No alcohol? Look again
Beer has 0.3% alcohol
Halal approval obtained, claims coffee shop manager.
No, says Muis
aku belum beli... jap lagi aku turun ah... |
MATZ~ kau tinggal toa payoh kan?...
petik gambar kedai ni... paste kat sini... aku nak tengok ah... |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 18-2-2005 11:46 AM:
MATZ~ kau tinggal toa payoh kan?...
petik gambar kedai ni... paste kat sini... aku nak tengok ah...
kak mata cokelat.. tak silap saya kan.. abg matz tinggal kat kawasan hougang.. |
Originally posted by SweetCandy at 18-2-2005 11:48:
kak mata cokelat.. tak silap saya kan.. abg matz tinggal kat kawasan hougang..
ye ke?.. bF aku yang mana pulak tinggal kat toa payoh?.. :stp: |
Originally posted by Browneyes at 18-2-2005 11:45 AM:
No alcohol? Look again
Beer has 0.3% alco ...
ni Padang eh?? biar betik sey... Ni dah lama punye tempat takkan tak tahu.
Aku nak tahu jugak which shop |
matz_rockz This user has been deleted
on page 16 kat life section ...ada story pasal singapore born and london based designer ASHLEY ISHAM ...ada show about him on thursday at london fashion week... |
Pint of contention
BEER. Whisky. Brandy.
Not what you would expect to see advertised at a Muslim coffee shop in Toa Payoh.
It even displays a logo to indicate that what is sold there is halal (allowed to be consumed under Islamic law).
The coffee shop manager maintains that his beer and liquor-flavoured cappuccinos are 'non-alcoholic'.
But are they?
The label on the Beck's beer says it is non-alcoholic.
But check the back and you will find that it contains 0.3 per cent of alcohol. (Normal beers contain about 5 per cent alcohol.)
When told the beer he sells contains alcohol, the coffee shop manahger admitted he was unaware.
He said the importer had assured him that Beck's beer was non-alcoholic and had been approved by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) as halal.
But when contacted by The New Paper, the importer, Mr Zakir Mohd, 37, said he had not sought any Muis halal certification for Beck's beer.
He, however, claimed he had received the verbal 'okay' from Muis on selling his alcohol-flavoured cappuccinos. ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra3/liar.gif)
'An official told me, 'So long as it's anything with no alcohol you can put our logo at the manufacturer's own discretion,' ' he said. ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra3/img59.gif)
Muis denies this. Its officials, including one from its halal food section, said it was the first time they were hearing of the products.
They declined to comment further until they did their own investigations. ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra3/waytogo.gif)
Mr Zakir, who used to distribute DVDs and VCDs, started importing Beck's non-alcoholic beer last month directly from a contact at the company's headquarters in Germany.
But with its 0.3 per cent alcohol content, isn't Beck's 'non-alcoholic' label misleading?
Said Mr Zakir: 'True, labels should be clear and precise but in this case Beck's is also being honest by stating the small alcoholic content.'
He added even cough medicine has some alcohol content. ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra3/trout222.gif)
'In the case of the non-alcoholic Beck's beer, I consider 0.3 per cent to be as good as zero,' he said. ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra3/drunk.gif)
It seems that any product with less than 1 per cent alcohol can be regarded as 'non-alcoholic'.
But this would not apply to Muslims who, under Islamic law, must avoid alcohol totally. Even minute percentages like 0.3 per cent are considered haram (not allowed).
Mr Zakir said he first chanced upon the Beck's non-alcoholic beer when he was in San Francisco in 2000.
'I thought it was a good idea to bring it over because Muslims like me, who need to entertain clients, do not want to order alcoholic drinks.
'I usually end up ordering iced lemon tea.
'So when you have that (non-alcoholic beer) on the same table, it looks like a beer but at least it is non-alcoholic.' ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra1/beerchug.gif)
The whisky and brandy-flavoured cappuccinos are locally made, he said.
The cappuccinos also come in tongkat ali, ginseng and lingzhi flavours.
Mr Zakir added he has since started distributing these beers and cappuccinos in Johor and will be seeking to do so in Kuala Lumpur.
Of the whisky and brandy-flavoured cappuccinos, he said: 'It is the smell and maybe even a slight taste is there, but no chemical content that causes alcohol-intoxication.'
Mr Zakir said his products, including the non-alcoholic beers, are being sold in seven Muslim-owned coffee shops in Singapore.
He added: 'There is really no hard and fast rule pertaining to our products. If the individual feels uncomfortable, then don't drink it.' ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra1/26.gif)
The Toa Payoh coffee shop manager said he began selling the cappuccinos and beers a week ago. The beers have been selling well at another branch but not at his.
He claimed that such beer was popular in Middle-eastern cities like Dubai and Muslim countries like Pakistan.
But not many here are convinced by this argument.
Mr Shafiq Mohd, 28, feels such 'non-alcoholic' beers should not be targeted at Muslims.
Said the business development executive: 'For me, if there is anything that states it has alcohol content, no matter how small, it is not halal. I won't touch it. ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra1/hail.gif)
'As a customer, you would think that places serving Muslim food will serve everything else that is halal, so you might not even scrutinise the content label.'
The New Paper learnt the Beck's non-alcoholic beer has been around for almost a decade.
It is from the same German breweries which makes the famous Beck's beer.
It is imported into Singapore by Auric Pacific Group Limited, which also distributes the full-strength Beck's here.
When contacted, an official from the company declined to comment except to say that it is not the sole distributor for the non-alcoholic beer.
The beer's branding spokesman could not be reached as he is out of town.
Mr Zakir Mohd~ ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra2/lo.gif) |
Did you know these could have alcohol?
THE Heineken International website says 'non-alcoholic beer' is not totally free of alcohol.
According to The Wine Guide website, a product that contains less than half of 1 per cent of alcohol can be labelled non-alcoholic.
But if they are 'non-alcoholic', how can they be wines?
That's because, industry experts say, they are made with grapes using traditional methods.
As with alcoholic wines, the grapes are fermented for three weeks and then aged in oak barrels for at least 18 months.
But just before bottling, the alcohol content is removed through a patented method of cold filtration to retain the flavour and the aroma of the wine.
Wines containing small traces of alcohol have been served at important functions all over the world attended by Muslim leaders. ![](http://www.pushupstairs.com/images/emoticon/extra3/thud222.gif)
Research has shown that even fresh juice can contain traces of alcohol, occurring naturally because of fermentation.
Muslims must also beware that traces of alcohol are found in pear juice (0.18 per cent), some orange juice (0.06 per cent), a few soft drinks (0.05 per cent) and ginseng extracts (0.5 per cent).
Indeed, even the mouthwash Listerine contains a high level of alcohol.
Manufacturer Pfizer's website announces the original formula contains 26.9 per cent alcohol, more than four times that of many malt liquors.
Its other varieties contain 21.6 per cent of alcohol.
This interesting bit about the high alcohol content in Listerine came to light recently when a woman driver involved in an accident in Michigan, US, was found to have been drunk - on mouthwash.
She had taken three glasses of the mouthwash, intoxicating herself three times over the blood-alcohol limit.
She was found guilty of drink driving and put on probation. |
adehhh. makin tercabar kehidupan Islam dunia abad nie...
kalaau ada 0.01% alcohol pun.. it is still haram laaa.. adehhhhh
how can the importer be ignorant by saying he assume 0.03% as zero....
ampehhhhhh tul!
nauzubillahhhhhhhhh! |
'So when you have that (non-alcoholic beer) on the same table, it looks like a beer but at least it is non-alcoholic
Kalo betul si Zakir Mohd tu cakap cam gini.......
Aku pun tak tahu nak cakap apa....
apa la nak dibanggakan ada botol cam beer kat atas meja...
Seram siot aku nengok orang cam gini
root of all evil is alkohol & ambik drugs, pasal bila otak dah tak function properly pasal alcohol induced or drugs abused, kita tak tahu apa kita buat. |
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Category: Negeri & Negara