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Author: melnanzz

[V63] ALL ABOUT FATTAH AMIN **HLive Segmen "Kenal Ke?" **Fattah dan ke

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:04 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
muneerah replied at 23-11-2017 07:52 AM
Ahaa! Itu yang ahkak tunggu... adakah fazura bakal berhijab sepenuhnya?  

Tapi secretly i harap ...

Setuju ngan ahkak. Iols pun nak tengok faz bersanding di atas pelamin dgn rambut kepuk2 ala2 princess yg gojes di sebelah prince charmingnya. Iols belum ready sepenuhnya nak tgk faz berhijab penuh. Alamak! Berdosakah iols yg lebih suka tgk faz free hair?

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:05 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kadaisaku replied at 23-11-2017 08:01 AM
Kaka munee, kalau chuols rajin godek youtube cuba chuols cari vid yg kaka faz bagitahu bila dia ak ...

Alaa darling... ahkak da nak sampai opis... u tolong  arrr... hehehe

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Lumeiy replied at 23-11-2017 01:58 AM
Orderkan iols 3 la camtu
Iols kn pakai nametag ke camne br chuols tau iols ni kaka castle .. iols ...

chuolls pkai la theme color mcm bday bash fattzura dlu tu..BR kan ad khas utk PC meolls ‘gogonise’ (ala2 cite rombongan kak kiah tu) BlueStrawberry Day yach...

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Morning semua..salam 23hb ahaks...jgn laju2 sangat.pengsan weh nak kejar

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kadaisaku replied at 23-11-2017 07:52 AM
Hahahaha! Chuols lagi debar yg mana? Result upsr ke pc fattzura?

Pagi debar result upsr.. ptg debar pc fattzura.. hahaha..

Tp mmg arinih.. hari bdebar sedunia laaa..

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Morning guys,
Selamat hari gaji,  anak UPSR n PC fattzura..

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kadaisaku replied at 23-11-2017 08:01 AM
Kaka munee, kalau chuols rajin godek youtube cuba chuols cari vid yg kaka faz bagitahu bila dia ak ...

Alhamdulillah lah kalau betul. Sejuk hati bamtah kekeke

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Pc pukul 5?idok ke leteh, buat je la malam.. Kang postpone pulak

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
muneerah replied at 23-11-2017 07:52 AM
Ahaa! Itu yang ahkak tunggu... adakah fazura bakal berhijab sepenuhnya?  

Tapi secretly i harap ...

Urban x kita eh hahaha..iols pun nak tgk faz pakai dress cinderella free hair hahaha..ampunnn

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jelita replied at 23-11-2017 04:40 AM
Today is 23rd
Ai is so nebes hehe!!

Jel..tggu kaka n abam kt epot pg2 ker?mereka touched down kul 10pg or 3ptg?jgn lupa share pic byk2

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Malam tu kan ada malam gala intrend kang clash pulak

Tapi penatnya touchdown terus buat PC tapi weols pun penat jugak menunggu

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:15 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
muneerah replied at 23-11-2017 08:05 AM
Alaa darling... ahkak da nak sampai opis... u tolong  arrr... hehehe

Meols ada tepek semalam tp tak keluar pulak link utube tu. Mohon kaka kasel ada yg baik hati tepekkan dalam ni mmwaahhhh!

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ada sesiapa dpt snap foto fattzura sewaktu mereka sampai KLIA semalam?

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Hope abg xnervous sgt bila reports tnya..kaka xper..dia pndai jawab..klau nervous abam pegang tangan kaka faz lh..jgn senyum garit pulak

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Today iols bz huhu..hrpnya nnt adala mel buat kronologi..n ifffff dorg nikah,boleh x ada poremer sshot if ada selebriti wish tahniah ke kt dorg hiks

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Amonrey replied at 23-11-2017 08:14 AM
Urban x kita eh hahaha..iols pun nak tgk faz pakai dress cinderella free hair hahaha..ampunnn

Me too..nk kaka jd princess pling cantik..l

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tasha replied at 23-11-2017 08:16 AM
Ada sesiapa dpt snap foto fattzura sewaktu mereka sampai KLIA semalam?

Theols dah sampai malaysia semalam lagi ke?

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:18 AM | Show all posts
FaFaz replied at 23-11-2017 08:14 AM
Jel..tggu kaka n abam kt epot pg2 ker?mereka touched down kul 10pg or 3ptg?jgn lupa share pic byk2

kul 9 kot kuar umah..dekat jek ngan dok puchong. harap2 btl la dorang smpai kul 10

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Maaf nk tanya pc siar kt mana eh? Nk tengok juga..

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Post time 23-11-2017 08:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
tasha replied at 23-11-2017 08:16 AM
Ada sesiapa dpt snap foto fattzura sewaktu mereka sampai KLIA semalam?

Dah smpai ker tasha?

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