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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini?

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Post time 23-4-2012 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Adakah filem 2012 hari tu... sama apa yg akan terjadi kat kita nanti..??

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2012 02:04 PM | Show all posts
Adakah filem 2012 hari tu... sama apa yg akan terjadi kat kita nanti..??
maz_mk Post at 23-4-2012 12:29

    Filem tu hanya memberikan 'kemungkinan' sahaja, berdasarkan kepada sumber-sumber filem yg dikutip Roland Emmerich. Roland ni jenis pengarah yg suka membuat cerita berdasarkan fakta-fakta saintifik, seperti filemnya yg sebelum itu, The Day After Tomorrow. Cuma apabila ditambah kesan CGI, ia menjadi lebih 'menakutkan'. Tetapi kalau kita lihat peristiwa2 yg telah berlaku sekarang ini - volcano, tsunami, sinkholes, storm, floods, etc.. tidak mustahil ia menjadi realiti. Malah tidak keterlaluan kalau dikatakan, mungkin jauh lebih dahsyat dari apa yg dipaparkan di dlm filem. Ada orang alim mengatakan, air bahkan akan naik setinggi gunung (ini pernah berlaku beribu-ribu tahun dahulu, digambarkan menerusi lukisan-lukisan pada dinding gua di bahagian atas gunung, di mana manusia tidak mungkin sampai ke puncaknya tanpa perahu yg memungkinkan). Tapi hakikat sebenar? Wallahua'lam...

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Post time 23-4-2012 06:58 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2441# maz_mk cepat2 la lari ke tanah tinggi yg ketinggian nya 1,500meter...

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Post time 23-4-2012 07:10 PM | Show all posts
Salam semua.

Mungkin thread ni agak pelik sedikit, tapi saya sekadar ingin bertanya, jika ada ses ...
andria Post at 25/9/2011 22:30
sesiapa kata dia tahu tarikh kiamat adalah penipu besar......!

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Post time 23-4-2012 07:19 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by tarabas1976 at 23-4-2012 19:55
sesiapa kata dia tahu tarikh kiamat adalah penipu besar......!
Acong Post at 23-4-2012 19:10

    Sesaper yang kata dia tahu tarikh kiamat atau sesiapa yang kata Nabi Ibrahim menyembelih rusa antelope menggantikan anaknya Nabi Ismail pula adalah penipu besar.

Jap lagi musti rusa antelope masuk dan kata aku cipta multinick, aku Jesus and whatsoever. Tiap kali nak patahkan hujah orang itulah modalnyer, maklumlah dah jumper diri. Untuk pengetahuan rusa antelope, aku bukan pengecut sampai cenggitu. Itu pasal aku ajak jumpe. Agen koperasi tuh forumer lain yang takdak kena mengena ngan aku dan aku pun tak kenal.

P/s: Rajab Saratan diSasanakala.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2012 09:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by andria at 23-4-2012 21:25
sesiapa kata dia tahu tarikh kiamat adalah penipu besar......!
Acong Post at 23-4-2012 19:10

    Dah sejuta kali diberitahu, thread ini bukan tentang meramal kiamat. Tiada siapa pun yg meramal tarikh kiamat di dlm thread ini, malahan dlm 1st post pun dah jelaskan. Harap baca dulu thoroughly sebelum beri komen. Bukan hanya baca title dan terus jadi bidan terjun.

Petikan dari 1st post.

Thread ini BUKAN meramal kiamat dan TIDAK berpaksi kpd pendapat/pandangan dari mana2 orang perseorangan, laman web, organisasi, pertubuhan dan sebagainya. Berita2 hanyalah di QUOTE dari sumber, namun ia bukanlah bererti thread ini menyokong 100% mana2 sumber berita yg dinyatakan. Thread ini bertindak hanya sebagai Pembuka Jalan dan Penyampai Maklumat sahaja. Bagaimana anda mencernakan maklumat yg anda perolehi dari thread ini, adalah di atas kesedaran & tanggungjawab anda sendiri. Gunakan akal & hati nurani anda utk menilai & menapis setiap berita dgn bijaksana.

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2012 10:10 PM | Show all posts
Breaking NEWS - Colombia prepares for imminent eruption of killer volcano!
By Robert On April 20, 2012

When the Nevado del Ruiz erupted in 1985, it wiped out the town of Armero and killed 25,000 people.

Colombia’s Interior Ministry has ordered the fire departments of 19 municipalities in the central Caldas and Tolima departments to be on high alert after the Colombian Geological Survey warned that it is “probable” that the Nevado del Ruiz volcano will erupt in the coming days or weeks.

The national director of the fire-fighting system called for a focus on high risk areas in or near the paths of rivers that originate in the Ruiz, whose levels may be elevated by pyroclastic fragments and melting ice.

The alert level was raised from yellow to orange in March as the volcano became increasingly active. Last week the killer volcano propelled a column of gas and steam approximately 1,200 meters into the sky, prompting a red alert level, the highest alert.


Pada tahun 1985, kira-kira 25,000 orang mati apabila gunung berapi ini meletus. Ia melenyapkan semua yg tinggal di kota Armero. Nyatalah, sesuatu sedang membuatkan kesemua gunung-gunung berapi ini menggelagak dan menunggu masa utk memuntahkan laharnya...

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2012 10:18 PM | Show all posts
Popocatepetl Volcano Threatening to Erupt - 19 Million Prepare to Evacuate in Mexico!
By Sami K. Martin , Christian Post Contributor
April 18, 2012|11:57 am

The Popocatepetl volcano is making movement and threatening to erupt, causing Mexican officials to raise the alert level from yellow phase three to yellow phase two.

The volcano has already begun spewing red-hot bits of rock, and its opening has expanded. These are signs that the volcano, still quite active, could soon erupt. In a statement by Mexico's National Center for Disaster Prevention, the volcano could produce "moderate exhalations, some with ash, sporadic low to moderate explosions with likely burning fragments, and flaming magma within the crater."

Residents and tourists have been advised to remain at least seven miles away from the volcano's base, lest magma or hot rock injure anyone. Mexico has been experiencing natural disasters with increasing frequency.


Jika tadi ialah di Colombia, ini pula ialah di Mexico. Sebuah lagi gunung berapi yg membimbangkan. Bayangkan 19 juta penduduk hendak dipindahkan. Satu demi satu gunung berapi memberikan petanda hendak meletus...

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 Author| Post time 23-4-2012 10:46 PM | Show all posts
Vietnam is being attacked by a killer disease!
Apr 20, 8:00 AM EDT

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) -- Vietnam has asked international health experts to help investigate a mystery illness that has killed 19 people and sickened 171 others in an impoverished district in central Vietnam, an official said Friday.

The infection has mostly affected children and young people. It begins with a high fever, loss of appetite and a rash that covers the hands and feet. Patients who are not treated early can develop liver problems and eventually face multi-organ failure, said Le Han Phong, chairman of the People's Committee in Ba To District in Quang Ngai province.

Nearly 100 people remain hospitalized, including 10 in critical condition. Patients with milder symptoms are being treated at home. The illness responds well to treatment if detected early, but 29 patients have been reinfected, Phong said.


If you're going to Vietnam, please be careful...

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Post time 24-4-2012 09:48 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2337# maz_mk

   sory ya tapi aku cuba ikut post hang
nak tau hang DOK KAT MANA???

selogik akal la
tak ramai yg mampu mengaku diri sendiri bodoh..............betul tak???
dan tak de org yg akan kata tak pandai inggeris.....betul tak???
apa motif kamu ya???
nak mengingatkan tt ke???
ttg sesuatu yg tak masuk akal...............betul tak???

atau.....salah lagi saya punya otak bengap niiii!!!!!

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Post time 24-4-2012 09:51 AM | Show all posts
Reply 2445# tarabas1976

lepas ni lari lagi la hang kannn
dah banyak kali hang dok buat loklak camni
dah tukar jantina kannn kannnn kannnnn

cun laaaa cik abas jadi girlll niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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Post time 24-4-2012 10:58 AM | Show all posts
wahhh nak dekat tamat dah.... jom kita ucap selamat berpisah kawan2

ini tahun 2012 TAwwww

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Post time 24-4-2012 02:25 PM | Show all posts
Just read this... might explain a little bit on why earthquake of large scale happening. Anyway, its Allah's will.

QUOTE from compliments of George Ure and Patrick Geryl

Patrick’s latest note:

“Earthquakes and Planetary Alignments with the Earth"

April 11, 2012: Earthquake of 8.7 on the Richter scale

Today (11th- ) Earth – Mars and Neptune are nearly lined up… but not perfect… See my questions below…

So after finding this… it was easy to make a connection with the other ones…

Listed according to their strength

May 22, 1960: Earthquake of 9.5 on the Richter scale

May 21st: Mars – Uranus – Mercury lined up (not with the Earth, all the others are with the Earth)

May 22nd: Neptune helio-centric connected with the Earth (this is important because Neptune comes several times back, so the helio-centric connection with the Earth is indeed very important!)

All the following quakes have a Triple Line Up with the Earth…

March 28, 1964: Earthquake of 9.2 on the Richter scale

March 23rd: Venus – Earth – Neptune in one line (few days before the quake… but even bigger alignment coming…)

March 27th – 4 planets lined up: Mars – Mercury – Venus – Uranus (4 planets lined up just before the quake)

March 28th: Jupiter – Mars – Neptune almost lined up

December 26, 2004: Earthquake of 9.1 on the Richter scale

December 27th: Earth – Venus – Mercury lined up

November 4 ,1952: Earthquake of 9.0 on the Richter scale

November 5th: Earth – Mars – Uranus lined up

March 11, 2011: Earthquake of 9.0 on the Richter scale

March 9th: Earth – Mercury and Uranus lined up

January 31, 1906: Earthquake of 8.8 on the Richter scale

February 1 – 2th: Neptune – Earth – Uranus

February 27, 2010: Earthquake of 8.8 on the Richter scale

February 27th: Earth – Mercury – Neptune lined up

March 28, 2005: Eartquake of 8.6 on the Richter scale

March 29th: Earth – Venus – Mercury lined up

August 15, 1950: Earthquake of 8.6 on Richter scale

August 14th – 15th: Earth – Mercury – Saturn

We see Neptune, Mercury and Uranus several times coming back…. The quake from today April 11… doesn’t fit completely on an alignment… Normally the alignment with Uranus and Neptune is nearly perfect around April 22… Could there be an even bigger one lurking? Or was this one triggered by the complex alignment that is coming?

Triple Line Ups: April 22, 2012:

Neptune – Earth – Mars

Earth – Mercury – Uranus

Once again coincidences or not? Either way, this is raising many more questions about the cataclysmic events that are predicted for the end of this year…

December 17 – 18, 2012: Triple Line Up of Jupiter – Earth – Mercury

December 21 – 22, 2012: Triple Line Up of Jupiter – Earth – Venus

More on Patrick’s website

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Post time 24-4-2012 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 2183# umisha

Ada sesiapa yg tinggal di kawasan Sekudai di sini?
Dlm pukul 4.30 pagi, hujan lebat dan bunyi guruhnya sgt pelik.
tak tau mcm mana nak terangkan.  

aku dan rakan2 ada di skudai malam tu....
tapi oleh kerana duk dalam hotel xdgr sgt.... member aku mmg perasan katanya kilat dan hujan kuat amat...
tapi mmg hujan lebat gila... berterusan hujan sampai ke tengahari sabtu tu...

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 Author| Post time 24-4-2012 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Just read this... might explain a little bit on why earthquake of large scale happening. Anyway, its ...
scorpionkiki Post at 24-4-2012 14:25

    Unfortunately, people who laugh at conspiracy theories, debunk these theories even when those theories are based on scientific evidence. No matter how much evidence you give to them, you'll still be ridiculed. Even if the evidence is right in front of them, they still won't be able to see it. They are too immersed in their comfortable worlds to want to acknowledge what's going on. Well, let's see where this alignment takes us to.

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Post time 24-4-2012 04:03 PM | Show all posts
Unfortunately, people who laugh at conspiracy theories, debunk these theories even when th ...
andria Post at 24-4-2012 15:24

Yang I bimbang tu ialah 11hb tu bukannya allignment yg lurus lagi and bila dia kata sort of, something might be lurking somewhere and a bigger event is waiting to happen... mcm masuk saja tajuk thread you, Andria...

Hopefully our incomplete preparation dapat menolong kita dan orang orang sekeliling kita

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Post time 24-4-2012 04:12 PM | Show all posts
Teringat Sheikh Nazim yang merupakan orang yang paling dimuliakan oleh Nashbandiyah followers yang bermimpi tahun lepas tentang gempa bumi yang sangat kuat yang akan berlaku di sebuah bandar raya sampai dia mengingatkan pengikutnya untuk tidak menjalankan urusan tidak penting di bandar bandar besar dan hanya tinggal di kampung saja.

Dibawah ialah link yang diambil dari ... leading-up-to-2012/

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) there are literally thousands of earthquake events around the world in any given year. Most of these quakes are minor trimmers that are seemingly insignificant and pose no danger to life or property. Although these events are monitored and tracked as potential warning signs of much larger quakes, they are not prominently displayed on the USGS website.

The USGS website does however keep a running list of what they consider “Significant Earthquake”. This list is made up of quake activity that measures 3.0 or higher on the Richter magnitude scale. After an evaluation of these earthquake statistics, the results are somewhat startling.

In the year 2008, there were 58 significant earthquake events around the world. Conservatively considering that a 7.0 magnitude or higher quake could dramatically effect human life, 12 of the 2008 events were at or above 7.0.
In 2009, there were 72 quakes classified as significant with 17 measuring 7.0 or higher.

Although the number of significant earthquake events decreased to 68 in 2010, the number of 7.0 or higher magnitude quakes increased to 22.

Less then three months into the year 2011, we have already seen 18 significant earthquake events. Of that 18 and including the recent earthquake in Japan, 6 have been classified as 7.0 or higher.

Although there has been an obvious increase in the number of 7.0+ magnitude earthquakes over the last three years, the steady increase in the intensity of 8.0 or higher quakes and the effects they are having on the earth is even more frightening.

In September 2009 there was an 8.1 magnitude earthquake in the Samoa Islands. In February 2010 Chile experienced an 8.8, and the March 2011 earthquake in Japan had a magnitude of 8.9 which was determined to be the largest quake in Japan’s recorded history, and the 7th largest in recorded world

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 Author| Post time 24-4-2012 08:52 PM | Show all posts
Teringat Sheikh Nazim yang merupakan orang yang paling dimuliakan oleh Nashbandiyah followers yang bermimpi tahun lepas tentang gempa bumi yang sangat kuat yang akan berlaku di sebuah bandar raya sampai dia mengingatkan pengikutnya untuk tidak menjalankan urusan tidak penting di bandar bandar besar dan hanya tinggal di kampung saja.
scorpionkiki Post at 24-4-2012 16:12

    I've posted the above before, but no one actually took notice. If I'm not mistaken, the warning was for this year (he issued it last year I think, somewhere around Sept-Nov). No specific month mentioned, altho I do have a rough idea of when. Time is definitely closing in on us - would be good if we could have at least another year or 2. Wallahua'lam...

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Post time 24-4-2012 08:59 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by scorpionkiki at 24-4-2012 21:01
I've posted the above before, but no one actually took notice. If I'm not mistaken, the wa ...
andria Post at 24-4-2012 20:52

I hope many people take notice on what you have informed us Andria... tapi I think, like I ...they do

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Post time 25-4-2012 09:19 AM | Show all posts
how not ready i am. ya Allah please wake me up from this 'dream'.

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