Reply #2440 alpha_dansei's post
"CUBE" k....
jgn ckp ajeee  |
lambat benor torrentku berjalan.... |
latest episod baper weh..
kurun lama aku x donlod..huhu |
ari ni takder bleach ker???? |
Reply #2444 adie82's post
eh arini ari khamis....aku tk check bleach exile pn  |
x bes pun...kasi link pun tak berbaloi |
Reply #2447 ruslinda's post
sbb filler yeh  |
Reply #2447 ruslinda's post
Reply #2448 lin_okinawa's post
aah...buang karen je |
aku tatau filler ke tak sebab aku tak baca manga...  |
Reply #2450 ruslinda's post
aku dh agk dh...sbb tgk last week nye ep pn dh tau this week musti filler punye  |
filler................... |
biler nak start real action ni.. sib baik ada hitsugaya.. ekekekke |
131 ni dah abis ler filler kan  |
Reply #2455 sixfullbar's post
mungkin  |
Reply #2455 sixfullbar's post
rasa belum g la..entah la tp 132 hitsu jumpa karin huhuhu xsabar aku
nanti xpasal2 ada HitsuXKarin wakakakak |
sedih gak story part Ranji...:tea: |
Reply #2458 limau's post
part renji??huhuhh aku tk tgk pn lagik ep131  |
bad news filler bukan takat 132 ja sampai 135..
132 "Hitsugaya, Karin and Soccer Ball"(日番谷と夏梨とサッカーボール ) July 4, 2007
133 "Ikkaku's Hot-Blooded Kendo Tale"(一角、熱血剣道物語 ) July 11, 2007
134 "The Beautiful Patissier, Yumichika!" (美しきパティシエ、弓親! ) July 18, 2007
135 "Kon is Deceived! Rangiku on the Lookout.."(はかられた、コン!乱菊は見ていた・・ ) July 25, 2007
nasib 136 masih belum diketahui
credit:wikipedia |
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