Originally posted by lolaxpdc at 22-5-2007 02:50 PM
wah..nice try... err nak tanye..camne ko punye whipped cream tu boleh maintain je ek? aritu aku buat trifle aku spray la whipped cream malam tu..pagi aku bgn tgk dah cair walaupun aku letak ...
mesti lola tak pukul dulu..
nk kena pukul kejap whipping cream tuh baru boleh deco..
kalau tak mmg tak jadik..
pukul agak2 kental..tuang atau telangkupkan tak jatuh..dah boleh guna dah.. |
nak tanya pakar kat sini lah about cheese cake ni... ari tu buat lah cheese cake yg paling mudah yg guna cream cheese, telur dan gula resepi dari blur cherry .... lepas masak permukaan kek tu merekah lah... ada sesiapa yg tahu sebabnye... nanti klu nerkesempatan iLa paste kan gambarnye...

satu lagi nak tanya .. ada sesiap pernah guna cream cheese jenama golden cow dari australia.. kat kedai supplier bahan2 kek kat petaling street ada jual jenama ni 250gm hargenye RM5.00...
[ Last edited by ilahairi at 20-6-2007 10:31 AM ] |
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Reply #2562 ilahairi's post
selepas masukkan telur jangan lebih gaul bahan yang lain....nanti dalam oven cheesecake tu naik dan merekah..... |
Originally posted by Kacip_Fatimah at 22-5-2007 03:58 PM
mesti lola tak pukul dulu..
nk kena pukul kejap whipping cream tuh baru boleh deco..
kalau tak mmg tak jadik..
pukul agak2 kental..tuang atau telangkupkan tak jatuh..dah boleh guna dah..
erm masalahnye lola gune whipping cream yg spray mcm sheltoc spray tu |
Originally posted by lolaxpdc at 22-5-2007 09:35 PM
erm masalahnye lola gune whipping cream yg spray mcm sheltoc spray tu
yg spray tu kalau utk dessert ok laa..
kalau nk deco kek mmg tak seswai...cepat cayaq..
kena gak carik non dairy whip cream..
baru boleh deco.. |
Reply #2541 lynnhassan77's post
tq lynn |
ooo gitu ye kacip..thanx for the tip...  |
Originally posted by chempaka_ku at 22-5-2007 06:24 PM
selepas masukkan telur jangan lebih gaul bahan yang lain....nanti dalam oven cheesecake tu naik dan merekah.....
betul lah rasanye.. terlebih pukul telurnye... dan terlebih bakar... hehehee...
anyway thanks ya chempaka |
Sorry mod kalau ter off topic,
tapi nak share info dari pengalaman sendiri tentang whipping cream dlm botol spray tu..memandangkan ada forumer yg menyatakannya disini..
Saya pernah beli cream jenis ni, along time ago...jenama pon x ingat dah
Bila dah beli baru tahu ada kandungan ingredient dia iaitu bahan yg bermula dgn E47X...(x ingat sbb dah lama sangat)
Masa tu baru je terdiscover yg bhn tu diragui kehalalannya...
Maybe sesiapa yg biasa guna whipping cream jenis ni kene berhati2 sblm membeli, check dulu ingredient dia...
Boleh refer di link ni utk maklumat lanjut ttg bahan yg bermula dgn E47X...
Wallahua'lam |
Originally posted by ilahairi at 22-5-2007 05:40 PM
nak tanya pakar kat sini lah about cheese cake ni... ari tu buat lah cheese cake yg paling mudah yg guna cream cheese, telur dan gula resepi dari blur cherry .... lepas masak permukaan kek tu mer ...
cuba bila bakar tu letak the springform tu dlm bekas yg bigger berisi air...steambath technique...tak de la dia jadik hitam. first time i buat pun atas dia jadik cam hangus2..pas tu baca forumers kata bakar dlm air...i pun tried...so ok jadiknya. now asyik buat yg simply sinful cheescake rcipe yg guna susu pekat tu. sedap sgt. and also toblerone cheesecake. |
Originally posted by yela at 27-5-2007 09:37 PM
cuba bila bakar tu letak the springform tu dlm bekas yg bigger berisi air...steambath technique...tak de la dia jadik hitam. first time i buat pun atas dia jadik cam hangus2..pas tu baca f ...
Simply Sinful Cheesecake tu mmg sedap..lagipon penggunaan bahan pun tak banyak..selalunya Cup bakar macam tu tu jerr.. Tak gunakan style bain marie/team bath technique sbb I tak bekas yg besar dr springform yg I gunakan tu..So, the last time I buat, I pun ambik satu loyang penuhkan air dan letak kat another rak..mcm ala2 steambath. So the cheesecake turned out nice jugak..tak cracky seperti dulu..

[ Last edited by cupcakes at 27-5-2007 10:25 PM ] |
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i pun cam tu, i letak loyang yg besar kat base of my m/oven, then letak rak yg rendah kat dlm loyang tu, pas tu baru letak cake atas rak tu. i nak sgt buat cake ni but i tau i je yg bedal kang...bertambah gumuks lak ni |
Reply #2572 cupcakes's post
cunnya Simply Sinful cupcakes.. perfect gitu rupa dia.. takde kawah2.. ada jerawat seketul je.. ni yg rasa nak buat gak ni kek ni.. kena beli cheese dulu.. stok lama dah dihabiskan sebelum pindah rumah tu hari.. sejak pindah, 1 kek pun tak penah buat lagi  |
Originally posted by chempaka_ku at 21-5-2007 07:08 PM
my cotton cheesecake.... tak ada superfine flour jadi tukar dengan plain flour je....
cheesecake jenis ni yg selalu jual kat kedai ke? macam giant, k4..nampak macam kek cifon lak..
[ Last edited by shidaaziz at 7-6-2007 01:47 PM ] |
Reply #2575 lynnhassan77's post
cotton or japanese cheesecake......nampak macam chiffon cake sebab putih telur dipukul berasingan juga tapi bila makan lain, kek ni macam melt di mulut...... |
Originally posted by Airis at 28-5-2007 06:42 PM
cunnya Simply Sinful cupcakes.. perfect gitu rupa dia.. takde kawah2.. ada jerawat seketul je.. ni yg rasa nak buat gak ni kek ni.. kena beli cheese dulu.. stok lama dah dihabiskan sebelum pindah ...
Tima Kasih.. |
Originally posted by chempaka_ku at 29-5-2007 06:22 AM
cotton or japanese cheesecake......nampak macam chiffon cake sebab putih telur dipukul berasingan juga tapi bila makan lain, kek ni macam melt di mulut......
kena cuba satu hari nanti... |
elo. tirah nak tanya .... ada tak sesapa kat sini punya resepi CHOCOLATE CHEESE CAKE? tirah nak, boleh? tirah ingin sangat nak buat cake tu. especially yg macam kat SECRET RECEIPI tu tolongggggggg ye!!! |
Reply #2579 nur_atirah's post
dulu chemp post yang ini.....ada dalam archive
Sublime Chocolate Cheesecake
from: magazine Simply Perfect Chocolate
1 cup plain flour
1/4 cup finely chopped toasted pecans
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup butter
1 beaten egg yolk
3 8 ounces packages cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 cups sugar
4 ounces semisweet chocolate, melted and cooled
2 tbsps plain flour (1 tbsp US = 15 ml)
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 eggs
1/4 cup milk
1 8 ounce carton dairy sour cream
Cara buat crust:
Campur flour, chopped pecans and sugar.
Add butter till mixture is crumbly.
Stir in egg yolk.
Press about 1/3 of the dough on the bottom of a 9 inch springform pan.
Remaining dough - cover & set aside.
Bake bottom crust - 375F or around 190C about 7 mins or until golden.
Sejukkan di wire rack.
Then grease the sides of the springform.
Attach sides to bottom of pan (At times, this base may crack but usually still ok).
Press remaining dough 1 3/4 inch sekeliling pan (please amend di archive tersalah type not 1 1/3 inch).
Cara buat filling:
Beat cream cheese, sugar, melted chocolate, flour and vanilla till smooth (medium speed) hingga smooth.
Add eggs all at once (At low speed - just combined saja).
Stir in milk.
Then pour filling.
Set the springform pan on a shallow baking pan.
Bake - 350F or 176.6 / 180 F (reduce dari the first baking) for 45 mins or till center appears nearly set when shaken.
Spread sour cream atop the cake and bake 5 mins more.
Remove springform from baking pan.
Cool cheesecake in pan on a wire rack for 15 mins.
Then loosen the crust from pan's sides - use a metal spatula, flat knife atau yang sesuai.
Cool 30 mins more. Remove sides of pan.
Cool 1 hour, cover and chill at least 4 hours.
Ready to eat.
ps. tak pernah makan chocolate cheesecake di secret recipe cuma marble cheesecake.......truthfully nothing special macam biasa je, the base sangat keras tapi ni dah lama dah  |
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