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Author: Hujatul_Jihad

Sunnah nikah budak 6 tahun

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Post time 20-7-2016 06:32 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 20-7-2016 06:33 PM
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 06:18 PM

Agama mana jadi terrorist semejak 1400 tahun dulu sehingga ke abad 21?

Adalah agama yang failed ontok didik omatnya!

Sebab? Agama lu memang suka berperang, bonoh orang, paksa orang suruh jadi macem mereka, kalau keluar islam hokom bonoh, wakakakakaka
lu samdol sebab tu lu tak tau sejarah Islam bonoh orang. Sebab tu wa tak mau cakap apa yang berlaku sebelom abad 21.


Lu tengok bendera Arab Saudi pun lu sudah paham agama lu adalah agama keganasan. Siap ada gambar perang!


LOL , ko dok meroyan macam janda gilak talak buat apa? Dah masuk dah konar baring nak lari

Mana data & fakta ko ttg terrorism & muslims.

Ha ha tak mau cakap pasal apa berlaku sebelum abad 21 ye ..... this is pure bullocks

The real reason ... ko tak tau apa2 .... zero knowledge .... ko bukan ada pelajaran

Ko dah buat klaim , skg mana data & fakta ko tu

Alasan ko so far
- Theresa May ko tak tu
- sunnah tu mesti (ini gara2 kapiaq tiada pelajaran nak ajar muslims)
- tak mau cakap pasal apa berlaku sebelum abad 21 , real reason ko tak tau
- 1400 thn jadi terrorist (bukti yilek)
- sejarah Islam bunuh orang (bukti yilek)
- Saudi Arabia ada gambar perang (ha ha , pada ko ada gambar perang adalah terrorist ... pemikiran org yg tak ada pelajaran)

Hmmm , ini bukan alasan tapi royan ko bagaikan janda gila talak yg nak lari pasal tak mampu bagi bukti & rujukkan

Ha ha , ko ni tak ada pelajaran rupa2 nya ye .... nampak2 nya ko ni ada inferiority complex .... talk only ... no action

Muslim bagi fakta .... kapiaq hanya auta .... right on your jendol


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Post time 20-7-2016 06:35 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 06:10 PM
Laaa , meroyan lagi .... ko ni betul2 macam janda gila talak

Ko nak ke tak nak ke , I don't giv ...

Lu tengok link kat bawah ni nama nama group terrorist dari agama lu yang failed didik omat. Ada beratus ratus nama terrorist Islam. Yang wa kopipes tu sikit je ontok contoh bagi samdol macem lu Wakakakaka

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Date Designated
Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Aum Shinrikyo (AUM)
Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)
Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)
Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
Kahane Chai (Kach)
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) (Kongra-Gel)
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
National Liberation Army (ELN)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C)
Shining Path (SL)
al-Qa’ida (AQ)
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA)


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Post time 20-7-2016 06:38 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 06:32 PM
LOL , ko dok meroyan macam janda gilak talak buat apa? Dah masuk dah konar baring nak lari

Mana ...

Sebab itu wa kata agama lu failed.

Agama yang failed ontok didik omat. Sebab itu ramai yang jadi terrorist bomb orang sana sini. Wakakakaka

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Post time 20-7-2016 06:42 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 06:32 PM
LOL , ko dok meroyan macam janda gilak talak buat apa? Dah masuk dah konar baring nak lari

Mana ...

wa tak mau lah cakap pasal teroris bomb orang sana sini ni buang masa wa je.

Orang Islam pun tau terrorist yang bomb orang sana sini tu berugama Islam, wa tak sebodoh macem lu samdol. Lu jadi bodoh sebab lu lies and live in denial.



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Post time 20-7-2016 06:51 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 06:32 PM
LOL , ko dok meroyan macam janda gilak talak buat apa? Dah masuk dah konar baring nak lari

Mana ...

Kat wiki pun ada tapi buat apa nak tonjok kat lu penganot agama yang failed dan denial.

Tapi sebab lu nak sangat wa suap lu sikit sikit. Ghossssss! Banyaknya terrorist agama failed! Wakakakakaka

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Post time 20-7-2016 06:55 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 06:06 PM
LOL , aku mintak ko bagi data & fakta klaim ko ttg Terrorism & muslims.

Tak ada sapa mintak ko  ...

Agama lu memang ajar lu jadi pembohong, jangan akui kebenaran. wakakakaka

lu ingat semua orang jadi samdol bodoh macem lu ke tak tau sejarah Perang Islam? agama lu memang ajar ontok menipu. wakakakaka

Agama yang failed!

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Post time 20-7-2016 07:03 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 06:32 PM
LOL , ko dok meroyan macam janda gilak talak buat apa? Dah masuk dah konar baring nak lari

Mana ...

Sorry itu typo wa maksudkan bendera ada gambar pedang!


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:04 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 06:35 PM
Lu tengok link kat bawah ni nama nama group terrorist dari agama lu yang failed didik omat. Ada beratus ratus nama terrorist Islam. Yang wa kopipes tu sikit je ontok contoh bagi samdol macem lu Wakakakaka

Designated Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Date Designated
Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Aum Shinrikyo (AUM)
Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)
Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group) (IG)
Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
Kahane Chai (Kach)
Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) (Kongra-Gel)
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
National Liberation Army (ELN)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLF)
PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C)
Shining Path (SL)
al-Qa’ida (AQ)
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA)

LOL , konfom yg ko ni tak ada pelajaran.

Aku mintak data & facts. Data bermakna in statistical form then kita boleh tengok apa contribution by Muslim terrorists.

Ko bagi discrete organisations buat apa? Org mintak lain ko , bagi lain. Ko ni betul2 bangang

Ha ha , cuba lagi ... kali ni bagi statistical data & sumber dia sekali. BTW , yg ko bagi dari US State Department. Their actions have been captured by
(1) the FBI database
(2) Europol database
Statistical data of both have been provided

Ha ha cuba lagi .... Kalo ko nak surrender .... just say so .... ko mana ada pelajaran .... meroyan macam janda gila talak boleh lah


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:06 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 06:38 PM
Sebab itu wa kata agama lu failed.

Agama yang failed ontok didik omat. Sebab itu ramai yang jadi terrorist bomb orang sana sini. Wakakakaka

LOL , ko meroyan lagu bagaikan janda gila talak

Dey tambi ... aki mintak data & facts bermakna statistical data

Yg ko bagi discrete organisations buat apa? Ko tak paham bahasa ke?

Konfom yg ko ni tak ada pelajaran


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:08 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 06:42 PM
wa tak mau lah cakap pasal teroris bomb orang sana sini ni buang masa wa je.

Orang Islam pun tau terrorist yang bomb orang sana sini tu berugama Islam, wa tak sebodoh macem lu samdol. Lu jadi bodoh sebab lu lies and live in denial.


LOL , sampai skg ko tak mampu bagi data & facts, Hanya ko meroyan bagaikan janda gila talak

Your excuses so far :
- Theresa May ko tak tu
- sunnah tu mesti (ini gara2 kapiaq tiada pelajaran nak ajar muslims)
- tak mau cakap pasal apa berlaku sebelum abad 21 , real reason ko tak tau
- 1400 thn jadi terrorist (bukti yilek)
- sejarah Islam bunuh orang (bukti yilek)
- Saudi Arabia ada gambar perang (ha ha , pada ko ada gambar perang adalah terrorist ... pemikiran org yg tak ada pelajaran)

Bodoh punya kapiaq ... ko tau ke apa tu data & facts .... bukan tempe ye


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:10 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 01:19 PM
Apa yg ko dok meroyan macam janda gila talak ni?

War & terrorism ends with the same thing .... fa ...

Lu punya tok guru ibnur pun cakap index terrorism yang lu bagi tu tonggang terbalik. Wakakakaka

Sebab itu wa cakap lu memang samdol.

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Post time 20-7-2016 07:11 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 07:08 PM
LOL , sampai skg ko tak mampu bagi data & facts, Hanya ko meroyan bagaikan janda gila talak

You ...

Sebab lu bangan sejarah Islam sebab itu lu kata yelek. Wakakakaka.


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:11 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 06:18 PM

Agama mana jadi terrorist semejak 1400 tahun dulu sehingga ke abad 21?

excuse me ' kawan  anda di CI' buddy you

menyelwengkan dengan bawa cubit sini sana akan perihal

peperanga bani quraizah , nabi an nadir dengan tentera muslimin madinah  ye

dalam sekitar tahun 1 - 5 hijrah

sila juga rujuk sebab peperangan kkhandak/ parit / ahzab

so excuse me - siapa yg barbaric?

seperti saya katakan bahawa puak anda bila kit abagi facts depa diam

puak anda tahu ialah menyulam rasa hati dan perasaan dan bacul  untukl menegur dan menyatakan pendirian kerana ? tidak ada facts


sila lihat tragedi batul maunah yg pendakwah islam zaman nabi kot dibunuh dalam ke luar masjid ( tang part ni ikena rujuk balik )
so u know

excuse me

sapa barbaric?

nazi - holocaust
desert shield , desert storm , weapon of mass destruction?
spa ayg akhirnya kata : ooops tak ada wmd
bosnia & herzegovina - sapa bunuh sembelih rogol wanita bosnia muslim - bunuh wanita hamil belah perut, bunuh rogol wanita?
david koresh ni kalau u tatau tak pa knowing your capacity to process info
dan hassan al banna meninggal camne ? tahu ?




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Post time 20-7-2016 07:13 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 07:11 PM
Sebab lu bangan sejarah Islam sebab itu lu kata yelek. Wakakakaka.

ini forum saudara - so gunakan minda awak sebab kalau awak kata awak tu pandai sangat.
so far nothing sebab takut ye?

takutlah kalau bathil.

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Post time 20-7-2016 07:13 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 06:51 PM
Kat wiki pun ada tapi buat apa nak tonjok kat lu penganot agama yang failed dan denial.

Tapi sebab lu nak sangat wa suap lu sikit sikit. Ghossssss! Banyaknya terrorist agama failed! Wakakakakaka

Haa , ni dari wiki ko to
According to a graph by U.S State Department, terrorist attacks have escalated worldwide since the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.[20] Dame Eliza Manningham Buller, the former head of MI5, told the Iraq inquiry, the security services warned Tony Blair launching the War on Terror would increase the threat of terrorism.[20][better source needed] Robert Pape has argued that at least terrorists utilizing suicide attacks – a particularly effective[21] form of terrorist attack – are driven not by Islamism but by "a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland."[22] However, Martin Kramer, who debated Pape on origins of suicide bombing, stated that the motivation for suicide attacks is not just strategic logic but also an interpretation of Islam to provide a moral logic. For example, Hezbollah initiated suicide bombings after a complex reworking of the concept of martyrdom. Kramer explains that the Israeli occupation of Lebanon raised the temperature necessary for this reinterpretation of Islam, but occupation alone would not have been sufficient for suicide terrorism.[23] "The only way to apply a brake to suicide terrorism," Kramer argues, "is to undermine its moral logic, by encouraging Muslims to see its incompatibility with their own values."

Former CIA analyst Michael Scheuer argues that terrorist attacks (specifically al-Qaeda attacks on America) are not motivated by a religiously inspired hatred of American culture or religion, but by the belief that U.S. foreign policy has oppressed, killed, or otherwise harmed Muslims in the Middle East,[24] condensed in the phrase "They hate us for what we do, not who we are." U.S. foreign policy actions Scheuer believes are fueling Islamic terror include: the U.S.-led intervention in Afghanistan and invasion of Iraq; Israel–United States relations, namely, financial, military, and political support for Israel;[25][26][27][28] U.S. support for "apostate" police states in Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco, and Kuwait;[29] U.S. support for the creation of an independent East Timor from territory previously held by Muslim Indonesia; perceived U.S. approval or support of actions against Muslim insurgents in India, the Philippines, Chechnya, and Palestine;[30] U.S. troops on Muslim 'holy ground' in Saudi Arabia; the Western world's religious discrimination against Muslim immigrants; historical justification, such as the Crusades.

TQ , wiki tersebut stated clearly that the objective of the terrorism is not due to religion , aku copy paste lagi sekali
are driven not by Islamism but by "a clear strategic objective: to compel modern democracies to withdraw military forces from the territory that the terrorists view as their homeland.

Ha ha , last2 .... referensi wiki ko dah kantoi kan ko. Pasal apa yg ko dok meroyan yg Islam ajar Terrorism tapi referensi ko tu clearly stated that Islam is NOT the cause.

Ha ha , senjata dah makan tuan daaa. Aku dah kata , ko tak ada pelajaran , english pon ko lemah .... skg ko dah kantoi diri ko sendiri.

Meroyan lagi lah bagaikan janda gila talak


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:14 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 07:06 PM
LOL , ko meroyan lagu bagaikan janda gila talak

Dey tambi ... aki mintak data & facts bermakna  ...

Agama lu failed ajar omat lah, sebab itu ramai yang jadi terrorist bomb orang sana sini.

Agama lain ada ke bomb orang bonoh orang kerana agama mereka?


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:15 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 07:03 PM
Sorry itu typo wa maksudkan bendera ada gambar pedang!

kau kalau tak ada fakta, duduk ajer kat CI.  kat sini kalau tak ada fakta is consider thrash.  not worth to argue.  kalau nak bagi pendapat is okay tapi tengok la bahasa kau tu layak ke di katakan pendapat?


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:15 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 07:03 PM
Agama lu memang ajar lu jadi pembohong, jangan akui kebenaran. wakakakaka

lu ingat semua orang jadi samdol bodoh macem lu ke tak tau sejarah Perang Islam? agama lu memang ajar ontok menipu. wakakakaka

Agama yang failed!

LOL , yg clear skg ko tak mampu bagi data & facts

Ko ingat meroyan bagaikan janda gila talak adalah data & facts

Konfom yg ko tak ada pelajaran. Org mintak statistical data ko bagi discrete organisations .... ko betul2 bangang


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:17 PM | Show all posts
changepassword replied at 20-7-2016 07:03 PM
Sorry itu typo wa maksudkan bendera ada gambar pedang!

LOL , bendera ada pedang pon ko ingat terroris?

Mana ko letak otak ko ... kat kepala lutut?

Royan lagi lah bagaikan janda gila talak


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Post time 20-7-2016 07:19 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 20-7-2016 07:13 PM
Haa , ni dari wiki ko to

TQ , wiki tersebut stated clearly that the objective of the terrorism  ...

Sebab lu ambil bahagian tu je. Sebab itu wa kata agama lu ajar lu jadi pembohong jangan akui kebenaran.

Woiiiii samdol satu donia tau agama lu adalah agama yang gagal didik omat.

Satu donia tau! Orang Islam juga akui teroris adalah mereka yang berogama Islam! Wakakakaka

lu ingat semoa orang bodoh macem lu ke? tak tau apa itu teroris bomb orang sana sini.


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