Reply #240 kuncisaya's post
ek eleh... entah apa2 la.. tanya macam real je kekekekkeke entah2 tak sama pun orang nye |
Balas #236 tulip\ catat
Hubby yg buat enquiries - said that only 'Mataking' will try to apply for the permit for us but not confirm. But we are a little bit hesitant because if it does not materialised, my children would be disappointed again.
Lagipun Tulip has written that only seasoned divers are encourage to dive in Sipadan. Hati auntie dah cuak tu sbb anak-anak auntie tu baru nak menceburkan diri dlm dunia diving ni. Kalau snorkeling tu - they are used to it.
Anyway, auntie will surf the internet to get more info on Mataking. Hubby said our children will like the place. |
Balas #239 fatt\ catat
Anak-anak auntie masih tak mampu nak bayar sbb both of them are students. Masih under FAMA (Father/Mother) scholarship.
Hubby pun ada cadangkan that we go to Redang instead and stay at Laguna. Sbb susah sangat nak buat arrangement for Sipadan trip. He planned to let our children complete their diving lesson at Redang. Mmg we are going - cuma either to Mataking or Laguna aje.
Normally our travel plans were impromptu in nature sbb hubby's work requirement. Kalau kena plan 6 months ahead - mmg selalunya tak suitable for us. In the near future, it would be worst coz I hv to consider my daughter's holidays pulak. Anak lelaki tu senang - ikut cuti sekolah je.
Is there any age restriction on diving? Coz my son is only 16 years old. |
Balas #241 tulip\ catat
tapi hati aku kuat rasa yg itu adalah org yg sama... ehehehe
dia kan selalu gi diving kan... |
Balas #245 fatt\ catat
ooohhh... ko dah lepas umur teenager lah ni yerr...  |
Balas #246 kuncisaya\ catat
aku jenis sedor diri weh..
tp aku takla tua pun..aku cuma ingatkan diri aku yg aku dah above 20s.. |
Balas #245 fatt\ catat
Frustrated betul auntie hari ni. Dah booked flight tickets and make the necessary diving arrangement for the children, then found out that Laguna is fully booked for the period requested. Not even a single room. We are looking for either 2 rooms/1 suite for 5D4N.
Hubby still hasn't given up hope. He is calling few travel agents to get rooms at Laguna. Ataupun hotel/kawasan yg sewaktu dgnnya.
Do you know of any travel agents that still have some room allocations at Laguna? If yes, would appreciate if you could forward the phone number to me. |
Balas #248 tulip\ catat
Auntie is very grateful that you hv informed me that my children need to get a min of 20+ logged dives before diving in Sipadan. Sbb one of the operators is willing to bring my children to dive in Sipadan (soon after they hv obtained their license).
With this information, I would advise my husband against it. Auntie ni very cautious - my children said that I am over-protective. Anak- siapa yg tak sayang!!
I have to put on shelf this Sipadan trip until my children are more experience in diving. Hubby pun cakap biar diaorang ambik lesen kat Redang aje.
Auntie planned to go to Redang between 6/6 to 13/6 - during the school hols for 5D4N. Sbb my son would hv to go back to hostel on 14/6. You are right - there is no rooms available in Laguna. I am disappointed but have not given up hope.
Do you know what is the next best hotel in Redang after Laguna? I will try to call several more travel agents to check whether they hv rooms available in Laguna. Mintak-mintak ade lah sbb anak-anak dah berkobar-kobar nak pegi. |
Reply #250 auntieagony's post
next best thing would be redang beach resort .. it's next to laguna. either that or berjaya i guess.. |
Balas #230 tulip\ catat
Sipadan - celebes..aku x leh gi july ni..bajet, time..sumer takda ni. hati jer ada ..wakakaka. btw,
Nko gi gak ke? best tuu.
But dah mintak Jade to inform for future lob ..somewhere in Dec ni..kalu ada la. (pujuk hati ni)
Nampak gaya mmg ke tenggol la aku july ni...tenggol pun tenggol lahhh ...so gian. |
Reply #252 aisirie99's post
hehe.. alaa apa kata join me and duyong ke sipadan in march aje? hehehe.. we also have snorkelers on board so, kalau nak angkut anak bini pon no problem. eh jap ko tak sengal kan? hehehe.. kalau sengal maleh la aku nak ajak.. aku plak terasa2 cam sengal |
Balas #252 aisirie99\ catat
tulip the sengalness  |
Reply #254 duyong95's post
kekeke. semenjak dua menjak ni.. sengal skett bro  |
Balas #251 tulip\ catat
Tulip, auntie & family are in Redang now. The children are finishing their diving test today. My son is enjoying himself tremendously whilst my daughter just go with the flow...
Thanks for the tips given. |
Reply #256 auntieagony's post
your welcome auntie.. glad things turned out well for u and family. |
elo elo elo
nenek dah booking tiket ke tawau 25 feb 2010.
hahaha gila lama lagi nak pi. |
258# nenektua
wah, jauh planning nenek ye.. best nye  |
elo elo elo
nenek dah booking tiket ke tawau 25 feb 2010.
hahaha gila lama lagi nak pi.
nenektua Post at 27-6-2009 22:00 
aku ngan tulip pegi march 2010...lg gila lama dari ko.... |
| |