Perang: Georgia vs Russia - Update - Russia Isytihar Undur Tentera
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Originally posted by Acong at 13-8-2008 15:12 
US takan serang russia...... russia dah ada pakatan dgn china laa..... sesapa diserang russia & china akan gabung tenaga......
akan datang perang gunakan proksi bang Ac.
macham Iran dengan Israel
Syria dengan Israel
Lebanon dengan Israel
siapa abang besar Israel ?  |
Originally posted by Dunhill. at 13-8-2008 15:59 
Ukraine side mana ah ????
Ukraine ni pelik gak ekonomi dia
semuanya ada unsur unsur strategik
sama macham minyak keluar dari perairan teluk, tapi Opec kat Austria harga semua datang dari sana
kopi datang dari Ethophia, harga ditetapkan dari Wall street dan London
kebanyakan sumber tenaga gas untuk eropah datang dari ukraine TAPI ... harga ditetapkan oleh RUSSIA
maksudnya , EU kenalah berbaik baik dengan Russia juga
amacham bang Dun , menjawab soklan tak ?  |
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bagus laa ko nie BJ,,,perpustakaan BERGERAK....syabas,,,  |
pemendapan berlaku secara berleluasa
gejala mengutip mata percuma sedang berlaku
ober ober ...
kerekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk |
pemendapan berlaku secara berleluasa
gejala mengutip mata percuma sedang berlaku
ober ober ...
kerekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk |
pemendapan berlaku secara berleluasa
gejala mengutip mata percuma sedang berlaku
ober ober ...
kerekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk |
malam ni abang besar sudah marah
esok condolezza mau datang ke Moscow
itu EU pun sudah mau hantar dia punya pemerhati
Georgia punya laman web kena serang oleh cyberstraunouts
alahai ... dah le kena kengkononnya nak serang SO
kena kejor dengan Russia
laman web kerajaan pun kena serang jugak
alahai sian  |
as long as ada national interest US akan sokong negeri tu..... walaupun sebenarnya Georgia yang mulakan dulu, tak innocent mana pun..... |
baru kejap tadi
Georgia ngadu kat abang besar
"tolonglah kami .. dah kena hambat Russia dari SO sampai Tiblisi
arituh kan ke kami dah hantar 2000 tentera ke Iraq
dah nak sertai Pakatan Perjanjian Atlantik Utara
dah berbaik dengan Kesatuan Eropah .... tolonglahhhh kami
takkan tu tak cukup lagi nak tunjuk kat masy. kami ni orang baik baik
Russia tu jahat belaka ... tolonglah abang pendek .. oopsss ...abang besar "  |
georgia nih..negara kecik..samseng lebih, itu berbaik sangat dengan US..sekali rusia tak peduli..ko baik ke idak dengan US.. dah kena boom.. |
Originally posted by chempaka_ku at 13-8-2008 21:54 
as long as ada national interest US akan sokong negeri tu..... walaupun sebenarnya Georgia yang mulakan dulu, tak innocent mana pun.....
che' tak tgk ke macam mana kejamnya Georgia ni masa perang 1989 dengan rakyat SO ?
sampailah perang 1992 baru, Russia masuk kasik tenang ... EU hantar pemerhati pulak  |
Originally posted by KTMan at 13-8-2008 21:58 
georgia nih..negara kecik..samseng lebih, itu berbaik sangat dengan US..sekali rusia tak peduli..ko baik ke idak dengan US.. dah kena boom..
dia kenalah geng dengan abang besar
pasai abang besar LAMA dia lagi besar dan kerek
345 ribu tentera lawan 12 riban terkinchit kau ....  |
Russia pong dah banyak bangunkan SO
kasik paip air, kasik paip minyak kasik gas elektrik bagai (datang Georgia dia pegi potong)
malah russia kasik passport kat rakyat SO
kiranya depa neh rakyat russia yang bermastautin dalam negara Georgia
ni perangai sama dengan Temasik
kasik besar itu rumah api
kasik tambah itu tongkol batu
akhirnya kata
"ini tanah ana sudah bangunkan lah
ini tanah ana yang punya" chait !  |
tadah free je georgia kena serang ngan beruang merah |
Originally posted by KTMan at 13-8-2008 21:58 
georgia nih..negara kecik..samseng lebih, itu berbaik sangat dengan US..sekali rusia tak peduli..ko baik ke idak dengan US.. dah kena boom..
tanah Temasik tu 8 kangkang kera gak enche ...
tapi boleh dapat batu kat selatan Tanah Melayu nun
abang besar dia Trinindad & Tobago kot ek  |
Georgia kena punish sebab ikut 1992 punya deal, SO ada Russian citizen, yang Georgia hantam dulu kenapa?
Tapi Georgia nasib baik, Russia cuma protect citizen dan peacekeerpers mereka saja. Kalau Russia hantam nuclear hihihih
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/7863e7 ... 5-0000779fd18c.html
Why Russia’s response to Georgia was right
By Sergei Lavrov
Published: August 12 2008 19:52 | Last updated: August 12 2008 19:52
For some of those witnessing the fighting in the Caucasus over the past few days, the narrative is straightforward and easy. The plucky republic of Georgia, with just a few million citizens, was attacked by its giant eastern neighbour, Russia. Add to this all the stereotypes of the cold war era, and you are presented with a truly David and Goliath interpretation – with all its accompanying connotations of good and evil. While this version of events is being written in much of the western media, the facts present a different picture.
Let me be absolutely clear. This is not a conflict of Russia’s making; this is not a conflict of Russia’s choosing. There are no winners from this conflict. Hours before the Georgian invasion, Russia had been working to secure a United Nations Security Council statement calling for a renunciation of force by both Georgia and South Ossetians. The statement that could have averted bloodshed was blocked by western countries.
Last Friday, after the world’s leaders had arrived at the Beijing Olympics, Georgian troops launched an all-out assault on the region of South Ossetia, which has enjoyed de facto independence for more than 16 years. The majority of the region’s population are Russian citizens. Under the terms of the 1992 agreement to which Georgia is a party, they are afforded protection by a small number of Russian peacekeeping soldiers. The ground and air attack resulted in the killing of peacekeepers and the death of an estimated 1,600 civilians, creating a humanitarian disaster and leading to an exodus of 30,000 refugees. The Georgian regime refused to allow a humanitarian corridor to be established and bombarded a humanitarian convoy. There is also clear evidence of atrocities having been committed – so serious and systematic that they constitute acts of genocide.
There can be little surprise, therefore, that Russia responded to this unprovoked assault on its citizens by launching a military incursion into South Ossetia. No country in the world would idly stand by as its citizens are killed and driven from their homes. Russia repeatedly warned Tbilisi that it would protect its citizens by force if necessary, and its actions are entirely consistent with international law, including article 51 of the UN charter on the right of self-defence.
Russia has been entirely proportionate in its military response to Georgia’s attack on Russian citizens and peacekeepers. Russia’s tactical objective has been to force Georgian troops out of the region, which is off limits to them under international agreements. Despite Georgia’s assertion that it had imposed a unilateral ceasefire, Russian peacekeepers and supporting troops remained under continued attack – a fact confirmed by observers and journalists in the region. Russia had no choice but to target the military infrastructure outside the region being used to sustain the Georgian offensive. Russia’s response has been targeted, proportionate and legitimate.
Russia has been accused of using the conflict to try to topple the government and impose control over the country. This is palpable nonsense. Having established the safety of the region, the president has declared an end to military operations. Russia has no intention of annexing or occupying any part of Georgia and has again affirmed its respect for its sovereignty. Over the next few days, on the condition that Georgia refrains from military activity and keeps its forces out of the region, Russia will continue to take the diplomatic steps required to consolidate this temporary cessation of hostilities.
Mikheil Saakashvili, Georgia’s president, has stated that “unless we stop Russia, unless the whole world stops it, Russian tanks will go to any European capital tomorrow”, adding on a separate occasion that “it’s not about Georgia any more. It’s about America”. It is clear that Georgia wants this dispute to become something more than a short if bloody conflict in the region. For decision-makers in the Nato countries of the west, it would be worth considering whether in future you want the men and women of your armed services to be answerable to Mr Saakashvili’s declarations of war in the Caucasus.
Russia is a member of the Security Council, of the Group of Eight leading industrialised nations and partner with the west on issues as varied as the Middle East, Iran and North Korea. In keeping with its responsibilities as a world power and the guarantor of stability in the Caucasus, Russia will work to ensure a peaceful and lasting resolution to the situation in the region.
The writer is minister of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation
p/s: Cold war is back?  |
makin lama baca makin menarik plak cerita antara russia ngan georgia ni.. |
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