Teori Pemanasan Corona Matahari berdasarkan tafsiran Alquran dan Sains
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hello guys
apa jadi thread ni so far ? so good? ( oops gelak cam ni ) |
eh Ensem...
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 15-3-2009 11:02 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
unless, klu care u discuss adelah ngan ngutuk org. siap indirectly ckp aku ahli neraka plak tu, pdhal discussion ni psl EM wave je. klu cmtu, hujah u xkn ke mne, blasty. learn to respect others, ...
from now on would you very much keen on entertaining other questions, posting from other forumners? ahli forum yg jadi "silent" reader ingin mencelah?
becoz the more the merrier ..... |
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 15-3-2009 13:02 Cmne org tu tau yg die mmg nampak X-Ray?Blue ray tu mungkin disebabkan oleh photon yg emitted lepas X-Ray tu trigger electron jump pada melokul2 di udara, hence ape yg org tu nampak bukan ...
mungkin juga tapi naper takde follow up dari saintis lain? dia ada mention "The knowledge that X-rays are actually faintly visible to the dark-adapted naked eye has largely been forgotten today;" camna tuh? teori visible light yg established hari ni adakah sama bagi semua manusia atau berdasarkan apa yer? atau mungkin ada mysteri disebalik x-ray yg against mainstream model? |
Originally posted by blastoff at 15-3-2009 16:11 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Kalau kau nak faham apa yang terkandung dalam ayat-ayat Allah secara literal, kau kena cari di seluruh segenap alam semesta ni situasi ( peristiwa , benda, objek , keadaan etc) yang benar-ben ...
ia menggalakkan kita berfikir akan ciptaan Allah ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Originally posted by putragold at 16-3-2009 10:46 AM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
mungkin juga tapi naper takde follow up dari saintis lain? dia ada mention "The knowledge that X-rays are actually faintly visible to the dark-adapted naked eye has largely been forgotten tod ...
It is very hard to prove how can someone see X-Ray.
Klu memang die nampak X-Ray, org tu mesti nampak warne yg xleh describe, psl on the contrary, once org tu describe warne tu, directly boleh dibuktikan yg die sdg melihat visible light dengan frequency warne yg die describe. Does this make sense?
Psl tu sye susah nk caye klu org ckp "X-ray tu warne biru". Hey, klu dh biru tu, visible light la... Ye tak?
There is only one way to prove that human can indeed see X-Ray. Tgk sme ade sel2 kt mate response kpde em wave pde frequency X-ray atau x. I accept the fact that at very rare and extraordinary circumstances, the brain can interpret what X-Ray looks like. However, if you think that this brings such a great influence to the physics of corona, tell me how does X-ray look like... I suppose that you've never seen one before. |
Originally posted by putragold at 16-3-2009 10:46 AM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
mungkin juga tapi naper takde follow up dari saintis lain? dia ada mention "The knowledge that X-rays are actually faintly visible to the dark-adapted naked eye has largely been forgotten tod ...
Xde follow up dari saintis lain psl org yg buat discovery tu x berjaya buktikan yg mainstream model ni salah.
Klu betul bende tu salah, mainstream model akan bertukar. Tgk je ape jd ngan Newton lepas Einstein buktikan die salah. Tgk gak ape jd ngan Newton lepas Thomas Young buktikan die salah. Tgk ape jd ngan Einstein lps org lain ckp yg universe ni expanding? Die trpakse mintak maaf kt public.
Kite accept bende baru klu bende yg kite prcaye ni salah. Psl X-Ray tu, aku dh ckp td nape die dilupekan. Maybe putragold has enough evidents to prove that we can indeed see X-ray kn? Tp npe sye xpernah nampak artikel putragold kt internet? Nk buat revolusi, xleh malu2... |
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 16-3-2009 12:23 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Xde follow up dari saintis lain psl org yg buat discovery tu x berjaya buktikan yg mainstream model ni salah.
Klu betul bende tu salah, mainstream model akan bertukar. Tgk je ape jd ngan N ...
actually aku refer kes leh tengok x-ray ni kat sini
Nevertheless, it was only a matter of months before G. Brandes had proved him wrong: if sufficiently energetic, x-rays could produce a uniform blue-gray glow that seemed to originate within the eye itself!2
2. The most likely explanation appears to be that the visual purple of the retina is directly excited by the x-rays. (Steidley 1990).
camna tuh? |
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 16-3-2009 12:14 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
It is very hard to prove how can someone see X-Ray.
Klu memang die nampak X-Ray, org tu mesti nampak warne yg xleh describe, psl on the contrary, once org tu describe warne tu, directly bo ...
woohooo!!!! complete circle with the old thread Is Black A Color? ..... very the Zen gittewww.... |
Balas #249 saden\ catat
erm, to think about colour yg kita tak bleh describe?? tentu susah nak imagine sebab kita takde ape2 pengalaman tentang colour tu.....
kekadang aku terpikir, bagaimana nak merengakan contohnya warna hijau kepada org buta warna....?
sure kita tau, dia tak boleh imagine langsung.... |
Reply #250 ussopp's post
tapi kan Ussop in reverse we could "see" what he is perceiving , kan? by asking him to paint a i dunno picture of scenery may be , kan? |
Meh sini aku bwk ayat Quran ek. Aku tau korg tanak bace paper2 org barat, skrg ni aku bawak paper Allah SWT.
揇an katakanlah kepada wanita-wanita yang beriman: 扝endaklah mereka menahan pandangannya dan memelihara kemaluannya dan janganlah mereka menampakkan perhiasannya kecuali yang biasa nampak dari padanya. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan khumur (Ind: jilbab)nya ke dadanya厭 |
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 16-3-2009 16:58 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Meh sini aku bwk ayat Quran ek. Aku tau korg tanak bace paper2 org barat, skrg ni aku bawak paper Allah SWT.
揇an katakanlah kepada wanita-wanita yang beriman: 扝endaklah mereka menahan pandan ...
Beb, cuba check 'millimeter wave body scanner' yg diorang pakai kat airport security. you're basically bogel! tapi macam yg kau cakap la..ni bukan nampak directly pakai mata...kena pakai device yg convert jadi visible image. SO, it's true what u said...
Satu lagi, kalau mata kita boleh nampak xray, kita cuma nampak rangka&tengkorak berjalan je la. |
Originally posted by saden at 16-3-2009 05:11 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Beb, cuba check 'millimeter wave body scanner' yg diorang pakai kat airport security. you're basically bogel! tapi macam yg kau cakap la..ni bukan nampak directly pakai mata...kena pakai device ...
La, korg yg cakap mata leh nampak x-ray td, mne la aku tau. Aku ikut korg je..
N saden dh konfius x-ray dengan filem kt hospital. Kt hospital, x-ray frequency tertentu je digunekan. Klu x-ray generally, kdg2 u leh nampak tubuh manusia. Aku xtau, korg yg ckp manusia leh detect x-ray. I'm just playing ur way, dude. Ingat... Xleh ckp Quran salah, xleh gak ckp aku misinterpret. Kn tiap org ade otak, leh interpret sendiri.
[ Last edited by aku_EnSeM at 16-3-2009 17:21 ] |
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 16-3-2009 17:19 ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
La, korg yg cakap mata leh nampak x-ray td, mne la aku tau. Aku ikut korg je..
N saden dh konfius x-ray dengan filem kt hospital. Kt hospital, x-ray frequency tertentu je digunekan. Klu x- ...
gasak kau lah labu... emo tak hengat |
Originally posted by saden at 16-3-2009 05:34 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
gasak kau lah labu... emo tak hengat
Cukup r, care td x berhikmah lgsg.
Yes, pade kes2 tertentu, radiation ape2 pun boleh activate optical cell kite. However, optical cell kite sensitif dlm julat2 tertentu, klu frequency lain masuk, diorg akan rosak.
Cmni gak analytical chemists nk detect kehadiran molekul2 tertentu, psl diorg absorb sebahagian kecil je dr spectrum EM-wave. Klu bende2 pelik masuk2, molekul tu boleh disintegrate. Dlm kes mata kite, nk try tgk X-Ray, boleh je. Next time g hospital, mintak nurse tu tembak x-ray ke mate ko. Kot2 nampak ape2, tp pastu klu dh xleh nmpk dunia, tanggung sendiri.
Kite bagi istilah visible spectrum psl itu je region yg kite boleh detect dengan selamat, n otak boleh interpret dengan tepat. Nape X-ray x diklasifikasikan sebagai visible? Bukn sahaja psl kite x sensitif ngan xray, tp mata boleh rosak klu try tgk x-ray.
Similarly, aku tnye "can human eat dog's crap?" Boleh je kn, tp esok2 tgk r ape jd. So, setiap kali org tnye soalan tu, kite akan jawab, "No, human cannot eat dog's crap."
Thanks. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Erm... Aku rse manusia dh cukup yakin utk jelaskan pemanasan corona.. Ke ade percanggahan lg? Setakat ni aku tgk xde percanggahan je, both theories of physics and EM wave x sme ngan energy theory leh jelaskan mcm2... Depends nk pilih mne satu je. ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Balas #251 mbhcsf\ catat
ya2, apa yg boleh sy buat ialah tanya macam mana view dia then, cakap berdasarkan view dia....
baru selesai masalah..... |
Reply #258 ussopp's post
selesai macam mana?
dengan menganggapkan
view nya adalah benar dan hanya benar jika dunia ini hanya benar mengikut pandangannya dan kebenaran kefahamannya daripada pemahamannya ?![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Balas #259 mbhcsf\ catat
its like this...menerangkan bukan dari pandangan kita tetapi dari pandangan dia....sebab bila kita sebut tentang org buta warna, dia tak tahu apa kita nampak, tp kita tahu apa dia nampak iaitu TV takde colour atau warna2 "grayscale" la kan...
so at least kita boleh ulas.....
uurm....tp sis, kalau kita benar2 nak pikir secara gila(tetapi still logic)actually kita tak idea pun pasal dunia org lain sebenarnya.....we are assumeming...ntah2 dunia buta warna lebih colourful dari kita.....hahaha......
everybody has their own perspective.....biru saya mungkin merah bagi anda.....sebab otak yg tafsir elektrikal impulse tu....
dan mungkin tafsiran otak syida tentang dunia terbalik dari dunia saya, cuma bila kita berkomunikasi, tak ada percanggahan....so we assume we have the same outside brain world....
have you ever imagine this....? |
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Category: Belia & Informasi