Post Last Edit by mbhcsf at 22-9-2009 16:46
Post Last Edit by hzln at 22-9-2009 15:14
even in the West the term stupid is now not as widely used as before especially in formal documents...they have changed it to "intellectually challenged", ...
hzln Post at 22-9-2009 15:13 
o okay jap yer hmm.... ..hmm...ada beza sikit ni ....hmm....ok ...
i am referring to the "intellectually challenged" vs stupid vs spastic etc etc and citing / quoting this as one example...jer ya...tak pa ..kot ...
actually there is a reson behind it, in medico-sociological, health - based context, the professional will avoid of labelling a person with certain "condition" with the adjective that defines a person - like labelling a person with diabetes as "diabetic" or kiddies with learning disability as "retard" ~ though it basically means the same as you mentioned in the quoted post, the "attached meaning/ value" philosophy" ? may be different - in health sector we treat people as a person not the "condition" they have or not the adjective tu lah , because i think we do not want to be defined by the condition we are having.
Ni sekadar nak menyelit sikit bukan apa betul tu secara literal maksudnya , teh meaning is the same but then it is viewd slightly differently in terms of its "nilai" and when it comes to the attached meaning, values tu ...dalam konteks ini. |
lagi satu - thread ni menarik sebab ada unsur unsur nilai ni tapi kan
saya sampai kat page ni tak atau masih tak tahu lagi apa yg dikatakan bodoh sangat tengok filem tu, aspek mana yg bodoh
yg dok tengok ialah hujah yg dok latch on sapa bodoh sapa tak bodoh tapi apa aspek filem tu yg bodoh ? apa yg witty apa yg sememangnya ia mmg bodoh , kat mana ? apa jenis filem ni ? dan tak der spa pun nak membawa "audiens" thread ni to see apa yg cerdiknya filem ni....
actually it is not about film barat or filem kita le saya rasa tapi the meesage, the morale, the lesson behind it sebab pada saya apa apa benda pun kita lihat, dengar, belajar mesti ada makna atau bermakna so it can be as light and easy yet still can be viewed as " witty"
... |
Yup, I agree.its the stupidest n most foolish movie I've ever come across! |
239# mbhcsf ikut kemampuan otak mak aku berfikir la..
sama kekdahnya, xkan la aku nak ajak mak aku main futsal plak kan?memadai la joging2 ke, tai chi ke
tekoyong Post at 22-9-2009 16:40 
tak der ler dear....
ca, ni u could simplify things, you could tell her ...the main theme or the hype conspiracy theories behind it lepas tu ..i mean tak lah the whole arguments etc etc...u could tell her apa beza islam and the things mentioned dalam filem tu..citer balik...i think semua org boleh faham / mampu berfikir even your mommy cuma the cara dan minat ....but anyway tak per pun...cuma saya curious as to tak bawa your mommy watching those movies...tu jer...tapi jenis filem mainkan peranan jugak , kan? takkan nak bawa org jiwang jiwang type pi tengok Bourne Supremacy kot kan? hehhe yg tak minat matt damon..hmm...eh ni the novel or the actor yer mainkan peranan ni ...kang buka satu thread ...wakakakkaak anyway ....heheheh |
Yup, I agree.its the stupidest n most foolish movie I've ever come across!
fateinzul Post at 22-9-2009 16:55 
what is it about, yer ?
citer Melayu yg saya terpaksa tengok kat wayang ialah hahahahaaa semua org gelak ni ..7 perhentian ..kat midvalley tahun 2005 ? 2004 ? ada 5 org jer dalam theatre tu so...well..hmm...heheheh yg lain tv atau tertengok atau tengok tv |
kaki gila AF ada hati nak bincang pasal hadis...keh keh keh...
oh ya... gilakan AF jugak antara ciri-ciri kebodohan Melayu...
nasuha30 Post at 22-9-2009 11:47 
kaki bod gosip dan pernah popular dengan thread pompuan muslimah gi tesco tak pakai coli dan kenapa pompuan melayu suke tengok batang aku pun ade ati nak bincang pasal hadis. tanda akhir zaman..  |
thread yg masing2 berlomba2 nak nunjuk2 yg diri sundri lagi pandai dari org lain tu kaaaa?
apam Post at 22-9-2009 16:20 
thread dubur..  |
246# freekey
OFF TOPIC. Fuh, siggy ko. apesal mcm bunyi2 desperate jer?  |
ala.... dah memang kita bangsa melayu kurang nk berfikir.
kalau tak.... bangsa kita dah lama maju dlm negara ni melebihi bangsa2 lain kat mesia ni.
bukanla kata suma mlayu tu xmaju... TAPI secara keseluruhannya, kita xla kedepan sgt (trmasuk tuan diri yg menulis ni haaaa. makan gaji jo eden)
++bila dh disogok oleh org2 yg memntingkan keuntungan semata2 tanpa nak beratkan kepala otak diorg dgn buat filem berat yg x tentu laku... atau filem komedi yg 'bijak' dan menarik.... tgk jelah.
+++time cuti la nbk tgk wayang... dah xde yg menarik, jin notti la citer mlayu yg ade.
p/s: final destination + murderer (cantonis) pun xla se'bijak' mana |
thread yg masing2 berlomba2 nak nunjuk2 yg diri sundri lagi pandai dari org lain tu kaaaa?
apam Post at 22-9-2009 16:20 
kalau dah macam tu responnya tak tau nak ckp apalah...thread yg mcm ni kata thread sampah, bila dicadang thread lain yg bukan thread sampah, dikata tu thread org lumba2 tunjuk pandai...org lain serba tak kena nampaknya bagi awak. |
kalau dah macam tu responnya tak tau nak ckp apalah...thread yg mcm ni kata thread sampah, bila dicadang thread lain yg bukan thread sampah, dikata tu thread org lumba2 tunjuk pandai...org lain s ...
hzln Post at 22-9-2009 18:14 
selin..ko takmo reply siggy preekey ke..dia masih mencarik
ciann prikey..tak salah aku sejak raya lepas kut dia mencarik
carikkkkk yeopppp jangan tak carik |
Post Last Edit by mbhcsf at 22-9-2009 16:46
o okay jap yer hmm.... ..hmm...ada beza sikit ni ....hmm....ok ...
i am referring to the "intellectually challenged" vs stupid vs spastic etc et ...
mbhcsf Post at 22-9-2009 16:45 
the thing is, there has been shifts in human values, languages evolves according to human values. for thousands of years, there was nothing wrong in saying the condition as it is...even in the bible, "jesus healed the crippled", there's nothing insulting about that.
but nowadays there's no more crippled people, only the disabled
the change in terms signify the change of condition? NO.
i'm not saying it's a bad thing, though.
maybe it's just something that make us feel good, by pretending that the conditions have somewhat changed with the change in terms, no? |
akhbar melayu paling laris: harian metro
majalah melayu paling laris: mastika
dari situ pun dah bulih buat telahan dah...average minds melayu ni tahap mana...
ko dah baca ke mastika ni sampai m/s akhir???
ko jgn sdp nak ngutuk, banyak info yg ko blh dpt kat mastika beb...
i wanna ask u a few questions...
1. aku nak tanye kalo minda melayu mcm ko ckp tu mcmane??? blh xplain kat thread ni???
2. ko ni jenis melayu mcmane pulak???? or bkn melayu???
3. ape tahap pendidikan ko??? ade master/Phd?????
4. ape yg ko dah sumbangkan untk org melayu????
ok kak, juz answer my simple questions above with the reasonable and critical thinking answers.... |
kalau dah macam tu responnya tak tau nak ckp apalah...thread yg mcm ni kata thread sampah, bila dicadang thread lain yg bukan thread sampah, dikata tu thread org lumba2 tunjuk pandai...org lain s ...
hzln Post at 22-9-2009 18:14 
Iyaa, usah dibilang apa2 lagii |
ko dah baca ke mastika ni sampai m/s akhir???
ko jgn sdp nak ngutuk, banyak info yg ko blh dpt kat mastika beb...
i wanna ask u a few questions...
1. aku nak tanye kalo minda melayu mcm ko ck ...
lkick2113 Post at 22-9-2009 18:30 
those questions are mostly abt WHO am i...the sort of thing u people won't really get any real answers from me, a thing or two, in passing, maybe, but not in straightforward manner. i don't talk abt WHO am i in here, sorry, but that's my principle . i only give my views on things, i don't answer personal questions, as me too not interested in asking personal questions. |
i don't answer personal questions, as me too not interested in asking personal questions.
so, if some people want to watch the malay film during this hari raya that is their personal matters, and who r u want to condem those people like that???
this issue should not being discussed in this thread, bcoz that is personal interest... by right this bod should be discuss the isu2 yng membina.... |
so, if some people want to watch the malay film during this hari raya that is their personal matters, and who r u want to condem those people like that???
this issue should not being discussed ...
lkick2113 Post at 22-9-2009 18:53 
u can't really differentiate between "personal information" and "personal choices", seriously? :re:
following your logic, then we ban all those threads on politics because it is our personal choices, of whom or what policies we choose to support, and nobody has any rights to give any opinions whatsoever on that matter.
back to the topic, if u care to read from the beginning right to the end, u'll see my criticism are pretty broad, not specific to those who watched the movie in question, it's more about the malay mentality in general. we are not known to be a thinking society. we don't read that much, and if we choose to read, it's mostly thrash. a good malay movie can't really be sold here, but thrashy malay movies do sell, by millions.
yes, there are some informative sections in mastika, i do admit that, 4 or 5 pages out of the whole magazine that is.
heck, even in mangga, thrashy as it is, if u look pretty carefully, u'll find something quite useful & informative 
my point is, how many of those mastika readers really learn anything from "mayat awang pulang ke rumah", "misteri kubur mek wok wangi malam jumaat" & "rahsia kordi gagah di ranjang" (tajuk adalah rekaan, atas tujuan perbincangan semata2 ), seriously? :kant:  |
pembuka thread dah jawab belum, kalau hebat sangat filem2 Melayu yg berkualiti sebab apa BANGSA2 lain pon tak hingin nak tgk filem2 MELAYU tu
BANGSA2 lain pon BODOH juga ker tak reti menilai karya bermutu org2 MELAYU High Class ni?  |
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