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Author: 311gurl

Fazura-Bday ke 30,Doa selamat pastu nxt day COSTUME Party

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Post time 30-9-2013 03:22 AM | Show all posts
kambinggila posted on 28-9-2013 02:06 AM
air kencing kuning ke air kencing kucing??

maksud I tonggak air Kencing Kuning tu such as Beer, Champagne or yg sewaktu dgn nye le Uols... kiki

ko kambinggila saje nak wat Lawak ek...


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Post time 30-9-2013 03:26 AM | Show all posts
skymania posted on 30-9-2013 03:12 AM
dah jdk isu sbb dua thread ..sbb mende yg sama dalam kedua2 thread walaupon ini adalah spin off..:cu ...

Thanks sebab reply. Rita rudaini tu pun sama. Tp this one is clearly not spin off, it's about fazura birthday bukan?

based on your answer, we can open thread yang berbeza pasal artis yang sama?

contoh : birthday fazura sambut dengan doa selamat

and buka thread birthday fazura sambut dengan costume party. The issue is still the same bukan?

and thread fazura tu blum abis lagi pun.

lgpun lainla klu thread ni pasal fazura kemalangan ker,  tu baru spin off namanya

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2013 03:38 AM | Show all posts
tobobon posted on 30-9-2013 03:26 AM
Thanks sebab reply. Rita rudaini tu pun sama. Tp this one is clearly not spin off, it's about fazu ...

benang tak semestinya kena habis sampai page 100 dik non...

benang ni pasal birthday fakezura yg ke 30...jadi cerita baru pasal dia..mmg dh ada kt blogs etc etc..
yg kau kisah sgt pasal" oh benang dia x habis asal kene bukak benang baru " tu kenapa?
selama ni bnyk je benang dia,,cuma kt pg belakang2...cite lain,bukak la benang baru,,tu pun kalo ada yg nak bukak...
benang ni fokus kt hari jadi dia...
,new story,new thread.xde story ko tunggulah smpai retis tu buat isu baru then baru leh buka cite pasal ISU yg dia create tu..benang bukan nak buat ala2 sinetron indon yg nak cite pasal kisah kehidupan dia.. . .fungsi merged dh xde..ko nak joyah,,silakan joyah.habis cite.keje2 benang brlambak biar mod settle kan..takyah la ko buat serabut otak dok pikir asal benang RR,fakezura,ND dan ramai retis lain ada sampai sepuloh

camgitu kan sekai? @skymania

Last edited by 311gurl on 30-9-2013 03:44 AM


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Post time 30-9-2013 03:46 AM | Show all posts
311gurl posted on 30-9-2013 03:38 AM
benang tak semestinya kena habis sampai page 100 dik non...

benang ni pasal birthday fakezura y ...

Kt thread yang blum abis tu pun ada mention pasal birthday dia, napa sebelum tulis pasal birthday tu tak terfikir nak buka thread baru???

i mean perlu ker banyak2 thread fazura ni...

was it because you pembuka tegar thread fazura, maka u have an exclusivity to open how many thread about her?

i know i am newbie here, for me takdela gosip baru sangat pasal fazura ni sampai setiap kali she does something, perlu diupdate dlm board gossip and dijadikan laharan

and i'm not peminat dia, as you said , she is soo fake Last edited by tobobon on 30-9-2013 03:48 AM


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Post time 30-9-2013 03:46 AM | Show all posts
tobobon posted on 30-9-2013 03:26 AM
Thanks sebab reply. Rita rudaini tu pun sama. Tp this one is clearly not spin off, it's about fazu ...

yups..btol mcm pemahaman kau.... sebegituhlah pemahaman admin dan kami juga..

thread fazura yg ada now bukan pasal "all about  bla bla"..

tp derang masih campur adukkan.. maybe ada yg malas nak bukak thread baru..

so pada yg rajin bukak thread.. n takde lgk topik besday die.. so mmg akan leave it..

melainkan bak kata ko..dah ada.. pasa besday.. then yg baru akan closed..

so sekarang neh..ada ker thread besday die yg telah di buka dahulu berbanding thread yg ada neh?

kalu ada..inform aku..aku akan closed yg bukak kemudiannyer..

so far aku perasan ada dua thread fazura sahaja.. satu besday.. dan satu lgk bi bawah tajuk dewi remaja..


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 Author| Post time 30-9-2013 03:47 AM | Show all posts
warrior fakezura rupanya

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 Author| Post time 30-9-2013 03:50 AM | Show all posts
prettymanja posted on 30-9-2013 03:22 AM
maksud I tonggak air Kencing Kuning tu such as Beer, Champagne or yg sewaktu dgn nye le Uols.. ...

iols ingat uols typo

dok pikir asal pulak dia nak minum air kencheng klaer kuning?

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Post time 30-9-2013 06:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
skymania posted on 30-9-2013 03:46 AM
yups..btol mcm pemahaman kau.... sebegituhlah pemahaman admin dan kami juga..

thread fazur ...

So this is all about her birthday, huh? So sampaila 100 page suma dok citer pasal birthday dia sahaja, not anything else bukan?

if pembuka thread nak citer another new thing about her, contoh macam fazura gaduh dengan sapa2 ker, dia x bolehlah sambung kat sini sebab sini is all about her birthday and related things pasal birthday dia, am i right?

i doubt that.

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Post time 30-9-2013 07:01 AM | Show all posts
tobobon posted on 30-9-2013 06:55 AM
So this is all about her birthday, huh? So sampaila 100 page suma dok citer pasal birthday dia sah ...

itu terserah.. kami takleh nak pantau every singlle reply dalam thread neh.. so samada  besday.. gado.. pi bercuti.. sker ati demelah nak citer apa pon..

kalu nak pantau seme posting.. gamaknyer.. thread2 lain pon lama dah kene humban.. off topik tak keterlaluan its normal here..

aku percaya ko bukan baru kt sini.. dah masak..cumanyer ko tak suka thread kutuk fazura bnyk2 sngt.. samelah mcm selagi tak redundant..ok saja..

pastu lak..klu too many report about the same thing..then kiranyer ramai gler annoying..dan itu akan ada tindakan susulan..

*kami pon ada real life gtewww...*

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Post time 30-9-2013 07:07 AM | Show all posts
tobobon posted on 30-9-2013 06:55 AM
So this is all about her birthday, huh? So sampaila 100 page suma dok citer pasal birthday dia sah ...

tell me logically how is it possible to control 100% each and every post here and make sure it is not out of topic? tak make sense lgsung. but overall secara general still berkisar psl her birthday party.

btw benang fazura yg still aktif just ada DUA je. so apa yg BANYAK sgt?

skang ni dah xde ekslusif thread 'all about.." tak kira la retis hot or not. asalkan forumer bukak thread, with the new issue, we all moderator akan leave it. itu arahan admin. period.

cuba tgk benang si fida, padahal sendu abis minah tu, still berlambak je org bukak. why u not bother about her thread? kenapa benang fazura jg yg u nak bother..? Last edited by maxim on 30-9-2013 07:09 AM


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Post time 30-9-2013 07:19 AM | Show all posts
skymania posted on 30-9-2013 07:01 AM
itu terserah.. kami takleh nak pantau every singlle reply dalam thread neh.. so samada  besday.. g ...

well, i guess you pun dah malas nak pantau. Whatever things yang dorang open kat sini, walaupun thread tu perkara asas biasa yang dilakukan oleh sorang artis pun jadilah, yang penting laharan forumer tu yang akan meningkatkan nilai gosip thread itu

mungkin thread mcm ni :-

artis A pi makan mamak.

artis A pi bercuti ke pulau.

tp hari tu thread lisa yang banyak tu kena katup jer semua. so this cannot be close la ek?


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Post time 30-9-2013 07:23 AM | Show all posts
apesal ek ada je org suh merge thread tu.. merge thread ni.. semakkkk.. kalo cite lelaen pasal artis yak sama x kesah la berapa banyak thread ponn.. kalo ada sambutan sure org layan.. kalo xde harus terbenam.. so apa ada hal.. xde la satu thread byk beno cite.. x focus nk memahami.. jeles la tu thread fazura byk.. dia gorgeous harus la popular .. banyak gossip .. banyak thread.. ni sebokkk nk merge merge.. get a life!

all the best Fazura~

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Post time 30-9-2013 07:27 AM | Show all posts
maxim posted on 30-9-2013 07:07 AM
tell me logically how is it possible to control 100% each and every post here and make sure it is  ...

saya setuju dengan anda, mungkin tak boleh dikontrol 100%.

cuma kadang2 saya hairan, hari tu thread lisa walaupun citer lain2, ditutup satu persatu atas alasan annoying, sampai moderator bukak thread to remind forumers jangan buka thread macam tu, and now, different talk pula?

maybe pemahaman I salah kot, harap di maafkan


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Post time 30-9-2013 07:36 AM | Show all posts
tobobon posted on 30-9-2013 07:19 AM
well, i guess you pun dah malas nak pantau. Whatever things yang dorang open kat sini, walaupun th ...

ko tak baca thread aku ari tuh?

selepas 3 masih cecah 3 page tak bergerak..ianyer di konsider sendu..dan akan di closed n bump ke bawah..

sbb kelonggaran bukak thread dah ada.. n kami buat rules neh supaya thread gosip or crita sendu lgk hiba tak menular..

nak thread bertahan lama.. sila rempit la...mcm thread neh..

so kau dh tau pasal thread lisa..supposed ..ko ada baca thread rules yg aku bukak tuh..

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Post time 30-9-2013 07:37 AM | Show all posts
tobobon posted on 30-9-2013 07:27 AM
saya setuju dengan anda, mungkin tak boleh dikontrol 100%.

cuma kadang2 saya hairan, hari tu th ...

ko nak bukak thread lisa.. silakan..even ari tuh..thread lisa jdk badak pon still ada kan??

yg ko nak butthurt kenapa? ko tak tgk thread rita rudaini?? 5-6 thread..menten saja..

ada isu..proceed sajalah.. kalu ko ada crita lain pasal fazura..bukak jeh la thread..

ADMIN pesan..SERVER cari nih besar ok!

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Post time 30-9-2013 07:39 AM | Show all posts
tobobon posted on 30-9-2013 07:19 AM
well, i guess you pun dah malas nak pantau. Whatever things yang dorang open kat sini, walaupun th ...

satu lgk.. dah ko tak suka ngan kami punyer menagement.. ko apply lah jdk mod sini.. tambah orng..

weols pon lega lah skit..

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Post time 30-9-2013 07:40 AM | Show all posts
maxim posted on 30-9-2013 07:07 AM
tell me logically how is it possible to control 100% each and every post here and make sure it is  ...

ko tak pikir thread rita.. latest.. janda berhias ok..

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Post time 30-9-2013 07:44 AM | Show all posts
tobobon posted on 30-9-2013 07:27 AM
saya setuju dengan anda, mungkin tak boleh dikontrol 100%.

cuma kadang2 saya hairan, hari tu th ...
cuma kadang2 saya hairan, hari tu thread lisa walaupun citer lain2, ditutup satu persatu atas alasan annoying

yg mana thread di katup satu persatu tu?

semua thread2 tu masih hidup segar bugar lagi.

korg perlu tau la, there are some rules we all mod kat sini nak kene follows. ada yg mengawal kat atas nun. x boley wat sesuka hati like forum ni our parent yg punya. ada admin dan management yg dok pantau, perkembangan forum, nak tarik traffic, etc.
kitorg akui pd permulaan mmg kitorg pn nak ikut kpala snirik je, tp lama kelamaan byk kali kene tegur ngan org atas..we all pn da mls nak layan sgt..then we just stick to the rules.

at the same time, kitorg pn nak jaga forumer2 cam korg ni, nak biar korg selesa. jd kalau thread yg dibukak lgsung xde isu nak dilaharkan, i mean sendu yg teramat, forumer pn ramai yg request utk dikatup, we all still akan amek tindakan..bergantung atas budi bicara.

tp dalam kes thread ni, as long as ada yg melahar, ramai yg posting, we'll still leave it.

kitog bknnya kuli kat sini, we all wat keje free..pantau dan control yg mana patut. tp at the same time kitog pn ada real life,  ada kala kitog letih, ada kala mood swing, etc. so dont expect us to be perfect 100%.

hope korg bleh paham.

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Post time 30-9-2013 07:47 AM | Show all posts
skymania posted on 30-9-2013 07:40 AM
ko tak pikir thread rita.. latest.. janda berhias ok..

sori off topic jap...

bila nak guna banner baru tu?...dah bosan lah asyik2 tgk muka AA je...

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Post time 30-9-2013 07:48 AM | Show all posts
skymania posted on 30-9-2013 07:39 AM
satu lgk.. dah ko tak suka ngan kami punyer menagement.. ko apply lah jdk mod sini.. tambah orng.. ...

kann? aku tgh carik pengganti, tp yg berkelayakan semuanya tak nak

so?? kalau korg rasa korg layak,rajin wat keje, rajin melayan kerenah porumer cam korg ni, sila la apply..lagi kami suka


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