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Author: ninoZ

[kompilasi] KEK

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Post time 30-10-2007 12:25 PM | Show all posts

Bahan Base
200 gm biskut chipsmore [mesinkan/hancurkan halus]
2 s/b butter [suhu bilik]

Bahan Kerim
250 gm cheese cream philidephia
300 ml yogurt [perisa kiwi]
125 ml plain yogurt
100 gm gula halus [gula kastor]
2 s/b kiwi filling

Larutan agar-agar cair [panaskan]
100 ml air
1 s/b agar-agar serbuk

Hiasan [kacau sebati]
Filling kiwi
1 s/b air suam

1. Alaskan loyang cheesecake 8 inci dengan kertas kek [kertas A4 pun ok]
2. Gaulkan biskut chipsmore dengan butter dan tekankan dalam loyang.
3. Pukul cheese cream dan gula sehingga kembang [sebati].
4. Masukkan yogurt dan kacau rata
5. Masukkan larutan agar-agar cair dan kacau sebati.
6. Masukkan dalam loyang. Sejukkan dalam petisejuk beberapa jam.
7. Keluarkan dan letakkan filling kiwi.
8. Hidangkan.

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Post time 30-10-2007 02:19 PM | Show all posts

500gm Philadelphia  cream cheese
1 cup whipping cream
150gm caster sugar
5 eggs
lemon juice from 1 lemon

Digestive biscuits  - Blend to fine powder about 21/2 cup
50-80gm butter melted in microwave. Do not let it boil.
Mix and press onto a tray to make a mould. Put into fridge and chill.

Beat creamcheese and sugar until creamy and light. Beat in egg, 1 at a time and mix
well. Pour in whipping cream, lemon juice and beat lightly until all is mixed well.

Pour cream into chilled pastry and bake bain maine (steam bake) for 1hour at 170 deg C. Your
cheesecake will turn out perfectly delicious.

P/s Toppings ikut kegemaran masing2, hok cream tu tu guna fresh cream je..

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Post time 30-10-2007 02:28 PM | Show all posts
Mango Cheesecake [yusnina]

Dasar Kek

100 gm Digestive biscuits (dihancurkan)
10 gm gula castor
50 gm butter (dicairkan)

Kesemua bahan ini digaul sebati dan ditekankan ke dalam acuan kek. Sejukkan di dalam peti sejuk.

Bahan Cheese

250 gm krim keju
150 ml whipping cream
8 g serbuk gelatin
60 gm gula castor
1 biji buah mempelam masak
3 sudu kecil air

Masukkan whipping cream ke dalam bekas dan putar hingga gebu.

Di dalam bekas lain pula, putar cream cheese dengan gula hingga gebu. Masukkan buah mempelam (yang telah dikisar hingga menjadi puri) ke dalam adunan cheese dan diikuti dengan gelatin (yang telah dilarutkan secara double boiler dengan 3 sudu teh air tadi). Kacau sebati. Tuangkan whipping cream yang telah diputarkan tadi.

Tuangkan adunan ke atas base biskut tadi dan sejukkan.

Bila telah agak keras, bolehlah dihiasi dengan kesukaan masing masing.

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Post time 30-10-2007 02:55 PM | Show all posts
(Sumber: Lori @

Pic : mOntey

2 cups crushed graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup margarine or butter, melted
448g cream cheese, softened
325ml condensed milk
3 eggs
juice of 2 calamansi or 2 tsps. lemon juice (if available)

Preheat oven to 300篎. Combine crumbs, sugar and margarine; press firmly on bottom of 9-inch springform pan. Bake in a preheated 350癋 oven for 10 minutes.
With mixer, beat cream cheese in large bowl until fluffy. Gradually beat in condensed milk until smooth. Add eggs and calamansi or lemon juice. Mix well.
Pour into prepared pan. Bake 50 to 55 minutes or until center is slightly jiggly but perimeter is set. Cool 1 hour. Chill at least 4 hours to let flavors develop. Will keep in refrigerator for two weeks

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Post time 30-10-2007 03:00 PM | Show all posts
Carrot Cheesecake [chempaka_ku]
Source : Cheesecake Extraordinaire

Carrot Filling

24 ounces cream cheese
3/4 cup sugar
5 tsps flour
3 eggs
1 egg yolk
1/2 cup frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
2 medium carrots, finely shredded
2/3 cup whipping cream
1 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp finely shredded orang epeel

Beat cream cheese, sugar and flour till smooth.  
Add eggs and egg yolk, satu persatu, beating well after each addition.
Stir in orange juice concentrate, shredded carrots, whipping cream, vanilla and orange peel.
Pour the mixture over the crust.
Bake at 400 F/204 Celcius for 15 minutes.  Turunkan suhu kepada 225 F/107 C dan bakar selama 1 jam 10 minit or till the centre no longer looks wet or shiny.
Remove the cake from the oven and run a knife around the inside edge of the pan.  
Chill, uncovered, overnight.

Cinnamon Orange Topping

2 tbsps milk
2 tbsps butter or margarine
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups  icing sugar, ayak
1 tsp finely shredded orang peel
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
fresh orange wedges

In a small saucepan, didihkan susu dan butter.  Ketepikan.  Gaul vanilla.
Dalam mangguk lain, gaul icing sugar, orange peel dan cinnamon.
Masukkan campuran butter tadi.
Beat dengan mixer hingga smooth.
Spread over cake.  Hias dengan fresh orange wedges.  
Chill till serving time.

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Post time 30-10-2007 03:04 PM | Show all posts

Bahan A -Base Biskut
120 gm biskut chipsmore
2 s/b butter

1. Mesinkan halus biskut.
2. Gaulkan dengan butter sehinga boleh dikepal.
3. Masukkan dalam loyang springform 8 inci bulat yg telah dilapikkan kertas minyak.
4. Tekan adunan dan bakar pada suhu 150'C selama 10 minit.

Bahan B - Filling
250 gm krim keju Philidephia
70 gm butter
120 gm fresh cream (maklang guna fresh milk kurang 120gm)
120 gm gula halus
50 gm tepung jagung
30 gm tepung superfine
1 s/teh esen vanilla
4 biji telur ayam [asingkan kuning dan putih telur]
2 s/b blueberry filling

Filling blueberry..
[bolih dibeli siap dari kedai alat kueh/kek
atau dalam tin dari supermarket. ]

1. Panaskan oven 150 C selama 5 minit. ...
2. Pukul putih telur sehingga naik gebus saperti bueh sabun. Pastikan tiada kuning telur tercampur dalam adunan putih telur...dan juga pemukul telur kering dari minyakatau air.]
3. Pukulkan keju kerim, butter, gula dan frsh cream/whipping cream sehingga gebu.
4. Masukkan kuning telur satu persatu dan esen vanila. Pukul algi sehinggga rata.
5.. Ayakkan kedua-dua jenis tepung.
6. Dengan menggunakan senduk kayu masukkan tepung dan kacau rata.
7. Buat teknik kaup-balikkan adunan.
8. Masukkan adunan putih telur dan gaulkan rata. Masukkan pula blueberry dan kacau rata.
9. Masukkan adunan dalam loyang yg telah ada biskut base.
10 .Bakar pada suhu 150'C selama 70 - 75 minit
11. Bila telah amsak biarkan didalam oven selama beberapa jam.
12. Sejukkan kek dalam peti sejuk untuk 4- 5 jam lagi.
13. Letakkan topping blueberry sebagai hiasan dan boleh dihidangkan

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Post time 30-10-2007 03:10 PM | Show all posts
Baked Cheesecake [izaina72]
Source : Amy Beh

225g cream cheese (saya guna lupark brand)
60g butter
80g castor sugar
3/4 tsp vanilla essence
3/4 tbsp grated lemon zest or rind
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
80g plain flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
3 tbsp whipping cream
1 egg white
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp castor sugar
1 tsp lemon juice
2 tbsp apricot gel
2 tbsp water

Grease, line and grease a 18cm spring-form cake pan. Wrap the outside of the cake pan with aluminium foil to prevent water from seeping into the pan.
Preheat oven to 170癈.

Beat cream cheese, butter, sugar, vanilla essence and lemon zest at maximum speed with an electric beater for 5

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Post time 30-10-2007 03:20 PM | Show all posts

110 gm butter                                
(A) 200 gm digestive biscuits (McVites) - hancurkan
(A) 50 gm cornflakes
30 gm brown sugar                                

Melt butter in a pan then add brown sugar followed by (A).                                

Fry till dry.                                

Spread in the baking tray [9"].                              

Compressed it.                                

60 gm white cooking chocolate - double boil ]
1 1/2 tbs fresh milk                                    ] mix together
20 gm grounded pistachio                                

Pour (B) and spread evenly over the base.                                

Spread grounded pistachio on top of (B).                                

Keep in freezer for 1/2 hour.                                
Cheese Filling

300 gm whipping cream  ] mix it together to form a sour cream
1 1/2 tbs lemon juice       ]            
350 gm white cooking chocolate - cut into small pieces   
45 gm melted butter                                

double boil the white cooking choc to melt,then add in butter follow by sour cream and mix well till creamy.Ketepikan sebentar.                                
500 gm cream cheese                                
50 gm castor sugar ] campur gaulkan kedua-dua bhn ini dalam mangkuk
20 gm cornflour     ]
1 tsp vanilla essence                              
4 eggs (grade A) - slightly beaten and divide into 3 portion                                
120 gm blended pistachio                                
[E] 40 gm coarsely chopped pistachio                                

Beat cream cheese at low speed till fluffy.                                

Mix castor sugar and cornflour and add into cream cheese follow by vanilla essence

Then add portion of eggs - one portion at a time [tuang perlahan2 sebanyak 3 peringkat].

Then add [D] - [campuran sour cream dan melted white cooking choc + butter] and [E].

After 1/2 hour remove the base from freezer and pour cream cheese [yg dipukul sebentar tadi].

Bake in a pre-heat oven at 140'C for 1 1/2 hour using water bath method.

Switch off oven.Leave cake inside the oven for 1/2 hour then pour away the water but still leave the cake inside the oven with door slightly open for another 6 hrs.

50 gm white cooking chocolate
40 gm grounded pistachio

Double boil to melt the chocolate.

Spread on top of the cake and sprinkle pistachio.

Keep in the fridge for another 6 hours before serving.

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Post time 30-10-2007 04:09 PM | Show all posts
London Cheesecake [pinkcoffee]
Source : Nigella Lawson

For the crust
half cup plus 2 tablespoons or 5 ounces graham crackers
5 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted or very soft
20 ounces cream cheese
three-quarters cup superfine sugar
3 large eggs
3 large egg yolks
1 and a half tablespoons vanilla extract
1 and a half tablespoons lemon juice
8 inch springform pan
heavy-duty aluminum foil

For the Topping

three-quarters cup sour cream
1 tablespoon sugar
half teaspoon vanilla extract  
Processthe crackers until they are crumbs at this point, then add the butterand pulse again. Line the bottom of the springform pan, pressing thebiscuits in with your hands or the back of a spoon. Put the pan in thefridge to set, and preheat the oven to 350篎.

Beat the creamcheese gently until it's smooth, then add the sugar. Beat in the eggsand egg yolks, then finally the vanilla and lemon juice. Put the kettleon.

Line the outside of the chilled pan with strong foil sothat it covers the bottom and sides in one large piece, and then do thesame again and put it into a roasting dish. This will protect thecheesecake from the water as it is cooked in its water bath.

Pourthe cream-cheese filling into the chilled base, and then pour hot waterfrom the recently boiled kettle into the roasting pan around thecheesecake. It should come about halfway up; don't overfill as it willbe difficult to lift up the pan. Put it into the oven and cook for 50minutes. It should feel set, but not rigidly so: you just need to feelconfident that when you pour the sour cream over, it will sit on thesurface and not sink in. Whisk together the sour cream, sugar andvanilla for the topping and pour over the cheesecake. Put it back inthe oven for a further 10 minutes.

Take the roasting pan outof the oven, then gingerly remove the springform, unwrap it and standit on a rack to cool. When it's cooled down completely, put it in therefrigerator, removing it 20 minutes before eating to take the chilloff. Unmould and when you cut into it, plunge a knife in hot waterfirst.

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Post time 30-10-2007 04:15 PM | Show all posts
Chocolate Lime Cheesecake [ura]
Source : Nigella Lawson

7 oz. chocolate wafer cookies
1/3 c. unsalted butter (75 grams)

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Post time 31-10-2007 09:02 AM | Show all posts
Japanese Cheesecake [epalmerah]
Source : Catherine Lau

60gm butter
250gm cream cheese
120ml whip cream
50gm plain flour
30gm cornflour
3 bijik kuning telur
1 bijik telur
lemon zest 2 tsp(finely grated
5 egg whites
1/8 tsp salt
120gm castor sugar
1 tsp lemon juice ( kita ganti dgn lemon essence)

grease & line base of a 23-cm springform cake pan.
stir butter, cream cheese and cream in a mangkuk with a whisk over simmering water until smooth.remove from heat.
add all the flours and mix until smooth. mix in egg yolks and egg. stir in lemon zest.
whisk egg whites and salt until foamy. gradually add sugar and lemon essence, and whisk until soft peak form.(ala mcm buat meringue tu la)
lightly fold 1/3 of the egg white into cheese mixture. fold in remaining egg white until just combined.
pou mixture into prepared pan and place pan in water bath. bake for 1 hr ( 160C)

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Post time 31-10-2007 09:18 AM | Show all posts

Bahan A [Crust]
200 gm biskut chipsmore
80 gm butter

1. Biskut dihancurkan.
2. Gaulkan dengan butter sehinga boleh dikepal.
3. Masukkan dalam loyang springform 8 inci bulat.
4. Tekan adunan dan bakar pada suhu 160'C selama 10 minit.

Bahan B [Filling ]
250 gm Krim Keju
30 gm mentega
30 gm gula kastor
3 biji kuning telur grade A
2 biji limau kasturi..ambil jusnya
1 s/k esen vanilla

Bahan C
3 biji putih telur grade A
30 gm gula kastor
1/2 s/k cream of tartar

2 s/b tepung jagung

strawberry filling
fresh cream

1. Pukulkan krim keju, mentega, dan gula dalam mangkuk sehingga kembang.
2. Masukkan telur kuning satu persatu.
3. Masukkan perlahan esen vanilla dn jus limau kasturi.
4. Masukkan semua bahan C dalam mangkuk yg lain dan pukul sehingga menjadi ringan dn gebu.
5. Campurkan bahan C kedalam bahan B. Kacau rata.
6. Masukkan tepung jagung kedalam adunan perlahan. Kacau rata.
7. Masukkan adunan dalam acuan yg sedia ada Bahan A tadi.
8. Bakar pada suhu 150'C selama 70 minit.
10. Biarkan kek dalam oven beberapa jam.
11. Hiaskan dengan fresh cream dan strawberry filling.
12. Masukkan dalam petisejuk untuk semalaman.
13. Potong gunakan pisau yg telah dipanaskan atas api.
14. Hidangkan.

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Post time 31-10-2007 09:35 AM | Show all posts
Source : Catherine Lau


110 gm butter,melted
200 gm digestive biscuits,finely crushed
2 tbsp brown sugar,firmly packed
50 gm almond flakes,toasted

500 gm cream cheese,diced
30 gm butter
120 gm castor sugar
lemon zest - grated from 1 lemon
lemon juice - from 1 lemon,strained
30 gm cornflour,sifted
300 ml whipping cream
4 eggs,lightly beaten
150 gm blueberry pie filling

1 tsp powdered gelatine
30 ml water
150 gm blueberry pie filling
100 gm whipping cream


1. Prepare biscuit base.

2. Beat cream cheese and butter until smooth.Add sugar,lemon zest and juice,and cornflour.Beat until smooth.Add cream and blend until mixture thickens.Slowly pour in eggs and mix until just combined.

3. Pour half the filling on biscuit base.Carefully spread blueberry pie filling on filling.Pour remaining filling into cake pan.

4. Place cake pan in water bath.Bake for 1 hour or until filling is set arund the edge but slightly soft in the centre.

5. Turn oven off.Leave the cake in oven for 30 minutes with the door closed.Remove water bath from oven.Leave cake to cool completely in oven with the door ajar.

6. Cover cake pan.Refrigerate for at least 6 hours.


1. Sprinkle gelatine on water.Leave for 5 minutes.Stir over low heat until mixture is clear.Stir in blueberry pie filling.Remove cheese cake from pan.Top with mixture.

2. Whip cream until firm peaks form.Pipe on cake.Chill before serving.

[ Last edited by  nhuda at 31-10-2007 10:34 AM ]

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Post time 31-10-2007 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Kek Keju Coklat [sue]
Source : Majalah Saji

250 gm cream cheese
80 gm butter
50 gm gula castor
2 biji kuning telur
30 gm tepung
3 biji putih telur
50 gm gula castor
100 gm coklat masak
1 sudu teh esen vanila

Cheese, butter & gula pukul sebati. masukkan kuning telur & esen vanila. pukul lagi biar sekata.

putih telur pukul sampai kembang, masukkan gula & pukul lagi sampal kental.

campurkan adunan cheese & telur dan kacau sebati dgn senduk kayu/plastik. masukkan tepung & coklat yg telah dicairkan
terlebih dahulu. sebatikan & tuang dlm bekas. bakar suhu 160 C selama 60 minit. (sue buat cara steambath)

[ Last edited by  nhuda at 31-10-2007 10:44 AM ]

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Post time 31-10-2007 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Souffle Cheese Cake [mellyZ]
Source : Japanese Cookbook

Bahan-bahan (18cm diameter)

250gm creem cheese
60gm gula
80gm butter
3 biji telur (asingkan putih dan kuning telor)
20cc fresh cream
2 - 3 titik vanilla essence
2 sudu besar jus lemin
40gm tepung gandum

1.sediakan loyang yg dah dialas ngan kertas myak
2.potong creemcheese bentuk kiub,masukkan dlm mangkuk,panaskan secara double boiling sehingga creemcheese jd lembut.
3.ble creemcheese dah lembut,pukul perlahan dgn gunakan whisker sampai sebati
4.tambahkan 30g gula kedalam creemcheese td.pukul sehingga gula sebati.
5.dlm bowl yg laen pkul butter sampai kembang,kemudian masukkan butter yg telah kembang itu sedikit demi sedikit ke dlm bowl 4.(dlm creemcheese td)
6.tambahkan pula kuning telor sebiji dan kacau.ulang sehingga kuning telor habes.
7.tambahkan pula fresh cream perlahan2..kacao ngan sendukje pon xpe,pastu tambah vanilla essence dan jus lemon td.kacao sehingga sebati.
8.buat meriingue dlm bowl laen (putih telor + 30g gula yg tggal td)
pukul putih telor dgn gula tu sampai jd bertanduk.dlm bowl pastikan xde minyak atau pon air.
9.tambahkan tepong ke dlm step 7 perlahan2 dan buat kaup balik pakai senduk jek.
10.selepas itu masukkan 1/3 meringue,kaco perlahan2,ble dah sebati tambah lg meringue yg tggal dan kaco sampai halus jek.
11.masukkan dlm loyang 18cm td..bakar cara steam bath pd suhu 180 darjah selama 60 minit.
panaskan oven dulu.

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Post time 31-10-2007 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Chilled Oreo Cheesecake [marshmallow]
Source :

200gm Oreo (cream removed)
60gm butter (melted)
500gm creamcheese
1 lemon juice
65gm butter (at room temperature)
100gm sugar
2 tablespoon gelatine
300ml whipping cream
100 gm Oreo biscuits-potong 4

1.Mix 60gm butter+blended 200gm Oreo biscuits and press onto a tray to make a mould.Put in the fridge and chill.
2.Whip cream till stiff then put aside.
3.Blend and mix creamcheese+65gm butter+sugar until smooth and white.
4.Mix lemon juice +gelatine and heat in microwave oven and stir until dissolve.
5.fold whip cream to creamcheese mixture and put gelatine+Oreo Biscuits.blend well.
6.Refrigerate 4-5 hours or until set.

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Post time 31-10-2007 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Tiramisu [eloysh]
Source : Catherine Lau

23cm cake base

Chocolate sponge cake
@ biskut sponge fingers

1 tbsp castor sugar
2 1/2 tbsp instant coffee powder

-larutkan coffee +gula dlm air panas (air ni agak2 cukup utk soak cake @ biskut sponge)
- Soak kek @ biskut sponge dlm air coffee
-Susun dlm loyang springform ikut kreativiti (saya gunakan sponge cake, saya susun sebagai base dan keliling springform)


100gm chopped bittersweet chocolate
50 ml milk
2 tbsp + 1 tsp serbuk gelatin }larutkan
100 ml air                              }
80 gm icing sugar
500 ml whipping cream / thickened cream
250gm mascarpone cheese/ cream cheese - dipukul hingga gebu

- Chocolate  + milk, dilarutkan dgn cara double boil, masukkan gelatin, biarkan sejuk
- icing sugar + cream, dipukul hingga gebu
- masukkan coklat dlm cream, gaul rata
- masukkan cheese , gaul rata
-bahagikan filling kpd dua
-masukkan separuh dlm loyang yg dah diletakkan base kek @ biskut, ratakan
-letakkan lapisan kek yg tinggal atas filling dan ulang cara yg sama
-Sejukkan, seeloknya semalaman
-Hias mengikut suka

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Post time 31-10-2007 11:09 AM | Show all posts
Blueberry Swirl Cheesecake [chempaka_ku]
source:  Home Contest Winning Recipes

1 - 1/2 cups fresh blueberries
1/4 cup sugar
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsps cornstarch
1 tbsp cold water

1 cup graham cracker crumbs (kira-kira 16 squares)
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp butter, melted

3 packages ( 8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
1 cup (8 ounces) sour cream
2 tsps vanilla extract
1 cup sugar
2 tbsps plain-flour
4 eggs, beaten

Campurkan blueberries, gula dan lemon juice.  Masak dan gaul dengan api sederhana selama 5 minit atau hingga berries lembut.

Campur cornstarch dan air; gaul rata, dan tuang ke campuran blueberries tadi.  Masak hingga mendidih, gaul 2 minit atau sehingga pekat.  Ketepikan dan sejukkan ke suhu bilik.  Blender hingga smooth. (Kalau tak ada yang fresh just pakai blueberry jam or filling)

Untuk base:  Campurkan crumbs dan gula, dan gaul mentega yang dicairkan tadi.  (Kalau kurang butter, tambah lagi).  Tekan ke dalam springfrom pan 9 inci yang telah di grease.  Place pan ke baking sheet.  Bakar 350 F /176C ~ 180 C selama 10 minit.  Sejukkan di wire rack.

Filling:  Gunakan mixing bowl besar, pukul cream cheese hingga smooth.  Masukkan sour cream dan vanilla, gaul rata.  Gula dan tepung disatukan; masukkan ke campuran cheese tadi; gaul rata.  Masukkan telur, dengan kelajuan perlahan hingga tergaul sahaja.  Tuang ke base tadi.  Drizzle dengan bluberry mixture, cut through batter with a knife to swirl.  Place pan on baking sheet. (Chemp simpan dalam air panas)

Bakar 350 F / 176 ~ 180 F selama 1 jam atau sehingga centre is lamost set.  Sejukkan di wire rack selama 10 minit.  Carefully run a knife around the edge of pan to loosen; cool 1 hour longer. Masukkan dalam fridge overnight.  Remove sides of pan.

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Post time 31-10-2007 11:11 AM | Show all posts
Triple Chocolate Chessecake [mushimushimushi]


for the base:
110g digestive biscuits, crushed into fine crumbs
60g butter, melted

for filling:
250g cream cheese, soften at room temperature
60g caster sugar
200g non-fat plain yogurt or whipped cream
2 teaspoons gelatin powder
3 tablespoon water
100g dark chocolate, melted
140g white chocolate, melted


Mixbiscuit crumbs; melted butter together and press firmly with the helpof a spoon onto the base of a 18cm round pan. Chill for 30 minutes.

Placegelatin powder and water in a bowl. Heat a pot filled with some wateruntil just simmering and place the bowl inside the pot. Dissolvegelatin and water in the bowl. Keep warm.

With a whisk, beat cream cheese till soft. Add in sugar and whisk until smooth and creamy.

Add in yogurt/whipped cream and continue to beat till smooth. Blend in gelatin solution and mix well.

Divide cheese mixture into 3 equal portions.

Forthe 1st portion, stir in 80g of melted dark chocolate and spread evenlyon the biscuit base. Chill in the fridge for a while. (I pop it in thefreezer while preparing the 2nd layer).

For the 2ndportion, stir in mixture of 20g melted dark chocolate and 60g meltedwhite chocolate. Spread over the 1st layer. Chill in the fridge for awhile.

For the 3rd portion, stir in 80g of melted white chocolate. Spread over the 2nd layer. Chill for 3 to 4 hours before serving.

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Post time 31-10-2007 11:14 AM | Show all posts
Japenese Souffle Cheesecake [mushimushimushi]

200g full fat cream cheese (room temperature)
50ml milk
3 eggs (separated)
100g caster sugar
30g cornflour
2 tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

2 tbsp apricot jam (or whatever you like)
1/2 tbsp water

1. Pre-heat the oven to 175 degrees C. Line a 7 inch (18cm) cake tin with greaseproof paper.
2. Softenthe cream cheese with milk in a bowl.
3. Add half of the caster sugar, eggyolks, cornflour, lemon juice and cream of tartar and combine together.
4. Place the egg whites in a large bowl, whisking them until they formstiff peaks and then keep whisking, adding the remaining sugar in 2 - 3batches until the mixture stands in stiff peaks.
5. Fold the half ofthe egg white mixture into the cream cheese mixture as gently aspossible, then fold in the remaining egg white mixture gently butthoroughly.
6. Transfer the mixture to the prepared tin and level thesurface. Put the tin into a larger roasting tin and create a bain-marieby pouring boiling water in the roasting tin. Bake on the lower shelfin the oven for 35 to 40 minutes. Leave in the tin until cool enough tohandle.
7. Put the jam in a sauce pan on a low heat with the waterand warm up until it's melted. If necessary, thicken this glaze bysimmering a bit and then spread the glaze on top of the cake.

Cookingtip: If the surface of the cake becomes too dark while baking, coverwith a piece of tin foil but be careful not to open the oven door untilit has been in the oven for at least 20 minutes.
It's easier to removethe cake from the tin if you insert a knife around the cake whilst itis still hot, however don't remove the cake yet - it will collapse ifnot left to cool

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