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Author: chacon

Bekas suami fail notis tunjuk sebab, Serina anak Chef Wan bakal dipenjara

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Post time 25-4-2018 09:16 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 25-4-2018 09:04 PM
me tatang anak cam minyak penuh,
kalau dia kahwin dapat laki sangat kedekut,

Betul, konah bukan side tokwan, tapi parents penyayang, jenis tak bagi anak susah-susah memang wujud hokay, hatta golongan marhaen pun. Apatah lagi orang berpangkat macam tokwan, mesti lg la provide si serena tu macam2. So who are we to judge him when he stands for serena and her children on their quality of living, cause we have no idea pun how serena tu live with him before.

Just silapnya serena & family maybe ingat bila kahwin dengan expat ni dapat continue hidup selesa la kot..namun dah jodoh. Love is blind gitew conceptnya (maybe).

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Post time 25-4-2018 09:23 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Konahhh at 25-4-2018 09:25 PM
beautifulliar replied at 25-4-2018 09:15 PM
Klo la ada aircond or takde aircond dijadikn tanda aras utk pastikan anak si bapak tu idup tenang  ...

Babe, nak macamana dah kawan konah cerita dari zaman atuk dia pun atuk dia dah practic macamtu. Alhamdulillah aman damai bahagia je parents dia. Seingat konah, atuk dia pun cakap ayat lebih kurang camni kat bapak dia dulu "yang si X ni aku dah jaga elok-elok, nanti lepas kahwin kamu kena usaha provide macamni macamtu". Mungkinla timbul problem kalau parents jenis mendesak, tp tengok aunty & uncle tu jenis chill suka seloroh. So konah rasa lebih nak tunang dia berusaha. Taknak end up jadi biawak je gitew.

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Post time 25-4-2018 09:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KucingBiru replied at 25-4-2018 09:09 PM
This is wrong. Ingat semua kemampuan bapak tu sama ke dgn kemampuan laki.

I am not siding any ...

Babe, salam takziah kalau laki tak sambut birthday. Kalau dah tu budaya family dia, ikutkan jela yach, sebab lain orang lain cara menghargai pasangan. Tak sambut birthday, mungkin husband sambut benda lain kot. Janji you happy, tu yang penting.

Tapi yg konah cakap ni, pasal parents yg nak terbaik untuk anak-anak. Bukan part bini-bini yg tak boleh terima kemampuan suami. Kawan konah sebagai bakal bini takda pun paksa si tunang provide itu ini. Sheols pun bebel parents dia nak itu ini sebab yela anak sulung kan hahaha, kitorang pun gelak-gelak je time dia story tu sebab parents dia sound so protective and caring kat anak. Yela, afterall anak kottt, kan? Parents dia pulak jenis chill suka seloroh/usik je. So konah rasa they all more to nak motivate tunang dia so tak end up jeorpadising their daughter's life.

Ala, tahu jela pasangan zaman sekarang ni banyak species betrayer & bewak hidup. Lain la Rasulullah SAW yg memang sedia berakhlak tinggi - konah pun no complain sebab tahu 100% lelaki baik yg jaga anak kita tu. So we can't compare  sebab apakan daya, tunang dia & laki-laki zaman ni cuma manusia biasa, so thats why la uncle tu cakap camtu kot hehehe.

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Post time 25-4-2018 09:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
clarizsa replied at 25-4-2018 05:44 PM
Mana ada gavin murtad
Kan dia baru kawin dgn cara islam jugak tu
Cefwan ni mulut jahat betul fit ...

mana nak tengok

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Post time 25-4-2018 09:47 PM | Show all posts
Edited by faraway1 at 25-4-2018 08:49 AM
Konahhh replied at 25-4-2018 08:16 AM
Betul, konah bukan side tokwan, tapi parents penyayang, jenis tak bagi anak susah-susah memang wuj ...

tak rasa senang juga nak lihat anak yang kita mewahkan,
tetiba downgradekan kehidupan..
suami pula kedekut, me faham kenapa cikwan tak suka ex menantu dia,
rasanya kita yang ibubapa ini mungkin buat yang sama juga jika anak
kita tatang dalam situasi yang sama...

cuma bezanya cikwan mulut lancang tak takut berkata kata...
kita mungkin takut nak bersuara, just umpat belakang belakang aje...
itu yang buat anak masih bersuami dan serina tidak.

my husband omputih dan me boleh katakan
dia spoilkan me dari segi wang ringgit.
dan itu me akan buat dengan anak sehingga akhir hayat juga.

ok me sebut omputih tu sebab gavin omputih


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Post time 25-4-2018 09:56 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
faraway1 replied at 25-4-2018 09:47 PM
tak rasa senang juga nak lihat anak yang kita mewahkan,
tetiba downgradekan kehidupan..
suami pu ...

Syukurlah you takda kes macam tokwan ni. Not all omputih tak boleh pakai, ada yg okay, ala sama macam rakyat tempatan la - ada laki yg okay, ada yg tak gitew.

Tula, kalau you dah jaga anak elok-elok takkanla nak bagi anak hidup susah pulak kan. Konah faham sangat. Tapi permintaan parents pun janganla tinggi sangat kalau menantu tu memang proven baik perangainya ye tak? Give and take la, tapi yg paling penting: janji kau sayang anak aku sorang je hahaha

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Post time 25-4-2018 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Konahhh replied at 25-4-2018 08:56 AM
Syukurlah you takda kes macam tokwan ni. Not all omputih tak boleh pakai, ada yg okay, ala sama ma ...

kena bertolak ansur dan jangan ego.

my mendiang mentua masih spoilkan my
husband walaupun kami dah berumahtangga,
belikan itu ini...

me harap jika sempat lihat my baby berumahtangga,
harap menantu buat cam me, just ucap terima kasih aje..
tak perlu jadikan big deal sangat..
hidup aman damai

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Post time 25-4-2018 10:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Konahhh replied at 25-4-2018 09:39 PM
Babe, salam takziah kalau laki tak sambut birthday. Kalau dah tu budaya family dia, ikutkan jela y ...

Have u ever thought Abu Bakar dapat Rasulullah s.a.w menantu yabg baik becuase he also has great attitude?

Zaman ni kita boleh tengok adakah mak ayah ni ada the greatest attitude nak demand banyak dari menantu? Example mcm CW dok argue pasal Gavin tak solat bagai... pernah ke nampak CW post dia pi masjid bawak anak cucu menantu dia?

And waktu atten conference, dapat tau in statistik.... punca no 1 cerai di SE Asia bukan sebab duit ye... tapi sebab Mother in law. In this case sebab CW tu mcm tinggi je estrogen dia .. haha dia boleh jadi represent himself as Mother in Law to Gavin jugak kot. Haha komplen pasai curtain la celebrate anniversary la... most masculine guys wont give any damn about that haha


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Post time 25-4-2018 10:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Masa mulan kawen dulu cepwan kata dia x kisah anak dia kawen dgn siapa pun hatta driver teksi sekalipun katanya... Janji syg anak dia...  Pui.

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Post time 25-4-2018 10:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
brainbiru replied at 25-4-2018 10:34 PM
Masa mulan kawen dulu cepwan kata dia x kisah anak dia kawen dgn siapa pun hatta driver teksi sekali ...

Agaknya kalau driver teksi jd menantu dia jgn kata 6 tahun, 6 hari je bertahan kot..unless driver teksi yg dah kaya ada company teksi..itupun tgk jugak..kot x mampu bg nafkah 5k plus hire maids, mmg keluar ig je la nama menantu tu

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Post time 25-4-2018 10:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Babe, so you nak cakap kalau dapat menantu lelaki jahat, maknanya parents perempuan tak berakhlak ke? Hahaha k.

Again, macam konah cakap Rasulullah tu lelaki terunggul. Please bagi contoh zaman sekarang boleh tak? Baru relevant. Cause banyak je parents baik, tp dapat menantu hantu hahaha. Ha lagi satu konah nak cakap dari 1st comment, tak proper la bawak nama beliau dalam bod gossip yg penuh umpatan ni yach, sebab bod ni sekadar suka-suka je.

Konah tak kesah you nak kutuk dia terlebih hormon wanita ke apa. Sebab kalau perhati, konah pun no comment pun about him & Gavin side pun konah tak kata apa pun. Yang konah comment cuma on tindakan Tokwan yg mungkin nak yg terbaik for his daughter and cucu-cucu since dah jaga serena elok-elok, tu jah. Yela, talking from parents' point of view.

Pastu, by caring and asking keadaan rumah tangga anak, tak bermakna a guy is less masculine. Come on, di zaman men and women can do everything almost equally, takkanla we want to limit hal langsir or anniversary to feminity only khenzz


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Post time 25-4-2018 11:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ex dia ni jenis yg kedekut maybe.tapi ada je kokusen yg tak kedekut.alhamdulillah hubby akak brits tapi tak de perangai mcm si jantan ni.

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Post time 25-4-2018 11:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kak-Leen replied at 25-4-2018 11:36 AM
Benarkah spekuan ttg atok & anak ikan  sebagaimana yg forumer katakan di thread yg lalu?

Aku x caya lah cep1 ada masa nak berhanak ikan ni.. Tgk schedule dia hari2 ada kerja pun aku dah penattt. Bila dia free jee dia akan bersama anak menantu n cucu.. Yg lain kerjaa. Toksah lah korang menabur pitnah bagaii... Biasalah tu.. Omputih kan bab2 kanak2 ni dia protective n strict sikitt.. Waloponnn akhlakkk semua kelaut bila dah besarrr

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Post time 25-4-2018 11:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Gabin ni x bg CW tido dgn cucu sbb saspek CW ni gayahhh kot??? Baik ko dendiam sudah CW...nnti abis dilondeh kan kain CW ni nnti....mana tau kot dia ada saksi..

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Post time 25-4-2018 11:55 PM | Show all posts
brainbiru replied at 25-4-2018 10:34 PM
Masa mulan kawen dulu cepwan kata dia x kisah anak dia kawen dgn siapa pun hatta driver teksi sekali ...

Tak bg doooit , tak syg anak maknanya

Dulu ai heran juga tgk Serina gigih cari duit. Jual biskut rayalah , itu ini. Ai tot dh nikoh dgn mat saleh kayo. Then Tok wan ckp kesian tgk Serina kerja keras coz laki tamo bg duit vlanja bulan2. Owh masuk akal lor.

Neway tatau situasi sebenar. Gavin kedekut giler or Kaka Serina yg over minta mcm2.


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Post time 26-4-2018 12:20 AM | Show all posts
ejans replied at 25-4-2018 10:26 AM
Aku x caya lah cep1 ada masa nak berhanak ikan ni.. Tgk schedule dia hari2 ada kerja pun aku dah p ...

dan omputih layan anak seperti dewasa
seperti anak matang.. kalau gavin tu masih omputih,
dan atuk tu gayah, dia mungkin dah bagitau anak anak
dia jangan terkejut kalau nampak partner atuk,
its normal dan kita patut respek ..


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Post time 26-4-2018 12:35 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
borrow replied at 25-4-2018 11:55 PM
Tak bg doooit , tak syg anak maknanya  

Dulu ai heran juga tgk Serina gigih cari duit. Jual bi ...

Manada tak bagi nafkah. Gavin kata bagi jah. Tak tau sekarang sapa yang propah. Tapi Cepone memang umum tahu kuat propah. Seperti kes kunun dia marah anak2 sedara dia pemalas time raya siap ungkit hal dia belanjakan bebudak tu sepanjang membesar. Ujung2 anak sedara dia lashed out sound direct je - "amboi pandai ko mengata kami, anak2 ko sindri mana tak muncol, tak menolong lansung masa raya?" Ha kau diam menikus tak berdecit terus Cepone.

Ni luahan hati Gavin tahun lepas.

By Gavin O’Luanaigh

When any couple is going through a divorce with a young family, it is never a happy time and certainly not to be celebrated.

It is the hope of any family that all other family members support the couple and help them as much as possible through this tough time by keeping matters private, especially when children are involved.

It was with great sadness therefore that certain comments about my family were released to the media, on my birthday of all days, about our marriage that both Serina and myself have been at pains to keep private and within the confines of our immediate family and friends.

As most people know, I converted to Islam in 2006, met Serina in 2009 and married in 2010, which was the happiest day in my life, prior to my children being born.

My parents have been happily married for over 47 years and although there are always ups and downs in marriage, I truly thought and hoped it would last forever. Marriage is not a gamble but about love, hard work, commitment and sacrifice.

As Serina has always been in the media line, I didn’t try to persuade her to leave that behind her as I feel that if you truly love someone you have to let them pursue what career makes them happy.

I knew she didn’t want to be a housewife and anyone who knows her, knows she is a fun, energetic person who was born to be a star, and I fully supported her choice and was very proud of her.

Throughout our married life I have diligently paid for everything for the family – providing a six-bedroom penthouse, paid all the family bills, maid, holidays and even made sure that both our children went to an international school so they could have the best education that I could provide, which I feel is the greatest gift that a parent can give their child.

As I was taking care of all the family expenses, Serina was earning a sizeable income, which she kept to do with as she wanted. I was fine with taking on all the expenses as this is my duty to the family and I am fully aware of my responsibilities as a husband and have provided accordingly.

I would have been surprised if Serina had asked for additional pocket money and indeed Serina, to her credit, never did and we had no issues.

Therefore, I was devastated when Serina decided to move out of the house in January 2016 and asked for a divorce.

I didn’t, and still don’t, understand the reasons why she left as she hasn’t told me. However, I hoped that a resolution could be sought and the marriage healed.

Despite not knowing where she went and where she is living, I do not believe any third party was involved and so did not give her a divorce as I believed in her and was willing to wait for her to think about her actions and about the family.

The children, Tristan (aged 6) and Isabella (5), have remained in the family home with me over the last 15 months and I have done everything in my power to remain positive and care for them as best as I can.

Serina and myself are still trying to resolve everything amicably and we both have the children’s best interests at heart.

I am deeply saddened that I have had to write these words in the public domain as my intention as well as Serina’s was always to keep this matter private.

I sincerely hope that any family member who really does have the best interests of their children and grandchildren at heart, can direct their questions to Serina and myself rather than feeling the need to tell the world.

At the end of the day my close family and friends all know the truth and these people are the only people who are important to me. One day we will all be judged by our actions and I know when that day comes, I can hold my head up high.

Once again, I would hope that the media and public could give our family space and time to work everything out and respect the fact that as small children are involved, and who will one day read all this, privacy is paramount.

Gavin O’Luanaigh is a British expat who has been working in Malaysia for the past 16 years.


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Post time 26-4-2018 01:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kak-Leen replied at 25-4-2018 12:02 PM
Time serina jadi fulltime housewife, katanya Gavin beri wang nafkah. Cuma perjanjian diaorg kalau  ...

Mcm tula yg gavin bg statement kt melodi dlu...bende simple...u stay at home,u jage rmhtngga dan uruskan the kids,duit nafkah di aku tgk serina ligat jual itu ini tp mcm produk pprt sgt semua bnde nk jual takleh dduk diam2 ke..ligat join ekspo sana sini ank trpksalah ex laki carikan maid uruskan kat situ mcm ala2 mmbazir la sedangkan si gavibn ni nk brjimat selagi bole jimat...gavin kan dah sediakan penthouse gn htr ank2 ke skolah international lg then byr jgk segala mala bil2 utilitis etc...

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Post time 26-4-2018 01:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
lazim replied at 25-4-2018 10:18 AM
kenapa tah penting sgt ke nk tnjuk kat org rmh perfect. aku pi rmh sedara aku bos rela relaks je c ...

Kan noks...trus aku nampak serina ni selevel almi nadia meniaga sana sini ekspo sana sini gn produk pprt marhein...mcm ssh sgt dah idop dia tu...klau almi tu lainla aku nmpak jgk yg dia takla kaya mcm dtokdatin lain sbb dr segi rumah sepah niaga segkuang calit masak2 kt dapo dah cm belemuih serina ni ank orka,laki pon leh tahan kje as pengarah company,so dduk jela diam2 jge ank dptla nafkah every month mcm yg dia nak...

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Post time 26-4-2018 01:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KucingBiru replied at 25-4-2018 09:09 PM
This is wrong. Ingat semua kemampuan bapak tu sama ke dgn kemampuan laki.

I am not siding any ...

Well said. Jgn masuk campur rumahtangga anak!!! Melainkan anak tu cedera dipukul dek somi lainlah cerita.

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