filem US yg berkualiti pon tak dapat sambutan juga, org US pon BANGANG juga ker tak reti menilai karya2 bermutu?  |
boleh ker tak org2 yg perasan intelek ni bagi filem2 luar negara yg bermutu tinggi dan tersenarai dlm senarai BOX-OFFICE?  |
the thing is, there has been shifts in human values, languages evolves according to human values. for thousands of years, there was nothing wrong in saying the condition as it is...even in the bib ...
hzln Post at 22-9-2009 18:26 
but then there is always a oreferred term reflecting the changes in perception and values. so just to say that in ceratin matters the pragmatic is important. tu sajer. there's nothing to change the condition. true. semua org tahu tu. tapi dalam isu ini term juga penting. |
so citer ni apa yg best nyer apa yg tak bestnyer , clever nyer and vice versa?
lorr berapges pages tak der sapa kupas citer ni pun isk isk... |
it's more about the malay mentality in general. we are not known to be a thinking society. we don't read that much, and if we choose to read, it's mostly thrash. a good malay movie can't really be sold here, but thrashy malay movies do sell, by millions.
FYI i also not interested to watch malay film, but for me, whoever want to watch it they can do so, maybe they like that kind of film... so, for me it is not related to the mentality, it is about story line of that film, to stereotype.......
maybe some of the malay watch juz for fun or to overcoming stress, we cannot simply say BODOH (i know this is not ur statement) to them bcoz of watching it, that is their personal right...
my point is, how many of those mastika readers really learn anything from "mayat awang pulang ke rumah", "misteri kubur mek wok wangi malam jumaat" & "rahsia kordi gagah di ranjang" (tajuk adalah rekaan, atas tujuan perbincangan semata2 ), seriously?
ni mastika bila zaman ko bace????
i think u talking about VARIASARI... |
FYI i also not interested to watch malay film, but for me, whoever want to watch it they can do so, maybe they like that kind of film... so, for me it is not related to the mentality, it is about ...
lkick2113 Post at 22-9-2009 20:54 
mentaliti lah tu....pilihan yg kita buat mmg akan sikit sebanyak bersangkut dgn mentaliti juga. jika kita cuma suka berhuha tanpa mahu memikir apa2, maka kita carilah hiburan kosong, jika kita sentiasa mahu mencari sesuatu yg bermakna waima semasa berhibur pun, kita carilah hiburan yg di akhirnya kita dpt "belajar" sesuatu, yg mampu menjentik minda kita. tidak salah berhibur, mencari escapism....tapi jika setiap masa kita cuma memilih sesuatu yg sampah...mesti ada sesuatu yg tak kena pada mentaliti kita.
bukankah mastika yg meniru formula variasari? sblm ini mastika mmg majalah yg serius tapi hidup segan mati tak mahu.
jika mastika sudah berubah haluan skrg, dan jadi wadah yg memberi manfaat utk pembacanya baguslah. sampai bila minda melayu cuma mahu disogokkan dgn cerita2 hantu dan seks, kan? apa yg bermanfaat dlm mastika skrg, anda selaku pembaca setia atau sidang redaksi, boleh berikan contoh? |
ya hampon...tak habis2 lagik korang neh semua ciTER pasal melayu bodoh tak bodoh neh  |
apsal plak kata org yg tgk crita camnih bodoh???????
walopn ak xminat tgk crita mengarot camni,tp bg org yg suka tgk ak x la anggap dy low minded
sbbnya tgk wayang juz for fun kan
kalo crita cani wat dyorg enjoy,so apa salahnya |
apa yg bermanfaat dlm mastika skrg, anda selaku pembaca setia atau sidang redaksi, boleh berikan contoh?
ko beli la bace... aku nak ko sendiri bace n nilai.... jgn serkap jarang je kak... |
walopn ak xminat tgk crita mengarot camni,tp bg org yg suka tgk ak x la anggap dy low minded sbbnya tgk wayang juz for fun kan
kalo crita cani wat dyorg enjoy,so apa salahnya
setuju 100% |
25# tekoyong
tak ingin nak tgk cite ni....esp bla si wall belakon!!! |
x tgk pun.....  |
sakit kepala aku.
tak abis2 lagi |
ko beli la bace... aku nak ko sendiri bace n nilai.... jgn serkap jarang je kak...
lkick2113 Post at 22-9-2009 21:57 
my principle will always be...if u're saying i'm wrong then u gotta prove me u're right...anything less than that is pretty much useless  |
264# mbhcsf
ala... xtau nak kata citer tu sendiri bodoh ke tak sbb kita x tgk
tp tgk trailer nye... ibarat kita buat lawak tp xde sapa2 gelak.
kita selalu akan kt pd org buat lawak tu... "ko jgn buat lwk bodoh lagi boleh x???" |
my principle will always be...if u're saying i'm wrong then u gotta prove me u're right
i have my proof, batter u read by urself....make a simple evaluation on what u read, i don't give a damn wit ur f*****G principle |
melayu bodoh tenguk jin notti
melayu pandai berobat dengan harun jin busters , perobatan islammmmmm keh keh keh |
kalau langsung tak tgk apa2 wayang,itu tahap melayu genius namanya |
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