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Author: annehuda

Thor : The Dark World

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:04 PM | Show all posts
wanitajelita posted on 11-11-2013 08:53 AM
khenn? masa kuar dr panggung aku dgn boifren aku sepakat cakap tak best

tak sabar tunggu cap ...

bila kua ek?? trailer ada taK??


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:04 PM | Show all posts
yatt_takez posted on 11-11-2013 11:44 AM
full interview dia kat sini. ...

ni loki sbnr ek...jauh panggang ngan dlm muvi....


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:05 PM | Show all posts
intan_smsb posted on 11-11-2013 02:03 PM
taim ni nampak tak ensem lagik..

tetiba rindu edward saat tenungan di dalam kelassss..

twilight first aku suka sebab banyak kata-kata romantik yang keluar, memang best lah diorang bercouple tu

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:09 PM | Show all posts


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:10 PM | Show all posts
Thor: The Dark World’s Easter Eggs And Marvel Universe References

So…Thor: The Dark World.

That movie had so many in-universe references and clever hints of things to come that it felt like an episode of Arrow. Which got us thinking–our readers tend to enjoy it when we collect up the week’s Arrow or Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. references. Why not take that same critical eye to the movie?

So some of these will be pretty obvious, and others not so much. Also, we’ll probably miss some. Feel free to chime in below the story, telling us in the comments what dopes were are for not realizing that something belongs on the list.

The things we won’tmetion, because it seems pointless, are the references made specifically to be references; dialogue that specifically calls out the events of Thor or Marvel’s The Avengers was pretty common in this film and it didn’t take a sharp wit to recognize it, just being conscious and having seen the previous films.

What did catch our attention?

Lots of setup for the Infinity Gauntlet

Obviously, there was a post-credits sequence that explicitly tells us that The Collector is out for the Infinity Gems, but even before that it’s confirmed fairly early in the film that the Aether is one of them.

“They’re usually stones, but this one is different,” Odin tells Jane. Apparently so is the Cosmic Cube, which Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has acknowledged is the Space Gem. In any event, Odin gives an Infinity Gems for Dummies explanation to Jane so that viewers who haven’t read 30 years’ worth of comics will still be able to follow the next few movies as, we assume, The Collector continues to gather resources. Odin explains that you shouldn’t have two of these in any one place, which almost makes us wonder whether The Infinity Gauntlet has already happened and The Living Tribunal has already split the Gems among the Infinity Watch.  That would subvert expectations somewhat and give the Marvel Cinematic Universe a different take on the first big Gauntlet story than the comics had.

It also begs the question: If they’re going to assemble these things one at a time for a while, might we get a Thor 3 and Avengers 3 announcement at the same time, with the third Thor film dealing with Odin and his history with the Gauntlet, and culminating with everything coming together in Thanos’s possession in time for the third Avengers movie?

Even though Feige recently said they aren’t big fans of “trilogies” since the stories have to continue more or less indefinitely, all of the contracts are structured around three films per franchise for now, so if it’s your last movie with a bunch of the actors it makes sense to make it huge and epic and give them enough backend money to persuade them they want to return for more.

The Stone Giant

That stone giant Thor battles at one point in the film? If he looked familiar, it’s probably because his look and wardrobe are cribbed pretty much directly from Planet Hulk, as we’ve discussed before. There, his name is Korg and he fights the Hulk, but in the history of Thor, he’s part of a race called the Stone Giants, who invaded Earth but were turned back by Thor in his first appearance back in the ’60s.

Those other criminal-types

And, yes, while we’re at it–

When Thor goes to Loki’s prison to ask for his help, there are some other strange-looking creatures that can be seen in a cell in the background. These creatures are actually The Marauders, which in the comic books are a group of mutant assassins employed by X-Men villain Mister Sinister. However, Fox owns the movie rights to the X-Men and their villains, so The Marauders are different in the Marvel Studios world. The Marauders are a group of rag-tag invaders of the Nine Realms in Thor: The Dark World.

Captain Cameo
When Captain America appeared briefly in the film (sort of), he did so wearing his costume from Marvel’s The Avengers. Possibly because his current, Winter Soldier-friendly uniform really ought to debut in Cap’s own movie. Of course, there’s a more logical reason he looks the way he does in the film: it’s how Loki remembers him.

Odin’s crows
We saw them in posters, so it’s arguably not much of a surprise that they’ve shown up again…but since the birds appeared in both Thor and The Avengers–as well as in the original mythology that gave birth to this film’s characters centuries ago–it’s worth noting that they were much more present in this film than they have been in the past.

Ragnarok Now!
During the film’s climax, the realms begin to converge and viewers get a peek of appears to be Muspelheim, Surtur. This is the fire demon who attempts to bring upon Ragnarök, the Norse version of the apocalypse.

Which is, conveniently enough, one of the stories widely believed to be a strong contender for Thor 3.

Journey Into Mystery
Along with some interesting conspiracy theorizing, the folks over at CBM are pretty sure that they saw a poster in the movie that makes an allusion to Journey Into Mystery, the comic in which Thor first appeared.

Says the writer over there, “I believe there was a poster in London that read something to the effect of ‘Live the Journey, Explore the Mystery.’”

There’s a bit more, too, but we’ll leave that for a whole other story…!

link : ... niverse-references/

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:11 PM | Show all posts
Kassim_Patalon posted on 11-11-2013 02:05 PM
twilight first aku suka sebab banyak kata-kata romantik yang keluar, memang best lah diorang berco ...

aha aku pun suke.. terasa kehebatan berchenta saat ituw.. yg 1s tu la wat aku terseret smpi breaking dawn p2


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:12 PM | Show all posts

Last edited by intan_smsb on 11-11-2013 02:17 PM


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:13 PM | Show all posts

sib baek tak mati

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:17 PM | Show all posts
Thor The Dark World Spoilers: Deaths, Cameos, & Controversies

Spoiler Warning: With Thor: The Dark World now entering its third day of release in the United States, we’re assuming that most of our readers that intend to see the film have done so already. This article is for those who have seen Thor: The Dark World and want to revisit and discuss the many twists and turns in the film. Be warned that extensive spoilers follow.

Before Thor: The Dark World was released there were many rumors about various characters getting killed off in the film and different surprise cameos. Some of the rumors proved to be true, and others didn’t. There was definitely an interesting mix of death and cameos in the film. Here’s a rundown of the biggest rumors and if they proved to be true or not.

Doctor Strange Cameo – With Doctor Strange in active development as part of Marvel Studios Phase 3, there were numerous rumors that Doctor Strange would be introduced in Thor: The Dark World. Some reports even claimed to have sources identifying various actors who had been cast in the role. However, all those rumors proved to be false, as there is no Doctor Strange cameo in Thor: The Dark World.

Donald Blake Cameo – When it was revealed that comedian Chris O’Dowd had a small role in Thor: The Dark World, there was much speculation that he was playing Donald Blake. However, O’Dowd actually plays just a random guy named Richard, who goes on a date with Jane Foster.

Stan Lee Cameo- One cameo that fans can always count on with Marvel Studios films is Stan Lee. As previously reported on, Stan Lee does a cameo as a patient in a mental ward, who lends his shoe to Erik Selvig.

Captain America Cameo – Thor: The Dark World does contain a surprise Avengers cameo…sort of. After Thor frees his brother Loki from his cell, Loki uses his powers of illusion to turn into various other characters, including Captain America.

The Collector Cameo – Even though Thor: The Dark World didn’t introduce Doctor Strange, it did help to set up another Marvel Studios movie. During an after the credits scene, The Collector makes his first appearance. The Collector is set to play a big role in the upcoming Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Frigga Death – It was widely rumored that Thor’s mother Frigga would be killed off in Thor: The Dark World, and this rumor turned out to be completely true. When Frigga refuses to give up the location of Jane Foster, Kurse stabs Frigga through the heart, killing her instantly. And in Marvel Studios films, when someone gets stabbed through the heart, they are definitely dead, unless they wind up getting a show on ABC later.

Loki Death – This rumor turned out to be sort of true. In the battle with Malekith and Kurse, Loki stabs Kurse through the chest with a sword. But Kurse turns and grabs Loki, impaling him on the sword as well. Then, Loki appears to die in Thor’s arms. However, Loki shows up again at the very end of the movie, so somehow he manages to survive. Perhaps, his death was only an illusion.

Odin Death – There were also rumors that Thor’s father would die as well, and the verdict is still out on this one. At the end of the movie, it’s revealed that Loki is masquerading as Odin. What Loki did with the real Odin is unknown. It’s possible that Loki killed Odin, but we’re betting that he merely imprisoned Odin somewhere.

Thor’s Hand Cut-off Controversy – During Comic Con, Marvel Studios shows a Thor: The Dark World trailer, which appeared to end with Loki cutting off Thor’s hand. The scene set off a huge debate in the fan community as to whether Thor might be getting some type of robotic hand. However, it turns out that the scene with Loki cutting off Thor’s hand was just an illusion to fool Malekith. Thor still had all his appendages at the end of Thor: The Dark World.

Outside of the hand cutting off scene, Thor: The Dark World was relatively controversy free. There was nothing along the lines of the Mandarin twist to divide comic book fans. If Loki had been truly killed off in the film, then it would likely have been a huge controversy. However, the fact that Loki appears at the end of the film is a clever twist, which helps build excitement for the possibility of a Thor 3.

link : ... meos-controversies/

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:19 PM | Show all posts
intan_smsb posted on 11-11-2013 02:13 PM
sib baek tak mati

Frigga mati mukanya tak mereput pun, tetiba Loki mati mukanya macam nak jadi mayat bagai, tu yang Loki mati sekadar ilusi, menjelma jadi soldier, soldier bagitahu Odin, dan possibly bunuh Odin dan menyamar jadi Odin naik takhta

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:20 PM | Show all posts
intan_smsb posted on 11-11-2013 02:12 PM

scene tu ada dalam felem kah, dah 3 kali tengok, tak nampak pun

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:21 PM | Show all posts
loki ngan kot bulu neh sila masukkan skali yer lam DVD


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:25 PM | Show all posts

A selection of deleted/altered Thor: The Dark World scenes, as preserved in side-materials and promotional footage:

Thor and Frigga discuss whether there is still good in Loki.

    But Loki’s hand merely moved through her, and with a shimmer, the image of Frigga dissolved into the ether.

    Several stories above, inside her chamber, the real Frigga stood over a fire pit and watched as the image of Loki faded in the flames and smoke. “He will only disappoint you,” a voice said from behind her, breaking her out of her trance. It was Thor.

    “Why indulge him?” Thor continued. “The gifts? The visits?” Thor couldn’t understand how Frigga stll had so much compassion for someone who had done so much evil.

    “I think if you ask the guards, they will tell you I was never there,” Frigga said with a hint of a smile. She made her way over to Thor and continued. “What would you have me do? I am his mother and he is my son. I loved you no less when you were banished.”

    “Our crimes were hardly equal,” Thor was quick to point out. Then he added, “Don’t you ever regret teaching him your magic?”

    “You and your father cast long shadows,” Frigga began, hoping to finally make Thor understand. “I had hoped that by sharing my gifts with Loki, he could feel some sun for himself.”

    “But you were wrong.”

    “For the moment.”

    “You still see good in him, don’t you?” Thor asked.

    “I see glimmers of light I thought long extinguished,” Frigga stated, optimistic that Thor might one day share her point of view.

    Thor lowered his head. “Loki forfeited my forgiveness long ago.” The two stood opposite each other for a long, silent moment, until Frigga decided it best to change the subject.

    “Am I to take it by your presence that the Nine Realms still stand?”

    “I came to give father the good news,” Thor said, his smile returning.

    “And you thought to find him here? You’ll find him where he is more at ease,” she said. “Thor should’ve known. Odin wouldn’t be in the palace at a time like this. He’d be with his men. Training.

link : http://godofmischief-dot-org.tum ... d-be-so-grateful-if

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:26 PM | Show all posts
intan_smsb posted on 11-11-2013 02:09 PM

mana korang dapat animated GIF ni semua ya? ada tumblr khas tak?

dahulu The Amazing Spider-Man keluar, aku selalu ambik animated GIF beratus-ratus gambar daripada Tumblr, search by tag, sekarang Yahoo! dah beli Tumblr search by tag kena ada akaun baru dia punya post infinite, dan aku malas nak bukak akaun Tumblr


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:26 PM | Show all posts
Kassim_Patalon posted on 11-11-2013 02:19 PM
Frigga mati mukanya tak mereput pun, tetiba Loki mati mukanya macam nak jadi mayat bagai, tu yang  ...

oh ai see.. bawu aku paham.. tu la muka loki hampir hitam khen..


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:27 PM | Show all posts
Kassim_Patalon posted on 11-11-2013 02:20 PM
scene tu ada dalam felem kah, dah 3 kali tengok, tak nampak pun

ada la dalam utube yg u tepek tu pn ada gi tgk.. saat bella nk masuk kelass edward tenunggggg

cair mak taw

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:28 PM | Show all posts
Kassim_Patalon posted on 11-11-2013 02:26 PM
mana korang dapat animated GIF ni semua ya? ada tumblr khas tak?

ada kat gugel.. sila la explore

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Post time 11-11-2013 02:31 PM | Show all posts
intan_smsb posted on 11-11-2013 02:27 PM
ada la dalam utube yg u tepek tu pn ada gi tgk.. saat bella nk masuk kelass edward tenunggggg :lol ...

bukan, dah tersalah masuk felem ni

scene yang bawah ni,  tak ada dalam felem Thor 2 pun, deleted scene kah, bolehlah tengok dalam DVD/Blu-Ray nanti


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:37 PM | Show all posts
Kassim_Patalon posted on 11-11-2013 02:31 PM
bukan, dah tersalah masuk felem ni

scene yang bawah ni,  tak ada dalam felem Thor 2 pun,  ...

weh ada la scene ni..

lps thor jumpa die tu


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Post time 11-11-2013 02:40 PM | Show all posts
intan_smsb posted on 11-11-2013 02:37 PM
weh ada la scene ni..

lps thor jumpa die tu

tak ada, dia borak-borak terus "when do we start?" terus scene ada captain america tu

buat apa loki nak terjerit-jerit subegitu?

kalau jerit sebab Frigga dah mati itu ada scene yang dia keluarkan power dia pecahkan kerusi tu

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