Reply #279 mbhcsf's post
ha ha ...
da is in the mood of foruming..
mesti ader banyak benda nak cerita nie..
itu yg marah..
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 5-4-2008 07:03 AM
well quite a lengthy discussion there...
well牋what i do not get you is that
why did you tend to repetitively write this : i am separate from my mind , my emotion .....
any theoretica ...
We really are seperate from our mind and emotion.燫ead爃amizao爏iggy燼bout燽eingness.營爐hink爐hat爄llustrate爄t爌erfectly.
It doesn't matter, book or anything. Author etc. It's all a sort of medium.營t燾ould燽e燼nyone爋r燼nything爄n爕our爎eality.燛ven燼燾hicken.
As I have told you before, take it for checking. If it cannot be proven in your爋wn life, just throw it away.
I repeat, you don't have to subscribe to anyone.
Thing is, something I can't say, just allude to even if I want to explain it.燭here燼re爎eally爊o爓ords爁or爄t. Some other thing I can explain but I'll never explain as it's to be kept personal. I can only practise and experiment with them in my life. And if it works, I'll take it. If it's not. That's fine too. Personal proof is the only thing that matter. And if you want anecdotes and stuff, I won't give. It's up爐o爕ou. You might take a different path. Personal preferance.
Simply because we cannot force other of the truth (I don't want to get in discussion about this here, it'll be too heavy). People might not like this thread if it becomes too heavy.
You shouldn't take any word or anything, like that. Take it for checking. |
Reply #282 Agul's post
All these long post above is only about one thing.
Take it for checking. |
Reply #270 pujanclay's post
main2 je... |
Originally posted by thedude at 5-4-2008 09:21 AM
If I understand it correctly, by separating mind and emotion, it becomes a lot easier to stay happy during hard and easy times.
In calamities we say "setiap yang buruk ade hikmahnya" .. we ...
You put that into爓ord爊icely.
Cuma kita boleh ganti 'supress' dengan 'letting go'. |
we can experience the same thing, meet the same people, read the same book but come to different understanding. |
we can experience the same thing, meet the same people, read the same book but come to different understanding. |
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 5-4-2008 11:27 AM
well..of course.. dear,
that goes without saying lah..alahai ...pehaps may be i am too emotional kot may be牋..and u being the opposite sex kot , so i could understand that.
well as牋far as ...
ego, always want to protect itself. It want to survive.
So it identifies with your mind and emotion.
That's why it's very hard to differentiate爕ourself from your emotion, mind and views. |
We usually say, " I am sad'. Which is not true. We are not sad. We feel sad.
So, "I feel sad" is correct.
Saya teringat iklan kat tv pasl sorang budak yang cakap " hai, nama saya Jangan".
Sedih betul.
Kenapa? Sebab mak dia selalu cakap "jangan!" dekat budak tu. Budak tu pn dah keliru dan ingat nama dia Jangan. |
Reply #290 pujanclay's post
love is t oo lovely to main2 la.. pujan...
ko tengok jelah orang bercinta sebelum kahwin dan selepas kahwin. Kalau makin lama makin tawar, itu bukannya cinta. |
Reply #294 pujanclay's post
aku tak taula pujan.
sekarang ni aku rasa macam nak wat eksperimen, terima orang yang masuk meminang...
cuma ada sikit2 rasa nak terus bujang...
tak taulah nak kawen ke tak dalam masa terdekat ni... |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan