Reply #278 lipanlapan's post
And what are the alternatives ? Drop down to Singapore where they are building the circle line. You will see no bitumen. |
setahu aku,negara yg suka cari pasal dgn mesia ni cuma dua je..indon dan sg je... dgn indon,dah ada pengalaman..dgn sg ni belum ada lagi..jom test... |
Reply #281 razhar's post
Hai..kalo awak minta..kiter tolong. kalo tak..kiter tak layan lah.
Pesal dengan font itu? mata sakit baca? nak aku besarkan lagi? |
Reply #283 razhar's post
test lor |
please le incik belacan..tak payah tunggu first strike la..cuma kena keep on eye je...nampak je dah berangkat menuju ke target..baru le boleh balas...bukan hanya pakai ilmu -'..agak2 mereka ni mao serang kita'....sorry aaa...MAF rasa2 tak minat nak strike first...
[ Last edited by razhar at 25-1-2009 10:43 PM ] |
doktorin strike first tu hanya sesuai masa konfrantasi menentang komunis dulu2....sebab ianya tidak melibatkan mana2 negara....kita tidak senang2 boleh melancarkan doktorin strike first ke atas mana2 negara kerana itu bermakna peristiharan perang...atau sg mau berperang dgn mana2 negara? |
Reply #286 razhar's post
Jadi hang nak keep on eye on approaching misel dan bomb dan justeru itu baru strike. Ooooh. bagui gitu. Jangan luper pakai suit ultraman..nanti hangus badan hang tau. Syabas jeneral. |
Reply #287 razhar's post
Aper salahnyer kalo kiter dah tahu musuh dah nak attack? bukan senang nak pi perang dan mengatur division division, batalion batalion dan equipmen yang ader; mahupun memberitahu askar melalui telephone atau sms.
Hai..tadi kata first strike docktine asal dari Isreal. Rupenyer hang ader pakai dokrine tersebut ka? |
Originally posted by belacan79 at 25-1-2009 10:37 PM
And what are the alternatives ? Drop down to Singapore where they are building the circle line. You will see no bitumen.
Go search the answer for yourself. |
Originally posted by lipanlapan at 25-1-2009 23:02
Go search the answer for yourself.
kao wat le jasa tolong cari untuk jenderal ni..kan kena demoted... |
Originally posted by belacan79 at 25-1-2009 08:38 PM
So you got an article which shows that LKY made a mistake. Well done? But it`s good to know that we wont make the same mistake twice.
Thanks but no thanks for the compliment. But it's good to know that sometimes what we thought, heard, told & done is not entirely the truth. Wallahualam. |
Reply #293 razhar's post
Die tgh x de kije katanya. Bole le berkongsi pengalaman, kepakaran & pengetahuan kat sini. Untuk ukhwah. |
Reply #292 lipanlapan's post
Excellent reply Lipanlapan. You have just proved my point about alternatives to bitumen which is true of course. Evidently, it does not answer the question that SAF will use bitumen. There are a variety of roads with different make-ups. You do not know that and never will in spite of making several posts to address the issue. However, it does highlight the redundancy in Singapore for such exigencies. Great debate nevertheless. |
Reply #294 lipanlapan's post
Obviously, Sg wont get to where it is today if it does not learn from its own mistakes and the mistakes of others who foolishly repeat them. |
Reply #297 belacan79's post
semuga ketuanan dewa LKY akan terus hidop.... |
Reply #290 razhar's post
Sudah tentu kami boleh bukitkan di arena antarabangsa yang kami akan di-serang. Otherwise, why on earth would we launch a pre-emptive attack ourselves? Logik brudder. Logik. Come on.
Satu lagi, there is no true justice in the international arena. Those who wield the greater power and those who allign with them will rule the day. You know this. |
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