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Author: xyla73

[tvN/viu 2024] Lovely Runner - Kim Hye Yoon, Byeon Woo Seok

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Post time 14-6-2024 08:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 13-6-2024 10:27 PM
Iols pasti salon drip tu bukan berlakon…
berlakon ke kalau sampai muka merah2 bila kena usik? :lo ...

Boleh jd uols sbb tu muka monyok sikit ms kat cgv. Sbb kena lg double control dr sd.

I rasa impossible nak dibuat2 SD tu.
The hands, the eyes, the smiles, the pull, the vibes fr both of them. Nampak trying hard to contain themselves ada lah. Itu pun sbb byk terbabas la jd tumpah gula.

I just keep in mind... if betul2 couple , maybe derang kapal selam.
If things turn south...they dont have to explained themselves. Plus peak career n relatively young utk status artist. If kapal selam kandas pun org tak nampak n will not affect career both of them.

I terbaca ni td kat x.
Imagine if wosok next project... ada another waves of shipper with his latest pairing. Who will get hurt the most??

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Post time 14-6-2024 08:31 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 14-6-2024 09:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 14-6-2024 08:28 AM
Boleh jd uols sbb tu muka monyok sikit ms kat cgv. Sbb kena lg double control dr sd.

I rasa imp ...

I rasa pun diorg menyelam senyap2 je skrg ni…if just friends, why sharing bodyguard? Sometimes declare cepat2 pun tak mendatangkan kebaikan, tgklah Ahn Bo Hyun-Ji Soo & Lee Jae Wook-Karina…so better senyap2 je…unless kalau memang betul2 dah stabil be it in their career or relationship…

Lagi satu, takde apa2 penafian rasmi drpd dua2 belah pihak on the dating rumours…kalau takde apa2, why don’t just deny since dah 2 minggu berlalu since drama abis…bolehlah cepat sikit kita move on…

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Post time 14-6-2024 09:20 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 14-6-2024 08:28 AM
Boleh jd uols sbb tu muka monyok sikit ms kat cgv. Sbb kena lg double control dr sd.

I rasa imp ...

kalo dah confirm couple, fans akan respect n accept. sampai kelmarin knetz request woohye jd real couple.. ada artikel kat pannchoa..

lee dohyun & imjiyeon tu ok je.. siap ckp kat baeksang kot. bukan kaleng² actor yg  dtg.. n semua maklum. yg penting pandai jaga diri.
tp kita pun suka kot tunggu keluar dari watak dulu.
kita on je kapal ni.. dulu rohye 5 thn. boleh je

ari ni byk betul dosa mata..

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Post time 14-6-2024 09:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 14-6-2024 09:14 AM
I rasa pun diorg menyelam senyap2 je skrg ni…if just friends, why sharing bodyguard? Sometimes de ...

Ya takde penafian.
If rumour dgn model tu laju je nafikan.
Ksh ada rumour last week pun agency dia laju je kuar statement.

The speculation now wild sgt2 n direct interview berkali2 takde satu pun direct answer no..we are not dating. Tgk bogum....dia jawab direct.
Tp wosok jawab "friend" pun  konar baring berbahasa bahasi mcm terpaksa sgt guna term  friend tu.

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Post time 14-6-2024 09:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 14-6-2024 09:20 AM
kalo dah confirm couple, fans akan respect n accept. sampai kelmarin knetz request woohye jd real  ...

Maybe situasi tak sama uols.
Now kita assume je hahaha...memandai2 org kata walo tuan punya badan tak ckp pape.
Dohyun n partner tu bagus la n good for them so far takde issue.
Tp as mentioned.. ahnbohyun n jisoo karam. Jaewook karina karam. As much as i pun sama mcm org lain nak derang couple... i lg taknak dgr berita kapal wohye karam. Lebih baik kapal selam or tak couple dr dgr berita breakup derang haha

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Post time 14-6-2024 09:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 14-6-2024 08:31 AM

sedih je tengok yang ni..
mmg jarang ada pov mbak kan..
polos je mata sepet menatap.
sebab duduk sebelah je..

skrg mbak tatap dari jauh ..
mungkin dari socmed aje..
fighting mamel

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Post time 14-6-2024 10:09 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 14-6-2024 09:52 AM
Maybe situasi tak sama uols.
Now kita assume je hahaha...memandai2 org kata walo tuan punya badan  ...

Dohyun n partner ni mmg respek la..declared n go on with their work...professional gitu...harap derang boleh sampai ke penghujungnya...
Populasi dan kadar kelahiran negara kpop ni sgt2 menguncup...

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Post time 14-6-2024 11:11 AM | Show all posts
asal nak kebah je.. ramai yg posting  recap.. la analyze la
ate camne.. klip yg sama dah tengok puluh2 kali..

komen2 kita kat IG org lain dah 700 800 likes..
giler  weii

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Post time 14-6-2024 11:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 14-6-2024 10:09 AM
Dohyun n partner ni mmg respek la..declared n go on with their work...professional gitu...harap de ...

Nnt takde pelapis sbb takde yg nak beranak haha.

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Post time 14-6-2024 11:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 14-6-2024 11:11 AM
asal nak kebah je.. ramai yg posting  recap.. la analyze la
ate camne.. klip yg sama dah tengok pulu ...

Bukan fans je dok repeat clip sama... yg tvn cjenm apa semua pun belum kebah. Hadap la kan

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Post time 14-6-2024 11:54 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kita meroyan kat sini almost 3000 posting.
Mana tt xyla73... nak bg bunga ni

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Post time 14-6-2024 01:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ada org claim composer sudden shower.tu ex beast yong junghyun.. tp nama composer tu han seong ho. nama samaran ke.
kita mmg beauty.. fanatik beast sebelum depa bubar.. bias kita jang hyunseung.. sampai skrg follow gig dia.. byk je buat single..

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Post time 14-6-2024 01:22 PM | Show all posts
Bro said NO to moved on



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Post time 14-6-2024 03:12 PM | Show all posts
ari ni byk betol klip dari salon drip.. lalu lalang...
semua nya delulu...
serangan suboemie ke

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Post time 14-6-2024 03:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
zehra2 replied at 14-6-2024 03:12 PM
ari ni byk betol klip dari salon drip.. lalu lalang...
semua nya delulu...
serangan suboemie ke{:3_ ...

I berkubang kat x international apa nama tu. Mcm2. Mmg gagal moved on

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 Author| Post time 14-6-2024 04:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 14-6-2024 03:41 PM
I berkubang kat x international apa nama tu. Mcm2. Mmg gagal moved on

Hehe…pasal woohye punya stylist lah, teori tarikh 3 Apr lah, teka-teki sejak bila woohye mula rapat dan mcm2 lagi

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Post time 14-6-2024 04:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Keep on updating uols...waa...bws makan tomyam le kt bangkok na.....

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Post time 14-6-2024 04:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
xyla73 replied at 14-6-2024 04:07 PM
Hehe…pasal woohye punya stylist lah, teori tarikh 3 Apr lah, teka-teki sejak bila woohye mula rap ...


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Post time 14-6-2024 04:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 14-6-2024 04:47 PM
Keep on updating uols...waa...bws makan tomyam le kt bangkok na.....

Tu la .. i tgk ada nasi, kangkung, pad thai semua.. halah halahhhh

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