Post time 20-10-2019 10:56 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Sang_Pencinta replied at 19-10-2019 09:18 PM
Chu olls ikut citer ni dari awal ke? Chu olls tau tak knapa sampai 5 months penderaan berjalan tp family x prasan dn x tau? Lama tu 5 months .. parents tak dtg visit weekly ke .. katanya parents pun org manjoi sama tpt dgn tahfiz ni
kalau parents budak tu nak saman Pusat Tahfiz atas alasan kecuaian, AG tak sangkut sebab ini pusat tahfiz swasta dan bukan di bwh tanggungjawab Kerajaan..
saman secara sivil terhadap pusat tahfiz/owner utk tuntutan gantirugi etc akan jadi personal suit but at least something laa daripada takde ape langsung. tgk nanti apa defence pusat tahfiz ni..
Post time 20-10-2019 01:12 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
dahlamadah.. replied at 20-10-2019 12:56 PM
kalau parents budak tu nak saman Pusat Tahfiz atas alasan kecuaian, AG tak sangkut sebab ini pusat t ...
Ikut komen kak asiah dlm fb, ibu dan team lawyer tak proceed dgn civil. Sbb tahfiz ni swasta dan survive dr derma n sumbangan public. Jika dia teruskan, public asak dgn mengatakan she is aftering money. Jd dia tak mau teruskan.. implication dia akn lebih berat pd emosi kluarganya i rasa .. yg dia nakkan keadilan (yg akhirnya tak dapat pun) bukan duit
i see...okay..
didn't expect that.. i thought the public is keen to know the story behind the scene and will surely support the victim. furthermore, civil is generally anything under the sun. parties can also claim aggravated and exemplary damages caused by wrongful act or conduct. anyway, it's their call whether to sue or not..
ingatkan yg swasta lagi senang kena sue, tak perlu nk involve birokrasi bagai..
Post time 20-10-2019 03:55 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by dua_chzy at 20-10-2019 04:01 PM
legal_jue11 replied at 19-10-2019 07:54 PM
Kes tidak pergi ke peringkat dakwaan jadi bagaimana ada pernyataan " mahkamah membuat keputusan wu ...
Si ibu buat gitu karna sadar rakyat negara ini memang hopeless bab managing child sexual abuse.
Ngkorang boleh lehat doku ni. Tengok sundri betapa in denial dan couldn't care less sangat rakyat negara/authorities pasal kes Richard Huckle.
Geram akak the then deputy minister (for women, family and community development) sundri klaim tak tahu menahu kes Richard Huckle ni. Dalam masa yang sama authorities Briton kata dah bagi kerjasama informed segala2 pada Malaysia. Hapo... No wonder pedobabi bersukaria di tanahair abuse our children right in fron of our eyes and yet no one dares to do anything.
Post time 20-10-2019 05:25 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Bunggah at 20-10-2019 05:29 PM
misuke replied at 17-10-2019 11:03 AM
kegilaan apakah ini? keep fighting
I think many don't understand the reason why the case was dropped. It's because the police refused to investigate. So salahnya ialah polis. Jgn baca benda viral2 ni. Semua putar belit.
Post time 20-10-2019 05:53 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Bunggah replied at 20-10-2019 05:25 PM
I think many don't understand the reason why the case was dropped. It's because the police refus ...
I olls rasa sbb kes ni jd 3 years ago masa uke tu tgh berpengaruh sgt ngn gov lama jd tidak disiasat betul2 .. ibu mangsa pun ada kata kertas kosong aje .. now after 3 tahun dah susah nak collect balik bukti etc walaupun not entirely impossible .. byk je cold case kt western world tu pun boleh dibuka balik dn dicari bukti sampai cukup sblm pendakwaan .. tinggal nk buat atau tidak aje .. tomas the train dlm hal ni mungkin tgk kertas investigation tak stronh kot psl tu dia x proceed .. ntah .. tp dia patut explain why
Post time 20-10-2019 07:05 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Children’s Commssioner urged AG to explain dismissing sexual assault at tahfiz
Datuk Noor Aziah Mohd Awal from the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) reminded the AGC in a statement that the incident was of great public interest, and called on Attorney General Tan Sri Tommy Thomas to clarify why he decided against pressing charges.
public interest matter
sexual abuse against minor at tahfiz in Manjoi
Suhakam urges AG to explain without delay
reason for decision to drop criminal charges,” she said.
“Given the grievous nature of the alleged offences, the Children’s Commissioner believes that the mother of the victim is fully within her rights to commence legal action against the tahfiz school,” she added.
Magistrate’s Court made unexpected ruling to dismiss case of sexual abuse
two months after recognising offence did take place
ruling followed directive by AG Thomas decision to dismiss case
In stern reminder to AG, Suhakam said rule of law should apply fully
all children have a right to equal protection under the law.
On Aug 7, court acknowledged a violation had taken place
based on complaint made by victim’s mother on same day
court instructed DPP to explain why investigation paper was closed
with no suspects identified, despite victim being able to recognise suspects
offence took place three years ago in Tahfiz al Barakah
then owned by popular preacher Kazim Elias
My comments : It is obvious that there has been a major cock-up.
Some massive coverups have also been going on since.
The Police did not follow SOPs.
The mother has stated why wasn't her son the victim asked to identify the molesters?
The mother has also complained that the investigation by the Police was not completed at all, yet they classified the case as NFA (No further action).
No one from the Police or from the AGC has rebutted the mother's statements.
We cannot blame the AG.
Without a full and proper investigation by the Police the AG has no case.
This is what has happened.
In our system of separation of powers the Police investigate, the AG prosecutes and the Court passes judgements.
The AG cannot investigate. The AG has to work with what the Police put inside the Investigation Report.
Or in this case what the Police DID NOT put in their investigation report.
However the AG can tell the Police to investigate the case further.
In this case it appears that there was no real need to investigate the case in too great a depth. (This is not like the disappearance of Amri Che Mat, Pastor Koh, Helmy, Ruth, that one more person and now yet another person - that woman from India who has disappeared).
In this case the Police just did not follow Standard Operating Procedure.
What does this mean? It means it is not too late.
The AG can 'advise' the Police re-investigate this case, following Standard Operating Procedure. I think that should be within the authority of the AG.
Of course the real culprits here are the Perak Police.
Diam saja.
Folks I searched for the Perak CPOs picture and name at the PDRM website (maintained by Pemudah??) and I could not find any.
Instead I found the address, phone, fax and email for the CPO of Perak.
I did search news articles and this picture and name popped up (dated March 2019):
Perak police chief Datuk Razarudin Husain @ Abd Rasid
I don't know if Razarudin is still the Perak CPO but n'theless I think the Perak CPO should reopen this investigation immediately.
Also some disciplinary action has to be taken against the IO and the Police chiefs who were involved in this obvious screw up. For those who are keen please send an email to the CPO Perak asking him to re-open this case and do a thorough investigation. Here is a simple draft you can use.
Ekoran daripada banyak laporan media (contoh : berkenaan kes anak lelaki dicabul di sebuah sekolah tahfiz di Manjoi saya meminta Polis Perak siasat semula kes ini mengikut peraturan undang-undang dan SOP PDRM yang sedia ada.
Masyarakat umum bukan saja tidak puas hati tetapi amat hilang konfiden dengan PDRM dan Attorney General's Chambers (AGC) bahawa kes yang serius seperti ini, yang kemungkinan besar melibatkan mangsa lain juga (multiple victims) di sekolah tahfiz itu, telah terpaksa di 'dismiss' oleh AGC.
Kes ini tidak kelihatan terlalu rumit atau tanpa mangsa, tanpa suspek yang terlibat, tanpa tempat kejadian atau pun tanpa waktu kejadian.
Oleh kerana ini sudah menjadi kes 'public interest' saya harap Polis Perak akan membuka semula siasatan ini dan mencapai suatu penyelesaian yang boleh dikemukakan semula kepada umum.
Sekian. Terima kasih.
If we can all get into this, hopefully there will be something better that comes out of this.
Post time 20-10-2019 07:18 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Lps drop kes ni , myb nk drop kes paul yong kot. Betul le bab kata forumer, lately ni is too Democratic, pesalah dibela, perosak majlis konvo diangkat sbg pejuang kebebasan bersuara