iols duduk station 1 paling hujung dan station 3 agak hujung..tp most happening di station 2 dan 3...station 1 agak sendu la...tp pantai dia cantik...mcm debu pasir putih la...kitorg mandi di station 1...next time nak repeat lagi la tp nk duduk di station 2 pula..trip kitorg cuma makan2 dan masak aje..hahaha...melayu sangat la jarang nk jumpa..ramai koreans dan chinese mainland..
AppropriateNick replied at 1-8-2016 11:23 PM
hotel apa if u dont mind
Estacio uno.
Totally clueless boracay ni...plannya nak tgk beach lawo dan rehat2....tp tgk choice of foods sume ala horror aje wic u might end up makan maggi aje kompom halalan toyyiban? |
AppropriateNick replied at 1-8-2016 11:26 PM
iols duduk station 1 paling hujung dan station 3 agak hujung..tp most happening di station 2 dan 3 ...
Apa signature food dier yg wajib terai dkt borakai ni? Lobster dier ke? Kasik tips sket.
xpayah nk poyo sgt nk try..org pinoy suka makan babi aje...
aha..sama la..i just free and easy jek..cuma buat atv aje...yg lain2 just mahu enjoy boracay itself....paling best di part willy's rock tu..ada byk jek signature aktiviti di sini iaitu island hopping ke island cave cove, helmet diving, zipline, atv yg pemandangan awesome, ariel's point terjun ke bawah tu, willy's rock, talipapa tu market dia la utk souvenirs dan wet market if you would like to cook for your self. estacio uno agak ke dalam la..jauh gak mahu menapak ke station 2 yang paling happening.
cup cup..nk offtopic..sapa penah p pulau weh,acheh?
mohon tips. |
AppropriateNick replied at 2-8-2016 03:39 PM
xpayah nk poyo sgt nk try..org pinoy suka makan babi aje...
Yucks!! Seems like we may end up makan maggi jeklah kot...adoi
When we travel, we hardly cook and prefer to eat or enjoy local dish...dah kalau sumernye ba alip ba ya...hazab le... |
wah tahnks for the pic.
meriah la sket thread ni ha...
ada 1.5 bulan lagi utk survey. most likely stay kat station 2 la kot, bunyi mcm best.
bila dh smpai sana baru realize why we moslems do not really favour the place. but for me, it is just another beach.
Nothing much about the hype..Maybe sebab kurang omputih kot hahahah...racism much...maybe ini musim koreans dan chinese aje ke sana kot..
ada banyak pros and cons la...better beach than Bali and almost parallel to Gili Trawangan, Lombok. especially Station 1, jangan pergi Station 2 agak tak bersih.
cons dia agak banyak la. selalu aje nak black out, hey, i dont pay less than RM100 for the black out kot?...Unfortunately, the room rate is not parallel to the service rendered. Indonesia is definitely the best in this! Then bilik pun you have to spend more than RM400 to get a comfortable one. Cons lagi, they always expect tips but I dont really give them but only to those who deserved it like the lady who has helped us to clean the towel and the airasia staff who has helped us boarding the late check in!
anyway, one of the worst road i ever traveled. station 1 ke 3 tu agak jauh ok..lenguh kaki, tp urut kaki dlm rm33 cmtu ok la not bad...
ada beberapa notes worth to notice

plug dia biasanya jenis dua lubang tu kena bawak universal traveller. acah2 Spain aje tau mereka ni

ini di Bulabog beach, nothing interesting here jika on low tide, usah buang masa ke sini, tak cantik pun

ini sunset tak jadi di station 3 x silap.tengok banyak paraw tu. paraw tu mmg terbaik la...one of the best experience in life..

ini waktu naik ATV.breathtaking kan?!
lepas tu boleh mandi sini masa tengah2 ATV tu

ombak agak kuat ye..
and the must do here
waktu malam banyak benda ni sebab nanti polis tangkap jika mereka buat
tetibe jek ko ni noks...acheh kan ada benang die x silap...anyway, weh tu banyak omputih x silap...not like any other acheh...
hahaha ye ke nok..aku dh try search tp xde pon lg psal pulau weh..tu aku selit sini..maap la sailang ko nye post psal boracay 
berani kan ko mencaras board boracay yg super sendu ni?
kehkehkeh sendu sgt benang ko ni baideway tarikh ko p boracay same ngn membe aku n aktivit n mkn ko pon lebih kurang....adakah??
ni bukan benang aku...motif sgt nk buka benang2 ni...sama2 share apa yg kita tau kan...tak salah kan. Boracay tu takde apa sgt la menarik pun makcik..pulak tu musim ujan..anyway, tak mungkin la tahu tarikh daku pergi sebab semua dirahsiakan supaya tidak mengecilkan ati mana2 pihak..baru jek gugel pulau weh tu..mcm menarik tp xleh pakai bikini apakah
nok tu acheh jgn la ko berbikini sana...sana aku baca even nk check in laki pompuan pon kena tnjuk sijil nikah okehhh...harusla aku jinjit sijil nikah aku ke acheh nnt 
alamak..baru nk topless noks
Ok....baru balik Boracay...
My verdict? Since baca boracay ni among top 10 beautiful beaches in the world so my expectation is a bit high...i expect to get 8/10...but my real satisfaction maybe 5/10 je kot.
The good part, was told now habagat season (musim hujan) so petang2 nak mandi laut tu ada la renyai2 jd main laut sejuk dan tak panas. So no sunburn (itu iols suka!) blessing in disguise gitu.
Since foods kat sana merata alam taruk babi, amek makanan plg selamat...omellete + cheese, pancake, pizza bodo for vegetarian and jonahs fruitshake not bad...boleh jd meal replacement jugak sbb ianya mengenyangkan and healthy. |
Ok Sambung...
Activity kat sana...since we went for short trip so amek island hoping in private boat that cater only us. Tak mahal...satu boat 2400 peso. Kalau amek normal boat sorang dlm 700 peso. So tambah sket aje dah dpt ur own....
Typical activity...pegi crystal cove island - erm okla nak turun bwh cave tu slippery and bila dah sampai bawah tu i rasa so so aje cave dier. And then tangkap gambar jalan2 area tu then push off to jumping cleeve...selain jumping activity, the surrounding area doesnt impress me much. But no doubt, that jumping cleeve is the highlight and had so much fun there!
Then pegi snorkeling dkt area crocodile island...tanya gak ada buaya air masin ke? Nama aje....sbb the rocks there looks like crocodile....my verdict? Coral dier okla...i have seen coral yg lg lawa dr sini...so okla. Nice but nothing extravaganza. |
mat salleh xde ke uols?
kensel lah nak pegi situ 
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