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Author: AeriSha


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Post time 20-1-2021 05:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 20-1-2021 08:30 AM
Ya Allah seramnya
rumah yg ada loteng ni biasanya rumah lama tp rumah kaka yg setakat teres pun a ...

Rumah tu combine dgn rumah lama..ada part of it y still guna rumah y loteng tu entirely baru laa n mmg boleh bt bilik tido atas tu..hahaahahah

Tp kalau siang2 panas giler mcm sauna kitorg bt tmpt sidai kain laa atas tu..

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Post time 21-1-2021 10:22 AM | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 20-1-2021 05:33 PM
Rumah tu combine dgn rumah lama..ada part of it y still guna rumah y loteng tu entirely b ...

tue dia akhirnya loteng tu dijdkan menyidai kain
tp yealah siang hr dok situ ibarat dok dlm sauna mmg x practical
tp klu mlm plk dok situ terasa ada angin menyapa pipi, hah yg tu kena jaga2
kang ada ler entiti mana2 sdg memerhati
ni dr pengalaman kaka ler
time rs seram mmg menggigil tp klu tgh geram kaka tempik aje kt bendalah tu


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 Author| Post time 22-1-2021 07:54 AM | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 17-1-2021 10:43 AM
Doctor X ai xtgk..hahahahahaahha

Kalau minat psl butler,tgk laa shitsuji saionji..meichan no sh ...

Dah try tengok belum Doctor X tu? Tak suka ke?
Thanks for the recommendations..

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2021 08:17 AM | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 17-1-2021 11:01 AM
Wahhhhh..mnt Nel kaa..hihihi

Miyavi ok laa, kayu..hahahaha..rukia mmg best,ichigo kureng .abara ...

Mestilah minat..Kiut miut..Bila bertukar jadi dewasa badass pulak..

Waaahhh memang perfect cadangan pelakon2 uols neh..
Anyway iols jumpa ni:
Bleach jadi Kamen Rider reunion..
Sayang betul,3 orang ni semua tak kena..Watak Uryu iols rasa macam lebih elok bagi kat Masataka Kubota..Pada iols lah hehe..

Kalau nak betul2 sama bentuk badan dgn watak2 boobs besar tu,maka terpaksalah bagi kat pelakon2 porn kot..


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 Author| Post time 22-1-2021 08:44 AM | Show all posts
Edited by AeriSha at 22-1-2021 08:49 AM
salmon-suki replied at 17-1-2021 11:06 AM
Awww..kenji hensem kan..crush jgk suka fukuyama masaharu jgk..suara dia . phewwww~ tgk gal ...

Haha kaaaannnn..Memang hensem macho & sedap..

Pastu banyak kali gak Abg Kenji ni dlm Iryu heols macam tak banyak cakap..Org lain cakap panjang2,heols jawab "ah"..Iols plak "kyaahh"

Iols setuju pasal Fukuyama Masaharu tu,heols nyanyi pun range vocal low gile..Sorang lagi yg memang bercakap dlm suara deep gile (paling low deep setakat yg iols tengok dlm ramai2 pelakon),yg jadi Okamura dlm Iryu 4,Katsunori Takahashi..
Itu yg iols suka Matsuda Shota tu..heee...

Yg suara jantan kasar pun iols suka jugak macam Issey Takahashi (lupa nama watak heols) dlm Iryu 2 tu,suara heols lebih deep dlm Quartet..

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2021 09:03 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 17-1-2021 11:13 AM
Hollywood amek alih nti epic failed mcm DBZ laa.. hahaahahah..

Yu yu hakusho kaa?wahhhhhh..dlu  ...

Oh lupa yg paling terkejut iols penah dengar Hollywood nak buat live action movie Naruto..TIDAAAAKKKK..
Mintak2 tak jadi..

Wah iols pun tak ingat pape pasal Yu Yu Hakusho tu sbb tengok dah lama gile,tengok masa mula2 amek Astro dulu jah,pastu malas nak tengok lagi dah ahahah..Tapi menarik gak tu,sbb banyak scene fighting2 kan,kalau menjadi special effect,mesti gempak gile..

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2021 09:11 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 18-1-2021 11:39 AM
x hbs2 kepci dr thread GV lg

Hehe..Nak ke taknak neh?

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Post time 22-1-2021 09:12 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku suka good morning call season 1&2 tgk dkt netflix.

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2021 09:16 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
takayama replied at 18-1-2021 11:41 AM
but it's true kan

si amami tu lg tua dr kaka tp maintain aje,jeles kaka taw

Alaaa kaka artis2 tu memang keje dorang jaga rupa & body betul2,duit banyak habis ke situ,tak peliklah kot kalau yg jenis manjang gi spa & gym segala..

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Post time 22-1-2021 09:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 22-1-2021 07:54 AM
Dah try tengok belum Doctor X tu? Tak suka ke?
Thanks for the recommendations..
Hehe... ...

Belum tgok lagi..hahahaha~

Nanti betul2 xde citer nak tgk,ai tgk..skrg line pn mcm hapeee ntah..nk stream pn asyik buffer je..sedihhhhh~

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Post time 22-1-2021 09:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 22-1-2021 08:17 AM
Mestilah minat..Kiut miut..Bila bertukar jadi dewasa badass pulak..

Waaahhh memang perfe ...

Wahhh.. kubota tu dlm tokyo ghoul..dia sesuai watak tu..n uryuu yaa,style rambut almost daa..ok laa kot...asalkn dia bleh bwk watak mcm rukia..rukia mmg ok sesangat daa..

Matsumoto tu bkn setakat bdn seksi,tp raut muka dia pn seksi..hahahaahah..y japanese susah nak cari raut muka seksi,dorg lebih kpd lawa n kiut..hihihi~

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2021 09:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
one_aiman replied at 19-1-2021 10:15 PM
mana tuan tanah @AeriSha ni? iols dah siap 30 tajuk dah ni

Haha sorry iols bz & sejak akhir2 ni banyak kali sakit kepala..
Masa tak bz haritu slow jah uols kuarkan list..

Drama yg no.1 dlm list uols tu kalau baca sinopsis macam simple jah,tapi macam biasalah Jdrama kan..Mesti jadi menarik..
Iols kena letak dlm "must watch" list neh..Yay bertambun drama dlm list iols neh..

Masa tak berapa ada pulekkks..

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2021 09:33 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
masnona replied at 22-1-2021 09:12 AM
Aku suka good morning call season 1&2 tgk dkt netflix.

Cer bg review sikit uols..

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Post time 22-1-2021 09:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 22-1-2021 09:03 AM
Oh lupa yg paling terkejut iols penah dengar Hollywood nak buat live action movie Naruto..TIDAAAAK ...

Ai igt y multiple personalities tu je sbb time kecik2 tu menarik sgt tgk knp dia kjp jd org tu,kjp jd org ni..hahahha

Sailormoon pn fail kan live action dia..muka tua y bwk watak2 tu..ahhaha

Ai xminat sgt naruto tp ai mnt itachi ngn kakashi sbb karismatik n hensem..hihihi..kalau betul hollywood nak bt naruto,hrp2 ok laa,bkn buruk mcm KOF ngn ok kalau dia bt movie live action..kalau xsilap tokyo ghoul ni bwh netflix ai silap..betulkn ai..hahahaahah

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 Author| Post time 22-1-2021 09:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
salmon-suki replied at 22-1-2021 09:30 AM
Wahhh.. kubota tu dlm tokyo ghoul..dia sesuai watak tu..n uryuu yaa,style rambut almost daa..ok la ...

Cer uols try check mtv lagu2 Jrock & Jmetal..Iols rasa semua yg seksi berhimpun kat sana,jadi vokalis & musician yg best2 plak tuh..

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Post time 22-1-2021 10:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 22-1-2021 09:30 AM
Haha sorry iols bz & sejak akhir2 ni banyak kali sakit kepala..
Masa tak bz haritu slow jah uols  ...

ajl35 kan tunda

ahaha sebab uols cakap nak cari doraemon sbb tak sabar nak tahu no1 tu kan..iols pecuttt la..hotaru no hikari tu iols mula2 nak tengok sbb dia ada 2 season.. biasanya kalau ada bersiri-siri ni mesti best..iols tengok 2 season strett pastu terus takleh move on ahahaha

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Post time 22-1-2021 11:04 AM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 22-1-2021 09:11 AM
Hehe..Nak ke taknak neh?

tukarlah ke subway
sambil mkn leh layan samada Jdrama atau concert


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Post time 22-1-2021 11:08 AM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 22-1-2021 09:16 AM
Alaaa kaka artis2 tu memang keje dorang jaga rupa & body betul2,duit banyak habis ke situ,tak pe ...

bila chuols kata gitu
kaka selalu nmpk few tabloid papers suka tunjuk apa artis beli, buat etc
cam buah hati kaka si kame tu ya ampunnn ngabeskan duit dia dgn beli brg2 yg mahal cam YSL etc
beli lak kat jepun yg kita taw mmg harga dia tersgt pricey
dan terigt ada satu video guitaris female group anime K-On nmpk cam selekeh tp wow beli brg2 utk mandian yg harga mmg mencecah ribuan Yen


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Post time 22-1-2021 11:18 AM | Show all posts
hari ni nak listkan few drama satoh takeru yg kaka pernah layan
yg selalu ulang kaka dah list awal2 iaitu bitter blood, yg lelain biasa tgk sekali atau dua kali shj

21. Rookies

"Rookies" is the story of a fervent teacher who is trying to straighten his troubled students through high school baseball, and of the students who, although dropouts, are aiming to take part in the “Koshien” championships.
Just like a lot of the young people these days, these students do not have much hope for the future and many do not even know what they want to do. However, Koichi Kawato (Ryuta Sato) is a teacher who is willing to prove that the world is full of hope and that they shouldn’t mock those who do have a dream.
The story takes place at a high school where the baseball team has just been told to suspend their activities because of an incident that occurred during a game. The students are betrayed by their teacher and are forced to take responsibility for the incident. This is when they meet Koichi Kawato, a teacher who believes in having dreams and who would do anything for his students, even if it means risking his job. Through their emotional and heart-to-heart confrontations with this teacher, the students realize that they haven’t and that they do not want to give up their dream.

rasanya cerita ni mmg few times juga kaka tgk ms memula drama ni keluar, tertarik dgn kesungguhan cg dia dlm mendampingi anak2 murid yg delinquent tu dan penampilan satoh dlm drama ni mmg tarik perhatian kaka sbb rambut dia cuma sungguh kaka x igt kes dia apa sbb lama dah x tgk

22. Mei's Butler

One day Mei (Nana Eikura) loses her parents because of an accident. Her rich grandfather (that she doesn't know about) of the Hongo Family appears in her life with a butler named, Shitbata-Rihito (Hiro Mizushima). Even knowing she's rich she detests going with Rihito to a school for Heiress to inherit her grandfather's riches. However, not only does she not want to be a heiress to the Hongo Family, it's impossible to say no because her life and her friends depends on it after her parent's noodle house was blown away by her enemies leaving her homeless. To protect her friends, she decides to attend to a school for rich heiress. However, the place she has to go doesn't accept her because they feel that she doesn't belong there. Using all the method they have to have her kicked out, Mei decides to leave the school and go back to her home, only she doesn't have a home.
When she reaches home, her grandfather calls her up and threatens her that he's going to take is son's body back with him. With all the plead in the world, Mei wants both her father and mother's bodies in one burial her grandfather threatens to Mei, that if she is able to go to the school and become the Hongo Family's heiress he will bury both her mom and dad into one burial, but it's only if she can prove to her grandfather that she's worthy of being a bloodline of Hongo then her wish will be his command.
With the help of Rihito, Mei decides to have a reason to become a heiress. But as the time goes on and problems build up between other heiresses including one she doesn't know about, "Lucia" aka Hongo Shiori (Yu Yamada) also wants to be the heiress for the Hongo family. Shiori, is a beautiful young lady that people called worthy of being called Lucia (name for the lady who is true, beautiful, smart, etc.) Mei's life was almost stable with the girls at school, however, there are problems that keeps aiming for Mei to be kicked out of school. However, with her first rank butler Rihito helping all the way, she doesn't worry but the one thing that worries him are the threats to kill and kick Mei out of school and the Hongo Family. With problems coming up and Mei and Rihito getting along. Rihito's younger brother, also Mei's friend, Shitbata Kento (Takeru Satoh) joins his brother as a butler. Though Rihito and Mei are getting along well, butlers and heiress are forbidden to fall in love, but will this forbidden love be broken and will Kento allow the person he love go to his brother? Will Lucia give up Rihito and the position of a heiress? How will Mei decide her path?

ms tgk drama ni kaka xtaw nk root yg mana mizushima atau satoh
dedua kaka suka tp pening nk menangkan siapa, ms tgk cerita ni kaka byk mencarut dgn gelagat "madam" yg sungguh diva tp overall okay jugalah layan di waktu lapang, xdelah stress mana cerita ni

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Post time 22-1-2021 11:23 AM | Show all posts
23. The Empror's cook

Tokuzo Akiyama (Takeru Satoh) is a young man living in a rural area. One day, he eats cutlet. That experience leads him to become a cook for western style food. He first goes to Tokyo and then Paris, France to learn about the culinary arts. Fighting against discrimination and prejudice, he becomes a chef at the Hotel Ritz in Paris, France. At the age of 26, he becomes the chef for the Emperor of Japan.

cerita ni pun kira lights juga dan lakonan satoh as usual superb cuma ms tgk cerita ni kaka cam x brp concentrate sbb ada sikit masaalah dalaman ms tu tp sbb anak dah download maka gigih hbskan, mmg ada plan nk tgk semula

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