Idea Kreatif - Mencipta Mutiara Kata
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mattzzx replied at 18-1-2017 10:31 AM
nak mutiara kata saje kan, bukan mutiara betul? heheee
Hahaa..Abg matt nie..saja jer tau..huhuu |
Bila terlalu gembira, bakal menjelma nestapa...sentiasalah bersederhana... |
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''After all is said and done, more will be said than done''Aesop kata, kita ni selalu je, bila dah plan dan buat very good job dan complete that project, lepas akan citer citer kat orang lebih lebih pulak; cerita kepayahan buat project tu terus jadi legend . Jugak dikatakan, ia boleh membawa makna (dalam konteks modern era ni), bahwa kita plan project besar besar, tetapi plan je yang besar, dan what has been achieved, is actually small aje. Nauzubillah. Moga moga kita ikut RSAW, ie selalu buat apa yang Baginda kata Baginda akan buat.
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An idle mind is the devil's playground ...
An active mind is the well of saint??? |
Hidup kita hanya sementara saja di dunia ini
hidup di dunia ini ibaratnya seperti setitik air berbanding dgn kehidupan di sana
yang umpama sebesar lautan
jadi perbanyakkanlah amalan kita
moga kita saling ingat mengingatkan... |
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when you're giving up, look at the sunrise because its give u a reason lo live,
when you're giving up, look at the sunset because its tell you that you survive the day |
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tak tau la ni mutiara kata ke ape..
Kebahagiaan itu sederhana. Seperti anak-anak kecil yang bertebaran mengejar buih-buih sabun dengan tawa yang lepas. Bukankah kamu berasa aneh mengapa hal yang sekecil itu bisa membuatnya bahagia dengan mudah? Itulah kebahagiaan yang sesungguhnya, mereka menciptakan kebahagiaan oleh dirinya sendiri. Kamu juga mampu utk bahagia seperti mereka, dengan caramu sendiri. Jangan takut untuk bahagia, jgn takut untuk bermimpi bahagia..Bersyukur untuk setiap hal kecil dalam hidupmu, pasti bahagia akan datang menyusul..![](static/image/smiley/default/flower.gif) |
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in every smile there are hardships,
in every tears there are happiness
and in every laugh there are sadness.. |
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i disagree with that comment. underwork but overpaid???
becos i believed God is watching whatever we are doing. that person mungkin lupa yang rezeki itu bukan duit sahaja. kesihatan itu juga rezeki..anak2 juga rezeki..suami itu rezeki..masa itu juga rezeki.mertua, ipar duai baik itu juga rezeki..Tuhan itu maha adil. jika hari ini kita overwork with underpaid, mungkin rezekinya nanti pada anak2 yang bijak,baik mendengar kata..i always told my collegue, jika kita telah buat semuanya yg baik2 dlm kerja but boss xpernah recognise kita. berlapang dadalah. jika hari ini kita hanya seorang pemandu, anak2 nanti mungkin seorang pemandu kapal terbang. we never know. Allah itu maha baik ![](static/image/smiley/onion/childlike.gif)
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Kata kata ni dari sebuah filem
Kenapa mengapa tertikam didada menjerit asmara bergelora. |
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nanazulkifli replied at 19-1-2017 03:47 PM
in every smile there are hardships,
in every tears there are happiness
and in every laugh there ar ...
The truth is everyone we met is fighting a battle we know nothing about..so be kind to everybody kan |
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Insaf ![](static/image/smiley/default/icon_redface.gif)
yesss..and people need to stop judging and expect more from others..
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"Love yourself. It is important to stay positive because beauty comes from the inside out"
- Jenn Proske
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"Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive."
- Leah LaBelle
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"Every day we have plenty of opportunities to get angry, stressed or offended. But what you're doing when you indulge these negative emotions is giving something outside yourself power over your happiness. You can choose to not let little things upset you. " - Joel Osteen
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oppss sorry salah tempat eh... tq!!!!!!
Edited by nanazulkifli at 19-1-2017 05:48 PM
when there are no trust, there will be no love..
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Mutiara kata
Careful with what u said,it may be hurtful to others |
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Category: Belia & Informasi