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Reply #254 choolakaw's post
best!  |
Reply #257 wordlife's post
bosann okaayy pompuan ituh terjeritt jerittt  |
Reply #258 forum_aje's post
baru kuar kat us kann directed by sam raimi yg buat spiderman itu  |
Reply #260 choolakaw's post
Filem Sam Raimi buat ni mesti best punye... |
Jacob's Ladder (Adrianne Lynne)
Saint Ange (Christophe Gans)
Eraserhead (David Lynch)
siri Twin Peaks (David Lynch)
Return To Oz (sequel to Wizard of Oz...but too 'dark' for children)
Beetlejuice (Tim Burton) - takdela horror tapi ada 'special atmosphere'..feel.
[ Last edited by ahtentuya at 20-5-2009 17:07 ] |
Sublime (kisah di alam koma)
Exorcist III-Legion
[ Last edited by ahtentuya at 20-5-2009 17:06 ] |
Balas #263 ahtentuya\ catat
Fuhh...Ko pun kaki horror movie gak yek  |
Silent Hill
- game-based movie yg kena kutuk teruk oleh peminat setia game SHs. |
Reply #263 ahtentuya's post
Bettlejuice tu time kanak2 ribena mcm adalah terkezut skit2 tgk, skrg memang gelak aaas tgk.... Tp antu dia kelakar, lawak2 gitu.... |
Balas #267 forum_aje\ catat
time aku kecik dulu aku takut gila tgk ular belang2 kat tangga tu |
Indon punya aci ka....
penangkal ilmu teluh.....
drakula mantu... ...lakonan benjamin s |
Balas #270 ahmadrizman\ catat
Boleh je....Indon ke, thai ke, korea ke...yg ko rasa horror |
Originally posted by nashrudean at 23-5-2009 01:59 
THE MIRRORS korang dah tgk?
Aku dh lama donlod tp x tengok sbb aku pikir citer ni sure x best and cliche cam citer2 seram/thrill ...
Remake sama ada dari filem Korea @ Jepun.
Mendapat review negatif dari pengkritik di Hollywood
Aku beli CD dia. Tak puas hati betul ending dia... |
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