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nanti pasal tiket aku akn update nk beli bulk ke x utk cari nya member...tgu ek....get ready duit je ...
hadiff05 Post at 21-6-2012 15:10 
bila start nak ambik nama ni...?
bel pun nak tumpang sekaki..
ni member ada nak pegi siap2 pesan...pastu semua ambik VVIP lak tu... |
kalau ader rezeki saya pun nak VVIP gak..... |
Yg pasti, saye nak order tiket paling mahal.... tapi pastikan seat nyer dekat gan stage la kot... baru best amik peluang nak meramas derang secara berjemaah..  |
Yg pasti, saye nak order tiket paling mahal.... tapi pastikan seat nyer dekat gan stage la kot... ba ...
HideGulz Post at 2-7-2012 00:48 
ayat "meramas" tu yg xthn...hoho...bjemaah plak tu ...pengsan diorg ats pentas nnt |
Reply 303# hadiff05
orait......me reseb 3 keping...thanks  |
Reply 324# HideGulz
Kalo ikut stage Alive, Rock Zone je yang paling dekat
kalo seating sorry to say...memang jauh ler
Lagipun stadium merdeka memang tak boleh nak harap good seating |
Memang xde possibility tukar date ke? |
Reply 327# Trunkk_ZZ
tu yg saya cakap kat kawan saya, kalau nak dekat kita kena ambik rockzone tp masalahnye mesti sesak giler kan???? pastu kena masuk awal sblm konsert mula. boleh pensan dibuatnyer..... |
so belum ade pengumuman ek pasal tiket tue..??
tak sabar nk beli n merabakkan poket...hehehe..
pastu nk tanya korunk sikit..FB BB Malaysia ape ek..?? |
motip betul wat konsert time raya haji..adesss~!spoil betul r..
tp patutnye bukan xleh ke wat konsert time perayaan agama?mcm mana boleh lepas erk? |
kaunter tiket tak buka lagi kan............ |
bila nk kuar ni price list d mesia nie..
nk berkira2 pasal duit nie...
arus ke ada promotion segala gajet galaxy nti... |
YOROBUN!!! Ticketing info will be released TODAY..stay tuned!
Running Into The Sun ‏@RITSmy Sorry for the wait, we'll be announcing ticketing details for #Bigbang Alive Galaxy Tour shortly! Pls stay tuned. 12:07 PM - 10 Jul 12 via Twitter for iPhone · Details |
berdebar tunggu tix info huhu |
oke nampaknya ticket details dah pun keluar...
VIP RM688 |
Post Last Edit by isabel at 10-7-2012 15:41
BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia set to be the first outdoor concert across Southeast Asia, with a wide variety of ticket categories ranging from RM98 to RM688 available from 28 July 2012
10 July 2012 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) – It will be the first outdoor concert across Southeast Asia for the BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012; a sky-high experience perfect for a night of high-energy partying, characteristic of global superstars Big Bang’s unique hip-hop and freestyle dance moves and famous party tunes such as “Fantastic Baby” and “Tonight”. Concert organizer Running Into The Sun today announces a wide variety of six ticket categories at RM 688, RM 588, RM 488, RM 388, RM 288, RM 198, RM 188 and RM 98 with only 12,000 tickets available, a limited number due to the massive production of the show, promising an ultimate concert experience in the group’s first visit to the country.
Tickets will be available from 28 July 2012, 1030hrs at ticketing booths and online bookings via Ticketcharge and Red Tix. VVIP tickets (Cat 1, RM688) and premiere rock pit tickets (Cat 2, RM588) are expected to sell the quickest, with only 600 VVIP tickets that will offer the best views and closest proximity to the stage, while 1,400 premiere rock pit tickets will give fans the chance to jump and party along right in the middle of the pulsating action.
BIGBANG, consisting of G-Dragon, TOP, Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri, is undoubtedly the biggest K-pop act to hold a world tour this year, a much-anticipated concert that has led to sold-out nights across Korea, Japan, Singapore and Indonesia. Malaysia will possibly witness the best concert experience in recent years with a production value of more than RM 4 million, before the global superstars take on America and Europe to perform in a total of 16 countries and 25 cities. Fans can expect a perfectly choreographed laser light show, fire flames, a huge stage with two rock pits in the thick of the action, and sprawling LED screens across the stadium for a 360-degree view of the action on stage.
BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia could very well be epitomic of Malaysia’s growing music and concert scene, and Running Into The Sun had deliberately priced the lowest tier tickets at a friendly RM 98 to ensure as many Malaysians will be part of this incredible show.
“This is a concert we believe everyone needs to watch at least once in their lifetime – it has a perfect combination of pure talent; spectacular special effects; and amazingly contagious energy, all choreographed beautifully to give you a masterpiece of music celebration. It is our aim to share this experience with as many people as possible thus we deliberately introduced a RM98 tier to keep tickets friendly”, says Creative Director of Running Into The Sun Beatrice Chia-Richmond.
In anticipation of the show, fans of Big Bang, or VIPs as they fondly call themselves, have been rousing in excitement ever since the official announcement of the concert, witnessed by the massive online buzz on Running Into The Sun’s Facebook and Twitter pages, coupled with fervent fan clubs already preparing various fan projects to give Big Bang a warm welcome to the country.
BIGBANG Alive Galaxy Tour 2012 Malaysia is presented by Samsung Galaxy in collaboration with YG Entertainment and Live Nation Entertainment, and organised by Running Into The Sun.
BIGBANG’s Official Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/BIGBANG
For more information, fans can contact concert organizer Running Into The Sun:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/runningintothesun
Twitter: @RITSmy

Appendix: Ticketing Details
A. Ticket Categories
Category 1: RM 688 (VIP)
Category 2: RM 588 (Premiere Rock Pit)
Category 3: RM 488 (Rock Pit)
Category 4: RM 388 (Numbered and Sheltered seats)
Category 5: RM 288 (Free Seating)
Category 6: RM 198 (Free Seating)
Category 7: RM 188 (Free Standing)
Category 8: RM 98 (Free Seating)
B. Terms & Conditions:
- For safety reasons, the age limit for tickets are 6 years old for all seated tickets, and 12 years old for rock pit tickets
- Each transaction is capped at a maximum of 10 tickets to prevent any black market reselling of tickets and to ensure availability of tickets |
menangis tengok harga ni!
seating yang dekat dengan dorang...VIP tu la!!
nak yang rockpit iols ni dah la spesis pendek... |
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