nurabella posted on 1-10-2012 01:09 PM 
btw..u pergi berapa orang ni?..rombongan cik kiah ker solo ker..honeymoon k ...
I gi sorang jer....jomlah join me....serious nie....
midori888 posted on 1-10-2012 01:19 PM 
I gi sorang jer....jomlah join me....serious nie....
oh..sorang jer....sounds thrill...
....but its ok lah..u will make new frens along the way esp if you stay in a hostel( that is why i like hostel) ,you will meet other great traveller as well..
I am tempted..but dear, I wished I have that much of time ..if i could go off a month from work,I will be jumping joy..
...so..since i cannot ask for world..i will just make do the 2 weeks..sayang lah nak dok rumah jer kan..ekkekeke...
and yes..going Scandi at Dec, macam not wise..they said July the best...so...hmm....still thinking of Morocco ..or a brief visit to Lisbon and fly to Marakech..anyway..I have problem applying visa ( BANGLA lah katakan..)..if i can get the visa in a day kat KL...,Morocco it is.. Last edited by nurabella on 1-10-2012 02:45 PM
midori888 posted on 1-10-2012 11:07 AM 
u gi situ masa musim aper white?
i will go to Venice too....btw from Venice to Verona tu dek ...
OMG tak terpikir plak ROMA jadi AMORRR
hjahahah city of love gittew
of coz i baling coins.. hahaha saje2 jer... baling ikot depan pon yer, baling ikut belakang pon yer.. hahahaha... air dia jernih kan...
time i pergi tu hujan2 romantik gitu. |
nurabella posted on 1-10-2012 02:23 PM 
Over youuuu....baling ikut hat depan..baling ikut hat belakang,.,HAHAHAhaa...
Ni kompem you a ...
Hahaha nak pergi italy lagikk..
but not rome kot. ihiks... arabella nih yg pegi tgk batu ruins tu khen kat greece!
i nak pi greece u tahun dpn.. doakan plis. hahahaha...
nurabella posted on 1-10-2012 01:44 PM 
oh..sorang jer....sounds thrill...
....but its ok lah..u will make new frens along the way esp ...
hehe...i dont prefer to stay kat hostel...prefer 1-3 star hotel.....tak suka bising2....but still bole meet other travellers....i suka ikut their local tours....i met some nice ppl masa travel solo to germany last year....
ler....takyah ikut sebulan....we can meet somewhere in Italy lah....
midori888 posted on 1-10-2012 03:19 PM 
hehe...i dont prefer to stay kat hostel...prefer 1-3 star hotel.....tak suka bising2....but stil ...
dekat Rome collosseum, i amek underground tour!
Best gila sebab underground ni macam mahal sikit tapi kita boleh pergi sampai bawah.. tempat berkunci semua boleh masuk.. hehehe... i sukaa! collosseum mmg amazing la for me camne diorang bina zaman dulu-dulu tuh...
nurabella posted on 1-10-2012 12:40 PM 
Amalfi Coast bus ride tuh...route nya gini..
Trevi Fountain & Spanish Steps tu slalu i tgk gambar ramai giler org....i wonder if it's an overrated tourist spot...haha...i will check it out myself nanti.... |
whiteberry posted on 1-10-2012 03:36 PM 
dekat Rome collosseum, i amek underground tour!
kat mana nak book underground tour tu? cam best jer..... |
midori888 posted on 1-10-2012 03:41 PM 
kat mana nak book underground tour tu? cam best jer.....
Ooo ok i amek tour tu cover 3 benda ni,
Colosseo + Palatino + Foro Romano.
website sini, click HERE
Rega 21.5 Euro
Hehehe... |
whiteberry posted on 1-10-2012 03:48 PM 
Ooo ok i amek tour tu cover 3 benda ni,
Colosseo + Palatino + Foro Romano.
thanks white...i will check it out nanti.... |
whiteberry posted on 1-10-2012 10:36 AM 
I tak suka Rome..
Hehehe.. Sebab panas and too crowded...
the way u described rome is just exactly like i describe paris... i x suka paris sama mcm reason yg u kasik untuk rome except for the weather... weather tu x samalah kan..depending on which season we go.. betol ker x best kat sana...? i baca ambik gambar ngan gladiator tu sangat mahal and a waste of money...
midori888 posted on 1-10-2012 03:19 PM 
hehe...i dont prefer to stay kat hostel...prefer 1-3 star hotel.....tak suka bising2....but stil ...
Yeah...banyak jer ek orang yang travel solo ..
Kat sana nanti, be careful on your belongings..kat sana ..pick pocket diorang ni legendary lah.extreme professional..hehehe.
Belah2x europe sana esp latino country.
In Rome esp..., saya ni kecik jer jalan2x sorang,so..ramai aja orang2x sana yang remind me.. "put your pouch infront!pick pocket !pick pocket!danger!"..kata pakcik2x kat airport...train station....hehehe.
So,hati-hati ..
BTW, Mid Dec tuh u ada di daerah mana kat sana tu? |
nurabella posted on 2-10-2012 08:11 AM 
Yeah...banyak jer ek orang yang travel solo ..
tu lah...i pun risau pasal pick pocket....taktau kat mana nak sorok duit nanti....
Skrg nie baru plan camnie jer.....2 - 7 Dec in Sicily....7 - 9 in Naples - Positano, Pompeii....after Naples nak gi Rome...not sure how many days nak spend kat situ...3-4 or 2-3 days...9 - 12 Dec maybe? Which area u tak pernah pergi lagi in italy? Cinque Terre pernah pergi? |
aishahahmad posted on 4-10-2012 02:24 PM 
lepas puas mentelaah italy n greece, sampai power spek rasa cam kena tambah dabel, triple, ..
my ...
bila nak pergi Aishah? kalu Dec bole kita jumpa kat sana.....hehe... |
saper pernah gi Florence...bole share your experience tak? how many days i should spend kat sana? |
midori888 posted on 10-10-2012 08:12 AM 
saper pernah gi Florence...bole share your experience tak? how many days i should spend kat sana?
sy pnah g florence..1 hari je n sy rasa 1 day je dh cukup..keh3..byk leather goods je kt sana..x de yg menarik sgt bg saya
i akan pergi maybe hujung bulan nov atau awal bulan dec.. tak sabar tunggu my sis nye holiday kena approve. |
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