Post Last Edit by akulah at 21-12-2010 23:22
final fantasy xiii international version for xbox360 udah keluar hin.Petang karang aku test kalao dia ade english options.Tapi dia musti ade punye options english,at least voice or subtitles.
ok as promised,mini review of this game.the game is fully english and have no option to change the language to jap voice,english subs or something like that.The xbox version is running at 720p and looks more aliased(jaggies) and the movies also looks lower res than the ps3 version.Ps3 version runs at 1080p,less aliased and looks more crisp overall.Everything else is identical.By all means,the 360 version is not that bad at all,still a great looking game.It's just that this game is clearly optimized for ps3 hardware from the looks of it.The xbox version came with 3 DL discs totalling at 21gb while the ps3 version came with 1 BR disc totalling at 40gb.Well what are you waiting for,get your copies now at the nearest jack sparrow shops. |
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