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Author: sue_cinta

[MANGA] ONE PIECE - Ver: 4.0 - Two Years Later (New Chapter!)

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 Author| Post time 21-6-2010 12:44 PM | Show all posts
@ munkyG

Tidak mungkin?!?! Masaka...?!? Kene tiaw ngan bebudak skola rendah? ko biar betul? Atleast, sue ny team kene tiaw ngan team Malaysia maser men kat Subang SS15...9 tahun yg lepas...wakakaka

OP break sebab nak bawak anak2 gie jenjalan...kekeke

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Post time 22-6-2010 05:05 AM | Show all posts
aduss sangap aku takde OP minggu lepas
sepaileman Post at 21-6-2010 10:51 AM


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Post time 22-6-2010 01:36 PM | Show all posts
mana spoiler nehh....

biasa la.. aku bukan selalu main CS... budak2 tu hari2 main mmg la terel sgt!~ huhu~~

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Post time 22-6-2010 05:10 PM | Show all posts
aku bukan saja CS..

dan byk lagi

via LAN..

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Post time 22-6-2010 08:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 336# sue_cinta

Takpe sue, aku faham. Tak perlu nk terang ngan detail. Sbb aku pun kadang2 typo gak.

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 Author| Post time 23-6-2010 10:58 AM | Show all posts
@ clue

@ budingyun
Diablo ngan C&C wajib men LAN tuh...kekekeke...NFS bley men sendrik...kene laks NFS 5 - Porsche Unleased!!! kekeke...sonok...sebab kene mek license utk drive kete yg lebey power!

sue dapat nie from one of bebanyak forum...

No One Piece for the rest of June?
Did some snooping on
Volume 29 is this weeks I believe and the contents list is as follows.

NARUTO Masashi Kishimoto
BLEACH Tite Kubo
BEELZEBUB Ryuhei Tamura
Reborn! Akira Amano
Metalika Metaluka Teruaki Mizuno
Shonen Shikku Yuuto Tukuda
SKET DANCE Kenta Shinohara
Bakuman Tsugumi Ohba ⁄ Takeshi Obata
Nurarihyon no mago Hiroshi Shiibashi
Hokenshitsu no shinigami Syou Aimoto
Kochikame Osamu Akimoto
Kuroko’s Basket ball Tadatoshi Fujimaki
Inumarudashi Kouji Ohishi
Gintama Hideaki Sorachi
Medaka Box Ishin Nishio ⁄ Akira Akatsuki
LOCK ON! Kenta Tuchida
Kibengakuha Yotsuya Senpai no Kaidan Haruichi Furudate
Pyu to fuku! Jaguar Kyosuke Usuta

No One Piece… I did a quick check of Volume 30’s preview.

Bleach in colour
Toriko Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro
Bakuman Tsugumi Ohba ⁄ Takeshi Obata
BEELZEBUB Ryuhei Tamura
Inumarudashi Kouji Ohishi
LOCK ON! Kenta Tuchida
PSYREN Toshiaki Iwashiro
Kochikame Osamu Akimoto
Shonen Shikku Yuuto Tukuda
SKET DANCE Kenta Shinohara
Reborn! Akira Amano
Hokenshitsu no shinigami Syou Aimoto
Metalika Metaluka Teruaki Mizuno
Kuroko’s Basket ball Tadatoshi Fujimaki
Nurarihyon no mago Hiroshi Shiibashi
Pyu to fuku! Jaguar Kyosuke Usuta
Kibengakuha Yotsuya Senpai no Kaidan Haruichi Furudate

No One Piece for the rest of June? It looks likely.

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Post time 23-6-2010 12:10 PM | Show all posts
dun worry guys..ade Chapter la dis week..
Sneek Peak..sape2 yg pandai jepang leh la tlg translatekan ye kwn2..



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Post time 23-6-2010 12:12 PM | Show all posts
^p/s - x abes lg flashback ni rupenye..hope dis s d last flashback chapter..

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Post time 23-6-2010 05:26 PM | Show all posts
haha~~ layan je walau flashback pun... asal OP je aku tetap suka... huhuu~~~

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Post time 23-6-2010 07:49 PM | Show all posts
cilok dari apforums

From 2ch
Translation Aohige_AP

Chapter 589: The Ambition of Turbulence

Ace: We drank the sake of brotherhood with Sabo, and we're still alive!
That's why Luffy, we must live our lives without any regrets!!!

Sabo flashback: A men of nobility is considered a true noble at age of 18. That's why I'm going to leave this country at age of 17

Ace: we'll one day sail out to the ocean and live as we like! Freer than anyone!
I'm sure we'll make many enemies that way... Even our gramps will be our enemy! We have to put our lives on line!
We'll sail when we're 17!! We're going to be pirates!!

Narrator: Going back a few....
The night the Celestial Dragons ships arrived at the Kingdom of Goa....

Child: Did you see earlier today? Huge faced man!! Look over there, even their ship is huge
Child lifting a boulder: 580.... 581

Narrator: A small harbor village somewhere in the East Blue

Ivankov: You're late Dragon!!! How long are you gonna make me wait!?
Dragon: sorry
Ivankov: Oh....!
Crew: Hey!! treat him immediately!!

Dragon: What about food?
Crew: The village was kind enough to share us some.

Dragon: Let's set sail then. We're returning to Vertigo!!

Makino: You wanna learn how to greet?

Bandits: Makino-chan brought us the weekly booze!!
Ace: Well you know, I'm Luffy's big brother and all. I should go meet up and thank Redhaired captain for taking care of Luffy.
Makino: Ooooh really? *grins*
Ace: WHAT!? You got something to say!?
Makino: Hee hee, sorry. Well, first you have to...

Restaurant: They ran away without paying for food!!
Ace: Thank you for the food!
Chef: Shut up brats!! Pay of the food!!

pic 3

Narrator: 7 years later... Ace 17, Luffy 14

Luffy & co: Take care Ace!!
Ace: Just you wait! I'll be famous soon!!

Ace, son of the Pirate King, grew up unknown from the world
And quietly set sail from the bay of Colbo mountain.

Luffy: Haha!! He's still waving!
Woopslap: Damn... now what will Garp have to say about this!?

Bandit: hey boss~~~!

Garp flashback: You raise him, Dadan!!
Dadan flashback: What!? Whose child is it!?

Dadan: ..........
Bandit: Ace already left!!
Dadan: Oh yeah? YOu know Garp is gonna chew me out for this.... Damn that stupid brat!!
Bandit: Oh yeah, Ace left a message for you
Dadan: Whaaat!? Is he gonna talk smack to me to the end!?
Bandit: "Thank you, for taking care of me"
Dadadn crying: Stop kidding me!! That idiot!! *BAAAAWWWS*

Luffy: three more years for me!! Gum Gum.......

Narrator: three years later, Luffy 17

Luffy: You're not gonna come send me off?
Dadan: Whoopslap and Makino may be ok with it, but the other villagers of Fuusha would be terrified, if we came down the mountain. Just go already!

Luffy: Ok then, thanks for everything!!
Dadan: ...Stop thanking me, it's embarassing!
Luffy: Dadan!! I hate mountain bandits!!
Dadan: Shut up, brat!!
Luffy: But I like you guys!!
Dadan: Cut the crap and just go already!! *BAAAAAWWW*
I can't believe it, both you and Ace....!!

Narrator: Fuusha village, on the edge of the Dawn island, Kingdom of Goa

Fisherman: Hey Luffy, use my old fishing ship!
Luffy: Nah, this is alright!! I want to start here, like this!
Fisherman: But that's a boat...!!

Villager: He really did get strong!
Villager: Wow, he took out the Lord of the Inshore in one hit...!

Luffy: Alright, I'm going now!! I'm gonna be... the Pirate King!!

Narrator: Current time, Calm Belt, Female Island (Amazon Lily)
Luffy is crying for the lost of his older brother, Ace

Jinbei: Luffy....

Luffy: What about Pirate King....!!!
I am!! Weak!!!!



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Post time 23-6-2010 07:57 PM | Show all posts
Chapter 589: The Ambition of Turbulence

Ace: We drank the sake of brotherhood with Sabo, and we're still alive!
That's why Luffy, we must live our lives without any regrets!!!

Sabo flashback: A men of nobility is considered a true noble at age of 18. That's why I'm going to leave this country at age of 17

Ace: we'll one day sail out to the ocean and live as we like! Freer than anyone!
I'm sure we'll make many enemies that way... Even our gramps will be our enemy! We have to put our lives on line!
We'll sail when we're 17!! We're going to be pirates!!

Narrator: Going back a few....
The night the Celestial Dragons ships arrived at the Kingdom of Goa....

Child: Did you see earlier today? Huge faced man!! Look over there, even their ship is huge
Child lifting a boulder: 580.... 581

Narrator: A small harbor village somewhere in the East Blue

Ivankov: You're late Dragon!!! How long are you gonna make me wait!?
Dragon: sorry
Ivankov: Oh....!
Crew: Hey!! treat him immediately!!

Dragon: What about food?
Crew: The village was kind enough to share us some.

Dragon: Let's set sail then. We're returning to Vertigo!!

Makino: You wanna learn how to greet?

Bandits: Makino-chan brought us the weekly booze!!
Ace: Well you know, I'm Luffy's big brother and all. I should go meet up and thank Redhaired captain for taking care of Luffy.
Makino: Ooooh really? *grins*
Ace: WHAT!? You got something to say!?
Makino: Hee hee, sorry. Well, first you have to...

Restaurant: They ran away without paying for food!!
Ace: Thank you for the food!
Chef: Shut up brats!! Pay of the food!!

Narrator: 7 years later... Ace 17, Luffy 14

Luffy & co: Take care Ace!!
Ace: Just you wait! I'll be famous soon!!

Ace, son of the Pirate King, grew up unknown from the world
And quietly set sail from the bay of Colbo mountain.

Luffy: Haha!! He's still waving!
Woopslap: Damn... now what will Garp have to say about this!?

Bandit: hey boss~~~!

Garp flashback: You raise him, Dadan!!
Dadan flashback: What!? Whose child is it!?

Dadan: ..........
Bandit: Ace already left!!
Dadan: Oh yeah? YOu know Garp is gonna chew me out for this.... Damn that stupid brat!!
Bandit: Oh yeah, Ace left a message for you
Dadan: Whaaat!? Is he gonna talk smack to me to the end!?
Bandit: "Thank you, for taking care of me"
Dadadn crying: Stop kidding me!! That idiot!! *BAAAAWWWS*

Luffy: three more years for me!! Gum Gum.......

Narrator: three years later, Luffy 17

Luffy: You're not gonna come send me off?
Dadan: Whoopslap and Makino may be ok with it, but the other villagers of Fuusha would be terrified, if we came down the mountain. Just go already!

Luffy: Ok then, thanks for everything!!
Dadan: ...Stop thanking me, it's embarassing!
Luffy: Dadan!! I hate mountain bandits!!
Dadan: Shut up, brat!!
Luffy: But I like you guys!!
Dadan: Cut the crap and just go already!! *BAAAAAWWW*
I can't believe it, both you and Ace....!!

Narrator: Fuusha village, on the edge of the Dawn island, Kingdom of Goa

Fisherman: Hey Luffy, use my old fishing ship!
Luffy: Nah, this is alright!! I want to start here, like this!
Fisherman: But that's a boat...!!

Villager: He really did get strong!
Villager: Wow, he took out the Lord of the Inshore in one hit...!

Luffy: Alright, I'm going now!! I'm gonna be... the Pirate King!!

Narrator: Current time, Calm Belt, Female Island (Amazon Lily)
Luffy is crying for the lost of his older brother, Ace

Jinbei: Luffy....

Luffy: What about Pirate King....!!!
I am!! Weak!!!!



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Post time 23-6-2010 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Yes, Luffy, ur damn weak rite now.

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2010 02:12 AM | Show all posts
lorr....ingatkan nak upload...ruper ny dah ader dah...kekeke

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 Author| Post time 24-6-2010 07:21 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by sue_cinta at 24-6-2010 07:23

@ New! ONE PIECE, Chapter 589 : Efforts Toward Glory...

Klik di sini! untuk mula membaca One Piece, Chapter 589...



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 Author| Post time 24-6-2010 07:30 AM | Show all posts
Giler ahh...Zoro kecik2 dah angkat batu...siap sampai kiraan 580...581...lagik...perghhh, dasat....kekekeke... Luffy time nie nangis2 jerk...wakakaka

...yg pakai pedang tuh anak cikgu dojo Zoro yang mati sakit tuh nama dia? Kushina? (Eh...nie nama mak Naruto...)


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Post time 24-6-2010 08:55 AM | Show all posts
habis pun flash back..

dragon memang selamatkan sabo..

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Post time 24-6-2010 10:20 AM | Show all posts
last page, Luffy cakap:

"orewa..."  "yowaiiiiii" (ada huruf 'tsu', tanda tanwin, i.e. huruf berganda (i)).

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Post time 24-6-2010 01:52 PM | Show all posts
da abes dah flashback..
pngembaraan Luffy brsambung next week..

maybe pasni Luffy berguru ngn Jimbei?? haha..

agk2 ade x smbgn "Crew's Whereabout"??

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Post time 24-6-2010 07:57 PM | Show all posts
kreko pun dah start siarkan one piece..start episod 583...

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Post time 25-6-2010 10:14 AM | Show all posts
kreko pun dah start siarkan one piece..start episod 583...
budingyun Post at 24-6-2010 19:57

apsal diorg tak start dari awal? ....

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