tp i bet wktu high season mesti menarik...anyway, i cant forget the moment wktu mandi di station 1..die pnya ombak di pesisiran pantai..peh...one of the best in my life ever...
AppropriateNick replied at 23-9-2016 05:50 PM
tp i bet wktu high season mesti menarik...anyway, i cant forget the moment wktu mandi di station 1 ...
Omg i second u! Tak boleh igt yang mandi kat station 1 to be exact dpn my hotel jonys beach resort ombak dia sedap sgt! Baru balik jugak last week, and still dreaming of boracay haha |
aiks..sama juga ke..i thought that i was the only one that felt such way
Wah..hehe... |
Wah..hehe... |
Wah..hehe... |
Wah..hehe... |
Wah..hehe... |
Wah..hehe... |
Wah..hehe... |
Wah..hehe... |
Wah..hehe... |
Wah..hehe... |
Thank you for the good info  |
AppropriateNick replied at 23-9-2016 05:50 PM
tp i bet wktu high season mesti menarik...anyway, i cant forget the moment wktu mandi di station 1 ...
Nak gambar |
video jek ada..ahaks...maaf..xpost di mana2...naked di boracay sebab org xkenal..hahaha
Ada sesiapa boleh recommend hotel yg bagus dan selesa utk auntie sekeluarga, yg baby friendly. Tertiba anak ajak cuti2 di negara Asean pulak pd hujung minggu ni! Yeah, kerja gila namanya.... 
@AppropriateNick |
alamak...kalau boleh malas nk ingat dah pasal boracay ni..google aje...byk jek hotel..tp di boracay hotel die kena cari rm300 ke atas baru berbaloi...kalau x..mau mcm neraka
Hmm.... Apasal pulak tak nak ingat pasal Boracay lagi? Ada kenangan pahit ker yg associated to Boracay? Anyway maaf ler kalau auntie mengimbau kembali kenangan pahit AppropriateNick tu.
Walaubagaimanapun terima kasih utk tips pasal above RM300 tu. Mmg kena ambil hotel yg semenggah sikit sbb ada bawak bayi.
takde la..cuma boracay ni agak selekeh sikit la..kotor...not a good place nak bawak bayi bagai...sesuai utk org muda jek..lagi2 musim tengkujuh ni kan...mmg parah dan tak menarik
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