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Author: fly_in_d_sky

The Apprentice 3 ~ Sunday TV3 Repeat Thursday 8TV ~ NO SPOILER!!

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Post time 29-5-2005 11:44 PM | Show all posts
Kat maner nak tengok iklan yg diorang buat tuh? Bleh download kat memaner tak?

Abih sumer kena potong, haram tak paham pun.

Memang pathetic la tengok iklan diorang wat tuh.

Aku rasa final projek bebudak diploma pun jauh lagi bagus dari tuh.

[ Last edited by GAMEOVER on 30-5-2005 at 12:52 AM ]

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Post time 30-5-2005 12:50 AM | Show all posts
best betui malam nih..dua2 kalah...memang patut kristen tuh kene pecat pon...sedangkan group dia sendiri taknak sokong dia...

Use magic Report

Post time 30-5-2005 01:14 AM | Show all posts
ermm..nila episod apperantice paling buduss skalik
masing2 bg idea merapu meraban...
nak buat iklan yg ader unsur erotik pon jgnla buat cara porn film lak..bak kata tokey syarikat iklan tu...
pastu yg buat iklan maraton tu lagila...ader ker sapu syampu badan kat muker...sejibik iklan utk budak2...
diorg kali nie mcm takder semangat nak menang...taknak buat sesatu task tu ngan bersungguh2..yg diorg tau nak bertekak kat board room...nak lepaskan diri memasing dr kene pecat.ntah aperaper..
kalau bhgn iklan nie..aku paling suker yg season 2 punyer..waktu andy jd PM...waktu tu mmg nmpak touching n berkesan giler iklan tu..sampai skang aku masih teringat2 kat ayat " when is the last time u save someone?"....agak2 jer nie..
mmg ayat tu menusuk kalbu
tapi utk season3 nie..tak pahamla aku dirg nie...mmg hampessss

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Post time 30-5-2005 02:54 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adiela811 at 30-5-2005 01:14 AM:
ermm..nila episod apperantice paling buduss skalik
masing2 bg idea merapu meraban...
nak buat iklan yg ader unsur erotik pon jgnla buat cara porn film lak..bak kata tokey syarikat i ...


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 Author| Post time 30-5-2005 09:32 AM | Show all posts

Up in the suite, the candidates carried on the great tradition of speculating about who would be fired. The big question was: Would Michael get the axe dispite his exemption? Angie thought it was crazy to bring a candidate with exemption back into the boardroom. But Erin saw it differently. She believed that Trump would fire Michael because he abused his free pass. But Michael walked into the suite and Erin was proven wrong. Now, if Michael thought he was done getting a stern talking to because he had survived the boardroom, he was mistaken. Bren told Michael, in front of everyone, that he had disappointed them all and that he needed to be a man and step up from this point forward. After Bren finished, Michael apologized to his team. But in an interview, Alex warned that, unless Michael made a complete 180 degree turn, the guillotine would drop right on his neck.

Trump was heading out on a business trip, so the candidates gathered around their plasma screen and Donald called them from his limousine. He told the group that they would work with Donny Deutsch on their next task to create an ad campaign for a new product: Dove Cool Moisture Body Wash. Each team would attempt to wow Donny - and he would pick the winner. George and Carolyn would observe the teams and report back to Trump. As always, the losers would face Donald in the boardroom where someone would be fired.

Both groups arrived at Deutsch Inc., Donny's advertising agency. The teams were each charged with making a 30-second commercial. But Donny had a little surprise for them - he was pulling out all the stops. Each team would have access to a state-of-the art sound stage, in addition to professional actors, crew and equipment. They would have everything they would need to make an industry-level ad. Donny dared them to be creative and different. Donny told them to make 30-second movies - and he challenged them to blow him away.

Erin volunteered to be Project Manager of Magna (Book Smarts) and led the group in a brainstorming session. Bren pitched his vision for the commercial: A female chef helps her male prot間

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 Author| Post time 30-5-2005 09:37 AM | Show all posts

Episode 4

The Dove Body Wash Fiasco!

Really guys, I don't even know where to begin. When I agreed to write this commentary, I thought long and hard about my approach in covering this season. Then I made a clear and conscious decision that I wanted to be very empathetic, understanding and have a humorous spin on how you may be portrayed or on any glaring mistakes you may make, knowing that these tasks and what you all go through is so much more difficult than what the audience at home can ever comprehend. I never wanted to put you down with any sort of egocentric bravado.

However guys, this week's Dove task really did me in. It's taken me several days to come up with a humorous spin to a double-team failure and still I am at a loss for words - which for those who know me, know that this is nearly impossible. (There! A little dig at myself to help ease the pain).

With that said, I feel as though I want to try and keep this week's commentary short and sweet if only out of utter disappointment. Please know I always want to remain on your side over the "powers that be" because I've walked in your shoes. But I unfortunately have to say that you guys really, really just plain sucked at this task, all of you. Whew, that was so tough to say, but it's just so true. You have to admit it yourselves. What were you thinking?

A "double failure"? No reward? One team didn't even have to be THAT MUCH better than the others to steal this win, but no one did. Almost impossible!!! An Apprentice first! It's actually insulting for those of us who came before you and were fired miserably - at least out of a simple Apprentice credibility factor.

Magna, thinking out of the box is one thing, but making a bad 70's-looking porn themed national commercial for a multimillion dollar corporation that's trying to sell to the masses is completely another. You used and washed a cucumber as a phallic symbol in a kitchen? How does that work for clean and fresh Dove body wash? Are you kidding? Before you started "thinking out of the box", you should have thought a little bit more about Dove and the FCC. I'm just asking for a little common sense here please. I hate to say this, Book Smarts, but put down your damn book and watch a little TV (commercials included!) This is a capitalistic country for heaven's sake. Advertising is the backbone of today's economy. Get to know the ins and outs of this immediately before you go into business. You'll need it.

Now, Net Worth, I happen to think your commercial was the lesser of the two evils. Why DT ultimately chose to fire someone from your team is beyond me. I nearly fell over with that decision, but then again, he's the boss. The only reason I can give is that Erin "gave great boardroom" and kept her team united in front of the big guy. That's all he really got to see in the end and I believe that's why he did what he did. Where's Danny with an "unbelievable" here?

Back to Net Worth. John, the rising star, came up with a pretty clever idea that was just implemented poorly by the whole team. But John, I did see you in the war room acting out washing your "face" with the Dove "body wash". I'm a big fan of yours, but don't completely point the finger at Kristen here for screwing up your idea. Sure, the humor may have been lost a bit, but it was the whole "washing of the face" with "body" soap that had everyone's panties in a bunch. Other then that, it looked like she basically did exactly what you told her to do.

Now Kristen, although you lost the humor of the ad, you came off as a bitch and were ultimately fired. But people ganged up on you too and I don't believe you were totally in the wrong here or deserved to be fired on this task. You were strong, stepped up to the plate and took the bull by the horns. However, that was also your biggest mistake. When you take too much on, you're sure to go down with the ship when it sinks. Plus, with friends/teammates like Audrey, who needs enemies? From the beginning of the task, she didn't seem too interested in helping you win, but rather she seemed very interested in getting you fired! You probably should have kept John by your side and sent Audrey anywhere else. Big mistake. John is strong, positive and ultimately could have helped you, or at least taken some of the heat in the boardroom when your train crashed.

Now, since I am totally annoyed at this task, I really want to end here. So I'll try and finish with this week's standout and my now popular "under the radar players".

Craig, are you even on the show? Where are you? Shining Trump's shoes somewhere? (Craig has a shoe shine company for those who don't know). If so, this "under the radar" low-key approach, I bet, will get you to at least the final four. I don't like or dislike you. I don't even see you, my friend. My bet though, you're a keeper and will last as long as Alex - my new official under the radar player. Alex, I saw you talking, as usual, but not doing, as usual. Not a fan of this approach as I've stated before. But, you're another pick to go far because of it, unfortunately.

Erin and Bren? One in the same on this task and with that said, I like you both. But, all I have to say is you had Danny fired for not half as big a mistake as the both of you made on this task. Not even one tenth. Oh Danny, you've got to be rolling over in your Trump grave at this point.

Michael my friend, a stand out, but I hate to say this, I think if you lose next week, you're going down next! Trump has already said "everyone hates you" and Erin didn't even get fired with a porn commercial just because she "controlled" you. Probably not true and definitely not good! You screwed up with your team once, but you're actually one of the smartest players. Guess what? They probably should have used hot super models last week to sell coffee. Maybe your team would have had a chance. And this week you were the only one against the idea of cucumber porn, but unfortunately you have a bad boardroom rap now with DT. I'm bummed to see it happen. It's so frustrating to watch.

Kendra and Stephanie, again under the radar -- especially Kendra. Can we say, "make it far"? Watch this happen, folks.

Chris, okay, we got it. We know you're not gay. The whole world knows now. It will be okay. You're funny and passionate though. I won't hold it against you. Audrey, you cried and bitched like a pouting little girl because you didn't get to be PM. Too bad. But you still could have stepped up for what could have been an easy win - or at least a win, if you hadn't been complaining the whole time. Yet maybe your idea of a win was seeing Kristen get fired. Who knows? We didn't get to see a reward this time, so as a viewer, I lost - and that annoys me.

Angie, Tara and Tana - not a heck of lot to say, good or bad. We'll have to check you out down the line.

Well, so much for a short commentary, but you all deserved to have your mouths washed out with some Dove soap for this one! Not good!

Step it up, guys!

Your Apprentice Alumna,
Jennifer D. Crisafulli


First Things First

Ok, so maybe somebody needed to translate for Donny Deutsch. When he said, "I want to see something out of the box," he meant, "I want to see something out of the box that will appeal to the target market and make them want to purchase the product or at the very least build a brand essence for the product." This is Dove Body Wash! I'm not looking at any market research but I'm pretty sure the target market is women

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Post time 30-5-2005 09:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GAMEOVER at 29-5-2005 11:44 PM:
Kat maner nak tengok iklan yg diorang buat tuh? Bleh download kat memaner tak?

Abih sumer kena potong, haram tak paham pun.

Memang pathetic la tengok iklan diorang wat tuh.

Aku rasa final  ...

aa'la....nak tengok jugak iklan bodos diorang tu. tapi yang paling bodos iklan si Kirsten tu la. Adakah cuci muka guna sabun mandi:lol

Menyampah masa dia defend her self kat taxi tu. Perasan bagus :kant:

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 30-5-2005 09:40 AM | Show all posts
Aligning Sales and Marketing

Building a cohesive sales and marketing strategy requires both departments to be on the same page. Sales should share information from the field, and marketing needs to share information from research efforts or promotions. In some companies, these two functions are in the same department. In others, they may be under different umbrellas. In either case, sales and marketing must have a symbiotic relationship in order to keep existing customers and win new ones.

Marketing can:

# Gather critical data. Qualitative and quantitative research is used to identify and define markets, develop strategies, test products or services, float marketing concepts and guide ongoing business development. It identifies what the customer is thinking, is wanting and will use.

# Sift through the facts, figures and trends. Marketing must analyze the research data and connect the results to business decisions. This is used to identify new products or services, effective marketing strategies and efficient action programs and activities.

# Turn analysis into action. Marketing provides the set of recommendations that direct specific actions and programs. A strategy is the basis for integrated plans and varied tactics in support of an identified and approved business objective.

# Implement the plan. This includes creating a tool kit that the sales department can use. They are developed in concert with the rest of the company and generally include all elements in the marketing mix, including print and Web-based collateral, price, promotion and distribution channels.

Sales can:

# Provide first-hand customer insights. Based on their interactions with current and potential customers, field and telesales reps will get insights into the products and services of most interest to the targeted market. Such information should be provided to marketing so it can include it in promotional material.

# Share competitive data. Field and telesales reps often learn before the marketing department about shortcomings and superior aspects of competitor products. Such information should be shared not only with marketing梩o ensure promotions touch on the best aspects of the company抯 products梑ut also to research and development to improve a company抯 own products.

# Identify prime customers. Sales can help identify demographic and psychographic commonalities among most likely customers. This will help marketing create the most effective and efficient messages, promotions, and media plans.

# Provide immediate feedback from customers. Having direct contact with customers gives field and telesales reps an opportunity to gather anecdotal compliments, complaints, suggestions and ideas. This immediate feedback can be taken into account long before the next round of market research can get under way.

source : The Apprentice 3 Official Site

Use magic Report


 Author| Post time 30-5-2005 09:41 AM | Show all posts

source :

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 Author| Post time 30-5-2005 09:46 AM | Show all posts

Project Manager: Erin

Management Style: Despite having no advertising experience, Erin vowed to confront the task without fear.

Dove Cool Moisture Body Wash concept:  A steamy love triangle with some randy innuendo resolves itself with an unexpected twist.

Biggest obstacle:  When the candidates were late to the set, an actress decried the production as "unprofessional" and threatened to walk off.

Turning point: Bren's inspired idea of how to work a cucumber into the ad.

Result:  A commercial that did not clearly communicate the product, and was not appropriate for Dove's mainstream market.


Project Manager:  Kristen

Management Style:  If you want it done right, do it yourself.

Dove Cool Moisture Body Wash concept:  A marathon runner is reinvigorated after using the body wash in the middle of a race.

Biggest obstacle: Kristen's unimaginative direction drained the humor out of the concept.

Turning point: When Kristen sent John and Craig, the creators of the concept, away to supervise music.

Result:  A bland commercial that confused the judges when the runner applied body wash to his face and didn't rinse it off.

source :

Use magic Report

Post time 30-5-2005 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adiela811 at 30-5-2005 01:14 AM:
ermm..nila episod apperantice paling buduss skalik
masing2 bg idea merapu meraban...
nak buat iklan yg ader unsur erotik pon jgnla buat cara porn film lak..bak kata tokey syarikat i ...

:setuju: mmg cam budus je.. adheq mmg takkan sokong kalau team adheq buat camtuh (yg book smarts..) ntah camner si erin tuh buleh accept. street smart pnyer idea asal patutnya ok. uhh.. berlagak sungguh bila kristen kata boypren dia pengarah:kant::puke::puke:. tapi keseluruhannya malam tadi mmg :geram::geram::geram:

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 30-5-2005 09:57 AM | Show all posts

Scene episode 4

Books Smart : Scene episode 4

Bren observes his Magna colleagues in action.

Magna gets to know Dove's new body wash.

Bren contemplates Dove's newest product.

Erin, Bren, and Alex discuss Magna's plan of attack during the Dove task.

Erin, Alex, and Bren watch a rough cut of Magna's Dove commercial.

Alex takes notes on Dove's product design.

Erin and Alex watch Magna's final product: a 30 second video promoting Dove's new body wash.

Wallflower: George observes Magna in action.

Michael and Alex grab a much-needed nap.

Alex directs actors on the set of Magna's Dove commercial.

Kendra organizes props on the set of Magna's Dove commercial.

A birds-eye-view of Magna's soundstage during the Dove task.

Stephanie must make a split-second decision for Magna on the set of their Dove commercial.

Erin creates the product shot for Magna's promotional Dove video.

Michael, Stephanie, and Bren watch their Dove commercial come to life.

Magna dresses up as chefs to present their advertisement to Donny Deutsch.

Donny Deutsch is shocked at the terrible commercials produced by both Magna and Net Worth.

source :

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 30-5-2005 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Streets Smarts : Scene episode 4

Kristen watches the actors in Net Worth's Dove commercial

Kristen and Angie consult the shooting schedule during the Dove task.

Three musketeers: Tara, Kristen, and Tana on the set during the Dove task.

Tara, Audrey and Angie relax on the set of Net Worth's Dove commercial.

See no evil: The candidates of Net Worth monkey around during the Dove task.

Net Worth gathers to edit together their Dove commercial.

Net Worth watches video playback of their Dove commercial.

Angie and Kristen bond during the Dove task.

Audrey and Tana hug on the set on Net Worth's Dove commercial.

Net Worth prepares to present their commercial to Donny Deutsch.

Donny Deutsch cannot hide his disappointment after watching the commercials during the Dove task.

The candidates of Net Worth learn about their next task from Donny Deutsch.

Majority rules: Net Worth votes during the Dove task.

Fly on the wall: George watches Net Worth brainstorm.

Tana gets intimate with Dove's new body wash.

Craig makes notes during the Dove task.

Kristen and Tara review Net Worth's budget for the Dove task.

Craig relaxes in a music studio.

source :

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 30-5-2005 10:08 AM | Show all posts
kelala tgk episode semlm
cam ner la si Bren leh wat idea ala2 gay
tolong la ni produk
bukannyer nak promote gay / lesbian .....

semlm mmg patut Krsiten kene fired
mmg patut sesgt
tension giler tgk muka Kristen
prasan bagus
masa kat meeting board pun
seolah menegak benang yg basah ........

Use magic Report

Post time 30-5-2005 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Aku rasa Idea Net Worth tue okay...

Cuma implementation dia ajer yg suck....
Salah kirsten....

Use magic Report

Post time 30-5-2005 12:45 PM | Show all posts
memang season3 nih nampak cam mengarut ada immuniti tiba2 nyaris tak kene pecat..dah tuh both group leh gagal dlm task masing..tapi kesilapan paling bodoh aku rase adalah scene menyapu dove kat muka tuhlaa..sah2 utk body...awal2 lagi aku dah gelak bila angie ngan kristen kutuk model lelaki tuh...bren plak memang dah budget awl2 dia yg akan kene fired sebab idea gila dia tuh...nasib lepas...aku suka bren nih lebih2 lg dia smlm dia menggunakan experience selama 9 tahun di sbg husband utk memujuk model pompuan tuh..trus tak jadi marah model tuh..heheh..lagi satu aku suk tgk expression muka erin smlm...klakar takut je...

Use magic Report


Post time 30-5-2005 04:12 PM | Show all posts
part yg paling kelakar sekali... derang boleh pulak tersengih-sengih masa present derang punye iklan....derang takde sense ker benda tu LAWAK. mcm bagi kat budak2 darjah satu jerk!

yea yea yea...kristen kena pecat. die tak malu ker ckp diri die bagus giloss masa kat taxi tuh!

Use magic Report

Post time 30-5-2005 05:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ColbyRaikkonen at 30-5-2005 11:32 AM:
Aku rasa Idea Net Worth tue okay...

Cuma implementation dia ajer yg suck....
Salah kirsten....

Masa memula dengar idea diorang nih aku terbayang bayang iklan Adidas jer.

Mmg ok la kalau dapat wat style tuh.

Sekali tengok cam haper ntah, gambar haram tak lawa pun.

Macam shooting episod Mr. Bean jer :jeler:

Use magic Report

Post time 30-5-2005 05:59 PM | Show all posts
adehhhhh sakit perut aku ketawa....
tgk apprentice semalam.....
tak sangka mat salleh ni ,,,,bukan semua pandai ponnnnn......

Use magic Report

Post time 30-5-2005 06:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by meow_tompok at 5/30/05 04:12 PM:
part yg paling kelakar sekali... derang boleh pulak tersengih-sengih masa present derang punye iklan....derang takde sense ker benda tu LAWAK. mcm bagi kat budak2 darjah satu jerk!

yea yea yea.. ...

padan muka...dia nk kenakan audrey...dia yg kena....

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