SILENCE ~ Borak2 psl Vic Zhou & Park Eun Hye
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Reply #3900 miss_mulan77's post
Ni link youtube kalau mulan nak tgk... KLIK SINI
Kawe amik dari utube, seme pic tak brape jelas.... |
Page berat laa :ketuk: |
Ok, ni pic yg kawe jumpa...clear cket...

[ Last edited by airahthislove at 9-3-2007 12:47 AM ] |
Kuar la page...:@
Reply #3905 airahthislove's post
oh tidakkkkkkkk
Sayang rambut dia potong sampai pendek cenggitu...aku lagi suka rambut masa lam Silence...huwaaaaa.....
dia still lg ngan Barbie kan? |
Originally posted by Lailawati at 7-3-2007 03:28 PM
wooohhooohoo...towards the end karang, lagi kesian tgk dia tahan sakit..aku lak yg x sampai hati tgk dia sakit cenggitu...mcm aku lak yg ikut2 sakit..
Actually baru minggu lepas baru abis tg ...
betul tu, ..........
alamak, apasal dia potong rambut pendek cam tu.nampak lain muka dia kan.
tapi Jerry still cute nya...........rindu kat Jerry...... |
keduanya pujaan ku........ |
Reply #3908 limau's post
a'ah..jerry maintain very the cuteness..ekekekekee
dedulu aku minat jerry masa MG I..dulul x pandang sgt kat zai zai
skrg bila dah tgk Silence, berdegup kencang jantungku bila tgk gambo2 yg ada kat sini...ekekekekeke |
alahai habis kehenseman dia waaa.... saper ler yg suh dia potong rambut cengitu... |
Reply #3913 miss_mulan77's post
die frust kot.....pasal ko dh beralih kasih.....dlu2 ko gila ngan die... wakakka
hbs segala macam mende ko carik...  |
Reply #3914 moondance's post
takkan ler sampai cam tuh sekali dia protes.... waaa.... |
Reply #3915 miss_mulan77's post
hehehe...entah ler....naper ler die g potong rambut cenggitu..x berkenan tul ler..
kalo aku jadik barbie...aku suh die sambung balik rambut die tu....  |
Reply #3916 moondance's post
Buat hair extension gitew..... |
Reply #3916 moondance's post
boleh tak dai sambung balik rambut dia tuh hhuhuhuh |
Reply #3918 miss_mulan77's post
boleh kot....heheh ... hudus ler rambut die...waa..  |
Reply #3919 moondance's post
tu ler...  |
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