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Author: QIsmail

(UPDATE#63: He finally broke it off) That stagnant stage of your life

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Post time 24-11-2016 05:26 PM | Show all posts
QIsmail replied at 24-11-2016 09:07 AM
Could be jugak la kan? Entahla. I bg je dia space. I bukan type yg beg for things. If at all la ka ...

You can. If you want to. Terpulang pada keinginan, sokongan keluarga serta skills yang you ada.

I berhenti kerja gomen gaji 2K+ dan lompat masuk private dengan gaji 1.3K. I bukan lompat masuk MNC gaji 10K ye.. hehe.

Sebab? For my own sanity. I penat jadi hamba kerja. Masa kat gomen selalu kena stay back sebab nak siapkan keje urgent, buat program weekends, meetings etc. Memang I takde life sampai i balik rumah parents pun sebulan sekali, tu pun sejam dua. Last-last I give up, I hantar notis. Resign.

Dengan komitmen 800 sebulan (kereta, PL dan credit card loan), I masuk kerja sebuah kilang kecik. Food and bev manufacturing. I survive dua tahun kat situ, i kerja kerani. Sebab? I nak belajar selok belok business. I jd kerani procurement. At the same time I belajar pasal shipping, handling, machinery sampailah susun jadual kerja driver hantar barang. Pendek kata semua benda sbb company kecik, semua staff are expected to know everything so senang nak relief kalau ada colleague yang tak datang. Yes gaji kecik. Masa tu I memang miserable sb I dah biasa ada lebihan gaji 1K sebulan lepas tolak komitmen dan perbelanjaan wajib, boleh la pg berjimba-jimba. Bercuti sana sini. Bila gaji cukup2 makan, mula2 i terduduk jugak. Balik kerja pandang siling. Berkawan baik dengan telur, dengan ikan, dengan sayur-sayur hutan. nak jimat punya pasal. Dramatik sgt masa tu padahal i know banyak lg orang lg susah dari I.

Tapi sekurang-kurangnya jiwa I tenang. Walaupun i just kerani tp semua orang hormat sesama sendiri. Takde istilah aku gred 41, kau gred 44 aku kena hormat kau bla bla bla. I mean of course mmg kena hormat boss tapi I tak rasa terlalu stress kat situ. Waktu rehat boleh duduk makan2 sama bos ke kuli bangla indon ke semua boleh berkawan. Habis kerja jam 5, 5.15 i dah sampai rumah. Telefon tak berdering malam-malam. Weekend boleh bangun pukul 9 pagi, boleh buat plans, boleh attend kenduri sedara mara, boleh keluar dating. Masa I dengan gomen dulu takleh.

After 2 years, I rasa dah yakin nak teruskan. I start my own business. Work from home. Mula-mula tak ada office. Lepas setahun baru mampu sewa office. baru mampu ada dua orang staff. Sekarang staff dah empat orang. I ikut apa yang I belajar kat kilang dulu. Semua mesti belajar buat macam2 benda. Mesti kekalkan hubungan baik and so on. Walaupun skrg gaji bulan I masih kurang dari gaji gomen dulu, tapi hati I senang. I rasa penat, I tinggalkan office, pergi holiday ke travelling, pg beach, pegi pulau. I syukur family I memahami dan support keinginan I.

Bab percintaan bagi I you take it easy. You muda lg. Spend time knowing urself and your interests. Improving your skills. Masuk kelas masak ke jahit ke mekap ke. Benda yang bagi nilai tambah kat diri you sendiri. Entah-entah nnt bf you pulak yang tercari-cari you. Dia pulak yang merasa-rasa rindu. You tak rugi apa-apa pun dengan cara tu



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Post time 24-11-2016 05:30 PM | Show all posts
QIsmail replied at 24-11-2016 09:07 AM
Could be jugak la kan? Entahla. I bg je dia space. I bukan type yg beg for things. If at all la ka ...
Yes. I thrive on challenges. I x tahan kerja government ni; sbab I have to deal with a lot of (for the lack of better words) incompetent and stupid people. Tp malaun2 ni jgak la yg dok dpt APC every year. Bukan la I hadap sgt pon APC; tp mengarut betul admin I kira KPI. Not to sound braggy, but I think my 2 years performance boleh tggal kan diorg punya let's say 15 years worth of performance bertiang2. Kerja malas, and my HOD boleh lepak Kat Kantin for frickin 3 hours.
yang ni..
keja gomen esp department yang banyak orang tua (read: over 40) memang stress dan membosankan. dengan speed kerja macam siput, dengan banyak songehnya dengan itu tak tau ini tak tau dengan malasnya...heiiii...mmg sakit hati. you punya cerita sebijik dengan i punya department dulu. lepas tu HOD salahkan I sebab tak boleh didik orang bawahan. Masalahnya semua tahap tua bangka yang kena ketuk 500x baru jalan. bila diajar macam2 alasan siap pandang rendah kat I sebab I baru setahun jagung di situ ( masa I masuk dept tu umur I 22)


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Post time 24-11-2016 07:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
1. Job- keep trying. Dont give up.
2. Relationship-kalau rasa xnampak hala tuju relationship dgn bf sekarang, rasanya u da boleh start utk luaskan skop berkawan. *relationship yg xde clear direction ni bagi saya cuma membazir masa dan segala2nya je. Umur makin meningkat, life makin pendek. Better do something yg ada benefit*

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Post time 24-11-2016 07:47 PM | Show all posts
luaskan network. cari lain. mungkin selama ni pandangan tertutup sbb teringatkan sorang tu.


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Post time 24-11-2016 08:49 PM | Show all posts
QIsmail replied at 24-11-2016 05:07 PM
Could be jugak la kan? Entahla. I bg je dia space. I bukan type yg beg for things. If at all la ka ...

kerja gov mmg camtu, setengah org sanggup mengadap  sistem sbegitu sampai tua janji kejar pangkat ada gaji bulan ada rumah ada kereta ada cuti satu ahad ada cuti tahunan makan2 byk masa bersama famili dll.  ada mengadap musuh/org yg dibenci dalam ofis megadap politik celaka bertahun2.  yg swasta x mearasa bebegitu, x suka resign cari company lain.
cabaran yg mana kamu mahukan. malaysia bukan melahirkan pencetus idea/teknologi etc yg boleh menjadi malaysia terbaik terbagus pun. muda2 mmg bayk energi nak tahu itu ini nak try exprerien kerja itu ini, bos2 mmg suka jika dapat pekerja serba boleh bertenaga bersemagat setiap hari dan akan menghumban lagi byk kerja. jika kamu menjadi bos , manager, bisnesman,  akan mengadap macam2 karenah org nak handle org bodo cam lembu org pemalas org2 tua yg lembap pekerja asing x sekolah pekerja cam celaka org2 kaki penipu pembelit org rasist  macam2. kerja zaman skrg bukan senang, x perfom/masalah ekonomi akan dibuang, politik2 ofis, company kewangan x kukuh gaji kecil, company cina belum tentu akan bagi jawatan tinggi melain u ada bakat luar biasa, nak harap comapy melayu lagi teruk, sbb itu ramai forumer kata u harus bersukur.
pendapat ai kan baik stay kerja gov sambil apply kerja ptd atau sambung belajar atau tukar tempat lain, cari kawan baru yg ngam berkongsi masalah, cari hobi baru belajar skill baru kek jaiht masak2 travel gym spt org2 lain cakap. pergi download movie terbaik seluruh dunia pergi travel pergi meranacang apa perlu buat dan target setiap tahun buat apa listkan dan capai impia itu. walau u x happy bekerja tapi u boleh happy di luar kerja. mana2 di malaysia ramai x happy bekerja.
ai teringat zaman dulu2 kita semua terlalu sibuk belajar, bila kerja  jika dapat kerja berrelax2 saja harusla mengambil peluang biarla org2 spm pula ber kerja keras ber ot bagai. u nak pergi pindah oversea harus merancang jika u betul2 yakin punyai masa depan di oversea


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Post time 24-11-2016 09:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Levespa at 24-11-2016 09:54 PM
melinda_kerr replied at 24-11-2016 08:25 AM
mak iols slalu pesan carilah lelaki yg akan berusaha lebih dapatkn kamu bkn kamu yg beria lbh dr si  ...

agree with every word of this post

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2016 10:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aldilla_zahraa replied at 24-11-2016 05:26 PM
You can. If you want to. Terpulang pada keinginan, sokongan keluarga serta skills yang you ada.


Hahaha. Bab sokongan tu yg masalah tu. If I decided to just leave the gov sector, I can assure you that my mom will never speak to me again. Ever  

Even I mentioned to my parents yg I nk further Kat UK by using a uni scholarship (since I had my first class for my undergrad), my mom bg silent treatment for a week  

Yes. I've been the kind of person yg keep seeking ways to improve myself pun. I sharpened my cooking skills during my years abroad. Travelling is an annual thing for me. This December is Melbourne's turn. Tang menjahit tu I lemah skit sbab kurang sabar    But I tgh struggle smbung Masters by research part-time. Tula. I kerja gov ni mmg x smpat nk ngadap Masters tu.

One of the reasons why I felt stagnant ni pon sbab I rasa Masters I x gerak due to work commitments. Haiyoh.

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2016 10:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 24-11-2016 07:47 PM
luaskan network. cari lain. mungkin selama ni pandangan tertutup sbb teringatkan sorang tu.

I agree to your statement to a certain extent  

Ada jugak cuba2 nk carik len since I travel a lot for work; giving in-service trainings - tp slalu mmg xjadik. I penah je kena kenen2 dgn seniors with other available guy during a course; then boleh that particular guy said that I'm ugly right to my face  

Entahla. As of now, I'm just going with the flow. Ada rezeki, Ada la.

Thanks for your opinion though. Appreciate it.

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 Author| Post time 24-11-2016 10:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
airmineral replied at 24-11-2016 07:07 PM
1. Job- keep trying. Dont give up.
2. Relationship-kalau rasa xnampak hala tuju relationship dgn bf ...

Yup. Clear direction for relationship is important. Couldn't agree more  

Bab nk luaskan skop pergaulan tu yg payah sket kot. I kerja Kat district kecik je. Kat district kecik ni paham2 je la. The place to settle down. Tak ramai yg still available.

Tried halal speed dating before. I can assure you - it's just a commercialised, money-grabbing business. Apatah lg nk percaya online/social media dating kan?  

So I guess it boils down to timing kot. Belum masanya. Usaha rasanya I dh cuba sehabis baik kot.


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 Author| Post time 24-11-2016 10:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ninja boy replied at 24-11-2016 08:49 PM
kerja gov mmg camtu, setengah org sanggup mengadap  sistem sbegitu sampai tua janji kejar pangkat  ...

Hahaha. Part menghumban kerja tu tepat skali. I even work for national level training even though I baru nk masuk 2 taun kerja.

I dunno. Zman uni dlu I dh rasa byk benda kott. From working for Olympics, travelling around Western & Eastern Europe, achieving my aim for a first degree as well as a mat salleh boyfriend experience   I have to admit, dh puas living the reckless and irresponsible life.

Maybe it's peer/societal pressure. But I think I won't regret it if I settle down now.

Tp yela. Semuanya perancangan Allah kan? I can only put my sole trust in Him.

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Post time 25-11-2016 11:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Selalu yg jns suka cabaran ni tak bother nk keje gomen

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Post time 25-11-2016 02:48 PM | Show all posts
QIsmail replied at 24-11-2016 02:18 PM
Hahaha. Bab sokongan tu yg masalah tu. If I decided to just leave the gov sector, I can assure you ...

tu yang susah. parents. kalau tak ikut nanti silap2 disambar petir

satu lg option you, tukar tempat. i tak tau scheme you mcm mana tapi kalau u boleh mintak transfer ke jabatan/negeri lain mungkin boleh diusahakan. kalau kerajaan negeri pun mungkin boleh consider pindah ke jabatan lain. i dulu sebab mmg jawatan I tu specific kepada jabatan tu je, so I takleh lari mana-mana plus HOD I keji lagi hina takkan approve pun kalau boleh pindah. dia suka tgk i terseksa. hahaha.

anyway pasal masters tu i rasa u kena ambik full time dalam negara instead. apply cuti belajar tu and focus on ur masters. atleast lepas tu you ada peluang naik ke.


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 Author| Post time 25-11-2016 05:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Innrukia replied at 25-11-2016 11:01 AM
Selalu yg jns suka cabaran ni tak bother nk keje gomen

Kannn...? Tp yela masa sign scholarship nk g overseas tu mana la pikir mende2 ni kan    pikir nak seronok jah. Sudahnya amek kau  

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 Author| Post time 25-11-2016 05:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aldilla_zahraa replied at 25-11-2016 02:48 PM
tu yang susah. parents. kalau tak ikut nanti silap2 disambar petir

satu lg option you, tukar te ...

True. Kang kene sambar petir dh satu hal pula  

I every year mintak transfer. I ni favourite HOD as well the punca kuasa above us. HOD bg lepas, yg lg atas x kasik lepas  :zz sama je jln cerita.

Ada ckp kahwin je solution to all this. Nk buek camno, bf I cold feet. Mmg dead end la kot.

But thanks to the suggestion. I dh x kuasa nk ngadu ngan kwn2. Diorg ckp I x bersyukur. Sabo je la  

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Post time 25-11-2016 05:28 PM | Show all posts
QIsmail replied at 25-11-2016 09:15 AM
True. Kang kene sambar petir dh satu hal pula   

I every year mintak transfer. I ni favou ...

you probably should end it with him. Bukan nak pressure dia. But to release you dari perasaan "dah kapel so mesti kawin" and so
Kalau ada jodoh, akan kawin gak nnt.
but IMHO mmg ii rasa dia tak bersedia nak kawin lg sebab beban kerja dia dahsyat. dan dia rasa perkahwinan akan tambahkan semak dalam kepala dia. Not that I kata u semak, but u know, kawin is just not between a man and a woman.  there's a lot more where that comes from

Someone I know pernah ada situasi similar mcm you. Masa tu pun i think she's around 26-27, prime age nak kawin. Pressure dari dalam, dari luar. BF cold feet tak nak bincang pun nak kawin sbb masa tu baru setahun kerja. Started treating her coldly. Dia siasat, igtkan ada perempuan lain. Rupa-rupanya laki tu sibukkan diri dgn game, weekend mmg tak keluar dr rumah langsung main game. So she broke it off.

Setahun gak dia single, terjebak dgn running, hiking, pg bercuti sana sini. Mmg lupakan terus pasal percintaan. genap setahun break tetiba mamat tu dgn parents dia datang rumah masuk meminang. tkejut gila dia. rupa-rupanya lepas break tu baru mamat tu sedar apa yang dia kehilangan. Lagi2 tgk my friend tu happy je without dia (ofkos tak hepi sgt but dia sibukkan diri, join aktiviti macam2 so she looks like she's enjoying her life). so a few months later, they got married.

dia kata dia rasa tenang lepas break tu sbb release dia dari pressure "dah kapel so mesti kawin" tu. Dia lebih appreciate diri sendiri, masa dia, kebebasan dia.  She learned a lot abt herself, her self worth, self confidence dan sebagainya. And the best thing is she emerged winner sbb not only she became happier, she got her dream man back. So maybe that's what you should do. Release yourself dari 'belenggu' tu. Enjoy being with yourself. dekatkan diri dengan tuhan, dengan family. Mungkin ini sign yang tuhan bagi. he's giving u more time to spend being single. Lepas kahwin no more kebebasan, no matter how much freedom your husband gives you. Heavy burden comes with the title 'isteri'


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 Author| Post time 25-11-2016 05:43 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aldilla_zahraa replied at 25-11-2016 05:28 PM
you probably should end it with him. Bukan nak pressure dia. But to release you dari perasaan "dah ...

Yeah. Thanks for the idea. I pon dh xlarat nk melayan his nonsensical antics. Only this time, I'm gone for good kott. No more second chances for him.

And I x rasa he'll even notice that I'm gone. He's one of those popular guys yg every girl would want to throw themselves at him. Dia byk choices kan?

I cuma kesal he made the effort of reconnecting with me - only to just abandon me after that. Without proper closure.

Cuma I kinda have lost faith with matters of the hearts. I byk beralah, sabar and setia but I'm still the lonely one. Kalau ini cara tuhan nk buat I dekat dgn dia, I have to say it's getting harder nak bersangka baik dgn dia.

Again, thanks for melayan royanan I  

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Post time 25-11-2016 05:57 PM | Show all posts
QIsmail replied at 25-11-2016 09:43 AM
Yeah. Thanks for the idea. I pon dh xlarat nk melayan his nonsensical antics. Only this time, I'm  ...

you will be fine. from the way you write, you have too much joie de vivre to remain single for the rest of your life. any men who didn't realize that doesn't know what he had missed


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Post time 25-11-2016 09:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kalau jenis dominan n suka lelaki yg boleh dikawal cari bersungguh insyaAllah banyak lelaki jenis zaman sekarang

senang hidup lepas kawen

semua cakap kita diiyakan

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 Author| Post time 26-11-2016 04:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
onexox97 replied at 25-11-2016 09:57 PM
kalau jenis dominan n suka lelaki yg boleh dikawal cari bersungguh insyaAllah banyak lelaki jenis za ...

Funny you mentioned that.

The only reason why I hung up on this one pun is because he's a sort of 'no-man'.

His sarcasm and wry sense of humour matched mine.

Perhaps it's high time to find a much fun-loving guy.

Thanks for the insight though  

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 Author| Post time 26-11-2016 04:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aldilla_zahraa replied at 25-11-2016 05:57 PM
you will be fine. from the way you write, you have too much joie de vivre to remain single for the ...

Awww.... that's so kind of you to say that

I hope so though. I have such an unapproachable look. Most guys would just stare at me intently and then they'll walk away. I sendiri pun x faham kenapa. Hodoh sgt kot  

Yeah. One fine day kan? Kadang2 tgk my friends yg mmg dh in a solid marriage/relationship or those seasoned senior couples when I had my morning runs - boleh buat I tersentuh sgt  

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