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Author: matabelalang

[2018] POLIS EVO 2

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Post time 17-11-2018 01:29 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-11-2018 02:14 PM | Show all posts

Isunya filem ni memotretkan org islam sebagai teroris.......btw realitinya mmg ada jer islamist yg radical yg how??

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Post time 17-11-2018 02:23 PM | Show all posts
axl_bach replied at 17-11-2018 02:14 PM
Isunya filem ni memotretkan org islam sebagai teroris.......btw realitinya mmg ada jer islamist yg ...

PAS guna isu ini sebagai POLITICAL MILAGE.....

sebenarnya tiada isu pun... PAS sahaja bikin kecoh

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Post time 17-11-2018 02:30 PM | Show all posts
HangPC2 replied at 17-11-2018 02:23 PM
PAS guna isu ini sebagai POLITICAL MILAGE.....

Memomokkan serban sbg terorist adalah salah

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Post time 17-11-2018 08:36 PM | Show all posts
axl_bach replied at 17-11-2018 02:30 PM
Memomokkan serban sbg terorist adalah salah

realiti penungang agama memang macam itu...


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Post time 19-11-2018 08:00 PM | Show all posts
macam tak best cerita nya dibandingkan dengan polis evo 1

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Post time 20-11-2018 11:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
aku br hbs tgk cite ni

aku rate 9/10

best gila.. action non stop.. xde dragging.. face pacing drama... intelligent.. props sume canggih.. setaraf holywood

aku suka sbb tnjuk how pdrm bekerja

the codes, senjata, aggota dia sume aku tgk impress..

cume kurang kt watak erra je la mcm xde function sgt.. xleh buat keputusan n emotional..

lain lain sume best

so aku recommended



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Post time 21-11-2018 07:02 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 20-11-2018 11:04 PM
aku br hbs tgk cite ni

aku rate 9/10

Watak Raline best x? Ke sekadar pelaris?

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Post time 21-11-2018 07:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yup! Interesting film. jln ceritanya smooth...pelakon semua bagus dgn watak masing2. Aksi lasak berterusan n semestinya ada terselit humor sesekali by abg sani as usual

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Post time 21-11-2018 08:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cicicumel replied at 21-11-2018 07:02 AM
Watak Raline best x? Ke sekadar pelaris?

she soft in way she speak but not bad.. i think this first action film so quite ok..

spoiler.. this movie not typical story line anyway most of the police yg involved in this misi menyelamat sume mati except this pair heros but botf them serious injured.. sikit lg nak mati.. mgkn nnt ada polis evo 3

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Post time 22-11-2018 08:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
More komen pls.. Iols tgk kwn buat status polis evo2 ni terbaik 10 bintang katanya..

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Post time 22-11-2018 11:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 22-11-2018 11:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 22-11-2018 11:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
The star  bagi rating 7.5 over 10. Wpun aku tahu warga porem tak gemor membaca, aku tepek jugak la just for record. Hehe

Polis Evo 2’: Bold, gritty & a total shift from the original


Polis Evo 2 is a courageous film. And I’m not just talking about its courageous crime-busting characters. I’m talking about its filmmakers.

The original Polis Evo (2015) struck the perfect balance between humour and seriousness, lightness and heaviness.

Pairing the jovial small-town cop Inspector Sani (Zizan Razak) and the merciless highly-skilled cop Inspector Khai (Shaheizy Sam) as part of a mission to intercept a drug trafficking operation, Polis Evo found its winning formula.

But half an hour through Polis Evo 2, I was gobsmacked. The franchise had completely thrown out its winning formula.

The sequel begins with Sani and Khai trying to capture the highly-wanted drug lord, Riky (Tanta Ginting). Going with them on the ride is eager new cop Mat Dan (Syafie Naswip).

Their quest to capture Riky leads them to a remote island, as Riky has some sort of dealings with an extremist religious cult, led by the charismatic Hafsyam (Hasnul Rahmat) who’s hiding out in a cave on the island.

Things take a turn for the worse when Hafsyam and his men take some 200 inhabitants of the island hostage, with Sani and Khai’s party caught in the mix.

What started as a drug bust became something the narcotic cops are unfamiliar with – an act of terrorism.

Polis Evo 2 is an entirely different film. And to appreciate it, you have to part with the ideas and expectations you may have gotten from the first movie.

Viewers will notice right away that there is very little humour this time round and understandably so, as the gravity of the situation leaves no room for fun and games.

On top of that, the villain here is a lot darker and the atmosphere throughout the film feels devoid of hope.

It is in this air of despondency that great character development, thought-provoking dialogues and meaningful themes rise.

The Sani-Khai friendship, which was instrumental to the success of the original, is still very much a part of the franchise. Polis Evo 2 takes it further.

There is a raw, emotionally-unhinged scene which sees Sani and Khai confronting their inner demons head on. It is a precious moment because for what feels like the first time in a long while, male friendships are portrayed as more than just a fist bump or a witty exchange. It means two macho men can sit down and talk about their feelings – something we don’t do enough.

The film also explores one of the most painful experiences of human life – guilt and grief.

We take for granted that law enforcement officers have to make life-and-death decisions on the spot that could go either way.

But not only does this message speak to cops, it speaks to anyone who has ever felt weighed down by life’s should’ves and could’ves, and have found it hard to move on.

No one expected this from an action flick but Polis Evo 2 unwittingly addresses the importance of taking care of our emotional health.

Another crucial change is the inclusion of strong female characters such as Indonesian undercover cop Rian (Raline Shah) and high-ranking Malaysian police Datuk Azizat (Erra Fazira). First things first, neither serve as a love interest to the male characters.

They are written as equals to their male counterparts, if not more capable. It is a step forward from the original for sure, which saw Nora Danish playing a damsel-in-distress.

Amid all these changes in the new instalment, one thing remains: the franchise’s well-executed action scenes. In fact, there’s more here than before.

With every passing hour, a hostage is killed until Hafsyam’s demands are met hence the efforts to push back on the terrorists’ threats are constant and relentless.

This urgency is reflected in the treatment of the action sequences, sporting a more realistic and gritty camerawork.

The success of the film relies heavily on whether its villain Hafsyam is dark and evil enough. Otherwise, the threats don’t carry as much weight.

And Hasnul, not surprisingly, rises to the occasion, especially in scenes where he is playing mind games with his hostages.

As Sani and Khai’s friendship gets tested more than ever, so does the actors’ acting chemistry. Zizan and Shaheizy have this in spades, which carry them through those unexpected emotionally-charged moments.

Trading the feel-good buddy cop movie (and not to mention, very lucrative) formula for deeper, more complex themes takes a lot of guts. (Then again, maybe this drastic change is necessary for how long can the same formula fuel the franchise?)

It makes Polis Evo 2 a bit too heavy and difficult to watch at times. Between the meaning-laden dialogues and incessant action sequences, there is little time to catch your breath.

It’s like having to take in one giant breath before you take the plunge at the start of the film and having only that same breath to sustain you until the credits roll.

But coming up for air at the end of the film is one of the best feelings. For viewers find themselves in uncharted waters in the local cinema landscape. And what a sight it is.

Polis Evo 2

Director: Joel Soh and Andre Chiew

Cast: Zizan Razak, Shaheizy Sam, Raline Shah, Hasnul Rahmat, Erra Fazira, Tanta Ginting, Syafie Naswip


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Post time 23-11-2018 12:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ok aku baru lepas tengok polis evo 2.let me review bout this filem sebagai rakyat marhaen la kan..kalau nk dibandingkn PE1 n PE2 aku lbh tertarik dgn 1 sb jln cerita lbh ringan n mudah difahami n bole ditonton oleh kanak2 juga.n ofcoz zizan adalah daya penarik PE1. Bukn nk ckp PE2 not good. Tapi agak berat dan serius.sesuai untuk org dewasa sahaja. Tlg jgn bawa kanak2 tgok hehe sb scene letup2 lawan2 tembak is so real. Setengah jam pertama pun non stop aksi letop tembak lawan smpai abis. Yes im proud filem Malaysia makin bkembang.aku tertarik dgn lakonan sam yg superb.yes die pelakon terbaik n bile tgok die dlm PE2 korg mesti terpegun.die real actor n lakonan cemerlang tebilang. Zizan agak tenggelam dlm filem ni. Itu bg pendapat aku la.. Untuk ptama kali tgok Ralin shah blakon.aku nk bg standing ovation untuk lakonan die n kcantikkan die. Shes perfec ok. Hasnul rahmat as hasyam. Aku bayangkn watak hafsyam tu lbh keras n lbh jahat bengis tapi x. Hasnul lakonkan dgn cool n steady. Mmg kalau penganas ajaran sesat rupe itu la sifatnye. Jahat dlm lembut. Seyus aku hampir2 je x perasan ade laki haniz zalika haha. Jadi polis tutup muke pakai topeng mn nk prasan. Dialog pun bole kire. Cmtu gak ngn sofi jikan.watak kecik as pembantu hafsyam tapi thumbs up untuk dieorg la. Walaupun watak kecik tapi menjiwai watak A+ ok. Lakonan x yah nk ptikaikn la mmg semua cemerlang.tapi secare jujur aku lbh tertarik PE1 berbanding PE2.untuk yg jiwa ganas mmg sesuai dgn filem ni. Abaikn la ckp2 sesat la ap la. Ni filem je kot.. Just enjoy.. Why too serius kan.. Rase mcm tgok filem luar tau td sb biase filem luar je yg aksi gempak. 4 bintang drp 5.korang patut tengok. Seyus best. X tau nk ckp kelemahan kat mn tapi kalau rase nk terhibur n gelak2 mcm PE1 tu mmg x la.. Korg akn serius selama 2 jam lbh .. Enjoy guys



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Post time 23-11-2018 10:08 AM | Show all posts
IMDB bagi rating 8.1/10 weh.... hebat sangat tu! 4/5 star tu... adeh...mcm nak pi tgk plak sat gi ni...

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Post time 23-11-2018 11:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Aku nak tau action level sama kemas cam paskal x..klau sama level blh la try tgk tapi x berkenan plak ngan hero2 nya..hmm

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Post time 23-11-2018 02:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ioll nak g tgk sat lagi..

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Post time 23-11-2018 03:33 PM | Show all posts
Overall aku lebih suka jalan cerita PE1. Jalan cerita yang simple tapi they make something big out of it. And, sebab jalan cerita tu lebih simple so perjalanan cerita pun lebih fokus gitu. Atau maybe aku rasa gini sebab PE1 ada Mat Yam?

Skala PE2 lebih besar - bukan cerita kes dadah semata-mata dah. Action pun lebih padu berbanding PE1. Tapi itulah aku rasa tak puas je dengan jalan cerita yang kekurangan input gini. Cerita geng terrorist Saif tu tak strong and tak di-elaborate dengan jelas. Aktiviti-aktiviti dorang, asal-usul kumpulan dorang, macam mana dorang blh bertapak kat pulau tu, their so-called perjuangan etc tak diperincikan pun. And, mana family Sani? And awek dlm PE1 dulu yg love interest Sani tu?

Tapi aku suka perkembangan watak Sani & Khai dari PE1 ke PE2 ni. Kita boleh nampak how strong they characters have become. Dua watak ni compliment each other really well. Watak Erra sangat kosong begitu jua Hairie & Rushdi. Watak Rian okey.

Qalif (Sofi Jikan), laki Hanis Zalikha, Dennis & those abang2 UKAP bagi impak minimalis tapi berguna scenario bagi movie ni. Qalif tu walaupun satu baris je dialog tapi his presence was like telling the audience that 'I'm here & you know it" gitu. Tak payah susah payah ada berbaris line macam Erra yang sudahnya tak ada fungsi pun

Anyway, Satu dewan gelak masa Saif cakap pasal hidung besar tu which referring to Sani (Zizan) . And, satu dewan berjemaah terkejut waktu hantu Si Mat Dan tu tiba-tiba muncul depan Sani

Okey... apa lagi aku nak membebel pasal movie ni eh?

Oh ye, motip sangat hantar orang buatan & then letupkan tapi lepas tu tak ada follow up langsung dr pihak Erra? Apa punya decision tu?

Overall, iols bagi 6.8/10

p.s Geng2 UKAP termasuk laki Hanis Zalikha tu watak dari Paskal ke? Tak tahu sebab sebab tak tengok Paskal.



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Post time 23-11-2018 04:44 PM | Show all posts
okey kena tengok ni sebab nak tengok ralin shah je..boleh dak? shes perfect pretty!

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