nak tgk lg skali movie x puas tgk skali je...
Oh, you've had everyone believed
That you're the sole authority
Just follow the majority
Afraid to face reality
The system is a joke
Oh, you'd be smart to save your soul
Oh, when escape is mind control
You spent your life in sacrifice
To a system for the dead
1st time tgk movie ni terus teringat "The Skeleton Key"
cume bezanye
1- Tragic ending
2- Lead prempuan
3- Guna Black Magic/Voodoo
4- Antagonist black people
Get Out
1- Ending Hero selamat
2- Lead laki
3- Guna Hypnosis
4- Antagonist white people
Hypnosis The induction of a state of consciousness in which a person apparently loses the power of voluntary action and is highly responsive to suggestion or direction. Its use in therapy, typically to recover suppressed memories or to allow modification of behaviour, has been revived but is still controversial.
Caroline Ellis (Kate Hudson), a good-natured nurse living in New Orleans, quits her job at a hospice to work for Violet Devereaux (Gena Rowlands), an elderly woman whose husband, Ben (John Hurt), is in poor health following a stroke. When Caroline begins to explore the couple's rundown Bayou mansion, she discovers strange artifacts and learns the house has a mysterious past. As she continues to investigate, she realizes that Violet is keeping a sinister secret about the cause of Ben's illness.
Post time 3-2-2019 01:03 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 1-2-2019 06:27 AM
Harap u all tgk movie ni, kalau yg dah tgk....please drop by so that we can resurrect this thread... ...
hi manja, thanks kerana memanggil daku
ok I dah tengok movie ni.. dua kali.. haha.. sekali layan sorang2.. lepas tu bila movie ni on kat astro teman hubby pulak layan sekali lagi..
plot movie ni mengenai orang2 tua lemah yang nak badan baru dan nak ambik alih badan org muda..kumpulan org kulit putih ni guna teknik hypnosis dan neuroseurgery technology utk ambik alih badan black people.. diorang pilih black people for their strength, good genes and durability
betul tu manja, plot movie ni ala2 movie The Skeleton Key.. good comparison manja tulis kat atas tu okehh
movie GO ni agak ringan dan ending pun satisfying.. kalau TSK tu agak menakutkan dan rasa mcm dark je..
movie GO ni juga ada kontroversi sikit di kalangan segelintir penonton yg anggap movie ni racist towards white people/anti white..
apapun lakonan main character Daniel Kaluuya memang bagus..
watak kawan dia tu pun agak penting sebagai penyelamat dan menambah sedikit unsur komedi dalam movie ni
dan ada quite good twists juga dlm movie GO ni..
macam tak pernah tengok lagi Skeleton Key ni. nak tengok la . dah tengo ...
rasanye early 2000 kot kluar...i brani tgk skali je, ke 2 kali, serius part yg voodoo tu paling scary & ending..
tp mcm ade persamaan dgn cara kite pagarkan rumahkan.. we all tabur garam + bc ayat2 ruqyah..x ingat sblum ke selepas maghrib kena tabur kelliling pagar & pintu rumah..yg they all pulak tabur brown powder tu i x ingat ape bendanye..
ok I dah tengok movie ni.. dua kali.. haha.. sekali laya ...
u bg 5 je ke over 10? mcm skit je...
ya i agree with u, mmg cast muke baru manja suke..Daniel K & Lakeith Stanfield...ade karisma tersendiri..manja x minat african american actors..(kecuali Idris Alba & Kerry Washington ) tp this new batch..mmg i manja minat.. neuroseurgery technology.... mmg manja tutup mata masa scene operation tu...ngiluu..x leh tgk...
for me pulak 2dua filem ni berat, dark & distubing..walaupun ade babak2 humour skit dlm Get Out..kira cukup rs je x cukup utk merelaxkan penonton
tp i x phm yg u kata rasict terhadap white people?...yg manja nampak black people yg jadi target dlm movie mcm mana white people pulak yg bleh terasa?...sbb watak antagonist ke?..
rs nk tgk lg sbb berat..x sure nk tgk bile..
Thanks dear, nanti I recall & simplify my thoughts. Have watch it once thru online. Crita creepy thriller susah nak tengok lebih dari sekali.
Skeleton key tuh macam penah tengok dulu, which is zaman skrang memang dah rare pembunuhan ada pasal witchcraft, voodoo.
BTW ada crita baru macam ala 'GetOut'. I give way to others that nak open the thread.
Post time 6-2-2019 11:03 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Levespa at 7-2-2019 07:03 PM
manjalara_01 replied at 3-2-2019 08:30 AM
u bg 5 je ke over 10? mcm skit je...
ha ah manja gitu la lebih kurang kontroversi pasal movie GO ni.. white people terasa sebab dlm movie ni watak white people yg jahat dan manipulate black people ala2 perhambaan zaman moden gitu
ngada2nye...kena cubit skit nak sentap...please la...
my opinion..white people la bangsa yg paling privilage kat dunia x layak nak sensitif sgt..
i baru tonton Ghostbusters smlm...2nd time, then baru i prasan....3 of the team mates all white women hebat2 kerjayanye, as scientist, engineer, professor..ttibe bile watak Leslie Jones keje kat underground subway station new york...i was like...hhmm...
Dah tengok dah Skeleton Key. Ok jua la tapi tak ada la seram sangat for me. Tapi memang Skeleton Key lebih seram la berbading Get Out sebab ada vodoo kan.
However naik menyampah la pula watak Kate Hudson berani-tak-masuk-akal dlm citer ni. Curiosity killed the cat sangat perangai
Anyway, Justify & Cecile yg mati kena gantung mula2 tu sebenarnya anak tuan rumah tu la kan? Sebab the real Justify & Cecile dah tukar masuk dalam badan budak berdua tu.
Dah tengok dah Skeleton Key. Ok jua la tapi tak ada la seram sangat for me. Tapi m ...
u know..i pun dah x ingat...
tp tu la kan..watak kate tu berani x bertempat sbb die x percaya black magic ni semua...sbb tu la..same je mcm org melayu bile dah terkena diri sndiri baru la caye..
tp u dah tgk Get Out x?..i blum lg rewatch...sbb tu blum posting ape2..yg baru..
kalau org suruhan tu ok org2 tua dgn perkhidmatan Dr Dean tu transfer otak die org dgn otak black people..
kira take over body & mind tp roh/minda masih terperangkap dlm badan & otak black people...
step 1 : guna tektik Hypnosis...
masa Mak Rose, ajak Chris dtg duduk dgn die..malam tu....Chris dah terkena dah..sambil2...Mak Rose (Missy) berbual2...dah terkena..hypnotize...dlm situasi ni Chris x dpt nk kawal diri die secara fizikal & Missy bleh, dgn guna tektik bunyi sudu & cawan tu..utk trigger Chris...ini la yg dikatakan Mind Control.../MK Ultra...kalau nk tahu lebih lanjut sila google..
Masa manja rewatch movie ni mlm td...mmg Twilight Zone vibes tu sgt the middle of the movie, knp yea masa Chris naik ke atas..semua tetamu yg berada kat bwh tu semua "freeze"...& sibuk dengar footstep Chris masa die berada diatas????...
Just nak inform u all semua Twilight Zone versi baru 2019 akan kluar 1st April tahun ni dgn Jorden Peele (pengarah Get Out) sbg presenter & producer..
Sile jenguk thread Twilight Zone yg manja baru bukak ni bwh..for those yg berminat...