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Author: cyclops_psycho

[2018] ANNIHILATION (2018) ~ Natalie Portman

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Post time 14-3-2018 06:47 PM | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 13-3-2018 05:15 PM
yup..mmg agak boring...

bosan pun ada...

Ha ah last tu laki dia dah ok pastu dia berpelok pastu camera fokus kat mata masing2 cam bersinar FM pastu habis.. aku cam WTF sangat ending dia...

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Post time 14-3-2018 07:05 PM | Show all posts
kesimpulannye diorg ptut awal2 lagi bakar lighthouse tu..duhh buang masa betul..patut la ada komen kata buku dia biasa2 je

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Post time 16-3-2018 11:56 PM | Show all posts
Crita nih tak laku pat wayang, tuh yg dijual ke Netflix

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Post time 18-3-2018 08:36 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
La film ke ? Aku igt ala2 cerekerama je ye lah mcm low budget jer..bosan nk mmpos.last 5 minit aku trtido..haha..sbb bosan sgt.mujur tgk kt Netflix.

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 Author| Post time 18-3-2018 10:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Trailer nmpk mcm best..haram sgt! Tgk pun sbb Natalie Portman kan @mat_arof

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Post time 19-3-2018 06:54 AM | Show all posts
cyclops_psycho replied at 18-3-2018 10:06 PM
Trailer nmpk mcm best..haram sgt! Tgk pun sbb Natalie Portman kan @mat_arof

ha ah tgok pun sebab ada natalie Portman je.

tapi hampeh juga natalie dalam filem ni...

kenapa ye sejak kebelakangan ni lakonan Natalie menuju ke kekayuan...makin hampeh lak lakonan dia skrg

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Post time 19-3-2018 07:51 AM | Show all posts
Natalie nih talented but lately watak filem yg dia dapat tak brapa best.
Suka lakonan dia dalam 'Jackie'

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Post time 19-3-2018 08:10 AM | Show all posts
aku tak paham ngapa org ckp movie ni best giler.
aku tgk lastly laptop yg tgk aku

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Post time 19-3-2018 09:14 AM | Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 19-3-2018 07:51 AM
Natalie nih talented but lately watak filem yg dia dapat tak brapa best.
Suka lakonan dia dalam 'J ...

dia paut tukar Agent kot..

cari agent baru...dapatkan watak yang lebih bagus..

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Post time 20-3-2018 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Rasa macam satu jenayah movie ni tak direlease di wide screen. dengan cinematography yang cun gila dan score yang mengancam tapi hanya boleh ditonton tv.
ada feel arrival walaupon totally different movie.
I just wish more time in The Schimmer. It's a world that worth exploring more.

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Post time 21-3-2018 08:48 AM | Show all posts
unexplained exploration from lena herself.  aku pun tgk tatau nak terangkan cam ne..cume alien tu mirror perbuatan kita. sedih masa tgk kane mati kene the schimmer tu.
movie science fiction kan..byk mengarut..tapi ni unexplained...
same dengan the cloverfield paradox..bagi aku mengarut. dah tau tu alien, p caye lagi..

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Post time 1-4-2018 06:41 PM | Show all posts
arisa_imamura replied at 14-3-2018 07:05 PM
kesimpulannye diorg ptut awal2 lagi bakar lighthouse tu..duhh buang masa betul..patut la ada komen k ...

ok manja baru habis tgk movie ni...confusing jgk mcm ade faham skit2...mungkin sbb manja suke tgk reviews youtuber movie critics kot tu yg bleh paham skit2..

at same time skrg ni baru la manja bleh paham2 skit..psl genre Sci-Fi movies yg baru2 kluar ni
mcm Ghost in The Shell, Blade Runner..b4 this mmg x minat genre ni sbb x skrg rs mcm fascinating pulak

first of all my question is Kenapa tak guna Drown je Masuk kat situ....kan senang?
ni tak, dah tau mission2 yg lain sblum ni semua gagal..masih nak hantar org jgk ke sana?...

ni info copy paste manja

Annihilation is a women-on-a-mission film — a five-strong team, each member with a different skill set (a biologist, a physicist, a geologist, a paramedic and a psychologist), are sent to investigate a meteor that’s causing a strange phenomenon in an area of Florida. But that’s far from all it is. Taking that throwaway premise, writer and director Alex Garland (loosely adapting a novel by Jeff VanderMeer) has crafted a film that tackles such weighty and sensitive issues as depression, grief and the human propensity for self-destruction.

Natalie Portman is Lena — a college biology professor mourning her husband Kane (Oscar Isaac), a soldier who’s missing-presumed-KIA. Then, nearly a year after he disappeared, he suddenly returns but with no memory of what happened to him and his health rapidly deteriorating. Kane slips into a coma and the pair are taken to a military compound in Florida where Lena discovers he was part of a team sent to investigate “Area X” — an expanding region of swampland surrounded by visible “shimmer”. Of the multiple squads sent in, Kane is the only person to ever return. Wanting to better understand what happened to him, Lena volunteers for the next mission.

What’s immediately notable about Annihilation is the make-up of the squad — it’s all female. The film doesn’t make an issue of gender beyond the odd line of dialogue (referencing the multiple all-male squads that failed), but given the prevailing mood in Hollywood, its timing is impeccable. And none of the five are short-changed — no-one gets lost in the group, and each one gets a backstory that goes some way to explaining why they’d sign up for what’s likely to be a suicide mission. Tessa Thompson especially, as self-harming physicist Josie, gives a nuanced, quietly heartbreaking performance that’s a world away from the badass warrior of Thor: Ragnarok.
If the early moments of the film evoke memories of similarly cerebral sci-fi Arrival, as soon as they’re inside Area X, Garland starts to bring in other genres and influences — mutated beasts roam the swamps, twisted human remains hide in the shadows and the squad members’ trust for each other is stretched to its limits. It’s not a horror movie, as such, but Garland cranks up the terror and tension as the group ventures closer to its goal — a meteor impact crater at a lighthouse that’s the central point of all the weirdness.


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Post time 1-4-2018 07:00 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 1-4-2018 08:30 PM
lil_honey replied at 21-3-2018 08:48 AM
unexplained exploration from lena herself.  aku pun tgk tatau nak terangkan cam ne..cume alien tu mi ...

ok skrg manja cube explain ape yg manja paham...sbb kalau kite x paham mmg citer ni jadi x best & boring...
1stly nak kata i might be ade kemungkinan ade kebetulan...jgk kot..

1- Alien/Android face to face dgn Natalie ( part nak ending tu)

Alien tu pd manja sebenarnye ialah metaphor utk AI, kemajuan sains & teknologi, the digital age, segala gadgets yg kite guna skrg mcm laptop, smartphone, internet...

U all know kite x leh hidup sehari pun tanpa guna smartphone ke laptop in all aspects of our lives. even dlm bidang kerjaya skrg ni korang bleh x keje tanpa guna laptop or internet???....

Pagi2 bgn tdo je kite check ape? handphone kan? kat ofis ngadap laptop..lunch time ngadap hp lagi..mmg manusia & gadgets ni semua berpisah tiada zaman skrg ni..

So that's why alien/android tu mirroring Natalie...mcm Nat tgk cermin tgk diri die, ...all the time kite guna internet ni semua utk diri kite sndiri, social media, youtube tentang ape yg kite minat.. history yg kat search engine to semua terkumpul..all this is very personal iinformation about U! google yahoo simpan kan history ni semua?...U are looking at U,it's all about U.. youtube akan rekomen videos yg u minat or slalu suke tgk...cth manja minat movies..akan search about movies..tgk online..Kalau manja sakit diebetes, search info psl diebetes....kalau manja nak gi travel ke psl Paris...the list goes on..

That is our way of life's like manusia hidup dlm alam pd masa yg same hidup dlm alam maya....That is the Science behind the fiction.....something like that la..


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Post time 1-4-2018 08:08 PM | Show all posts
mat_arof replied at 13-3-2018 05:15 PM
yup..mmg agak boring...

bosan pun ada...

ending die quite simple actually...manja pun x terfikir..psl ni...ahahahkalau x nak tgk interview watak Nat & Oscar as suami isteri yg telah melalui sesuatu yg tragik dlm hidup..
ending die pd wajah Nat & Oscar x same mcm dulu..mata they all nampak lain mcm metaphor pd jiwa yg dah berubah setelah menghadapi dugaan/tragedi/kepayahan/kehilangan etc...You become a different person as you were before that experience..


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Post time 1-4-2018 11:45 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 1-4-2018 07:00 PM
ok skrg manja cube explain ape yg manja paham...sbb kalau kite x paham mmg citer ni jadi x best &  ...

thumbs up..good review & analyze..

movie sci fiction cam gini memang tak semua boleh hadam
unless one can just tahan & ignore the slow & boring scene & just watch towards the ending...

talk abt technology...reminds me of 'black mirror'

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Post time 3-4-2018 05:15 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 3-4-2018 06:13 PM
SY_Mumi replied at 1-4-2018 11:45 PM
thumbs up..good review & analyze..

movie sci fiction cam gini memang tak semua boleh hadam ...

thanks u..masa i post tu i was like..ntah2 nnt u all ingat i ni mengarut je...
i was like..i don't care ..terpulang la kan persepsi masing2..x salah pun nak watch and take it as entertainment sj..

u dah tgk 'black mirror' netflix series x?....nampak mcm menarik. tp i x tau bleh hadam ke x.. die org kata mcm Twiglight Zone versi moden.

so skrg i nak continue..

tu maksudnye :1-complete destruction or obliteration.
2-(in physics) the conversion of matter into energy, especially the mutual conversion of a particle and an antiparticle into electromagnetic radiation (whatever that means )

Ape2 binatang flora segala mahkluk dlm bubble The Shimmer tu la yg bertukar bergabung dgn spesis yg lain. cth pokok bunga gabung dgn dna manusia, alligator + shark...etc...

Lets talk about the characters...pulak..i just nak fokus pd 5org ni
1- Nat/Lena (the Biologist)
2- Oscar/Kane (the Soldier)
3- Jen/ Dr Ventress (the Psycholgist)
4- Gina/Anya (the Paramedic)
5- Tessa/Josie (the Physicist)


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Post time 3-4-2018 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 3-4-2018 06:27 PM

writer and directorAlex Garland (loosely adapting a novel by Jeff VanderMeer) has crafted a film that tackles such weighty and sensitive issues as depression, grief and the human propensity for self-destruction.

Nat /Lena & Oscar/Kane
Lena griefing sbb kehilangan Kane, at same time rs bersalah sbb ade affair dgn David yg akhirnye Kane dpt tahu psl t affair.

Lena volunteer join team Dr Ventress sbb nak cari Kane. Masalahnye Lena & Kane ni x pernah nak bersemuka or berbincang psl masalah rumah tangga die org ni. Dua2 pihak mkn dalam je to the point when it's too late. Sbb Nat dah griefing, Kane pulak bunuh diri. Tp Lena mungkin jgk rs bersalah cause of she said " I owe him".

so dlm kes Lena & Kane..mula2 ntah mcm mana akhirnye dua2 org ni self-destruct...luaran nampak mcm semuanye ok for Lena cause she has a well respected carrier...but on the inside griefing for loosing Kane & rs bersalah tu kot...

cite ni basicly about self-destruction is also about ambiguity, paradox. 2 sides of the same coin. the good and the bad the strong and the weak,pleasure and pain. thats what make us human cause nobody is perfect people make mistakes. Living life is learning, Learing is Living. 2 maksud Annihilation..

on another note i feel like Lena might not be a religious person, does not have faith in God, sbb she had a conversation with Kane masa atas katil tu, saying something like " God made a mistake. Our cells should be immortal but God didn't make it that way"....

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Post time 3-4-2018 06:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 3-4-2018 10:12 PM

Gina/Anya & Tessa/Jodie
If i'm not mistaken Anya is alcoholic & a drug addict (an example of self-distruction), Jodie pulak i think she has depression and anxiety (ade scene yg Jodie freak out kat swimming pool tu yg die pegang pisau) sbb tu die suicidel (self-destruction),Depression and suicidel thoughts is like bffs.. tp at the same time Jodie xde family, xde kawan, xde bf or husband, she is all alone.

Yg menariknye Anya & Jodie ni are like opposites, sorg ganas (org yg mabukkan ttiber bleh jadi ganas) sorg gentle, sorg extrovert sorg introvert,...kan?..

And i rs Anya part yg die paranoid tu ingatkan team die yg bunuh prempuan yg kena makan dgn monster beruang tu is because of her drug addiction. kan dadah jenis ape yg buat u jadi paranoid eh?..

Jen/Dr Ventress

Dr Ven has cancer. Cancer another example of self-destruction? & rs tanggungjwb towards humanity so tu yg sanggup masuk the shimmer.

Mcm yg Anya kata "We are all damaged goods" pd Lena.


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Post time 3-4-2018 07:43 PM | Show all posts
1 more thing kan masa Kane & team Dr Vens masuk The Shimmer die org jadi forgetful kan? x ingat ape dah,..scene yg Kane ttiber muncul dlm rumah naik jumpe Lena tp habuk pun x ingat..

i ade bc somewhere they say it's actually a mental illness called demensia...

a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning.

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Post time 2-1-2019 01:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Apa manja merepek ni mnja...

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