Ada sambungannya lebih kurang 20 lebih bahagian. Anak arwah ada yang dok di perlis, selangor dan KL
info saya dapat pun diambil daripada berita harian, metro + kajian saya sendiri
kan k.noor..nampak mcm dia ada visi dan misi cuma tulah caranya tak betul.. semoga kita jadikan pengajaran kisah dia..
minta TT sambung lagi bahagian selebihnya..psl anak2 arwah last saya baca tak ingat samada dari mastika atau tabloid warta perdana dulu2..dorg disisihkan..kesian juga dgn dorg.. sampai ada anak yg tak jadi kahwin sbb tau dia anak arwah mona fandey..
hebattttt tt, iols mmg suka kisah2 sejarah mcm ni |
myakayina replied at 23-2-2018 12:20 PM
kan k.noor..nampak mcm dia ada visi dan misi cuma tulah caranya tak betul.. semoga kita jadikan pe ...
Betul mya. ...planning dia untuk bangunkan tanah tu bagus. .. |
ape jadi dgn pulau tu? kena sita ke |
Wallahua'lam...itu kena tanya En Halim Abdullah 51 tahun, rakan seperguruan Mona di Taman Jejawi, Perlis. Skrg ni x pasti En Halim masih menetap di sana atau dah berpindah. Kalau dia masih hidup mungkin umurnya dekat2 70tahun....Wallahua'lam....
Sehari sblm kena gantung akak mimpi dia nak kena gantung.benci tul mimpi2 mcm ni..bkn kenal dia pun tp mmg x berani tgk muka dia .takut |
1st time baca pasal mona yg ni
apa jadi dgn pulau dia?
kes tetak tu bila & kenapa? |
good job...tak sia2x aku masuk sini  |
thread ni best.
takde berita ke pasal anak2 diorang |
Minah ni propah je bagi akak. May you rot in hell! |
In search of Mona Fandey
Monday, 28 Jan 2013
IT may have been 20 years but the memory of infamous murderer Mona Fandey lives on.
Since her death in 2001, many have visited her grave to perform rituals to seek “lucky numbers”.
Even her home in Ulu Dong, Raub, which was where she murdered Batu Talam assemblyman Datuk Mazlan Idris in 1993, has become a place of worship for mediums and black magic practitioners, reported Metro Ahad.
According to undertaker Azizi Jamil, 49, individuals have offered him up to RM500 to show them exactly where Mona Fandey's grave is.
“They usually come as early as 8am or 9am and ask where her grave is. I do not show them unless they identify themselves and are her relatives or acquaintances,” he said, adding that he had turned many people away, fearing that they were up to some sort of black magic.
Till this day, he said, Mona Fandey's grave still gets at least three visitors a month.
Read more at https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2013/01/28/in-search-of-mona-fandey/#WFyrfDF1ZlMLJCdF.99
Sampai dah jadik tanah pun ummah masih fascinated dengan dia, siap nak visit kubo mintak nombo eko bagai, apara. Dia hanyalah pembunuh kejam ja, yang nak puja2 dia ni apedehal? |
Alang2 dah nak mengimbau:
The Star (www.thestar.com.my)
Saturday, November 3, 2001
Mona Fandey, hubby and assistant hanged
PETALING JAYA: Mona Fandey, her husband and their assistant Juraimi Husin
ate a KFC meal each before they were taken to the gallows early yesterday
and hanged for the gruesome killing of Batu Talam assemblyman Datuk Mazlan
Idris eight years ago.
Family members were allowed to visit Mona, Mohd Affandi Abdul Rahman and
Juraimi, who were in individual cells in Kajang Prison, on Thursday night.
About 12 members of Mona’s family were there to bid their farewells.
Mona, 45, Affandi, 44 and Juraimi, 31 were sentenced to death by the
Temerloh High Court on February 9, 1995, for killing Mazlan between 10 pm
on July 2 and 12 midnight on July 18, 1993, in Kampung Peruas, Ulu Dong,
Raub in Pahang.
Mazlan’s widow Datin Faridah Zainuddin said over a cellular phone: “I can
finally bury the past behind me although it happened eight years ago.”
Faridah, 34, who declined to say where she was, said she hoped now to carry
on living her life with her children without the painful memories.
The remains of Mazlan, who had gone missing on July 2, 1993, were found
buried 1.8m beneath the storeroom of an uncompleted house on July 22. The
body had been hacked into 18 parts.
The trio’s trial, which saw 59 witnesses for the prosecution, gripped the
nation for 65 days.
The Federal Court rejected their appeals on April 13, 1999. The Pahang
Pardons Board also rejected their application for clemency.
While Mona and Affandi were buried in Kajang soon after the hanging,
Juraimi was buried at the Telok Gong Muslim cemetery in Port Klang in the
Villagers, relatives and close friends visited the home of Juraimi’s
parents in Kampong Datok Sanad, off Jalan Telok Gong, from 10am onwards to
pay their last respects after the body was brought from the prison at 9am.
Juraimi’s father Husin Jamaluddin, 59, thanked the prison officers for
taking care of his son while in prison.
He also thanked the many villagers, friends and neighbouring village folks
who came to pay their last respects.
Husin said that when he met Juraimi the night before, his son did not say
anything and was calm.
Husin said he accepted the whole episode as part of life and hoped people
would pray for his son that his soul would rest in peace.
Juraimi’s counsel Karpal Singh said that adequate time should be given to
condemned persons to prepare before they are executed. He said Juraimi’s
father only found out at about noon on Thursday that his son would be
executed yesterday morning.
“No doubt Juraimi has to pay his debt to society by facing the hangman but
a prisoner condemned to death does not lose all his residual rights.
“Husin should have been given adequate notice so that he could meet his son
before he was hanged.
“I have confirmed with the Kajang prison authorities that the father did
not have the opportunity to meet his son for the last time although some
other family members met him late on Thursday,” he said.
Karpal Singh said while there was no law in Malaysia which stated that a
condemned person be told when his death sentence would be executed, the
prisoner should be given reasonable notice to make a will, wind up his
affairs and arrange to see his loved ones before his execution.
Baru tau mendiang Karpal pernah keja dengan Juraimi dolu. |
menarik ni..sambung la lagi.. |
Good... Sedapkah suara mona? |
Terbaiklah tt..semua info2 yg tt lampirkan I xpernah baca.maklumlah I ni 91's baby..banyak artikel yg I baca hanya cebisan2 dan tak terlalu details..keep it up tt..  |
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