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i rs Alien VS Predator 2007..tu sgt ganas..gory the whole package la..
walaupun x kenan versi VS ni..
& Predator zaman Pak Arnold dulu pun i x pernah tgk..setakat tgk movie clip je...
a bit to gory+ganas+old school for my taste..
bgs la kalau mcm tu..
skrg ni i rs filem2 yg tahap paling gory is versi youtube..
oh my....gory tapi tahap gory yg sgt detail..new school CGI, ganas..creepy, disturbing, dark..it plays with your mind kind of thing
x tau nak describe mcm mana..mcm versi black mirrow gituww...
ade 1 movie ni short filem
kalau nk tgk..silakan...tajuk "Zygote" Oats Studio..
tp sgt2 kualiti out of the box.. la..filem2.. youtube..mcm Oats ni....walaupun short filem....
review nampaknya mcm best.. so boleh la layan kat wayang..
aku minat tul predator ni.. paling aku minat predator 1 la..
dari kecik sampai ke tua ni aku tgk lg..
siap hafal dialog2.. hahaha..
palingg femes "if it bleeds, we can kill it" |
My rating 5.8/10 and for this movie let me be honest with my review.
Just ok to watch. Below my expectation
Tak tahu apa yg director Shane Black nak sampaikan, with this Predator version.
Crita violent, rated NC16/M18, ada character budak with spectrum. With intelligence then mixed pulak dengan scientist/teacher yg out of nowhere bukan main terror kejar Predator, sambil nak tembak.
Yg humour scene with retard army / marines, ai just find the scene too continuous blabber.
Ada scene yg goof or tak masuk akal.
Ending dia hinting akan ada continuous Predator Universe ker
But well, this is opinion. Some might enjoy it.
For me yah since dulu tengok crita Predator ke Alien, walau pon bukan cerita hantu. But it is crita yg horror dari segi violent, gory, bunuh2…
The positive about ‘The Predator’ 2018 is the action scene, walaupon ramai review ckap CGI dia not so good.
Also Boyd Holbrook is the next WOW actor & budak Jacob Tremblay memang pandai berlakon.
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Baru2 ni i tgk Gone Girl..ttiber Boyd muncul..Sronok pulak tgk die main watak jahat hehe something different
So far i have nothing to complain about him 
yah if check balik dlam Gone Girl, watak Boyd minor je.ai start notice since dia play villian in Logan, then tak sangka pulak skrang trus jadi Hero predator.
nih macam nak start tengok Narcos...oh Boyd 
yup Predator 2010, one of the best, in terms of plot, storyline.
esp if tengok Adrien Brody, yg very rare berlakon action pack.
until today if ai tertengok crita nih sorang, can feel the chill..time dorang tercampak dalam hutan gitu je
SY_Mumi replied at 24-9-2018 10:09 PM
yup Predator 2010, one of the best, in terms of plot, storyline.
esp if tengok Adrien Brody, yg v ...
Yup i setuju.
Predator tahun 2010 tu i rs adalah predator yg plg hampir dgn predator 1.
I sbnrnye mengharapkan sekuel utk movie tu, sbb nk tau gak berjaya gak hero n heroin keluar dr planet tu kan
Watak plg i tak sangka tu watak nerd pakai spek tu. Ngaku doktor gigi pdhal dielah pembunuh plg kejam dlm group tu |
Edited by manjalara_01 at 25-9-2018 01:17 PM
I x minat saga wolverine ni tu yg x tgk Logan..cume masa google je hari tu baru i prasan..
Born: September 1, 1981 (age 37 years), Prestonsburg, Kentucky, United States
Height: 1.88 m
Nationality: American
Children: 1
Parents: Don Holbrook, Ellen Holbrook
Boyd Holbrook is an American actor and fashion model. He has appeared in films such as Run All Night (2015) and in the Netflix series Narcos.
In 2007 Holbrook sent a screenplay to director Gus Van Sant, who was impressed enough to give him the role of Denton Smith for the movie Milk (2008).
In 2017 he starred in the film Logan alongside Hugh Jackman.
Was formerly engaged to Elizabeth Olsen from March 2014 to January 2015.
Has worked with Liam Neeson twice in A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014) and Run All Night (2015).
Credits fellow actor Michael Shannon for advising him to join and ultimately begin work on theater productions.
Was discovered in his hometown of Kentucky by a modeling agent while working as a carpenter in a local theater.
Was chosen for the role of Donald Pierce in 'Logan' (2017) nearly three months after he initially auditioned for the part.
Replaced Benicio Del Toro for the role of 'McKenna' in 2018's sequel; 'The Predator'.
Submitted nearly 200 audition tapes during the start of his acting career before landing major roles.
Yes!..i dah tgk about 3 times...puas hati..
Ya x sangka AB bleh man up mcm tu..kalau x die kan skinny....like in his other movies..
yah betul...twist yg paling tak expect sih nerd tuh....menyirap betul darah bila dapat tahu
eddie brock a.k.a venom in Spiderman3
adrien brody walaupun kurus, charming jugak...dalam series perky blinders...dia dah nampak tua...but still hawt..
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for me pulak i prefer spesis englishman...
mungkin sbb they all sentiasa nampak kemas & bersih...
well except Rob Pat and the accent..
Edited by kumang at 29-9-2018 09:43 PM
Predator tgh main kat astrol skrg chanel KIX 729..sapa peminat arnol jom lyn 
better dari predator lama tak? |
Predator 2010 pon ada show jugak, lupa channel mana
FOX Movies ada repeat tayang LOGAN..
so saper nak tengok BOYD Holdbrook 
i xde astro 
xpe la i cari online je 
Rating & review predator version nih tak brapa memuaskan. Lepas nih tolong lah production tukar sih Shane Black nih |
rsnye predator franchise pun mcm aliens jgk kot..
masa mula2 dulu je meletop....tp kejap je...then along t way terus kena flush dlm jamban..
disappointed sgt..dgn Alien 3...+ yg lain2..after that..
but thanks to Ridley Scott, aliens die berjaya diselamatkan dari extinction 
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